I have access to the following newspapers. If you would like to hire me to research for Birth Announcements, Marriage Announcements, Obituaries or other information please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Western Star 11/7/1941--1/26/1945 Coldwater KS
Western Star 2/2/1945--4/30/1948 Coldwater KS
Western Star 5/7/1948--5/25/1951 Coldwater KS
Western Star 6/1/1951--8/27/1954 Coldwater KS
Western Star 9/3/1954--11/29/1957 Coldwater KS
Western Star 12/6/1956--2/23/1961 Coldwater KS
Western Star 3/2/1961--2/27/1964 Coldwater KS
Western Star 3/5/1964--7/28/1966 Coldwater KS
Western Star 8/4/1966--8/29/1968 Coldwater KS
Western Star 9/5/1968--3/29/1971 Coldwater KS
Western Star 4/1/1971--9/27/1973 Coldwater KS
Western Star 10/4/1973--12/26/1974 Coldwater KS
Western Star 1/2/1975--7/8/1976 Coldwater KS
Western Star 7/15/1976--3/30/1978 Coldwater KS
Western Star 4/6/1978--11/8/1979 Coldwater KS
Western Star 11/15/1979--3/19/1981 Coldwater KS
Western Star 3/26/1981--5/27/1982 Coldwater KS
Western Star 6/3/1982--6/30/1983 Coldwater KS
Western Star 7/7/1983--8/2/1984 Coldwater KS
Western Star 8/9/1984--11/7/1985 Coldwater KS
Western Star 11/14/1985--12/25/1986 Coldwater KS
Western Star 1/1/1987--4/21/1988 Coldwater KS
Western Star 4/28/1988--8/31/1989 Coldwater KS
Western Star 9/7/1989--12/27/1990 Coldwater KS
Western Star 1/3/1991--5/28/1992 Coldwater KS
Western Star 6/4/1992--11/25/1993 Coldwater KS
Western Star 12/2/1993--4/27/1995 Coldwater KS
Western Star 5/4/1995--10/31/1996 Coldwater KS
Western Star 11/7/1996--6/25/1998 Coldwater KS
Western Star 7/2/1998--12/30/1999 Coldwater KS
Western Star 1/6/2000--6/28/2001 Coldwater KS
Wilmore News 8/23/1912--10/29/1914 Wilmore KS
Wilmore News 11/5/1914--11/16/1916 Wilmore KS
Wilmore News 11/23/1916--9/30/1920 Wilmore KS
Wilmore News 10/7/1920--12/27/1923 Wilmore KS
Wilmore News 1/3/1924--7/29/1927 Wilmore KS
Wilmore News 8/5/1927--9/26/1930 Wilmore KS
Wilmore News 10/3/1930--9/25/1936 Wilmore KS
Wilmore News 10/2/1936--8/28/1942 Wilmore KS
Wilmore News 9/4/1942--12/30/1949 Wilmore KS
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wyandotte County Kansas History
I have indexed this book and if you would like to purchase your ancestors information listed below or you would like to hire me to research your Wyandotte County Kansas ancestors please email me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Agers, Laura G., 792
Agers, Moses, 792
Agreement between the Wyandots and Delaware*, 69
Agriculture and horticulture, 488
Ainsworth, Elizabeth L., 685
Ainsworth, John M., 685
Akesson, Ola, 738
Alden, Frank R., 845
Alden, Henry L., 652
Algire, Russell A., 694
Allen, Edward, 705
Allen, Henry J., eloquence of, 162
'' American Citizen,'' 427
American Foreign Missionary Society, 50
American Fur Company, 11
Ancient Order of United Workmen, 438
Ancient Quivira, Bonner Springs, 318
Ancient Wyandot nation, 59
Anderson, Charles A., 573
Anderson, Emmett F., 940
Anderson, Gustaf A., 787
Anderson, John E., 767
Anderson, Nels A., 929
Anderson, Otto, 903
Anderson, William W., 822
Annexation of Argentine, 308
Annual output of first mart of trade in Kansas, 11
Annual rainfall, 16
Antoine, Louis, 993
Approach of war, 234
Area of Wyandotte county, 15
Argentine mayors, 300
"Argentine Republic" 428
Argentine State Bank, 338
Arkansas Indians, 4
Armourdale got a start, 298
Armourdale State Bank, 338
Armstrong, Lucy B., 84
Armstrong, Russell Biglow, 426
Arnold, Henry J., 935
Arrival of Father Kuhls, 362
As a pastor's wife told it, 350
Assassination of Hallett, 450
Assessed valuation of taxable property, 16
Assessed value of property subject to taxation, 283
Assessors, city, 310
Atchison ten years in building, 442
Atkinson, William T., 709
Attorneys, city, 309
Attorneys, county, 276
At wood," John H., speech of, 165
Babcock, Luke, 670
Back to Manila, 245
Badger, Lewis M., 721
Bailey, James M., 530
Baird, Justus N., 901
Baker, John J., 587
Baking companies, 486
Ball, William, 702
Baltz, Taul C, 891
Banking interests of Kaunas City, 337
Hanking Trust, 338
Banks, Kansas City, 337
Banning, William R., 640
Baptist church, 356
Baptist churches, Rosedale, 315
'' Baptist Mission Press,'' 50
Baptist Temple, 356
I tar, early members of, 290
Barben, Gus, 729
Barclay, William, 1020
Barker, Albert A., 800
Barker, James T., 800
Barker, Thomas J., 984
Barnett, Benjamin M., 803
Barnev, Louie F., 539
Bartle'tt, Frank W., 712
Battle between the "Pottawatomie'' and the "Wyan-
dotte," 470
Battle of Little Blue, 215, 220
Battle of the Big Blue, 221
Battle of the Blue, 213
. Battles of colored regiments, 207
Battle of Wilson's Creek, 190
Bauer, Alfred, 954
Baum, Jacob, 773
Beagle, Dode V., 1021
Beattie, Samuel, 927
Becker, Albert L., 631 •
Beddow, James H., 675
'' Bee,'' 429
Beggs, William, 813
Beginning of a new era, 28
Beginning of flour milling, 473
Beginning of road building, 274
Bellamy, Gervas, 658
Bell, Dr. Simeon B., 317
Bell, Simeon B., 883
Belter, Hermann, 552
Bemarkt, George, 861
Bench and bar, 284
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, 439
Benevolent societies, 434
Ben Simpson's defense of the boundaries, 179
Benton, Arthur S., 811
Benton's famous prophecy, 113
Benton's prophecy verified, 117
Benton, Thomas H., 113
Berger, Albert L., 854
Bethany Hospital, 413
Bethel, 324
Bet ton, Frank H., 264
Big town lot sale, 93
Biscomb, William H., 678
Bishop Fink, 376
Iljorkrnaii, John F., 536
Blanz, Jacob, 814
"Blind Isaac," 91
Blomquist, Charles, 928
Blomquist, John, 798
"Blue Goose" saloon, its
Blue Jacket, 31
Blum, Edward F., 925
Boats were operated for the railroads, 127
'' Bogus '' Laws, 135
"Bolting" Convention, 131
Bonner Springs, 11; churches, 322; first rural mail de-
livery, 322; lakes and parks, 322; organized, 320;
schools, 322; the Ancient Quivira, 318
"Bonner Springs Chieftain," 429
Bonner Springs Sanitarium. 849
Books in the schools, 394
Boone, Daniel Morgan, 108
Border ruffians at work, 188
Border, southern, protectors of the, 210
Boundaries, Ben Simpson's defense of, 179
Moundaries of Kansas, 167
Boundary amendment, 175
Boundary line fight, 167
Boundary of Wyandotte count}-, 16
Boys' and girls' department, library, 39."
Bovs who gave up their lives, 245
Brandt, Frank F., 886
Bridges in Wyandotte county, 283
Bristow's, Senator, address, 160
Brokaw, Charles L., 623
Brown, John, 228, 230
Brown, Kate K., 545
Brown, Oscar, 545
Brown, Robert L., 808
Browne. Kenneth L. . 833
firugh, Andrew T., 638
Brus, Jules C., 996
Buckland, David, 725
Budy, John, 986
Buffalo stampede, 460
Bugbee, George E., 832
Building the Santa Fe, 454
fiunn, Asa M., 527
Bunyar, Edward, 979
Bunyar, Emily, 979
Burgar, John J., 749
Burial place of the Wyandots, 81
Hurkard, George, 521
Burnett, William E., 766
Burning of Lawrence, 352
Butler, Joseph A., 567
Byrom's ford, 217
Cabin of Tiblow, 320
Cable, Ebert S., 834
Cable, James A., 902
Cadden, John H., 755
California fast mail, 468
Call for a state mass meeting, 301
Call for volunteers. 235
Calumpit, next stop, 241
Cameron, Thomas F., 969
Campaign continues, 243
Camp in San Francisco, 237
Candidates for territorial delegate, 133
Caples, John, 723
Captain Pipe, 77
Career of Mark Delaliay, 429
Carlisle, Jay L., 846
Carlson, John A., 562
Carnegie Library, 391
Carno House, 339
Carr, John, 978
Carter, Lee O., 923
Cassidv, John J., 973
Catfish Hotel, 89, 339
Catholic churches and institutions, 361
Catholic church. Rosedalc. 315
Catholic convents, 372
Catholic school, 363
Catley, James W., 608
Cavalrv regiment, famous, 191
Celebrated Springs, 319
Cement industry. 483
Census figures for Kansas City. 327
Centennial display, 496
Central Avenue State Bank, 338
Central high school, 381
Cereals, 496
Charitable and Christian organizations. 341
Charles Blue Jacket. 31. 35
Chicago Great Western Railroad, 455
Chief Ketchum's death, 44
Chiefs of fire department, 309
Chiefs of police, 310
Chief who was a warrior, 24
Children's Home. 341
Childs, Wesley R.. 828
Cholera, 112
Chouteau, August, 11, 319
Chouteau Brothers, 41
Chouteau Family, 11
Chouteau, Pierre, 11. 319
Christian church. 357
Christian Science organizations, 358; schools, cost of.
