Administration & Staff | Seniors | Juniors | Sophomores |
Elmer F. Klein | Ronadl Abbott | Jeanette Bauman | Carolyn Abbott |
C.A. Bristow | Leland Aley | David Berg | Phyllis Adams |
George Williams | Charlene Adams | Lloyd Blackford | Gary Aley |
Lawrence Wray | Jack Barnes | Terry Blagg | Judy Allen |
Robert Sawyer | Virginia Bright | Bonnie Btrown | Sherry Bauch |
George Dowell | Barbara Bosch | Diane Burchett | Sue Beggs |
Emily Martin | Lawrence Barmann | Mae Campbell | David Bell |
Mrs. Donald Evans | Steve Brown | Gary Carmichael | Martha Berg |
Mrs. Richard Bowman | Marjorie Carr | Carol Carstenson | Nancy Bishop |
Mrs Robert Severson | Joseph Christensen | Joe Cockayne | Mary Ann Bolinger |
Mrs. T.H. Eckert | Lynn Collins | Eddie Collins | Tom Browning |
James A. Mitchell | David Copeland | Carol Compton | J.R. Calkins |
Charles Gorton | Roger Cornett | Janice Cummings | Marillyn Carr |
Harley V. Winchester Jr. | Donald Coulter | Bonita Davis | Wilma Carr |
Freelove Combs | Darryl Couts | Donna Davis | Margaret Casteel |
Mrs. Joseph Johnson | Allen Degase | Ron Dew | Donna Chesnut |
Mrs. Charles Blagg | Gary Dawson | Gary Eickholt | Benny Clyde |
Mrs. Merlin Fuller | Tany Driver | Betty Elliott | Rita Conner |
Mrs. Patrick S. Price | Caroline Duff | Paul Fields | Jim Cook |
Mrs. B.J. Alcott | Ralph Damgar | Laverne Frampton | Leroy Cook |
Larry Brennan | Herb Danner | Gary Froyd | Sue Copeland |
Helen Gorsuch | Linda Dowden | Patty Frueh | Terry Crain |
Mrs. Richard T. Wright | Rickie Ebbrecht | Junior Fuller | Jim Crozier |
Mrs. D.W. Johnson | Vickie Edwards | Steve Funston | Clayton Cummings |
Mrs. Loren Wiseman | Marlys Fergesen | Jackie Garrett | Steve Dempsey |
Marjorie Guinn | Sandra Froyd | Mike George | Maureen DeVooght |
Lee T. Schneider | Judy Frueh | Gene Gorforth | Gary Dew |
Betty Williams | Don Fisher | Ronnie Goodspeed | Iris Dick |
Mrs. J. Weldon Whan | Judith Kay Frazier | Janet Gray | Pat Donahue |
Delbert C. Dick | Frank Fisher Jr. | Nelson Hayes | Steve Dowling |
Mrs. Robert Brown | Margaret Frueh | Roger Heflin | Virgil Ebrecht |
Mrs. Otis M. Wagner | Gary Fuller | Reba Hilsenbeck | Gerry Edwards |
Robert Bruch | John Michael Gaa | Virginia Huffman | Bill Eckles |
Ronald F. O'Dell | Kenneth V. Gaukel | Sue Jones | John Felton |
William G. Norton | Carol Gregory | Doug Keever | Gary Fields |
Mrs. Lawrence Wray | Judy Griffith | John Dempf | Robert Foster |
Fred Fuhr | Marilyn Hanna | Roger King | Don Frampton |
Mrs. Forrest Steele | Pat Harr | James Kish | Ron Frampton |
Mrs. Sam Edgar | Charlene Harring | Carol Lafferty | Carolyn George |
Mrs William Hardesty | Roland Hayden | John Lager | Judy Gilbert |
Mrs. Homer Ogden | Nonda May Hilsenbeck | Norman Leavell | Charles Gorman |
Mrs. Kathryn Miller | LaVera Howard | Linda Liddle | Sharon Grasty |
Bill Short | Kathy Johnson | Dick Logan | Harold Gross |
Dale Jones | Valgerdur K. Jonsdottir | Joe Logan | Margaret Hall |
Homer Davison | Beneta King | Jim Logsdon | Robert Hall |
Phil Thompson | Karol Ann Knittl | Jim Looker | Barbara Harmon |
Stanley Jones | Joyce Mackey | Barbara Harr | |
