Administration & Staff | Seniors | Juniors |
Dr. J.W. Jones | Robert Allen | Dorotha Adams |
Dr. M.C. Cunningham | Betty Jane Andrews | Thomas Adams Jr. |
Mrs. Harry Sheetz | Richard Appleman | Elaine Woodburn Anderson |
Lon Wilson | Wanda Ashford | David Arthur |
Uel W. Lamkin | George Ashworth | LeRoy Atkins |
T.H. Cook | Janice Bentall | Arch Beach |
Clifford L. Bishop | Mary Bilby | Gordon Bixler |
Katherine Franken | Robert Bixler | Patti Bosch |
H.R. Dieterich | Nylene Brinkley | Clyde Bowen |
Mary E. Keith | Barbara Bucker | William Bowness |
Dora B. Smith | William Bucker | Charlene Burnham |
Homer T. Phillips | Phyllis Butts | Edward Burris |
Chloe E. Millikan | Dorothea Carter | Jean Bush |
William Trago Garrett | Mary Clarke | Bruce Carmichael |
Irene M. Mueller | Gaylord Coleman | Phyllis Combs |
Wincie Ann Carruth | Roy Davis | John Cook |
Jessie B. Jutten | Dewey Drennen | James Courtney |
Bonnie Magill | Margaret Elliott | Carl Davis |
E.A> Davis | Roger Farmer | Fred Davis |
Hubert Peterson | Orville Findley | Charles Derstler |
Ryland H. Milner | Eugene French | Beverly Edelman |
Arthur Cauffield | Darl Gard | William Elliott |
Leslie White | John Garrett | Ann Fay |
J. Gordon Strong | Mary Garrett | Juanita Ford |
J.M. Porterfield | Paul Gates | Kennethy Fry |
Richard T. Wright | Virginia Ann George | Doris Gillispie |
F.B. Houghton | Lois Gorden | Roland Gordon |
Mattie M. Dykes | Dorothy Harshaw | Justyn Graham |
Violette Hunter | Patricia Hawman | Edward Gray |
Estella Bowman | John Henggler | Wanda Gray |
Alta B. Carpenter | Harold Johnson | Janice Grooms |
Ramona T. Canton | Carl Kennedy | Harold Hull |
Olive S. Deluce | Ralph Kurtright | Sarah Harness |
Blanche Hinman Dow | Richard Leet | Joyce Heck |
Joseph H. Dreps | Francis Lynam | Hurst Hogan |
Elaine Mauzey | Mary Margaret Martin | Lee Hoover |
Ralph E. Hartzell | Wilmer Martin | Irma Hull |
John L. Smay | Dorothy June Masters | Jean Jacoby |
Catherine Phelps | Emerson Matthews | Betty Jenkins |
Marilyn Reser | Lloyd McClurg | Irma Jensen |
Judith Thom | Clarence McConkey | Beverly Johnson |
Janet Dickey | Betty McCowen | Ross Johnson |
June Cozine | Mildred McMahill | Reva Jo Kerns |
Grace Tucker | Joan Miller | Sylvest Lager |
Mabel Cook | Mack Miller | Mary Lou Laughlin |
Donald N. Valk | Madge Miller | Beverly Litsch |
Kenneth T. Thompson | Bruce Mitchell | Donald Lyle |
Howard Ringold | Meredee Myers | George McLellan |
John Harr | Hazel Oliver | Donald Madden |
John S. Taylor | Robert Olson | Betty Martin |
Myron P. Rose | Thelma Vee Oyerly | Donna Martin |
Harry G.. Dildine | Thelma Palma | Ted McLain |
Sterling Surrey | Leslie Parker | Roberta Mitchell |
Helen Johnson | Marilyn Partridge | Bradley Moore |
Clifford Kensinger | Bruce Peters | Rex Moyer |
Margaret Neece | Frances Pfander | Barbara Munson |
Mrs. Ray O'Grady | Sue Philp | Raymond Nally |
Grace M. Shepherd | Mary Elaine Reece | beverly Osburn |
Joseph W. Hake | Alice Spainhower | Richard Owens |
Carrie Hopkins | Bettie Stevenson | Anna Parham |
Robert F. Gee | Lydia Stickerod | John Parham |
Anne Arnold | Patricia Straight | Wilbur Pyles |
Pauline Arthur | Helen Sutton | Helen Richardson |
Hannah Lou Bennett | Bettie Jo Swanson | Roberta Robertson |
David W. Crozier | William Taff | Mary Frances Robinett |
Virginia Dorman | Howard Taylor | Rachel Robinson |
Margaret Franken | Richard Thomas | Mary Loyce Rockwell |
Marilyn Fulkerson | Manley Thomson | George Rocos |
Martha Gamble | Helen Toel | Jack Russell |
Buford W. Garner | Verlin Tompkins | Earl Shelton |
Stanley Totoraitis | Nellie Sherard | |
Horace Mann | Margaret Turner | Mahlon Sisk |
Anne Gorsuch | Veirginia Lee Utz | Norma Snyder |
Avis Lair Graham | Anais Vernaza | Dale Standage |
Kathryn McKee | Elanor Vogel | Dean Steeby |
John N. Pederson | Margaret Wade | Carolyn Steel |
Frances Phares | Arthur Walsh | Melville Strong |