Christy, James M., 542
Chroni'ster, Bert, 931
Churches, Bonner Springs, 322
Churches, Rosedale, 314
Church of war time days, a, 349
Circuit court clerks. 277
Circuit court judges. 277
'' Citizen '' 424
Citizens State SavingH Bank. 338
City assessors, 310
Citv attorneys, 309
City clerks, 309
City counsellors, 309
City engineers, 309
City Hall in Kansas City, 331
Citv organized, Bonnor Springs, 321
City Park. 330
City school history. 382
City treasurers, 309
City's forty school buildings, 384
City's great public library. 390
Civic organizations, 341
Civil government, struggle for, 129
Civil war brought ruin, 115
Civilization's advance agents, 41
Clafiin, Oliver Q. . 644
Clarke, Samuel, 1016
Clark, Philo M., 874
Clark, William, 6
Clarkson, Colonel, captured, 211
Clasen, Samuel, 873
Clayton PoweB. command of, 209
Clerks, circuit court, 277
Clerks, city, 309
Clerks, common pleas court, 277
Clerks, county, 277
Clerks, district court, 277
Clopper, David E., 611
Closed the door to slavery, 154
Clotfelter, A. Lloyd, 576 *
Clovers, 498
Club women took the lead, 392
Cobb, Colonel, logical address, 302
Coffey, Christopher F., 633
Coleman, James B., 576
Colonel Moonlight guarded the town, 232
Colonel Veale's heroic stand, 218
Colouel Weir's men, 204
Colorado in the Wyandotte district, 285
Colorado was part of Kansas, 170
Colored Methodist churches, Rosedale. 315
Coming of Wyandots to Kansas. 60
Commercial National Bank, 338
Commercial State Bank, Rosedale, 338
Commissioner districts established, 280
Commission form of government, 310
Commissioners of election, 310
Commissioners, police, 310
Commissioners, street, 310
Common pleas court clerks, 277
Common pleas court judges, 277
Congregational church, 349
Congregational church, Rosedale, 315
Congressman Madison's tribute, 163
Congress slow to act, 156
Connelley, William Elsey, 62
"Conservative" 157
Consolidated Kansas City Refining Company, 299
Consolidation of Kansas regiments, 195
Constitution approved by the people, 156
Convention did right, 180
Convention of young men, 148
Convention roll, 148
Cooke, George H., 949
Cook, Wylie W., 581
Cooperage and box factories, 481
Cooper, judge Jesse, 264
Cornell, Dudley E., 857
Cornerstone laying, 400
Coronado, 182
Coroners, 277
Correspondents of long ago, 423
Cost of the schools, 383
Cotton industry, 482
Counsellors, city, 309
County attorneys, 276
County clerks, 277
County farm and crop statistics, 500
County machinery in motion, 273
County officers in fifty-two years, 276
County, organization of, 271
County seat at Wyandotte, 278
County superintendents of public instruction, 277
County surveyors, 277
County treasurers, 277
County's war record, 201
Courses of Kansas City Baptist Theological Seminary,
Court house blown down, 291
Court house, first, 279
Court house. Wyandotte county, 278
Courts under statehood, 286
Coy, William A., 963
Craft, Carlis C., 569
Crawford, William E., 583
Creative Act, 272
Croatian church, 369
Crockett, J. D. M.. 914
Crooks, Captain Thomas. 264
Crooks, Julia F., 548
Crooks, Thomas, 546
Crop conditions, 489
Crossing at Byrom's ford, 217
Crossley, George W., 728
Cruise, John D., 469
Cubbison, James K., 559
Cunningham, Rev. J., 378
Curious things in the mail. 467
Curran, Robert, 627
Cut off the "Short Grass" country, 172
Dague, A. B. C, 856
"Daily Evening Globe" 427
Dana, J. W.. 1048
Daniels, William H., 732
Darbv, Harry. 966
Darn'all, Charles D.. 831
Dash for Kansas, 217
Davis, Colonel A. C, 261
Davis, Jefferson A., 807
Davis, William D., 541
Day on the firing lines, 238
Dean, Henry E., 597
Death of Chief Ketchum, 44
Death of Tecumseh, 30
Death of the founder, 399
Debate on the western boundary, 171
DeBover, Camiel, 994
Debus, George, 817
Debus, John, 594
Debus, William F., 989
Defeat of the plan, 176
Deitz, James N., 524
Deitzler, General, 222
Delahay, Judge Mark W., 424, 429
Delaware Baptist mission, 57
Delaware chiefs, 43
Delaware Methodist mission, 55
Delaware township, 281
Delawares, 39
Delawares as Irving saw them, 40
Delawares not given to fighting only, 43
Delawares treaty, 46
Delawares visited by Parkman, 41
Delawares wars on Pawnees, 39
Delights of pioneer travel by steamboat, 121
Democratic members refuse to sign, 155
Depredations of the Kansas, 25
Descendant of the Puritans, 402
Description of Indian village, 21
"Die Fackel," (The Torch) 426
Discovery of natural gas, 321
District court clerks, 277
District court judges, 277, 293
Doctor Mather's offer accepted, 398
Doctors Speck, 257
Dogs bought the books, 392
Dougherty, James G., 265
Douglas, Stephen A., speech of, 179
Drake, Joseph F., 523
Dramshop cases, 289
Draper, Everett D., 722
Drennon, Edward, 627
Drought, Edward S. W., 718
Drought of 1860, 351
Dudley, John, 778
Duffels, Bernard, 816
Dunlap, Doniphan, 820
Eager, John L. B., 888
Earliest railroads, 449
Early day court scene, 288
Early day paymaster, 464
Early farm methods, 493
Early French and Spanish explorers, 2
Early history of Wyandot nation, 60
Early Kansas politics, 106
Early Kansas villages, 20
Early members of the bar, 290
Early time characters, 252
East boundary of Kansas, 168
Educational interests, 380
Edwards, Ninian, 27
Edwardsville, 323
Edwardsville State Bank, 338
Effect of school training, 407
Egan, Lewis M., 528
Eicholtz, Edward J., 670
Eighth Infantry, 193
Einhellig, William E., 819
Eldridge House, 339
Eleanor Taylor Bell Memorial Hospital, 316, 415
Election commissioners, 310
Elections before statehood came, 144
Eleventh Kansas Infantry, 196 ,
Elliott, Samuel J., 995
Ellis. Flovd C., 808
Ellis, Frank S., 904
Ely, Louis L., 981
Embry, Earnest H., 797
Emigrant Aid societies, 1 40
"Emma Harmon's'' famous first trip, 123
End to steamboating, 128
Engineers, city, 309
Enright, Edward A., 1015
Enright, Timothy J., 936
Ensley, Charles C.. 606
Episcopal church, 353
Era of improvement. 327
Era of railroad building, 456
Erhardt, Philip, 1033
Espenlaub, Gottlieb F., 657
Every mail clerk a politician, 466
Ewing's, Young Tom. regiment, 196
Exchange State Bank, 338
Excitement in Wyandotte, 451
Execution in Wyandotte, an, 284
Exodus, negro, 232
Expense of raising corn in Kansas. 501
Explorations of Lewis and Clark, 6
Explorers, early French and Spanish, 2
Explorers, trails of the, 1
Extensive railway yards, 457
Eyes of a nation on Shawnee mission, 134
Falconer, John C., 804
Falk, Henry, 682
Families in Kansas City, Missouri, ninety years ago,
Famous cavalry regiment, 191
Famous "four houses" 319
Famous Kansas Indian orator, 24
Famous Muncie holdup, 466
Famous old hall, 95
Farm and crop statistics for the county, 500
Farmers State Bank, Bonner Springs, 338
Farm methods, early, 493
Farm truck, 499
Farrow Tiera, 965
Father Hennepin's wonderful map, 4
Father Kuhls' personality, 378
Father Kuhls silver jubilee, 364
Father Marquette, 2, 19
Faust, John W., 698
Fennel), James, 835
Ferguson, Roscoe W., 890
Ferguson, Winfield S., 575
Fidelity State Bank, 338
Field, forage and silo plants, 498
Fifth Kansas Cavalry, 193
Fifth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, 203
Fifth street, old church on, 353
Fifth ward, 307
Fifty years under the Constitution, 160
Fighting Cavalry, 206
Fighting in the Ozarks, 208
Flighting to the death, 220
Fight on the Little Blue, 215
Figures show substantial growth, 327
Financial strength, 337
Fink, Bishop, 376
Fink, Samuel F., 784
First annual meeting of Kansas Medical Society, 419
First commercial center, 318
lurst county grant to the Missouri Pacific, 453
First court house, 279
First election, 130
First election of county officers, 273
First execution in Wyandotte, 284
First Fourth of July celebration in Kansas, 7
First glimpses of Kansas, 119
First governor of Kansas, 135
First industrial movements, 295
First Infantry Regiment, 190
First intcrurban railway, 337
First invasion, 134
First jurors drawn, 274
First Kansas Masonic lodge, 434
First Kansas Volunteer Battery, 199
First land agent, 256
First locomotive in Kansas, 448
First marriage in Wyandotte county, 74
First mart of trade in Kansas, annual output, 11
First mayoralty election in Kansas City, Missouri, 1
First mention of the Prophet, 33
First Methodist Episeopul church, Rosedale, 314
First Methodists in Wyandotte, 344
First National Bank. Bonner Springs, 338
First newspaper, 423
First newspaper in Kansas. 50
First officers of consolidated city, 306
First permanent white settler in Wyandotte, 88
First public improvements, 115
First public school, 381
First railroad started from Wyandotte, 448
First railroads chartered, 442
First real battle in Philippines, 239
First Regiment Kansas Volunteer Infantry, 202
First regular municipal election, 308
First rural mail delivery, Bonner Springs, 322
First session of Wyandotte district court, 287
First smell of powder, 238
First State Bank, Argentine, 338
First steamboat that ascended the Missouri, 9
First steamboat to navigate the Kansas river, 125
First taxes levied, 279
First ward, 306
First white child born in Kansas, 13
Fisette, Rush L., 1009
Fleming, Pettis, 806
Flood of 1903. 327
Flour milling, beginning of, 473
Folk lore of the Wyandots, 62
Forbidding looking" place, 96
Forsberg, Gustoff, 664
Fort Henry, 76
Fort Osage, 9, 11
Fort Riley, 14
Fort Sumter, 189
Foundries and machine shops, 481
Four broad avenues, 95
''Four Houses," 11, 319
Fourteenth Infantry, 197
Fourth ward, 307
Fraternal Order of Eagles, 439
Freedman University, 405
Free Masons, 43
Free State boomers started Quindaro, 102
Free Soilers, 176
Fremont expeditions, 13
Fremont, John C, 13
Frenchmen, first merchants, 10
Friedman, David, 774
Friend of the Indians, 426
Frisbie, L. G., 602
"Frisco" built, 447
Fromholtz, Adam, 522
Frugality and chief aim, 406
Frye. William E.. 586
Fulcher, Benjamin W., 619
Fulton, James A., 876
Fur traders, 11
Future possibilities of Kansas City, 4S7
Oalvin, James. 605
Gnrleck. William B.. 563
Oaulke. Gustav, 716
"Gazette's" founder, 425
"Gazette Globe," 84. 426
Geary. Governor, on the scene. 141
General Deitzler's official report 222
Cerlecz. James, 555
Gerner. George, 626
Glasscock. Samuel S.. 759
"Globe," 426
Goebel, Peter W., 801
Honser. Karl, 735
Oosling, Lake, 7
Gottesburen. Henry L.. 747
Government by commission, 310
Governor's consolidation proclamation, 304
Governor Geary on the scene. 141
Governor Medary, 143
Governor of Kansas, first. 135
Governor orders an election, 132
Governor Reeder came and went. 121
Governor Robert J. Walker, 142
Governor Shannon to the frontier, 137
Governor Stubbs on "Kansas," 161
Grafke, Henry 0.. 990
Grain elevators. 475
Grand Army of the Republic. 439
Grand View Sanitarium. 759
Granger lines, 443
Grasses, 497
Grasshoppers, 495
Gray, Alfred, 253
Gray, George M.. 330. 1012
Gray, Homer B., 973
Gray, Mary Tennev. 262
Great Battle of the Blue. 213
Great civic demonstration, 301
Great medical school and hospital. 316
Great railway shops and terminals. 457
Great smelter, a, 299
Great soap manufactories, 480
Great steel plant, 485
Great Stihvell enterprise, 459
Great trade center, 100
Green, Charles W., 641
Greenman, Sarah J., 396, 663
Grinter, Ann, 88
Grinter, Moses, 88
Growth of litigation, 292
Growth of the library, 393
Grubel, Edward J., 786
Grund Hotel. 339
Gunn, Otis B., 260
Guthrie. Mrs. Quindaro, 103
Guyer. U. S., 843
Half, John, 641
Hafner, George, 582
Haines, Dempsey S„ 849
Hale, John A., 893
lfallett a railway genius. 452
Hallett assassination. 450
Hallett. Samuel. 452
Hannibal bridge, 117
llarrod, Otho N., 588
Uartig, Frank. 748
Hartman, Henry E., 598
Haskell, William H. 580
Hauber, Frank J., 1044
Rays, Henry C, 849
Heisler, E. F., 1050
Henry. Minerva, 785
"Herald of Freedom," 424
Heroism of Elizabeth Zane. 76
Hewlett, Charles B„ 599
Hierarchy of Kansas, 375
Higgins, Richard J.. ,898
High schools. 386
Milliard, James W., 947
Hinman. Aaron P., 630
Hippie, Jacob B.. 513
Historic St. Mary's, 365
Hogin. James L.,*1035
Holcomb, Frank M., 895
"Holdup" on the trail. 469
Hollingsvvorth, Frank. 648
Holmes, Alexander. 659
Holmes. Herbert J., 809
Home Guards, 202
Home life of Kansas Indians 22
Home State Bank, 338
Honest Indian, 23
Hortsman, Christian F., 596
Horticultural statistics, 502
Hospitals and medical schools, 411
Hotels of Old Wyandotte, 339
Hotels on the levee, 116
Hough, Harry C, S78
Hovey, Ceorge U. S., 634
Hovey, John P. J., 634
How Quindaro lost out, 107
Hoxie, Mrs. Vinnie Ream, 267
Hughes, Peter D., 733
Huron cemetery, 81
Hurrelbrink, William, 649
Hutchings, Frank IX, 1038
Hutchison, John B., 938
Hynes, Michael, 930
Hyoort, Oscar, 762
Ice manufacturing companies, 486
Ill-fated Twelfth, 205
Implement factories, 482
Indian lodge, 21
Indian Manual Labor School, 48
Indian missions, old, 47
Indian regiments, 200
Indians in the Fifth Cavalry, 203
Indian springs, 319
Industrial statistics, 487
Industries, 472
Ingalls, John J., 149
International Sunshine Society, 341
Interstate National Bank, 338
Interurban railway, firBt, 337
Irving, Washington, 40
Isaac Johnnycake, 44
Isaac Zane 's Perpetual Motion Machine, 91
[senburg, August, 740
Jackson, John L., 775
lacks, Warden T., 531
Jacks, William, 532
James, A. R., 674
Jenkins, Caius, 269
Jennings, Francis H., 746
Johnnycake. Chief Charles, 44
Johnnycake, Isaac, 44
J/>hnson, August, 771
Johnson Brothers, 665
Johnson, Charles, 665
Johnson, Dave, 665
Johnson, Fred, 665
Johnson, Ola, 743