Arthur Jones | Patty Mattson | Don Hayden | |
Judy Job | Jeanette McDowell | Dorothy Helzer | |
Juanita Jabusch | Don McLain | Bob Hobbs | |
Laverne Keyes | Rex McMahon | Robert Huffman | |
Ralph Litten | Judy Meyer | Wendell Hughes | |
Beverly Logan | Christie Miller | Jeanne Hunt | |
Barbara Logan | Neal Moles | Randall Ingram | |
Judy Lynch | Richard Moore | Roger Ingram | |
Ron Madden | Lavon Murray | Linda Jabusch | |
Gary Manning | Joan Myers | Gerald Jackson | |
Lawrence Meyer | John Palmer | Lonnie Jensen | |
David Nelson | Patty Paxton | Charles Johnson | |
Sherry Lynn New | Danny Pfeifer | Tony Johnson | |
Connie Newberry | Rick Phillips | Larry Jones | |
Ronnie Newberry | Don Piveral | Tassy Jones | |
Jerry Newman | H.L. Poynter | Terrie Jones | |
Mary O'Riley | Chandis Reynolds | Laura Kay | |
Ina May O'Riley | John Reynolds | Beverly Keever | |
Shirley Owens | Keith Roberts | John Kendrick | |
Richard Patterson | Mick Ross | Nancy Kidd | |
Don Peterson | Jim Scheer | Donna Kling | |
Lawrence E. Poage | Kenny Schenkel | Lonnie Lee | |
Gary Pittsenbarger | James Scott | Larry Luke | |
Fred Poppa | Ruth Schimming | Elaine Lyle | |
Barbara Protzman | Elaine Sherman | Trudy McCarthy | |
Dorothy Ann Ray | Charles Shoesmith | Garry McFarland | |
Eddie Rickabaugh | Butch Skeed | Ardyth McMahon | |
Mary Sanders | Leroy Smith | Julee Moore | |
Marilyn Roach | Ellen Spire | Jerry Mozingo | |
Larry Ross | David Staples | Jim Nelson | |
Richard Ruhl | Doug Stickey | Larry Newlon | |
Edward Scheer | Rose Ann Stiens | Sam Nicholas | |
Richard Sellers | Kenneth Suetterlin | Charlotte Nichols | |
Vic Schneider | Mickey Summa | Marcia Opp | |
Rollo Shoesmith | Jim Tucker | Charles O'Riley | |
Ann Shamberger | Lonnie Veach | Judy Owens | |
Dorothy Schafer | Charlene Wagner | Julia Partridge | |
Ruth Ann Schmidt | Hazel Wagner | Kay Pierpiont | |
Sam Simerly | Carter Ward | Phillip Place | |
Toni Simons | Franklin Ware | Don Poage | |
Robert Tonnies | Sharon West | Larry Poppa | |
Jim Thompson | Mary Ann Willhoyte | Janila Porter | |
Roberta Thompson | Eddie Williamson | Ed Quillen | |
Gene Steadman | Kathryn Wilmes | Jim Quinn | |
Steve Smay | Kathleen Wilmes | Janice Ray | |
Lloyd Thompson | Karen Wilson | Bob Riterbusch | |
Rita Wagner | Raymond Wohlford | Richard Roach | |
Kirby Wagner | Carol Roberts | ||
Diana Vawter | Garry Ross | ||
Harriet Francis Troncin | Jerry Roush | ||
Victor Ury | Rodger Ruhl | ||
E.C. Walker | Janet Sawyers | ||
Judy Veylupek | Ronald Schmidt | ||
Diane Williams | Norma Simmons | ||
Gerald Wilmes | Marie Spriggs | ||
Larry Welch | Judy Stevens | ||
Charles Zimmerman | Kirby Thacker | ||
Mark Yehle | Marshall Tonnies | ||
Joyce Zeigel | Richard Tucker | ||
Gary Wermelschirchen | Deloris Tunell | ||
Turner Tyson | |||
Gary Veylupek | |||
Bobby Wagner | |||
Charles Wagner | |||
Dina Wagner | |||
Jody Wagner | |||
Dale Wendle | |||
P. Wermelskirchen | |||
Gerald West | |||
Bob Westfall | |||
Marciana Whitford | |||
Marjorie Willhoyte | |||
Randy Willis | |||
David Wilmes | |||
Norma Wilson | |||
Jim Wohlford | |||
Danny Zimmerman | |||