Lawrence Phelps | Louis Watkins | Jack Summers |
Neva Ross | Iris Wehrli | John Tilton |
Rachel Taul | Theodore Weichinger Jr. | Joseph Tolbert |
Robert Weston | Brooks Wade | |
Administration of Horace Mann | Marjorie White | Edwin Wallace |
Everett W. Brown | Tavner Wisdom | Paul Waters |
Lucile Brumbaugh | Ernest Witt | George Watson |
Mrs. Hubert Garrett | Martha Faye Woollums | Manetha White |
E.O.Hammond | Roger Wren | Auburn Williams |
John A. Lierly | Ruth Wyatt | Wendell Wilson |
H.V. Neece | Arminda Zelaya | Florine Wolf |
Paxton Pate Price | Mattie Dykes | Norma Yeater |
W.A. Rickenbrode | Elaine Mauzey | Sterling Surrey |
Nell Thompson | F.B. Houghton | |
C.E. Wells | ||
Anna Wormsley | ||
Sophomores | Freshman | |
James Allen | Lowell Adams | |
Everett Arnold | Beverly Allen | |
Jeanne Bahl | Reid Anderson | |
Harold Baker | Janet Andler | |
William Baker | Marjorie Andrews | |
Betty Barrett | Wells Andrews | |
Wilma Bell | Ethel Ashbrook | |
Margaret Berry | Kenneth Ausmus | |
Ralph Blank | Phyllis Bagley | |
Doran Bowen | Paul Zbaker | |
Kenneth Bowers | Kathryn Barmann | |
Calvin Boyd | Rita Barmann | |
Willa Breckenridge | Orville Bears | |
Elwyn Brown | Gerald Bennett | |
Bill Burns | Ethel Benson | |
Shirley Burton | Roberta Berry | |
Philip Carter | Maureen Bird | |
Eugene Ceglenski | William Blackman | |
Billy Christenson | Franklin Bollinger | |
Newcomb Cleveland | Mary Booth | |
Mary Clymens | Margaret Bowness | |
Lucile Cockayne | Ruth Burns | |
Eldon Collins | Marjorie Burton | |
Alice Weir Colyn | Martha Byerrum | |
John Colyn | Barbara Campbell | |
Gerald Cox | Verlene Campbell | |
Shirley Crow | Louise Chaney | |
William Cummings | Roy Cheek | |
Margaret Curry | Norman Clouse | |
John Daly | Harold Clymens | |
Arlene Davis | Shirley Collier | |
Helen Davis | Betty Collins | |
W.T. Dawson | Robert Conn | |
Nancy Dean | Delores Cook | |
Robert Donnelly | Vernelle Cox | |
Marvin Doran | Dorman Coy | |
Pauline Downing | Francisco Cruz | |
Leon Dreps | Edward Dakan | |
Faire Drewes | Warren Davison | |
Arby Edwards | Betty Dearmott | |
William Elam | Olindina De Castro | |
J.D. Elliott | Carl Deiter | |
Richard Elliott | June DeWitt | |
Heyden Elroy | Don Dressler | |
Helen Fisher | Ralph Duncan | |
Margaret Fisher | Lois Easton | |
Lina Foster | Wilhelmina Edie | |
Marion Freeman | Betty Engle | |
Sergia Fries | Kathryn Espey | |
Dorothy Fuhrman | John Ewing | |
William Gamble | Lewis Farmer | |
William Garrett | Calvin Faurot | |
Robert Gill | Rosemary Feurt | |
Harold Godsey | Neal Foland | |
George Gooden | Margaret Ford | |
Irene Gossard | Edwin French | |
William Grant | Donna Fulton | |
Charles Greene | Delbert Gabbert | |
Zea Grissinger | Nila Greer | |
Darrell Haer | Joy Ann Gibson | |
Doris Hamilton | Russell Gillispie | |
Mary Hartman | Darrell Grace | |
Charlene Hartness | Donald Grace | |
John Haun | Joan Groom | |
Herman Hausheer | Patsy Hagee | |
Kenneth Hoegh | James Hainey | |
Armand Hofer | Paul Hagman | |
Leland Hofer | Rosemary Hansford | |
Ruth Hobrook | Charlene Harman | |
Joan Horton | Helen Hartell | |
Marilyn House | Gaylord Headrick | |
Dorothy Howell | Louise Helzer | |
Melvin Hubbell | Mahlon Hewitt | |
Betty Hudson | Otto Hill | |
Cathryn Hull | James Hillgren | |
Beth Hurst | Carol Hilliard | |
Norman James | Donald Hoffman | |
Bennett Jenkins | Wilbur Holland | |
Kathleen Jennings | Gerald Holt | |
Betty Johnson | Phyllis Hoover | |
Dwain Jones | Rose Marie Howe | |
Max Jordon | Phillip Hull | |
Harland Judd | Frances Huntsman | |
Marilyn Judd | Dorothy Hunziger | |
Shirley Judy | Donavon Hutson | |
Donald Kampman | Marilyn Jackson | |
Virgil Kent | Reldon Jackson | |
Dolores Keown | Kenneth Jones | |
Marilyn King | Richard Jones | |
William King | Robert Jnones | |
Phyllis Lash | Bobby Kelley | |
Betty Lawrence | June Kennedy | |
Roy Lilley | Margie Ketchem | |
Robert Lindsay | Fred Killam | |