Johnson, Thomas, 47, 48
Johnston, Anthony, 999
Juliet, Louis, 3
Jones, J. Arthur, 992
Jons, Marx, 786
"Journey through Kansas," 14
Journey to the west, 402
Journey to Wyandotte, 188
"Joy Roads," 446
Judd, Byron, 256, 661
Judges, circuit court, 277
Judges, common pleas court, 277
Judges, district court, 277
Judges, probate. 277
Judges, second division district court, 277
Judges who followed Pettit, 292
Judges who played poker, 291
Kansas admitted to statehood, 157; colored regiments,
in, 207; expense of raising cor n in, 501; first Fourth
of July celebration in, 7; first glimpses of, 119; first
white child born, 13; in the rebellion, 189; made
a free state, 154; smallest county in, 15; the
"Middle Spot of North America," 182; to the
front, 236; early villages of, 20
Kansas, a dominant tribe, 19; Indian home life, 22;
Indian lodge, 21; Indians here three centuries ago,
Kansas artist, a, 266
"Kansas Catholic" 427
Kansas City, Kansas, 295; banking interests, 337; in-
corporated, 297; lost its opportunity, 180; an oil
distributing center, 484; parks and boulevards, 329;
post office, 323; stock yards, 476
Kansas City Baptist Theological Seminary, 403
Kansas City Cut Stone Company, The, 972
Kansas City, (Kansas) boys, 250
Kansas City of today, 326
Kansas City, Missouri, 108
Kansas City Savings Association, 116
Kansas City Structural Steel Company, 299
"Kansas City Times," 181
Kansas City Town Company, 296
Kansas City University. 397
"Kansas Free State." 424
Kansas Medical Society, act to incorporate, 417
Kansas merchandise landed at Quindaro, 104
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 130
Kansas Nebraska bill passed, 131
Kansas Osages at war, 25
Kansas Osages treaty of peace, 25
Kansas papers indifferent, 176
Kansas patriotism aroused, 300
"Kansas Pilot," 426
"Kansas Post," 426
"Kansas Real Estate Herald," 426
Kansas River, abandoned by Indians, 27; first steam-
boat to navigate on, 122; scene at, 10; steamboats,
Kansas Rolling Mill Company, 316
Kansas School for the Blind, 408, 409
Kansas State Bank, 338
Kansas State Editorial Association, 425
Kansas treaties, 26
Kansas Trust Bank, 338
Kansas war-time senator, 136
Kapka, Carl J., 1005
'' Katy '' System, 446
Kaufman, Frederick C, 704
Kaufman, Joseph R.. 676
Kay, William S., 538
Kelchner House, 339
Keller, John J., 753
Kelly. David C, 835
Kelly, William Jr., 826
Kennedy, (ieorge D., 960
Keplinger, Lewis W., 1014
Kern, Henry H., 488, 1014
Kerr, Hanford L., 566
Kidnappers of Lawrence, 230
Killmer, James M., 823
Kindred, Joel C, 691
Klamm Park, 330
Kline, Calvin E., 672
Knights of Pythias, 438
.'Labor Record," 429
Ladd, Walter L., 777
La Grange, Isaac, 743
Laird, Otho E., 972
Lakes and parks of Bonner Springs, 322
Lallier, Eugene, 757
Lallier, Frank, 758
Landry, Joseph L., 1042
Lane, "Jim," 136, 230
Lane, Vincent J., 505
Lapse of six years, 420
Larson, Fred, 1024
La Salle, 4
La Salle discovers mouth of Mississippi, 4
Lasley, Jonathan H., 695
Last of a great family of warriors. 35
Last of a noble race, 44
Last stand of Shawnees, 30
Last to desert Quindaro, 262
Latter Day Saints church, FSosedale, 315
Laverie, William, 643
Law enforcement in 1859, 274
Lawrence, burning of, 352
Lawrence kidnappers, 230
"Lawrence Republican," 177
"Lawrence Tribune," 124
Laws, John A., 677
Lawyers of the early days, 293
Leading chiefs of the Wyandots. 73
Leavenduskey, Valentine, 632
Leavengood, D. J., 655
Leavenworth, Colonel Henry, 12
Leavenworth convention. 143
"Leavenworth Herald," 177, 423
Lecompton Constitution, 142
'' Lecompton Democrat,'' 177
Leefrom, Joseph, 615
Leinbach, Charles N., 704
Lewis and Clark explorations, 6
Lewis, Meriwether, 6, 20
Library, boys' and girls' department. 395
Library, growth of, 393
Library staff, 396
Library, uses of, 394
"Lightfoot" built for Kansas, 124
Limestones, 493
Lind, Olander, 680
Lindberg, Heming, 971
Link, Michael, 753
Lisa, Manuel de, 11
Literary and artistic women, 267
Little Blue, battle of, 215
Little Blue, fight on the, 215
Littick, George W., 906
Live stock market, 475
Lloyd, John, 736
Locomotive, first in Kansas, 448
Longfellow, Jacob W., 865
Long, Stephen H., 9
Long tramp, a, 186
Loring, 323
Louisiana Purchase, 12
Lovelace, Charles, 955
iMvelace, Charles W., 918
Lovelace, Eldridge H., 919
Lust, Edward, 756
Luther, Belton J., 731
Lutz, Earnest J., 899
Lvons, T. J-. »43
Macadam roads in Wyandotte county. 283
Madison, congressman, tribute, 163
Maher, Daniel J., 916
Mailand, Jep H., 701
Mail, curious things in the, 467
Major Long's expedition, 9
Malolos taken. 241
Maloney, Matilda, 644
Maloney, Thomas, 644
Mank, John. 883
Manual training and industrial education, 387
Marty, Samuel C. 881
Marxen, Adam, 776
Marxen, Henry A., 770
Masonic lodge, first in Kansas. 434
Mason, Lawrence J., 1037
Mather, Doctor, 398, 399: death of, 399; gifts to the
young, 403; offer of accepted, 398
"Mather Hall," 400
Mather, Samuel F., 402
Matney, David B., 618
Matney, John R., 1007
Mayoralty election, first in Kansas City, Missouri, 112
Mayors of Argentine, 300
Mayors of Kansas City, 309
Mayors of Rosedale for thirtv-four years, 313
Maywood, 324
McClean, James A., 589
McCleery, John A., 897
MeClung, Charles L., 570
McDonald, Ernest, 752
McDonald, James M., 942
McDonald, John, 751
McFadden, John E., 616
McFarland, Robert J., 754
McGeorge, William, 686
McGrew, Governor, 260
McGrew, Henry, 872
McGrew, James, 867
McKay, Austin T., 553
McKenzie, Frank, 792
McKenzie, Robert, 793
McKeown, James F., 976
McMurray, Charles E., 980
McNarrey, John, 896
McWilliams, Charles A., 933
Meat packing companies, 480
Meat packing industry, 477
Medary, Governor, 143
Medical school and hospital, great, 316
Medical schools, 411
Medicine and surgery, 417
Meek, James M., 941
Menager Junction, 324
Mendenhall, Harry A., 855
Mercantile Club, 339
Merchant, John W., 739
Merriam, Willard, 590
Merriweather, Frederick W., 679
Meseraull, Samuel L, 534
Methodist churches burned, 346
Methodist Episcopal church, 343
Methodist Episcopal church South, 348
Methodist Mission of Shawnees, 47
Methodist Protestant church, 357
Metropolitan Hotel, 339
Metropolitan police, 308
Meyers, Albert J., 727
Meyn, Frederick, 953
Mid-continental industrial center, 472
"Middle Spot of North America" 182
Miller, A. F., 796
Miller, Charles A., 922
Miller, Henry, 969
Miller, Houston, 812
Miller, John H, 813
Miller, Orrin L., 912
Millspaugh, Harris K., G64
Milner,' John 0., 797
Mindedahl, Peter S., 671
Misenhelter, Thomas J., 1027
Mission graveyard, 49
Missions, social life about, 53
Missouri, first steamboat that ascended the, 9
Missouri Fur Company, 11
Missouri opinion of Kansas, 178
Missouri Pacific, first county grant to, 453
Modern farming, 496
Monahan, George, 688
Moncaehtape, The Interpreter, 19
Moonlight, Colonel, guarded the town, 232
Moonlight, Colonel Tom, 232
Moore, James W., 561
Moore, John M., 511
Morgan, Perl W., 1052
Morris, 323
Morris, William A., 848
Morton, Isaiah L., 663
'' Mother'' Sturges, 268
Mountains, pathway to the, 173
Mudge, Benjamin Franklin, 255
Muncie, 323
Municipal electrical plant, 329
Municipal water works, 329
Murray, James P., 549
Muster into service, 248
Myers, Thomas E., 1017
Myers, William H., 558
Naschold, John J., 950
Naschold's Steam Bakery, 950
Nason, Zachariah, 967
Natural gas, 493
"Nebraska City News," 176
Nebraska's Delegates to Wyandotte, 175
Nebraska's many capitals, 174
Nebraska, part of, wanted to be in Kansas, 174
Needles, William, 909
Negro exodus, 232
Negro regiments, 198
Nelson, Andrew, 747
Nelson, John P., 568
Neudeck, Irvin R., 997
New Bethany Hospital, 414
New city hall, 330
New era, 28
Newhall, Sarah W., 790
Newhall, Martin H, 789
New Home Hotel, 339
New movements, 459
New post office building, 334
"News," 429
New St. Mary's church, 364
Newspaper first to be published in Kansas, 423
Newspaper for the Indians, 50
Newspapers, 422
Newspapers favored annexation, 181
New Terminal railway plans, 458
Newton, Julia D., 795*
Newton, Periander C, 795
Nicholas, Harrv J., 654
Nichols, Mrs. C. I. H. 259
Night and Day State Bank, 338
Night attack, 239
Night of terror, 231
Night schools, 385
Ninth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, 195
North boundary of Kansas. 169
Northrop, Stephen A., 1001
Northrup Banking Company, 338
Northwestern Railway. 455
Notable voyage up the Kansas river, 124
Objected to the mining regions. 173 .
O'Connell, Paul J., 954
Odd Fellows, 437
Officers for twenty-eight years, 98
Official dog enumerator. 393
Official report of General Deitzler. 222
Officials of Kansas City. 309
Ohio Constitution followed, 151
Ohio Reservation of the Wyandots. 67
Oil distributing center, 484
Olander, John W., 998
Old church on Fifth street, 352
Old church reorganized. 347
Old Indian missions, 47
Old Fool Chief. 23
Old Palmer Academy. 382
Old Quindaro, 102
Old rolling mill. 316
Old steamboat days, 118
Old Wyandotte's'early days, 87
Old Wyandot family romances. 74
Oldest church organization in Kansas. 346
Oldest house in Wyandotte county. 320
Olson, Oscar M., 684
Overland trails, 441
One hundred day men. 198
Organizers of the first Masonic lodge, 435
Organization of the county, 271
"Oregon Trail," 41
Origin of name Kansas, 18
Other civic organizations, 341
Other hospitals, 416
Other industries of Ttosedale. 317
Other manufactories. 486
Other Masonic bodies, 435
Other Methodist churches, 348
Other religious organizations, 358
Other river ports out-distanced. 103
Other secret societies, 440
Other towns in Wvandotte countv, 323
Ott, Miles W.. 770
Our boys in the Philippines, 234
Our boys in the Second, 203
Outposts annoyed, 244
Outside of Kansas City, 312
Pacific lines, 443
Packing houses, 479
Painting of the Battle of the Big Blue, 220
Paradowsky, Joseph, 545
Parkman, 41
Parks and boulevards. Kansas City, 329
Parks, Captain Joseph. 36
Parochial schools, 390
Parr, James R. and others, 270
Part of Nebraska wanted to be in Kansas, 174
Pathway to the Mountains, 173
Pawnee Indians, 185
Peace relations end, 235
Pearson, Matthew E., 1013
Pennington Hotel, 339
Peoples National Bank, 338
Perkins, George A., 687
Perkins, John S„ 958
Perkins, Robert H., 959
Peters, George A., 639
Peterson, August, 711
Phelps, Frank N., 646
Philippines, our boys in, 234
Physical and geographical features, 15
Physicians, 417
Picturesque little city, 313
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 8
Pike's expedition, 7
Pike's instructions, 8
Pike's Peak region, 178
Pill Box, 417
"Pill box" and Dr. Root, 252
Pioneer missionary, 57
Pioneer for Kansas good roads, 317
Pioneer railroad telegrapher, 469
Pioneer tales of rail and trail, 460
Piper, 324
Platte the boundary, 174
Platting of Argentine. 299
Play grounds, 388
Poindexter, E. W., 926
Police commissioners, 310
Police department, 308
Police judges, 310
Polish church, 369
Political hiRtory of Wyandotte county, 271
Pollock, John C, 517'
Pollock, Thomas A., 667
Pomeroy, 325
Population of Wyandotte county, 283
Porter, James E., 516
Post office building, 332
Post office building, new, 334
Post office of Kansas City, 332
Powell Clayton's command, 209
Prairie township, 281
Prather, Van B., 519
Pratt-Journeyeake Memorial Library. 404
Pratt, Rey. John (!.. 57. 422
Preacher conductor's yarn, 466
Presbyterian church. 354
President Jefferson, 6
Press of the county, 422
Price, General, bold plan of, 214
Price, Sterling, 214
Probate judges, 277
Proclamation, governor's consolidation, 304
Prophet, 31
Prophet's death, 34
Pro-slavery party, 181
Protectors of the southern border, 210
Protestant churches of the county, 343
Public improvements, 300
Public Library, 663
Public library, city's great, 390
Puhr, Victor W.. 742
(/uaker mission, 53
Race to the coast, 444
Rail and trail, pioneer tales of, 460
Railroad building in Kansas, 441
Railroads, earliest, 449; extension of, 302; first chart-
ered, 442
Railroad shops, 481
Railroad telegrapher, pioneer, 469
Railroad terminals, Rosedalc, 316
Railroad values and trackage, 456
Railsback, T. Forest, 707
Railway yards, 457
Rainfall, annual, 16
Randall, Horace G., 961
Ran out of provisions, 185
Reader, S. J., painting by, 220
Ready-made houses, 97
Real estate boom, 110
Rebel Yell, 219
Record of Kansas regiments, 200
Reader, Governor, came and went, 121
Reeder, Governor, welcome to, 132
Refused to include a part of Nebraska, 154
Registers of deeds, 277
Reminiscences of Father Kuhls, 373
Removal of the bishop's residence, 373
Reminiscences of the early days, 84
Re organization of Kansas City Medical Society, 420
Representatives, 275
Republican "Whips," Ingalls and Simpson, 149
Residents in 1855-6, 90
Resolutions to Congress, 152
Return to peace, 116
Rice, William J., 510
Richart, Mrs. Sarah A., 390
Rieke, Charles, 982
Riley, James T., 1022
Riverview State Bank, 338
Roberts, William Y., 268
Robinson, Governor Charles. 135, 254
Robinson, Sarah T. D„ 51
Rock Island Railroad, 455
Rohrbach, Frank C, 772
Roll of the convention, 148
Romances and folk lore of the Wyandots, 62
Romances of old Wyandot families, 74
Root, Dr. Joseph P", 252, 417
Roscdale, an independent city, 312; churches. 314;
schools, 314; secret societies, 315; first start, 313:
mayors for thirty-four years, 313
Rosedale State Bank." 338
Rose, Jacob, 794
Rose, Louis IT., 945
Rose, William W., 878
Ross, Edward P., 535
Rush of population, 94