Freshman | 8th | 7th | |
Candy Appleby | Connie Adams | Janice Ackley | |
Mary Asbell | Mike Anderson | Brenda Baker | |
Bill Baker | Larry Atchley | Mike Basford | |
Danny Baker | Vicki Baker | Jeanene Beerman | |
Fred Beavers | John Beeman | Patty Beeks | |
Beverly Beeks | Eddie Beeman | Brenda Bishop | |
Roger Bird | Steve Belcher | Donna Black | |
Sharon Blackford | John Bishop | Edna Brandon | |
Bob Bosch | Richard Blackford | Tonya Buyas | |
Jim Bradshaw | Joanne Bragdon | James Carroll | |
Kathy Bragdon | Carol Campbell | Jennie Cline | |
Phyllis Burchett | Mary Collins | Carl Christensen | |
Rose Butcher | James Colvin | Marvin Chubick | |
Bill Butherus | Gail Conn | Darla Conn | |
Dixie Clouse | Van Allen Conner | Gary Cross | |
Mike Cole | Sherry Cook | Dale Diggs | |
Wayne Collins | Beth Corough | Gary Gatrel | |
Joe Cornelison | Carrol Coulter | Carole Goodspeed | |
Perry Courtney | Rita Coulter | Connie Gorsuch | |
Julie Cox | Rodney Couts | Karen Gray | |
Sharon Cramer | Ray Cummings | Gloria Hall | |
Larry Cruth | Emma Lou Dannar | Mike Hatfield | |
James Curram | Dorothy Davis | Ellen Hill | |
Kristen Davis | David Degase | Gayla Hunt | |
Ronnie Dawson | Johnnie Deiter | Rosalee Hunt | |
Vicki Dearmont | David Devers | Carolyn Imes | |
Dixie Ebbrecht | Terry Dew | Bill Ingels | |
Jeff Funston | Rita Dougan | Harry Jones | |
Don Gaskill | Robert Dragoo | John Judah | |
Robert Geist | Charles Ebrecht | Mike Keirsey | |
Leta George | G. Ebrecht | Genevee Kempf | |
Richard GoodSpeed | Louis Ebrecht | Darrell Kibby | |
Dale Gorsuch | Pat Ellis | Charles King | |
Jim Gray | Jim Ferguson | Stephen Klindt | |
Hazel Hall | Carole Fields | Sheran Lamb | |
Vicky Hanna | Mike Florea | Jeff Larmer | |
Jim Hargrave | James George | Sandra Loos | |
Anna Harmon | N. Goodpasture | Nila Logan | |
Greeman Hayes | Allan Goodspeed | Joyce Lorance | |
Clara Hilsenbeck | Gary Grasty | Karen Madden | |
G. Hilsenbeck | Linda Gray | Karl Madden | |
David Hockensmith | Judy Hall | Robert Martin | |
Roxanna Holleman | Marshal Hall | Vickie McGarey | |
Shirley Hooper | Rick Hanna | Janice Merrifield | |
Dick Hotchkin | Marvin Harper | Carolyn Miller | |
Harold Hull | Mike Hasty | Mona Miller | |
Cecil Hutson | Marsha Hatfield | Patty Miller | |
Carolyn Ingles | Glenda Hayes | Ann Miller | |
Jo Ann Jabusch | Billy Haynes | Geneva Mounts | |
Jill Jackson | Richard Haynes | Ronnie Moore | |
Cheryl Job | Lois Helzer | Mike Neidel | |
Danny John | Melvin Hill | Iris Newlon | |
Dianna Johnson | K. Hilsenbeck | Frances Nuckolls | |
Judy Johnson | Sandra Hughes | Jim Periman | |
Barbara Jones | Pamela Imes | Ann Pierpoint | |
Sue Kaczmarski | Wilma Irwin | Pamela Pike | |
Suzanne Kiersey | Arvella Jackson | R. Pittsenbarger | |
Lester Keith | David Jaquith | Eugene Poppa | |
Marilyn Keyes | Coleen Jenson | Mary Poppa | |
Pat Kindle | Betty Johnson | Carolyn Porter | |
Gary King | Serecia Johnson | Carl Powell | |
John King | Gary Jones | Paul Poynter | |
Sherye Kinsley | Ricky Keever | Butch Puckett | |
Dick Klindt | Melvin Keith | Mary Ray | |
Suzette Knittl | Larry Kibby | Sandy Ray | |