Homer Long | Max Kinney | |
Walt Lovejoy | Mary Kirchhofer | |
James Malson | Marilyn LaHue | |
Charles McClellan | Janis Lash | |
Beverly McCowen | Dorothy Lenz | |
Ruth McDowell | Burton Little | |
Forst Meadows | Robert Loudon | |
Kenneth Meek | Deloris Lynch | |
Audry Merrit | Vonda Mason | |
Ann Miller | Maxine McDermott | |
Dale Miller | Dean McIntyre | |
Richard Miller | Patricia McIntyre | |
William Moore | Bette McKowen | |
Chester Motsinger | Kenneth McMillen | |
Nevin Moulin | Mary McQuaid | |
Paul Moyer | Louis Melkowski | |
Earl Nichols | Glen Meredith | |
Ilene Nicholson | Joe Merrick | |
Jerry Obermiller | Donald Merrigan | |
Bonnie Pace | Edwin Mickelson | |
Richard Palmer | Gueynetha Miller | |
Harold Parks | Jackson Miller | |
Kenneth Parsons | William Moyer | |
Gene Pemberton | Mary Neville | |
Jesse Perry | Hubert Null | |
Jean Posley | Barbara Nunnelley | |
Ear Pope | John Owen | |
John Pope | Abelardo Patino | |
Loyd Powell | Marlys Patrick | |
Don Prindle | Joan Peter | |
William Pyles | Carman Phillips | |
Edward Reece | Bonnie Polk | |
Lovanne Rhoades | Ludene Polard | |
Othel Richards | Julia Polton | |
Elizabeth Roach | Melvin Praiswater | |
Joseph Roach | Wanda Praiswater | |
Mary Lou Rockwell | Mary Queck | |
Fred Rollins | Harold Reynolds | |
Faye Rowlett | Janice Rhodes | |
Charles Rupe | Jewell Rice | |
Mary Schooler | Helen Richards | |
Norma Scowden | Donald Roberts | |
George Silver | Thesis Robinson | |
Irving Silver | Bill Royer | |
Kenneth Simoff | Betty Russell | |
Jack Slack | Charlene Schenkel | |
Dorothy Smith | Daisy Schenkel | |
Virginia Snowberger | William Schettle | |
Pierre Sotteau | James Schoonover | |
Russell Stabe | Mary Scott | |
Warren Stanton | Bernice Shaver | |
Gene Starr | William Sherman | |
Alta Stonner | Glenn Sherry | |
John Summa | Julia Sheumaker | |
Irwin Thomas | Leota Shipley | |
Donald Trout | Betty Smith | |
Paul Turley | Naomi Smith | |
Jack Turner | Patricia Smith | |
Lane Ulmer | Billy Snyder | |
Clifford Vance | Maxine Snyder | |
Lavelle Warren | Anne Stacy | |
Lavonne Wescott | Jo Ellen Stafford | |
Alice White | Walter Stanton | |
Hilton White | Marylee Steele | |
Mary White | Vernonica Stephenson | |
Naomi White | Frank Stonner | |
Ferne Williams | Ruth Stucki | |
Clifford Willis | Madge Studley | |
Virginia Wilmes | James Swensen | |
Eldon Wilson | Carroll Taylor | |
Loren Workman | Don Taylor | |
Alvin Wormsley | Robert Tebow | |
Lloyd Younger | Russell Terhune | |
Larry Zirbel | Clifford Thompson | |
Wincie Ann Carruth | Betty Tiemann | |
John Taylor | Irene Toland | |
Joan Trively | ||
Helen Tudder | ||
Charlotte Turner | ||
Dorothy Veatch | ||
Shirley Voracek | ||
Joan Wadhams | ||
Lois Walker | ||
John Wallace | ||
James Ward | ||
Joyce Wehrli | ||
Charlene Welsh | ||
David Whaley | ||
Alice Wharton | ||
Bedonna White | ||
Gene Whitmer | ||
Arthur Whitworth | ||
Dorothy Wilhoit | ||
Betty Williams | ||
Morris Wilson | ||
Darlene Winslow | ||
John Wood | ||
Sue Wormsley | ||
Harvey Wright | ||
Diana Yip | ||
Mrs. Harry Sheetz | ||
Clifford Kensinger |
Ancestorology (Ancestor Explorer) is a Genealogy Research services & Genealogy Products company. I provide reputable & reliable genealogy research services to my clients at an affordable price. to Hire me, Email me at to get started today. All indexes on this website belong to this website as a work product. Veteran Owned Business ©2002-2023 by Ancestorology(TM)Ancestor Explorer(TM)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
1948 Tower Yearbook Index, Northwest Missouri State Teachers College Index
Index to the 1948 Tower Yearbook from Northwest Missouri State Teachers college, Maryville Missouri. You can purchase a picture from this yearbook for $5.00 per picture. You can email me at to purchase a picture now.
Nodaway County Missouri Research Resources