Rush of white settlers in 1854, 295
Rushton, George. 921
Russell. Roy R., 793
St. Anthony 's church, 367
St. Margaret's Hospital, 411, 412
St. Paul Hotel. 339
St. Peter's high school, 372
St. Thomas church, 366
Santa Fe system, 445; building of, 454
Sauer, Anthony P., 574
Sayers, Ray, 775
Scanlan, John, 624
Scenes of rare beauty, 14
Schaible, John L., 556
Scheldt, Jacob, 815
Scheller, Charles W., 983
Schenck. Eugene A., 781
Schleifer, Fred, 1025
School districts organized, 389
School officers, 384
School statistics, 389
School yards, 388
Schools^ 380; books in the. 394; high, 386; medical, 411;
night, 385; parochial, 390
Schools, Bonner Springs, 322
Schools, Rosedale, 314
Schools, Wyandotte county, 388
Schubert, Carl, 830
Schuetz, William E., 710
Scottish Rite Masons, 435
Scottish Rite Temple, 436, 437
Scott, Larmon E., 609
Scroggs, Margaret E., 957
Scroggs, John B., 956
Second and third districts, 286
Second division district court judges, 277
Second Kansas Volunteer Battery, 199
Second Regiment Kansas Volunteer Infantry, 203
Second ward, 307
Secret and benevolent societies, 434
Secret societies of Rosedale, 315
Seifert, Joseph, 948
Seminaries, 397
Senators and representatives, 275
Seutter map of Louisiana, 5
Seutter, Matthew, 4
Seven departments. "The Kansas Citv University,"
Seventeen davs in a snow bank, 467
Seward, Atwell C, 548
Seward, Nancy L., 549
Shannon, Governor, to the frontier, 137
Sharp, Benjamin T., 932
Sharp, Judge Isaac B., 261
Shawnee Baptist mission, 50, 422
Shawnee Light or Sun, 50, 422
Shawnee Methodist Mission, 47
Shawnee prophet, 31
Shawnee Quaker mission, 52
Shawnee township, 282
Shawnoes clung to old customs, 37; coming to Kansas,
31; farewell to Kansas, 38; first emigrants, 29;
last stand, 30; wars and wanderings of. 29
Shawneetown, 372
Sheaff, John M., 604
Shepherd, Orrin W., 1034
Sheriffs, 276
Shore, Joseph L., 814
'' Short Grass'' country cut off, 172
Shively, Delbert M., 525
Sillier," Charles J., 937
"Silence and no questions asked," 228
Silvey, James M., 737
Simmons, Ave, 761
Siinms, Charles H., 821
Simpson, Benjamin F.. 149, 179
Simpson, Samuel X., 836
Simpson, William A., 910
Sims, John T., 506
Sisters of St. Francis, 411
Site for a church, 363
Site of Kansas City, 70
Situation before battle of the Blue, 216
Sixteenth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, 206
Sixteenth Volunteer Cavalry, 198
Sixteenth 's roll of honor, 206
Sixth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, 203
Sixth ward, 307
Skirmish march, 240
Slavery, closed the door to, 154
Sloan,"Joseph H., 1023
Slow trains in the sixties, 465
Smallest county in Kansas, 15
Smallev, James L., 637
Smith,"Daniel M., 656
Smith. George C, 864
Smith, Hugh J., 975
Smith, Walter D., 1052
Smith, William II., 763
Smith, William S., 649
Smyth, John E., 717
Snell, William D., 907
Snyder, Kimble P., 850
Snyder, Samuel H., 655
Soap manufactories, great, 480
Social life about the missions, 53
Societies, benevolent and secret. 434
Societies, Emigrant Aid, 140
Soil, types of, 490
Soldiers attended prayer meeting, 350
Soldiers guarded a steamboat captain, 233
Some of the men of the old "K. P.," 463
Some valuable freight, 229
Sonntag, Carl H., 952
Southern Boundary line of Kansas, 169
Southwick, Albert, 550
Southwick, Susan P., 552
Speck, Frederick, 258, 857
Speck, Joseph, 257. 857
Speckled Eye, 24
Speech of John H. Atwood, 165
Speech of Stephen A. Douglas, 170
Splitlog, Mathias, 72
"Splitlog's Hill," 72
Stark, John A., 863
State geologist Mudge, 255
State line depot, 465
State line, surveying a, 184
State mass meeting, 301
State organization, 418
Statistics, horticultural, 502
Statistics, school, 389
Statistics of Wyandotte county, 283
Steamboat captain guarded by soldiers, 233
Steamboat days, old, 118
Steamboat trail trade, 114
Steamboats of Kansas river, 126
Steamboats that went down, 126
Steel plant, great, 485
Sterrett, Rev. Alexander, 268
Stevens, C. B., 690
Stilwell enterprise, great, 459
Stine, Benjamin L., 882
Stockton. Cora M., 267
Stockhoff, G. Herman, 521
Stockhoff, Henry, 579
Stories of war-time days, 230
Story hour, 395
Storv of two bishops, 374
Stotler, Joseph J., 1036
Stover, Harvey L., 660
Street commissioners, 310
Street railway facilities, 335
Strohmyer, John J., 611
Struggle for civil government, 129
Stubbs, Governor on "Kansas," 161
Sturges, "Mother," 268
Studt, Charles F., 683
Studt, John H., 594
Sturtz, Adam L., 730
Sunflower State, 14
"Sunny Kansas," 162
Supreme judges, 286
Superintendents of public instruction, 277
Surveyors, county, 277
Surveving a state line, 184
Sutherland, Thomas W., 537
Sutton, William B., 621
Swope, Thomas Hunton, 269
Synopsis of reports of Kansas regiments, 200
Tabler, Charles M.. 805
Taggart. Joseph, 628
Talbott. Ingram J.. 692
Tanner, William C., 799
Tavlor, Charles S., 703
Taylor, John C.. 543
Taylor, Richard Baxter. 425
Teaching the negroes trades, 406
Tecnmseh, 30; death of, 30
Temperature, 16
Tenth Kansas Veteran Regiment, 196
Theden, Herman, 825
"The Great American Desert," 12
Then came the Civil war, 419
Theno. Mathias A., 620
Thomas, Talutha N\, 265
Thomas. William B., 668
Thompson. Charles E., 1011
Thompson, John A., 847
Thornhill, Arthur. 734
Thoroughness in the courses, 408
Those who joined the Sixth, 203
Threatened by Pawnee Indians. 185
Three judicial districts, 285
Three makers of Kansas history. 136
Three Wyandotte founders, 258
Third Kansas Batterv. 200
Third ward. 307
Thirteenth Kansas Infantrv. 197
Tiblow, 320
Tiblow ferrv, 320
Tiblow, Henry. 320
Timmerman, William. 891
To become a great university, 401
Topeka battery's loss, 221
Topeka Constitution, 138
"Topeka Tribune," 177
Total volunteers for Wyandotte county, 202
Town of real live men, 104
Town of Wyandotte, 362
Town organization, 92
Townships, 281
Township organization, 281
Townsite boomers, 92
Trails of the explorers, 1
Trant, James, 854
Traveling post office, 113
Travels of Moneachtape, 19
Treasurers, city, 309
Treasurers, county, 277
Treaty of 1866, 46
Treesand native flora, 490
Tremblv and White in swimming, 243
Trembly, William B., 243
Trower, Oliver B., 988
True, Lewis C., 508
Turner, 323
Turner, R. L., 736
Twelfth Cavalry's manv battles, 211
Twelfth Infantry, 197
Twelfth Regiment Volunteer Cavalry, 205
Twentieth Kansas Volunteers, 248
Twist.'john R., 788
Twist, William S., 852
"Underground" and war stories, 227
'' Underground Railroad,'' 227
Union Volunteers from Kansas. 189
United Zinc & Chemical Company, 485
Veale, Colonel G. W., 261
Wale, Colonel, heroic stand of, 218
Vegetable gardening, 499
Venard, Edward E., 714
Vermillion Sea, 3
Visit to the missions, 51
Wahlin, Anders L., 741
Waiting for an attack by Indians, 461
Wakarusa war, 139
Walker, Governor Robert J., 142
Wallula, 324
Walsh. Dennis, 769
Ward boundaries established, 306
Ward Hall and Industrial building, 407
Wards, 306
War stories, 227
Wars and wanderings of Shawnees, 29
Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal church, 346
Waters, James D., 868
Watson, Joseph F., 651
Webb, William H, 681
"Weekly Press," 428
"Weekly Spy," 427
"Weekly Sun," 428
Weir, Colonel, men, 204
Welcome to Governor Reeder, 132
Wells, Charles K., 514
West, John W., 950
West, Owen M., 612
"Western Argus," 424
Western boundary, debate on, 171
Western Terra Cotta Company, The, 891
Western University and Industrial School, 405
Wcstport a great trade center, 109
Westport Landing, 110
What killed old Quindaro, 106
When Cholera struck Kansas City, Missouri, 112
When Colorado was a part of Kansas, 170
When Kansas City was born, 110
When the Methodists were divided, 344
When the news of statehood readied Kansas, 157
When the old church hell rang, 351
When the townsite boomers came. 92
When the white settlers came, 88
When the Yankee Free State men came, 120
When Wyandotte became a city, 96
Whence came the name Kansas, 18
Where the Legislature met, 48
Where their spirit originated, 239
White church, 324
White. Edward, 243
White, George H., 1030
White, William Allen, on "The Old Insurgents," 164
Whitlock, Edna E., 889
Whitlock, John W., 889
Wiegers. August, 1043
Wiehe, (ius F., 554
Wilcoxen, Melinda, -14
Wiles, James P., 790
Wilkinson, Hugh, 584
Williams, Ernest D., 1029
Wilson's Creek, battle of, 190
Wilt, Anderson S., 592
Winship, William L., 892
Winters. William H., 1019
Wocstemever, Henrv F., 617
Wolcott, 324
Wolcott. Mary H. S., 267
Woman founder of library, 390
Woman's influence in the convention, 155
Wonderful map of Father Hennepin, 4
Wood, DeWitt C., 989
Wood, Watson F., 1006
Wood, William L., 844
Woodcock, Grant A., 699
Working in a blizzard, 187
Would make the Platte the boundary, 174
Wrav, Thomas W., 960
Willi, Henry F., 601
Wyandotte, the name, 1
"Wyandotte City Register," 424
Wyandotte Constitution, 146
Wyandotte convention, 146
Wyandotte convention cut off Colorado, 171
Wyandotte County Women's Club, 259
Wyandotte County Women's Columbian Club, 259
Wyandotte district court, first session, 287
"Wyandotte Democrat." 427
"Wyandotte Gazette." 84, 424
"Wyandotte Herald," 427
Wyandotte Hotel, 339
Wyandotte Medical Society, 421
Wyandotte township, 281
Wyandotte Wagon and Carriage Works, 555
Yankee Free State men, 120
Young. Arch A., 593
Young Tom Ewing's regiment, 196
Young Women's Christian Association, 342
Yunghans, Oscar, 783
Zane, Elizabeth, 76
Zane. Isaac, 91
Zugg, Clarence L., 577
Read more: http://ancestorexplorer.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=wyandottecountykansas&action=display&thread=278#ixzz1Slxpd6Bt
Agers, Laura G., 792
Agers, Moses, 792
Agreement between the Wyandots and Delaware*, 69
Agriculture and horticulture, 488
Ainsworth, Elizabeth L., 685
Ainsworth, John M., 685
Akesson, Ola, 738
Alden, Frank R., 845
Alden, Henry L., 652
Algire, Russell A., 694
Allen, Edward, 705
Allen, Henry J., eloquence of, 162
'' American Citizen,'' 427
American Foreign Missionary Society, 50
American Fur Company, 11
Ancient Order of United Workmen, 438
Ancient Quivira, Bonner Springs, 318
Ancient Wyandot nation, 59
Anderson, Charles A., 573
Anderson, Emmett F., 940
Anderson, Gustaf A., 787
Anderson, John E., 767
Anderson, Nels A., 929
Anderson, Otto, 903
Anderson, William W., 822
Annexation of Argentine, 308
Annual output of first mart of trade in Kansas, 11
Annual rainfall, 16
Antoine, Louis, 993
Approach of war, 234
Area of Wyandotte county, 15
Argentine mayors, 300
"Argentine Republic" 428
Argentine State Bank, 338
Arkansas Indians, 4
Armourdale got a start, 298
Armourdale State Bank, 338
Armstrong, Lucy B., 84
Armstrong, Russell Biglow, 426
Arnold, Henry J., 935
Arrival of Father Kuhls, 362
As a pastor's wife told it, 350
Assassination of Hallett, 450
Assessed valuation of taxable property, 16
Assessed value of property subject to taxation, 283
Assessors, city, 310
Atchison ten years in building, 442
Atkinson, William T., 709
Attorneys, city, 309
Attorneys, county, 276
At wood," John H., speech of, 165
Babcock, Luke, 670
Back to Manila, 245
Badger, Lewis M., 721
Bailey, James M., 530
Baird, Justus N., 901
Baker, John J., 587
Baking companies, 486
Ball, William, 702
Baltz, Taul C, 891
Banking interests of Kaunas City, 337
Hanking Trust, 338
Banks, Kansas City, 337
Banning, William R., 640
Baptist church, 356
Baptist churches, Rosedale, 315
'' Baptist Mission Press,'' 50
Baptist Temple, 356
I tar, early members of, 290
Barben, Gus, 729
Barclay, William, 1020
Barker, Albert A., 800
Barker, James T., 800
Barker, Thomas J., 984
Barnett, Benjamin M., 803
Barnev, Louie F., 539
Bartle'tt, Frank W., 712
Battle between the "Pottawatomie'' and the "Wyan-
dotte," 470
Battle of Little Blue, 215, 220
Battle of the Big Blue, 221
Battle of the Blue, 213
. Battles of colored regiments, 207
Battle of Wilson's Creek, 190
Bauer, Alfred, 954
Baum, Jacob, 773
Beagle, Dode V., 1021
Beattie, Samuel, 927
Becker, Albert L., 631 •
Beddow, James H., 675
'' Bee,'' 429
Beggs, William, 813
Beginning of a new era, 28
Beginning of flour milling, 473
Beginning of road building, 274
Bellamy, Gervas, 658
Bell, Dr. Simeon B., 317
Bell, Simeon B., 883
Belter, Hermann, 552
Bemarkt, George, 861
Bench and bar, 284
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, 439
Benevolent societies, 434
Ben Simpson's defense of the boundaries, 179
Benton, Arthur S., 811
Benton's famous prophecy, 113
Benton's prophecy verified, 117
Benton, Thomas H., 113
Berger, Albert L., 854
Bethany Hospital, 413
Bethel, 324
Bet ton, Frank H., 264
Big town lot sale, 93
Biscomb, William H., 678
Bishop Fink, 376
Iljorkrnaii, John F., 536
Blanz, Jacob, 814
"Blind Isaac," 91
Blomquist, Charles, 928
Blomquist, John, 798
"Blue Goose" saloon, its
Blue Jacket, 31
Blum, Edward F., 925
Boats were operated for the railroads, 127
'' Bogus '' Laws, 135
"Bolting" Convention, 131
Bonner Springs, 11; churches, 322; first rural mail de-
livery, 322; lakes and parks, 322; organized, 320;
schools, 322; the Ancient Quivira, 318
"Bonner Springs Chieftain," 429
Bonner Springs Sanitarium. 849
Books in the schools, 394
Boone, Daniel Morgan, 108
Border ruffians at work, 188
Border, southern, protectors of the, 210
Boundaries, Ben Simpson's defense of, 179
Moundaries of Kansas, 167
Boundary amendment, 175
Boundary line fight, 167
Boundary of Wyandotte count}-, 16
Boys' and girls' department, library, 39."