Cletus Lager | Jan Kieser | Lon Roberts | |
Linda Logan | Terry King | Suzanne Schrier | |
Larry Loos | Pam Kling | Cheryl Schultz | |
Don Lorance | Danny Law | Judy Seipel | |
Roe Lowrance | Steve Logan | Dinah Shell | |
Paule Leeper | Bill Madden | Cindy Sisk | |
Terry Lutz | Glen Major | Bill Sobbing | |
Ealbell Lynch | John Mauzey | Earl Soetaert | |
Henry Madden | Mary Moore | Edward Soetaert | |
Brad Mathers | Jon Nelson | John Spire | |
Chris McGinnis | Robert Newlon | Bob Stephenson | |
Shirley Messner | Sharon Nichols | Steve Sutton | |
Gary Meyer | Mary Nielson | Billy Swift | |
Mike Miller | Roger Oglesby | Gary Tibbetts | |
Larry Moore | Maribeth Owens | Betty VanFosson | |
Ernie Mozingo | Danny Pankau | J. Wermelskirchen | |
Kim Nelson | Sharon Piveral | Judy Wermelskirchen | |
Jim Newberry | Zellma Poage | Joyce Whetstine | |
Marvin Newberry | David Puckett | Patty Willhoyte | |
Delma Nickerson | Patricia Raymond | John Wilson | |
Janet Nielson | Lynn Rickabaugh | Mike Wilson | |
Eileen O'Riley | Chery Ritchie | Barbara Wohlford | |
Arlene Ostrander | Billy Roach | Jerry Wohlford | |
Mary Periman | Kirby Roberts | Nicka Wohlford | |
Bill Peterson | Linda Robertson | Diana Woods | |
B. Pittsenbarger | Stella Rodrick | Caren Young | |
John Piveral | Terry Ross | Janet Yount | |
Randy Rose | Deon Roush | Denzil Zimmerman | |
Richard Rowlett | Leon Roush | ||
Beatrice Runyan | J. Schackelford | ||
Pam Sayler | B. Schmidt | ||
Nancy Scheer | Gary Schmidt | ||
Grace Schimming | Bob Seipel | ||
Joe Schneider | Danny Shell | ||
Terry Poppa | Gloria Sherman | ||
Glenda Powell | Kerry Slagle | ||
John Price | Margaret Smith | ||
Larry Protzman | M. Sobbing | ||
Jim Ray | Mary Spire | ||
Patricia Reed | Sharon Steele | ||
Jim Roach | Linda Stevens | ||
Jonnelle Schrier | Jo Ann Still | ||
John Schuster | Sherry Surplus | ||
Jerome Simons | Carol Taylor | ||
Dixie Sisk | Gary Tiller | ||
Elizabeth Smith | Terry Troxell | ||
Gary Sparks | Jan Turnbull | ||
Pat Spire | Ted Tyson | ||
Bill Stark | Gary Ury | ||
Don Steele | Kay Vulgamott | ||
Billy Stephenson | Bill Watkins | ||
John Stiens | Lynn Wedlock | ||
Martha Stuart | Tom Westfall | ||
No'el Swaney | Jim Whan | ||
Brenda Swanson | Sandy White | ||
Eddie Swift | Mike Wiley | ||
Dave Taylor | C.W. Wright | ||
Erma Tibbetts | Russell Young | ||
Phyllis Tindall | |||
Duane Trimble | |||
Nancy Troxell | |||
Shirley Trusty | |||
Regie Turnbull | |||
Ron Van Fosson | |||
Rita Van Sickle | |||
James Vawter | |||
Lynn Veach | |||
Jerry Wagner | |||
Barbara Ware | |||
Joyce Weir | |||
Linda White | |||
Mike White | |||
Tom Wiles | |||
Nicole Willard | |||
Kenneth Williams | |||
Philip Wolmes | |||
Jerry Wilson | |||
Karen Wilson | |||
Steve Wilson | |||
David Wohlford | |||
Sandra Woods | |||
Gary Wright | |||
Connie Young |
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
1962 Maryvillian Yearbook Index, Maryville Missouri
1962 Maryvillian Yearbook Index, Maryville Missouri. If you would like to purchase a copy of a picture for $5.00 from this yearbook please email me at
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