I have the following research resources from Nodaway County Missouri that I can research for you. If you would like to hire me to research these resources please email me at or see my website at
Price Funeral Home Records, Maryville Missouri 1902-1990
1882 Nodaway County Missouri History
Biographical History of Nodaway and Atchison Counties Missouri
The Centennial History of Burlington Junction Missouri, 1879-1979
The Burlington Junction Post, Newspapers, Burlington Junction Missouri, 1901 to 1919
Home of the Punkin Show, Skidmore, Missorui 1880-1980
Hopkins, Missouri Centennial 1872-1972
Blue Grass Mecca, Maitland, MO Volumes I & II
Parnell Community Centennial 1887-1987
Centennial History, Barnard Missouri 1870-1970
Pickering Missouri Centennial 1871-1971
And I have Multiple Yearbooks from Nodaway County Missouri, including yearbooks from:
Burlington Junction Schools, Burlington Junction Missouri
Quitman School, Quitman Missouri
Maryville High School, Maryville Missouri
Horace Mann School, Maryville Missouri
Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, 1920's to 2000's
Nodaway County Missouri School Records 1925-1926 School Year
Nodaway County Records that I have:
Marriage Records
Land Records
Again if you wish to hire me to research these resources you can reach me at or see my website at
Price Funeral Home Records, Maryville Missouri 1902-1990
1882 Nodaway County Missouri History
Biographical History of Nodaway and Atchison Counties Missouri
The Centennial History of Burlington Junction Missouri, 1879-1979
The Burlington Junction Post, Newspapers, Burlington Junction Missouri, 1901 to 1919
Home of the Punkin Show, Skidmore, Missorui 1880-1980
Hopkins, Missouri Centennial 1872-1972
Blue Grass Mecca, Maitland, MO Volumes I & II
Parnell Community Centennial 1887-1987
Centennial History, Barnard Missouri 1870-1970
Pickering Missouri Centennial 1871-1971
And I have Multiple Yearbooks from Nodaway County Missouri, including yearbooks from:
Burlington Junction Schools, Burlington Junction Missouri
Quitman School, Quitman Missouri
Maryville High School, Maryville Missouri
Horace Mann School, Maryville Missouri
Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, 1920's to 2000's
Nodaway County Missouri School Records 1925-1926 School Year
Nodaway County Records that I have:
Marriage Records
Land Records
Again if you wish to hire me to research these resources you can reach me at or see my website at
Dunklin County Missouri Research
Are you loooking for research on Dunklin County Missouri? I have the following books to research from:
Dunklin County Historical Society Vol 1Dunklin County Historical Society Vol 2
Dunklin County MO & Box Elder Arkansas Index – 1845 - 1995
Dunklin County Marriage Records 1903 – 1916Dunklin County MO Marriage Records, 1872-1881
Park Cemetery , Malden Missouri Ewing L. Keltner, Nov 28, 1886 – Mar 16, 1919
Butler County Cemeteries , Volume 2Butler County Cemeteries , Volume 1
Butler County Mo Marriages, Book 2, 1881-1888Butler County Mo Marriages, Book 1, 1849-1865
Butler County MO , 1849-1988
Butler County Missouri , Vol 1 Family History Book
Butler County Missouri Will 1869-1896
Southwest Butler County Mo CemeteriesSoutheast Butler County Mo Cemeteries
Hire me now to research these Dunklin County Missouri resources for you. Email me at or see my website at
Funeral Home Records of Dunklin County 1929 to 1980
Funeral Home Records of Dunklin County 19191 to 1964
Family Bible Records of Dunklin County Mo
Taylor, Leona – Wife of Oscar – Born April 5, 1905, died on Sept 10, 1960, buried in McGrew Cemetery
Taylor, Oscar W, born in 1892, died in 1940, buried in McGrew Cemetery
Dunklin County Marriage Records, 1916 – 1927
Dunklin County Marriage Records, 1890-1898
Dunklin County Marriage records, 1872-1900, Books 1-6
Mortality Schedules of Dunklin County MO 1850 – 1880
Cemeteries of Stoddard County Missouri , 1839 to 1992