Bovs who gave up their lives, 245
Brandt, Frank F., 886
Bridges in Wyandotte county, 283
Bristow's, Senator, address, 160
Brokaw, Charles L., 623
Brown, John, 228, 230
Brown, Kate K., 545
Brown, Oscar, 545
Brown, Robert L., 808
Browne. Kenneth L. . 833
firugh, Andrew T., 638
Brus, Jules C., 996
Buckland, David, 725
Budy, John, 986
Buffalo stampede, 460
Bugbee, George E., 832
Building the Santa Fe, 454
fiunn, Asa M., 527
Bunyar, Edward, 979
Bunyar, Emily, 979
Burgar, John J., 749
Burial place of the Wyandots, 81
Hurkard, George, 521
Burnett, William E., 766
Burning of Lawrence, 352
Butler, Joseph A., 567
Byrom's ford, 217
Cabin of Tiblow, 320
Cable, Ebert S., 834
Cable, James A., 902
Cadden, John H., 755
California fast mail, 468
Call for a state mass meeting, 301
Call for volunteers. 235
Calumpit, next stop, 241
Cameron, Thomas F., 969
Campaign continues, 243
Camp in San Francisco, 237
Candidates for territorial delegate, 133
Caples, John, 723
Captain Pipe, 77
Career of Mark Delaliay, 429
Carlisle, Jay L., 846
Carlson, John A., 562
Carnegie Library, 391
Carno House, 339
Carr, John, 978
Carter, Lee O., 923
Cassidv, John J., 973
Catfish Hotel, 89, 339
Catholic churches and institutions, 361
Catholic church. Rosedalc. 315
Catholic convents, 372
Catholic school, 363
Catley, James W., 608
Cavalrv regiment, famous, 191
Celebrated Springs, 319
Cement industry. 483
Census figures for Kansas City. 327
Centennial display, 496
Central Avenue State Bank, 338
Central high school, 381
Cereals, 496
Charitable and Christian organizations. 341
Charles Blue Jacket. 31. 35
Chicago Great Western Railroad, 455
Chief Ketchum's death, 44
Chiefs of fire department, 309
Chiefs of police, 310
Chief who was a warrior, 24
Children's Home. 341
Childs, Wesley R.. 828
Cholera, 112
Chouteau, August, 11, 319
Chouteau Brothers, 41
Chouteau Family, 11
Chouteau, Pierre, 11. 319
Christian church. 357
Christian Science organizations, 358; schools, cost of.
Christy, James M., 542
Chroni'ster, Bert, 931
Churches, Bonner Springs, 322
Churches, Rosedale, 314
Church of war time days, a, 349
Circuit court clerks. 277
Circuit court judges. 277
'' Citizen '' 424
Citizens State SavingH Bank. 338
City assessors, 310
Citv attorneys, 309
City clerks, 309
City counsellors, 309
City engineers, 309
City Hall in Kansas City, 331
Citv organized, Bonnor Springs, 321
City Park. 330
City school history. 382
City treasurers, 309
City's forty school buildings, 384
City's great public library. 390
Civic organizations, 341
Civil government, struggle for, 129
Civil war brought ruin, 115
Civilization's advance agents, 41
Clafiin, Oliver Q. . 644
Clarke, Samuel, 1016
Clark, Philo M., 874
Clark, William, 6
Clarkson, Colonel, captured, 211
Clasen, Samuel, 873
Clayton PoweB. command of, 209
Clerks, circuit court, 277
Clerks, city, 309
Clerks, common pleas court, 277
Clerks, county, 277
Clerks, district court, 277
Clopper, David E., 611
Closed the door to slavery, 154
Clotfelter, A. Lloyd, 576 *
Clovers, 498
Club women took the lead, 392
Cobb, Colonel, logical address, 302
Coffey, Christopher F., 633
Coleman, James B., 576
Colonel Moonlight guarded the town, 232
Colonel Veale's heroic stand, 218
Colouel Weir's men, 204
Colorado in the Wyandotte district, 285
Colorado was part of Kansas, 170
Colored Methodist churches, Rosedale. 315
Coming of Wyandots to Kansas. 60
Commercial National Bank, 338
Commercial State Bank, Rosedale, 338
Commissioner districts established, 280
Commission form of government, 310
Commissioners of election, 310
Commissioners, police, 310
Commissioners, street, 310
Common pleas court clerks, 277
Common pleas court judges, 277
Congregational church, 349
Congregational church, Rosedale, 315
Congressman Madison's tribute, 163
Congress slow to act, 156
Connelley, William Elsey, 62
"Conservative" 157
Consolidated Kansas City Refining Company, 299
Consolidation of Kansas regiments, 195
Constitution approved by the people, 156
Convention did right, 180
Convention of young men, 148
Convention roll, 148
Cooke, George H., 949
Cook, Wylie W., 581
Cooperage and box factories, 481
Cooper, judge Jesse, 264
Cornell, Dudley E., 857
Cornerstone laying, 400
Coronado, 182
Coroners, 277
Correspondents of long ago, 423
Cost of the schools, 383
Cotton industry, 482
Counsellors, city, 309
County attorneys, 276
County clerks, 277
County farm and crop statistics, 500
County machinery in motion, 273
County officers in fifty-two years, 276
County, organization of, 271
County seat at Wyandotte, 278
County superintendents of public instruction, 277
County surveyors, 277
County treasurers, 277
County's war record, 201
Courses of Kansas City Baptist Theological Seminary,
Court house blown down, 291
Court house, first, 279
Court house. Wyandotte county, 278
Courts under statehood, 286
Coy, William A., 963
Craft, Carlis C., 569
Crawford, William E., 583
Creative Act, 272
Croatian church, 369
Crockett, J. D. M.. 914
Crooks, Captain Thomas. 264
Crooks, Julia F., 548
Crooks, Thomas, 546
Crop conditions, 489
Crossing at Byrom's ford, 217
Crossley, George W., 728
Cruise, John D., 469
Cubbison, James K., 559
Cunningham, Rev. J., 378
Curious things in the mail. 467
Curran, Robert, 627
Cut off the "Short Grass" country, 172
Dague, A. B. C, 856
"Daily Evening Globe" 427
Dana, J. W.. 1048
Daniels, William H., 732
Darbv, Harry. 966
Darn'all, Charles D.. 831
Dash for Kansas, 217
Davis, Colonel A. C, 261
Davis, Jefferson A., 807
Davis, William D., 541
Day on the firing lines, 238
Dean, Henry E., 597
Death of Chief Ketchum, 44
Death of Tecumseh, 30
Death of the founder, 399
Debate on the western boundary, 171
DeBover, Camiel, 994
Debus, George, 817
Debus, John, 594
Debus, William F., 989
Defeat of the plan, 176
Deitz, James N., 524
Deitzler, General, 222
Delahay, Judge Mark W., 424, 429
Delaware Baptist mission, 57
Delaware chiefs, 43
Delaware Methodist mission, 55
Delaware township, 281
Delawares, 39
Delawares as Irving saw them, 40
Delawares not given to fighting only, 43
Delawares treaty, 46
Delawares visited by Parkman, 41
Delawares wars on Pawnees, 39
Delights of pioneer travel by steamboat, 121
Democratic members refuse to sign, 155
Depredations of the Kansas, 25
Descendant of the Puritans, 402
Description of Indian village, 21
"Die Fackel," (The Torch) 426
Discovery of natural gas, 321
District court clerks, 277
District court judges, 277, 293
Doctor Mather's offer accepted, 398
Doctors Speck, 257
Dogs bought the books, 392
Dougherty, James G., 265
Douglas, Stephen A., speech of, 179
Drake, Joseph F., 523
Dramshop cases, 289
Draper, Everett D., 722
Drennon, Edward, 627
Drought, Edward S. W., 718
Drought of 1860, 351
Dudley, John, 778
Duffels, Bernard, 816
Dunlap, Doniphan, 820
Eager, John L. B., 888
Earliest railroads, 449
Early day court scene, 288
Early day paymaster, 464
Early farm methods, 493
Early French and Spanish explorers, 2
Early history of Wyandot nation, 60
Early Kansas politics, 106
Early Kansas villages, 20
Early members of the bar, 290
Early time characters, 252
East boundary of Kansas, 168
Educational interests, 380
Edwards, Ninian, 27
Edwardsville, 323
Edwardsville State Bank, 338
Effect of school training, 407
Egan, Lewis M., 528
Eicholtz, Edward J., 670
Eighth Infantry, 193
Einhellig, William E., 819
Eldridge House, 339
Eleanor Taylor Bell Memorial Hospital, 316, 415
Election commissioners, 310
Elections before statehood came, 144
Eleventh Kansas Infantry, 196 ,
Elliott, Samuel J., 995
Ellis. Flovd C., 808
Ellis, Frank S., 904
Ely, Louis L., 981
Embry, Earnest H., 797
Emigrant Aid societies, 1 40
"Emma Harmon's'' famous first trip, 123
End to steamboating, 128
Engineers, city, 309
Enright, Edward A., 1015
Enright, Timothy J., 936
Ensley, Charles C.. 606
Episcopal church, 353
Era of improvement. 327
Era of railroad building, 456
Erhardt, Philip, 1033
Espenlaub, Gottlieb F., 657
Every mail clerk a politician, 466
Ewing's, Young Tom. regiment, 196
Exchange State Bank, 338
Excitement in Wyandotte, 451
Execution in Wyandotte, an, 284
Exodus, negro, 232
Expense of raising corn in Kansas. 501
Explorations of Lewis and Clark, 6
Explorers, early French and Spanish, 2
Explorers, trails of the, 1
Extensive railway yards, 457
Eyes of a nation on Shawnee mission, 134
Falconer, John C., 804
Falk, Henry, 682
Families in Kansas City, Missouri, ninety years ago,
Famous cavalry regiment, 191
Famous "four houses" 319
Famous Kansas Indian orator, 24
Famous Muncie holdup, 466
Famous old hall, 95
Farm and crop statistics for the county, 500
Farmers State Bank, Bonner Springs, 338
Farm methods, early, 493
Farm truck, 499
Farrow Tiera, 965
Father Hennepin's wonderful map, 4
Father Kuhls' personality, 378
Father Kuhls silver jubilee, 364
Father Marquette, 2, 19
Faust, John W., 698
Fennel), James, 835
Ferguson, Roscoe W., 890
Ferguson, Winfield S., 575
Fidelity State Bank, 338
Field, forage and silo plants, 498
Fifth Kansas Cavalry, 193
Fifth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, 203
Fifth street, old church on, 353
Fifth ward, 307
Fifty years under the Constitution, 160
Fighting Cavalry, 206
Fighting in the Ozarks, 208
Flighting to the death, 220
Fight on the Little Blue, 215
Figures show substantial growth, 327
Financial strength, 337
Fink, Bishop, 376
Fink, Samuel F., 784
First annual meeting of Kansas Medical Society, 419
First commercial center, 318
lurst county grant to the Missouri Pacific, 453
First court house, 279
First election, 130
First election of county officers, 273
First execution in Wyandotte, 284
First Fourth of July celebration in Kansas, 7
First glimpses of Kansas, 119
First governor of Kansas, 135
First industrial movements, 295
First Infantry Regiment, 190
First intcrurban railway, 337
First invasion, 134
First jurors drawn, 274
First Kansas Masonic lodge, 434
First Kansas Volunteer Battery, 199
First land agent, 256
First locomotive in Kansas, 448
First marriage in Wyandotte county, 74
First mart of trade in Kansas, annual output, 11
First mayoralty election in Kansas City, Missouri, 1
First mention of the Prophet, 33
First Methodist Episeopul church, Rosedale, 314
First Methodists in Wyandotte, 344
First National Bank. Bonner Springs, 338
First newspaper, 423
First newspaper in Kansas. 50
First officers of consolidated city, 306
First permanent white settler in Wyandotte, 88
First public improvements, 115
First public school, 381
First railroad started from Wyandotte, 448
First railroads chartered, 442
First real battle in Philippines, 239
First Regiment Kansas Volunteer Infantry, 202
First regular municipal election, 308
First rural mail delivery, Bonner Springs, 322
First session of Wyandotte district court, 287
First smell of powder, 238
First State Bank, Argentine, 338
First steamboat that ascended the Missouri, 9
First steamboat to navigate the Kansas river, 125
First taxes levied, 279
First ward, 306
First white child born in Kansas, 13
Fisette, Rush L., 1009
Fleming, Pettis, 806
Flood of 1903. 327
Flour milling, beginning of, 473
Folk lore of the Wyandots, 62
Forbidding looking" place, 96
Forsberg, Gustoff, 664
Fort Henry, 76
Fort Osage, 9, 11
Fort Riley, 14
Fort Sumter, 189
Foundries and machine shops, 481
Four broad avenues, 95
''Four Houses," 11, 319
Fourteenth Infantry, 197
Fourth ward, 307
Fraternal Order of Eagles, 439
Freedman University, 405
Free Masons, 43
Free State boomers started Quindaro, 102
Free Soilers, 176
Fremont expeditions, 13
Fremont, John C, 13
Frenchmen, first merchants, 10
Friedman, David, 774
Friend of the Indians, 426
Frisbie, L. G., 602
"Frisco" built, 447
Fromholtz, Adam, 522
Frugality and chief aim, 406
Frye. William E.. 586
Fulcher, Benjamin W., 619
Fulton, James A., 876
Fur traders, 11
Future possibilities of Kansas City, 4S7
Oalvin, James. 605
Gnrleck. William B.. 563
Oaulke. Gustav, 716
"Gazette's" founder, 425
"Gazette Globe," 84. 426
Geary. Governor, on the scene. 141
General Deitzler's official report 222
Cerlecz. James, 555
Gerner. George, 626
Glasscock. Samuel S.. 759
"Globe," 426
Goebel, Peter W., 801
Honser. Karl, 735
Oosling, Lake, 7
Gottesburen. Henry L.. 747
Government by commission, 310
Governor's consolidation proclamation, 304
Governor Geary on the scene. 141
Governor Medary, 143
Governor of Kansas, first. 135
Governor orders an election, 132
Governor Reeder came and went. 121
Governor Robert J. Walker, 142
Governor Shannon to the frontier, 137
Governor Stubbs on "Kansas," 161
Grafke, Henry 0.. 990
Grain elevators. 475
Grand Army of the Republic. 439
Grand View Sanitarium. 759
Granger lines, 443
Grasses, 497
Grasshoppers, 495
Gray, Alfred, 253
Gray, George M.. 330. 1012
Gray, Homer B., 973
Gray, Mary Tennev. 262
Great Battle of the Blue. 213
Great civic demonstration, 301
Great medical school and hospital. 316
Great railway shops and terminals. 457
Great smelter, a, 299
Great soap manufactories, 480
Great steel plant, 485
Great Stihvell enterprise, 459
Great trade center, 100
Green, Charles W., 641
Greenman, Sarah J., 396, 663
Grinter, Ann, 88
Grinter, Moses, 88
Growth of litigation, 292
Growth of the library, 393
Grubel, Edward J., 786
Grund Hotel. 339
Gunn, Otis B., 260
Guthrie. Mrs. Quindaro, 103
Guyer. U. S., 843
Half, John, 641
Hafner, George, 582
Haines, Dempsey S„ 849
Hale, John A., 893
lfallett a railway genius. 452
Hallett assassination. 450
Hallett. Samuel. 452
Hannibal bridge, 117
llarrod, Otho N., 588
Uartig, Frank. 748
Hartman, Henry E., 598
Haskell, William H. 580
Hauber, Frank J., 1044
Rays, Henry C, 849
Heisler, E. F., 1050
Henry. Minerva, 785
"Herald of Freedom," 424
Heroism of Elizabeth Zane. 76
Hewlett, Charles B„ 599
Hierarchy of Kansas, 375
Higgins, Richard J.. ,898
High schools. 386
Milliard, James W., 947
Hinman. Aaron P., 630
Hippie, Jacob B.. 513
Historic St. Mary's, 365
Hogin. James L.,*1035
Holcomb, Frank M., 895
"Holdup" on the trail. 469
Hollingsvvorth, Frank. 648
Holmes, Alexander. 659
Holmes. Herbert J., 809
Home Guards, 202
Home life of Kansas Indians 22
Home State Bank, 338
Honest Indian, 23
Hortsman, Christian F., 596
Horticultural statistics, 502
Hospitals and medical schools, 411
Hotels of Old Wyandotte, 339
Hotels on the levee, 116
Hough, Harry C, S78
Hovey, Ceorge U. S., 634
Hovey, John P. J., 634
How Quindaro lost out, 107
Hoxie, Mrs. Vinnie Ream, 267
Hughes, Peter D., 733
Huron cemetery, 81
Hurrelbrink, William, 649
Hutchings, Frank IX, 1038
Hutchison, John B., 938
Hynes, Michael, 930
Hyoort, Oscar, 762
Ice manufacturing companies, 486
Ill-fated Twelfth, 205
Implement factories, 482
Indian lodge, 21
Indian Manual Labor School, 48
Indian missions, old, 47
Indian regiments, 200
Indians in the Fifth Cavalry, 203
Indian springs, 319
Industrial statistics, 487
Industries, 472
Ingalls, John J., 149
International Sunshine Society, 341
Interstate National Bank, 338
Interurban railway, firBt, 337
Irving, Washington, 40
Isaac Johnnycake, 44
Isaac Zane 's Perpetual Motion Machine, 91
[senburg, August, 740
Jackson, John L., 775
lacks, Warden T., 531
Jacks, William, 532
James, A. R., 674
Jenkins, Caius, 269
Jennings, Francis H., 746
Johnnycake. Chief Charles, 44
Johnnycake, Isaac, 44
J/>hnson, August, 771
Johnson Brothers, 665
Johnson, Charles, 665
Johnson, Dave, 665
Johnson, Fred, 665
Johnson, Ola, 743
Johnson, Thomas, 47, 48
Johnston, Anthony, 999
Juliet, Louis, 3
Jones, J. Arthur, 992
Jons, Marx, 786
"Journey through Kansas," 14
Journey to the west, 402
Journey to Wyandotte, 188
"Joy Roads," 446
Judd, Byron, 256, 661
Judges, circuit court, 277
Judges, common pleas court, 277
Judges, district court, 277
Judges, probate. 277
Judges, second division district court, 277
Judges who followed Pettit, 292
Judges who played poker, 291
Kansas admitted to statehood, 157; colored regiments,
in, 207; expense of raising cor n in, 501; first Fourth
of July celebration in, 7; first glimpses of, 119; first
white child born, 13; in the rebellion, 189; made
a free state, 154; smallest county in, 15; the
"Middle Spot of North America," 182; to the
front, 236; early villages of, 20
Kansas, a dominant tribe, 19; Indian home life, 22;
Indian lodge, 21; Indians here three centuries ago,
Kansas artist, a, 266
"Kansas Catholic" 427
Kansas City, Kansas, 295; banking interests, 337; in-
corporated, 297; lost its opportunity, 180; an oil
distributing center, 484; parks and boulevards, 329;
post office, 323; stock yards, 476
Kansas City Baptist Theological Seminary, 403
Kansas City Cut Stone Company, The, 972
Kansas City, (Kansas) boys, 250
Kansas City of today, 326
Kansas City, Missouri, 108
Kansas City Savings Association, 116
Kansas City Structural Steel Company, 299
"Kansas City Times," 181
Kansas City Town Company, 296
Kansas City University. 397
"Kansas Free State." 424
Kansas Medical Society, act to incorporate, 417
Kansas merchandise landed at Quindaro, 104
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 130
Kansas Nebraska bill passed, 131
Kansas Osages at war, 25
Kansas Osages treaty of peace, 25
Kansas papers indifferent, 176
Kansas patriotism aroused, 300
"Kansas Pilot," 426
"Kansas Post," 426
"Kansas Real Estate Herald," 426
Kansas River, abandoned by Indians, 27; first steam-
boat to navigate on, 122; scene at, 10; steamboats,
Kansas Rolling Mill Company, 316
Kansas School for the Blind, 408, 409
Kansas State Bank, 338
Kansas State Editorial Association, 425
Kansas treaties, 26
Kansas Trust Bank, 338
Kansas war-time senator, 136
Kapka, Carl J., 1005
'' Katy '' System, 446
Kaufman, Frederick C, 704
Kaufman, Joseph R.. 676
Kay, William S., 538
Kelchner House, 339
Keller, John J., 753
Kelly. David C, 835
Kelly, William Jr., 826
Kennedy, (ieorge D., 960
Keplinger, Lewis W., 1014
Kern, Henry H., 488, 1014
Kerr, Hanford L., 566
Kidnappers of Lawrence, 230
Killmer, James M., 823
Kindred, Joel C, 691
Klamm Park, 330
Kline, Calvin E., 672
Knights of Pythias, 438
.'Labor Record," 429
Ladd, Walter L., 777
La Grange, Isaac, 743
Laird, Otho E., 972
Lakes and parks of Bonner Springs, 322
Lallier, Eugene, 757
Lallier, Frank, 758
Landry, Joseph L., 1042
Lane, "Jim," 136, 230
Lane, Vincent J., 505
Lapse of six years, 420
Larson, Fred, 1024
La Salle, 4
La Salle discovers mouth of Mississippi, 4
Lasley, Jonathan H., 695
Last of a great family of warriors. 35
Last of a noble race, 44
Last stand of Shawnees, 30
Last to desert Quindaro, 262
Latter Day Saints church, FSosedale, 315
Laverie, William, 643
Law enforcement in 1859, 274
Lawrence, burning of, 352
Lawrence kidnappers, 230
"Lawrence Republican," 177
"Lawrence Tribune," 124
Laws, John A., 677
Lawyers of the early days, 293
Leading chiefs of the Wyandots. 73
Leavenduskey, Valentine, 632
Leavengood, D. J., 655
Leavenworth, Colonel Henry, 12
Leavenworth convention. 143
"Leavenworth Herald," 177, 423
Lecompton Constitution, 142
'' Lecompton Democrat,'' 177
Leefrom, Joseph, 615
Leinbach, Charles N., 704
Lewis and Clark explorations, 6
Lewis, Meriwether, 6, 20
Library, boys' and girls' department. 395
Library, growth of, 393
Library staff, 396
Library, uses of, 394
"Lightfoot" built for Kansas, 124
Limestones, 493
Lind, Olander, 680
Lindberg, Heming, 971
Link, Michael, 753
Lisa, Manuel de, 11
Literary and artistic women, 267
Little Blue, battle of, 215
Little Blue, fight on the, 215
Littick, George W., 906
Live stock market, 475
Lloyd, John, 736
Locomotive, first in Kansas, 448
Longfellow, Jacob W., 865
Long, Stephen H., 9
Long tramp, a, 186
Loring, 323
Louisiana Purchase, 12
Lovelace, Charles, 955
iMvelace, Charles W., 918
Lovelace, Eldridge H., 919
Lust, Edward, 756
Luther, Belton J., 731
Lutz, Earnest J., 899
Lvons, T. J-. »43
Macadam roads in Wyandotte county. 283
Madison, congressman, tribute, 163
Maher, Daniel J., 916
Mailand, Jep H., 701
Mail, curious things in the, 467
Major Long's expedition, 9
Malolos taken. 241
Maloney, Matilda, 644
Maloney, Thomas, 644
Mank, John. 883
Manual training and industrial education, 387
Marty, Samuel C. 881
Marxen, Adam, 776
Marxen, Henry A., 770
Masonic lodge, first in Kansas. 434
Mason, Lawrence J., 1037
Mather, Doctor, 398, 399: death of, 399; gifts to the
young, 403; offer of accepted, 398
"Mather Hall," 400
Mather, Samuel F., 402
Matney, David B., 618
Matney, John R., 1007
Mayoralty election, first in Kansas City, Missouri, 112
Mayors of Argentine, 300
Mayors of Kansas City, 309
Mayors of Rosedale for thirtv-four years, 313
Maywood, 324
McClean, James A., 589
McCleery, John A., 897
MeClung, Charles L., 570
McDonald, Ernest, 752
McDonald, James M., 942
McDonald, John, 751
McFadden, John E., 616
McFarland, Robert J., 754
McGeorge, William, 686
McGrew, Governor, 260
McGrew, Henry, 872
McGrew, James, 867
McKay, Austin T., 553
McKenzie, Frank, 792
McKenzie, Robert, 793
McKeown, James F., 976
McMurray, Charles E., 980
McNarrey, John, 896
McWilliams, Charles A., 933
Meat packing companies, 480
Meat packing industry, 477
Medary, Governor, 143
Medical school and hospital, great, 316
Medical schools, 411
Medicine and surgery, 417
Meek, James M., 941
Menager Junction, 324
Mendenhall, Harry A., 855
Mercantile Club, 339
Merchant, John W., 739
Merriam, Willard, 590
Merriweather, Frederick W., 679
Meseraull, Samuel L, 534
Methodist churches burned, 346
Methodist Episcopal church, 343
Methodist Episcopal church South, 348
Methodist Mission of Shawnees, 47
Methodist Protestant church, 357
Metropolitan Hotel, 339
Metropolitan police, 308
Meyers, Albert J., 727
Meyn, Frederick, 953
Mid-continental industrial center, 472
"Middle Spot of North America" 182
Miller, A. F., 796
Miller, Charles A., 922
Miller, Henry, 969
Miller, Houston, 812
Miller, John H, 813
Miller, Orrin L., 912
Millspaugh, Harris K., G64
Milner,' John 0., 797
Mindedahl, Peter S., 671
Misenhelter, Thomas J., 1027
Mission graveyard, 49
Missions, social life about, 53
Missouri, first steamboat that ascended the, 9
Missouri Fur Company, 11
Missouri opinion of Kansas, 178
Missouri Pacific, first county grant to, 453
Modern farming, 496
Monahan, George, 688
Moncaehtape, The Interpreter, 19
Moonlight, Colonel, guarded the town, 232
Moonlight, Colonel Tom, 232
Moore, James W., 561
Moore, John M., 511
Morgan, Perl W., 1052
Morris, 323
Morris, William A., 848
Morton, Isaiah L., 663
'' Mother'' Sturges, 268
Mountains, pathway to the, 173
Mudge, Benjamin Franklin, 255
Muncie, 323
Municipal electrical plant, 329
Municipal water works, 329
Murray, James P., 549
Muster into service, 248
Myers, Thomas E., 1017
Myers, William H., 558
Naschold, John J., 950
Naschold's Steam Bakery, 950
Nason, Zachariah, 967
Natural gas, 493
"Nebraska City News," 176
Nebraska's Delegates to Wyandotte, 175
Nebraska's many capitals, 174
Nebraska, part of, wanted to be in Kansas, 174
Needles, William, 909
Negro exodus, 232
Negro regiments, 198
Nelson, Andrew, 747
Nelson, John P., 568
Neudeck, Irvin R., 997
New Bethany Hospital, 414
New city hall, 330
New era, 28
Newhall, Sarah W., 790
Newhall, Martin H, 789
New Home Hotel, 339
New movements, 459
New post office building, 334
"News," 429
New St. Mary's church, 364
Newspaper first to be published in Kansas, 423
Newspaper for the Indians, 50
Newspapers, 422
Newspapers favored annexation, 181
New Terminal railway plans, 458
Newton, Julia D., 795*
Newton, Periander C, 795
Nicholas, Harrv J., 654
Nichols, Mrs. C. I. H. 259
Night and Day State Bank, 338
Night attack, 239
Night of terror, 231
Night schools, 385
Ninth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, 195
North boundary of Kansas. 169
Northrop, Stephen A., 1001
Northrup Banking Company, 338
Northwestern Railway. 455
Notable voyage up the Kansas river, 124
Objected to the mining regions. 173 .