Fitch Funeral Home Records of Butler county MO
Area Footprints, Early Newspaper extractions, Genealogical Society of Butler Co, 1973-1998
Cemeteries of Northwestern Butler County MO
Butler County Genealogical tidbits
A Fond look Back
1876 Butler State Census
Probate Court Minutes, Butler Count Mo 1871
Probate Court Minutes, Butler County MO 1870
1870 Butler County Mo Census
Complete History of Butler County MO
1880 Butler County Mo Census
Northeast Butler County Mo Cemeteries
Hire me now to research these Dunklin County Missouri resources for you. Email me at or see my website at
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Hire A Professional Genealogist
Do you need to Hire a Genealogy professional to research your family history? Then look no further. Here at Ancestor Explorer we are available right now to research your family history. We have several years experience researching genealogy and are experienced and capable where others are not. We have the ability to find those hard to get records and family information that you need for your family history. We can research as detailed as needed or do a simple research plan for you as your budget allows.
We are informative about our research and will provide you the information you have always wanted to know about your Grandfather or Great Grandfather. So email us now at or see our website at to find out more about us and to Hire us today.
Iowa Counties that I conduct Genealogy Research in
These are Iowa Counties that I will travel to and do Genealogy research in person.
Fremont County
Page County
Taylor County
Ringold County
Decatur County
Wayne County
Appanoose County
Mills County
Montgomery County
Adams County
Union County
Clark County
Lucas County
Monroe County
Pottawatomie County
Cass County
Adair County
Madison County
Warren County
If you would like me to perform Genealogy research for you in other Iowa counties there will be an overnight charge included. I will provide you copies of all documents acquired and any county history book or Atlas information. You can hire me now by emailing me at or by going to my website at
Kansas Counties I perform Genealogy Research in
I perform in person Genealogy research in the following Kansas Counties:
Johnson County
Wyandotte County
Leavenworth County
Douglas County
Leavenworth County
Atchison County
Miami County
Shawnee County
Wabaunsee County
Osage County
Franklin County
Pottawatomie County
Riley County
Linn County
Anderson County
Doniphan County
Brown County
Nemaha County
Bourbon County
Allen County
Morris County
Chase County
Marshall County
Washington County
Woodson County
Greenwood County
I can travel to other counties if need be. But be reminded that the costs for gas and possibly overnight stays would be involved. I will provide you all records found during my research as well as any family information located in old county history books or county Atlas'.
If you would like to hire me right now to begin work on your Kansas Genealogy research project please email me at or visit my website at
Johnson County
Wyandotte County
Leavenworth County
Douglas County
Leavenworth County
Atchison County
Miami County
Shawnee County
Wabaunsee County
Osage County
Franklin County
Pottawatomie County
Riley County
Linn County
Anderson County
Doniphan County
Brown County
Nemaha County
Bourbon County
Allen County
Morris County
Chase County
Marshall County
Washington County
Woodson County
Greenwood County
I can travel to other counties if need be. But be reminded that the costs for gas and possibly overnight stays would be involved. I will provide you all records found during my research as well as any family information located in old county history books or county Atlas'.
If you would like to hire me right now to begin work on your Kansas Genealogy research project please email me at or visit my website at
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