O'Connell, Paul J., 954
Odd Fellows, 437
Officers for twenty-eight years, 98
Official dog enumerator. 393
Official report of General Deitzler. 222
Officials of Kansas City. 309
Ohio Constitution followed, 151
Ohio Reservation of the Wyandots. 67
Oil distributing center, 484
Olander, John W., 998
Old church on Fifth street, 352
Old church reorganized. 347
Old Indian missions, 47
Old Fool Chief. 23
Old Palmer Academy. 382
Old Quindaro, 102
Old rolling mill. 316
Old steamboat days, 118
Old Wyandotte's'early days, 87
Old Wyandot family romances. 74
Oldest church organization in Kansas. 346
Oldest house in Wyandotte county. 320
Olson, Oscar M., 684
Overland trails, 441
One hundred day men. 198
Organizers of the first Masonic lodge, 435
Organization of the county, 271
"Oregon Trail," 41
Origin of name Kansas, 18
Other civic organizations, 341
Other hospitals, 416
Other industries of Ttosedale. 317
Other manufactories. 486
Other Masonic bodies, 435
Other Methodist churches, 348
Other religious organizations, 358
Other river ports out-distanced. 103
Other secret societies, 440
Other towns in Wvandotte countv, 323
Ott, Miles W.. 770
Our boys in the Philippines, 234
Our boys in the Second, 203
Outposts annoyed, 244
Outside of Kansas City, 312
Pacific lines, 443
Packing houses, 479
Painting of the Battle of the Big Blue, 220
Paradowsky, Joseph, 545
Parkman, 41
Parks and boulevards. Kansas City, 329
Parks, Captain Joseph. 36
Parochial schools, 390
Parr, James R. and others, 270
Part of Nebraska wanted to be in Kansas, 174
Pathway to the Mountains, 173
Pawnee Indians, 185
Peace relations end, 235
Pearson, Matthew E., 1013
Pennington Hotel, 339
Peoples National Bank, 338
Perkins, George A., 687
Perkins, John S„ 958
Perkins, Robert H., 959
Peters, George A., 639
Peterson, August, 711
Phelps, Frank N., 646
Philippines, our boys in, 234
Physical and geographical features, 15
Physicians, 417
Picturesque little city, 313
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 8
Pike's expedition, 7
Pike's instructions, 8
Pike's Peak region, 178
Pill Box, 417
"Pill box" and Dr. Root, 252
Pioneer missionary, 57
Pioneer for Kansas good roads, 317
Pioneer railroad telegrapher, 469
Pioneer tales of rail and trail, 460
Piper, 324
Platte the boundary, 174
Platting of Argentine. 299
Play grounds, 388
Poindexter, E. W., 926
Police commissioners, 310
Police department, 308
Police judges, 310
Polish church, 369
Political hiRtory of Wyandotte county, 271
Pollock, John C, 517'
Pollock, Thomas A., 667
Pomeroy, 325
Population of Wyandotte county, 283
Porter, James E., 516
Post office building, 332
Post office building, new, 334
Post office of Kansas City, 332
Powell Clayton's command, 209
Prairie township, 281
Prather, Van B., 519
Pratt-Journeyeake Memorial Library. 404
Pratt, Rey. John (!.. 57. 422
Preacher conductor's yarn, 466
Presbyterian church. 354
President Jefferson, 6
Press of the county, 422
Price, General, bold plan of, 214
Price, Sterling, 214
Probate judges, 277
Proclamation, governor's consolidation, 304
Prophet, 31
Prophet's death, 34
Pro-slavery party, 181
Protectors of the southern border, 210
Protestant churches of the county, 343
Public improvements, 300
Public Library, 663
Public library, city's great, 390
Puhr, Victor W.. 742
(/uaker mission, 53
Race to the coast, 444
Rail and trail, pioneer tales of, 460
Railroad building in Kansas, 441
Railroads, earliest, 449; extension of, 302; first chart-
ered, 442
Railroad shops, 481
Railroad telegrapher, pioneer, 469
Railroad terminals, Rosedalc, 316
Railroad values and trackage, 456
Railsback, T. Forest, 707
Railway yards, 457
Rainfall, annual, 16
Randall, Horace G., 961
Ran out of provisions, 185
Reader, S. J., painting by, 220
Ready-made houses, 97
Real estate boom, 110
Rebel Yell, 219
Record of Kansas regiments, 200
Reader, Governor, came and went, 121
Reeder, Governor, welcome to, 132
Refused to include a part of Nebraska, 154
Registers of deeds, 277
Reminiscences of Father Kuhls, 373
Removal of the bishop's residence, 373
Reminiscences of the early days, 84
Re organization of Kansas City Medical Society, 420
Representatives, 275
Republican "Whips," Ingalls and Simpson, 149
Residents in 1855-6, 90
Resolutions to Congress, 152
Return to peace, 116
Rice, William J., 510
Richart, Mrs. Sarah A., 390
Rieke, Charles, 982
Riley, James T., 1022
Riverview State Bank, 338
Roberts, William Y., 268
Robinson, Governor Charles. 135, 254
Robinson, Sarah T. D„ 51
Rock Island Railroad, 455
Rohrbach, Frank C, 772
Roll of the convention, 148
Romances and folk lore of the Wyandots, 62
Romances of old Wyandot families, 74
Root, Dr. Joseph P", 252, 417
Roscdale, an independent city, 312; churches. 314;
schools, 314; secret societies, 315; first start, 313:
mayors for thirty-four years, 313
Rosedale State Bank." 338
Rose, Jacob, 794
Rose, Louis IT., 945
Rose, William W., 878
Ross, Edward P., 535
Rush of population, 94
Rush of white settlers in 1854, 295
Rushton, George. 921
Russell. Roy R., 793
St. Anthony 's church, 367
St. Margaret's Hospital, 411, 412
St. Paul Hotel. 339
St. Peter's high school, 372
St. Thomas church, 366
Santa Fe system, 445; building of, 454
Sauer, Anthony P., 574
Sayers, Ray, 775
Scanlan, John, 624
Scenes of rare beauty, 14
Schaible, John L., 556
Scheldt, Jacob, 815
Scheller, Charles W., 983
Schenck. Eugene A., 781
Schleifer, Fred, 1025
School districts organized, 389
School officers, 384
School statistics, 389
School yards, 388
Schools^ 380; books in the. 394; high, 386; medical, 411;
night, 385; parochial, 390
Schools, Bonner Springs, 322
Schools, Rosedale, 314
Schools, Wyandotte county, 388
Schubert, Carl, 830
Schuetz, William E., 710
Scottish Rite Masons, 435
Scottish Rite Temple, 436, 437
Scott, Larmon E., 609
Scroggs, Margaret E., 957
Scroggs, John B., 956
Second and third districts, 286
Second division district court judges, 277
Second Kansas Volunteer Battery, 199
Second Regiment Kansas Volunteer Infantry, 203
Second ward, 307
Secret and benevolent societies, 434
Secret societies of Rosedale, 315
Seifert, Joseph, 948
Seminaries, 397
Senators and representatives, 275
Seutter map of Louisiana, 5
Seutter, Matthew, 4
Seven departments. "The Kansas Citv University,"
Seventeen davs in a snow bank, 467
Seward, Atwell C, 548
Seward, Nancy L., 549
Shannon, Governor, to the frontier, 137
Sharp, Benjamin T., 932
Sharp, Judge Isaac B., 261
Shawnee Baptist mission, 50, 422
Shawnee Light or Sun, 50, 422
Shawnee Methodist Mission, 47
Shawnee prophet, 31
Shawnee Quaker mission, 52
Shawnee township, 282
Shawnoes clung to old customs, 37; coming to Kansas,
31; farewell to Kansas, 38; first emigrants, 29;
last stand, 30; wars and wanderings of. 29
Shawneetown, 372
Sheaff, John M., 604
Shepherd, Orrin W., 1034
Sheriffs, 276
Shore, Joseph L., 814
'' Short Grass'' country cut off, 172
Shively, Delbert M., 525
Sillier," Charles J., 937
"Silence and no questions asked," 228
Silvey, James M., 737
Simmons, Ave, 761
Siinms, Charles H., 821
Simpson, Benjamin F.. 149, 179
Simpson, Samuel X., 836
Simpson, William A., 910
Sims, John T., 506
Sisters of St. Francis, 411
Site for a church, 363
Site of Kansas City, 70
Situation before battle of the Blue, 216
Sixteenth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, 206
Sixteenth Volunteer Cavalry, 198
Sixteenth 's roll of honor, 206
Sixth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, 203
Sixth ward, 307
Skirmish march, 240
Slavery, closed the door to, 154
Sloan,"Joseph H., 1023
Slow trains in the sixties, 465
Smallest county in Kansas, 15
Smallev, James L., 637
Smith,"Daniel M., 656
Smith. George C, 864
Smith, Hugh J., 975
Smith, Walter D., 1052
Smith, William II., 763
Smith, William S., 649
Smyth, John E., 717
Snell, William D., 907
Snyder, Kimble P., 850
Snyder, Samuel H., 655
Soap manufactories, great, 480
Social life about the missions, 53
Societies, benevolent and secret. 434
Societies, Emigrant Aid, 140
Soil, types of, 490
Soldiers attended prayer meeting, 350
Soldiers guarded a steamboat captain, 233
Some of the men of the old "K. P.," 463
Some valuable freight, 229
Sonntag, Carl H., 952
Southern Boundary line of Kansas, 169
Southwick, Albert, 550
Southwick, Susan P., 552
Speck, Frederick, 258, 857
Speck, Joseph, 257. 857
Speckled Eye, 24
Speech of John H. Atwood, 165
Speech of Stephen A. Douglas, 170
Splitlog, Mathias, 72
"Splitlog's Hill," 72
Stark, John A., 863
State geologist Mudge, 255
State line depot, 465
State line, surveying a, 184
State mass meeting, 301
State organization, 418
Statistics, horticultural, 502
Statistics, school, 389
Statistics of Wyandotte county, 283
Steamboat captain guarded by soldiers, 233
Steamboat days, old, 118
Steamboat trail trade, 114
Steamboats of Kansas river, 126
Steamboats that went down, 126
Steel plant, great, 485
Sterrett, Rev. Alexander, 268
Stevens, C. B., 690
Stilwell enterprise, great, 459
Stine, Benjamin L., 882
Stockton. Cora M., 267
Stockhoff, G. Herman, 521
Stockhoff, Henry, 579
Stories of war-time days, 230
Story hour, 395
Storv of two bishops, 374
Stotler, Joseph J., 1036
Stover, Harvey L., 660
Street commissioners, 310
Street railway facilities, 335
Strohmyer, John J., 611
Struggle for civil government, 129
Stubbs, Governor on "Kansas," 161
Sturges, "Mother," 268
Studt, Charles F., 683
Studt, John H., 594
Sturtz, Adam L., 730
Sunflower State, 14
"Sunny Kansas," 162
Supreme judges, 286
Superintendents of public instruction, 277
Surveyors, county, 277
Surveving a state line, 184
Sutherland, Thomas W., 537
Sutton, William B., 621
Swope, Thomas Hunton, 269
Synopsis of reports of Kansas regiments, 200
Tabler, Charles M.. 805
Taggart. Joseph, 628
Talbott. Ingram J.. 692
Tanner, William C., 799
Tavlor, Charles S., 703
Taylor, John C.. 543
Taylor, Richard Baxter. 425
Teaching the negroes trades, 406
Tecnmseh, 30; death of, 30
Temperature, 16
Tenth Kansas Veteran Regiment, 196
Theden, Herman, 825
"The Great American Desert," 12
Then came the Civil war, 419
Theno. Mathias A., 620
Thomas, Talutha N\, 265
Thomas. William B., 668
Thompson. Charles E., 1011
Thompson, John A., 847
Thornhill, Arthur. 734
Thoroughness in the courses, 408
Those who joined the Sixth, 203
Threatened by Pawnee Indians. 185
Three judicial districts, 285
Three makers of Kansas history. 136
Three Wyandotte founders, 258
Third Kansas Batterv. 200
Third ward. 307
Thirteenth Kansas Infantrv. 197
Tiblow, 320
Tiblow ferrv, 320
Tiblow, Henry. 320
Timmerman, William. 891
To become a great university, 401
Topeka battery's loss, 221
Topeka Constitution, 138
"Topeka Tribune," 177
Total volunteers for Wyandotte county, 202
Town of real live men, 104
Town of Wyandotte, 362
Town organization, 92
Townships, 281
Township organization, 281
Townsite boomers, 92
Trails of the explorers, 1
Trant, James, 854
Traveling post office, 113
Travels of Moneachtape, 19
Treasurers, city, 309
Treasurers, county, 277
Treaty of 1866, 46
Treesand native flora, 490
Tremblv and White in swimming, 243
Trembly, William B., 243
Trower, Oliver B., 988
True, Lewis C., 508
Turner, 323
Turner, R. L., 736
Twelfth Cavalry's manv battles, 211
Twelfth Infantry, 197
Twelfth Regiment Volunteer Cavalry, 205
Twentieth Kansas Volunteers, 248
Twist.'john R., 788
Twist, William S., 852
"Underground" and war stories, 227
'' Underground Railroad,'' 227
Union Volunteers from Kansas. 189
United Zinc & Chemical Company, 485
Veale, Colonel G. W., 261
Wale, Colonel, heroic stand of, 218
Vegetable gardening, 499
Venard, Edward E., 714
Vermillion Sea, 3
Visit to the missions, 51
Wahlin, Anders L., 741
Waiting for an attack by Indians, 461
Wakarusa war, 139
Walker, Governor Robert J., 142
Wallula, 324
Walsh. Dennis, 769
Ward boundaries established, 306
Ward Hall and Industrial building, 407
Wards, 306
War stories, 227
Wars and wanderings of Shawnees, 29
Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal church, 346
Waters, James D., 868
Watson, Joseph F., 651
Webb, William H, 681
"Weekly Press," 428
"Weekly Spy," 427
"Weekly Sun," 428
Weir, Colonel, men, 204
Welcome to Governor Reeder, 132
Wells, Charles K., 514
West, John W., 950
West, Owen M., 612
"Western Argus," 424
Western boundary, debate on, 171
Western Terra Cotta Company, The, 891
Western University and Industrial School, 405
Wcstport a great trade center, 109
Westport Landing, 110
What killed old Quindaro, 106
When Cholera struck Kansas City, Missouri, 112
When Colorado was a part of Kansas, 170
When Kansas City was born, 110
When the Methodists were divided, 344
When the news of statehood readied Kansas, 157
When the old church hell rang, 351
When the townsite boomers came. 92
When the white settlers came, 88
When the Yankee Free State men came, 120
When Wyandotte became a city, 96
Whence came the name Kansas, 18
Where the Legislature met, 48
Where their spirit originated, 239
White church, 324
White. Edward, 243
White, George H., 1030
White, William Allen, on "The Old Insurgents," 164
Whitlock, Edna E., 889
Whitlock, John W., 889
Wiegers. August, 1043
Wiehe, (ius F., 554
Wilcoxen, Melinda, -14
Wiles, James P., 790
Wilkinson, Hugh, 584
Williams, Ernest D., 1029
Wilson's Creek, battle of, 190
Wilt, Anderson S., 592
Winship, William L., 892
Winters. William H., 1019
Wocstemever, Henrv F., 617
Wolcott, 324
Wolcott. Mary H. S., 267
Woman founder of library, 390
Woman's influence in the convention, 155
Wonderful map of Father Hennepin, 4
Wood, DeWitt C., 989
Wood, Watson F., 1006
Wood, William L., 844
Woodcock, Grant A., 699
Working in a blizzard, 187
Would make the Platte the boundary, 174
Wrav, Thomas W., 960
Willi, Henry F., 601
Wyandotte, the name, 1
"Wyandotte City Register," 424
Wyandotte Constitution, 146
Wyandotte convention, 146
Wyandotte convention cut off Colorado, 171
Wyandotte County Women's Club, 259
Wyandotte County Women's Columbian Club, 259
Wyandotte district court, first session, 287
"Wyandotte Democrat." 427
"Wyandotte Gazette." 84, 424
"Wyandotte Herald," 427
Wyandotte Hotel, 339
Wyandotte Medical Society, 421
Wyandotte township, 281
Wyandotte Wagon and Carriage Works, 555
Yankee Free State men, 120
Young. Arch A., 593
Young Tom Ewing's regiment, 196
Young Women's Christian Association, 342
Yunghans, Oscar, 783
Zane, Elizabeth, 76
Zane. Isaac, 91
Zugg, Clarence L., 577
Read more: http://ancestorexplorer.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=wyandottecountykansas&action=display&thread=278#ixzz1Slxpd6Bt
Friday, July 15, 2011
Coffey County Kansas Newspaper Research
I have access to the following newspapers. If you would like to hire me to research for Birth Announcements, Marriage Announcements, Obituaries or other information please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Allegre Rexall Capsule 1/29/1981--5/30/1990 Lebo KS
Burlington Courier 1/13/1893--12/1/1893 Burlington KS
Burlington Courier 12/8/1893--9/4/1896 Burlington KS
Burlington Courier 9/11/1896--6/30/1899 Burlington KS
Burlington Courier 7/7/1899--10/25/1901 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Jeffersonian 5/15/1897--2/24/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Jeffersonian 2/25/1898--6/14/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily News 1/13/1897--3/9/1897 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily News 3/10/1897--12/17/1897 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily News 12/18/1897--12/25/1897 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Nonpareil 4/15/1887--5/7/1887 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Republican 4/16/1887--6/15/1887 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Star 1/13/1878--2/3/1878 Burlington KS
Burlington Democrat 2/6/1907--5/29/1908 Burlington KS
Burlington Democrat 6/1/1908--4/30/1909 Burlington KS
Burlington Democrat 5/3/1909--6/16/1910 Burlington KS
Burlington Herald 1/10/1902--2/20/1902 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 5/27/1876--8/29/1879 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st: single issue only] 7/8/1876 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 9/5/1879--12/29/1882 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 1/5/1883--8/27/1886 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 9/3/1886--12/27/1889 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 1/3/1890--3/31/1893 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 4/7/1893--6/26/1896 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 7/3/1896--6/30/1899 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 7/7/1899--6/27/1902 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 7/4/1902--12/30/1904 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 1/6/1905--7/25/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 8/1/1906--1/30/1907 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [2nd] 6/23/1910--2/29/1912 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [2nd] 3/7/1912--6/27/1913 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [2nd] 7/1/1913--10/28/1914 Burlington KS
Burlington News 12/27/1897--11/26/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Nonpareil 9/3/1886--12/27/1889 Burlington KS
Burlington Nonpareil 1/3/1890--9/8/1893 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [1st: weekly] 1/25/1882--9/27/1883 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [1st: weekly] 10/4/1883--4/22/1886 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 1/5/1888--12/25/1891 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 1/1/1892--12/30/1893 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 1/5/1894--6/28/1895 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 7/5/1895--10/30/1896 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 11/6/1896--3/25/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 4/1/1898--9/29/1899 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 10/6/1899--3/29/1901 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 4/5/1901--9/25/1902 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 10/2/1902--3/31/1904 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 4/7/1904--9/28/1905 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 10/5/1905--3/29/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 4/25/1906--2/20/1907 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 4/26/1906--8/30/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 9/3/1906--4/29/1907 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 2/21/1907--12/31/1907 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 5/2/1907--1/30/1908 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 1/1/1908--12/14/1908 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 2/3/1908--11/30/1908 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 12/3/1908--7/29/1909 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/15/1908--11/19/1909 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 8/2/1909--4/28/1910 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/20/1909--11/24/1910 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 5/2/1910--1/30/1911 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/25/1910--12/5/1911 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 2/2/1911--11/30/1911 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 12/4/1911--8/29/1912 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/6/1911--11/30/1912 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 9/2/1912--5/29/1913 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/2/1912--12/8/1913 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 6/2/1913--2/26/1914 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/9/1913--11/30/1914 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 3/2/1914--12/31/1914 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/1/1914--11/11/1915 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 1/4/1915--10/4/1915 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/12/1915--10/30/1916 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 10/31/1916--11/8/1917 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/9/1917--11/25/1918 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/26/1918--10/27/1919 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 10/28/1919--8/31/1920 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 9/1/1920--3/31/1921 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 4/1/1921--10/31/1921 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/1/1921--12/24/1921 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican Patriot 5/6/1886--12/29/1887 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican and the Daily Jeffersonian 4/2/1906--4/24/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican and the Semi-Weekly Jeffersonian 4/5/1906--4/23/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Times 8/28/1902--11/13/1902 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Jeffersonian 5/7/1897--5/20/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Patriot 10/16/1873--12/28/1877 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Patriot 1/4/1878--6/30/1881 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Patriot 7/14/1881--6/27/1884 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Patriot 7/4/1884--4/23/1886 Burlington KS
Busy Bee 8/16/1900--2/2/1903 Leroy KS
City and Farm Record [single issue only] 12/19/1890 Burlington KS
Coffey County Camper [single issue only] 12/17/1938 Burlington KS
Coffey County Farm Bureau Bulletin 3/1920--9/1920 Burlington KS
Coffey County Farm Bureau News 10/1920--3/1922 Burlington KS
Coffey County Independent 7/19/1934--5/24/1937 Burlington KS
Coffey County Populist 6/19/1900--12/25/1900 Waverly KS
Coffey County Reporter 10/17/1975--1/21/1977 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 1/28/1977--3/9/1978 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 3/16/1978--7/5/1979 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 7/12/1979--10/8/1980 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 10/15/1980--7/28/1982 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 8/4/1982--7/25/1984 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 8/1/1984--6/18/1986 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 6/25/1986--4/27/1988 Leroy KS
Coffey County Republican 9/8/1998--4/30/1999 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 5/4/1999--12/31/1999 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 1/4/2000--8/29/2000 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 9/1/2000--5/29/2001 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 6/1/2001--1/29/2002 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 2/1/2002--8/30/2002 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 9/3/2002--3/25/2003 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 3/28/2003--10/31/2003 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 11/4/2003--5/28/2004 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 6/1/2004--1/28/2005 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 2/1/2005--10/28/2005 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 11/1/2005--8/29/2006 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 9/1/2006--6/29/2007 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 7/3/2007--2/29/2008 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 3/4/2008--9/30/2008 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 5/2/1983--5/4/1984 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 5/7/1984--4/12/1985 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 4/15/1985--4/11/1986 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 4/14/1986--2/27/1987 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 3/2/1987--12/31/1987 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 1/4/1988--10/21/1988 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 10/24/1988--8/11/1989 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 8/14/1989--5/11/1990 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 5/14/1990--2/1/1991 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 2/4/1991--11/15/1991 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 11/18/1991--9/4/1992 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 9/8/1992--6/30/1993 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 7/2/1993--4/1/1994 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 4/4/1994--12/9/1994 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 12/12/1994--7/14/1995 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 7/17/1995--2/9/1996 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 2/12/1996--10/11/1996 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 10/14/1996--7/30/1997 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 8/1/1997--5/29/1998 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 6/1/1998--9/4/1998 Burlington KS
Comment 7/16/1903--8/13/1908 Leroy KS
Courier 6/5/1891--1/6/1893 Burlington KS
Crusader [single issue only] 11/14/1930 Burlington KS
Daily Nonpareil [two issues only] 4/4/1887--4/5/1887 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/26/1921--5/8/1922 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/9/1922--11/20/1922 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 11/21/1922--5/31/1923 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/1/1923--12/12/1923 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/13/1923--6/10/1924 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/11/1924--12/19/1924 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/20/1924--6/30/1925 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/1/1925--12/31/1925 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/1/1926--7/12/1926 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/13/1926--12/28/1926 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/29/1926--6/30/1927 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/1/1927--12/26/1927 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/27/1927--6/21/1928 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/22/1928--12/21/1928 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/22/1928--6/29/1929 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/1/1929--12/25/1929 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/26/1929--7/5/1930 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/7/1930--1/8/1931 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/9/1931--7/8/1931 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/9/1931--12/31/1931 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/1/1932--7/21/1932 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/22/1932--2/17/1933 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/18/1933--9/25/1933 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/26/1933--5/18/1934 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/19/1934--12/13/1934 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/14/1934--7/18/1935 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/19/1935--2/8/1936 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/10/1936--8/25/1936 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 8/26/1936--3/6/1937 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 3/8/1937--10/6/1937 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/7/1937--4/13/1938 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/14/1938--11/5/1938 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 11/7/1938--5/31/1939 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/1/1939--12/30/1939 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/1/1940--8/19/1940 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 8/20/1940--4/11/1941 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/14/1941--12/18/1941 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/19/1941--8/31/1942 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/1/1942--6/24/1943 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/25/1943--3/31/1944 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/3/1944--12/29/1944 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/1/1945--9/28/1945 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/1/1945--5/14/1946 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/15/1946--1/8/1947 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/9/1947--9/11/1947 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/12/1947--4/30/1948 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/3/1948--12/31/1948 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/3/1949--9/16/1949 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/19/1949--5/15/1950 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/16/1950--12/13/1950 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/14/1950--8/10/1951 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 8/13/1951--4/30/1952 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/1/1952--1/12/1953 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/13/1953--9/11/1953 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/14/1953--5/24/1954 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/25/1954--1/28/1955 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/31/1955--10/7/1955 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/10/1955--6/8/1956 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/11/1956--2/14/1957 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/15/1957--10/25/1957 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/28/1957--7/18/1958 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/21/1958--4/17/1959 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/20/1959--12/31/1959 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/4/1960--9/22/1960 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/23/1960--5/31/1961 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/1/1961--2/8/1962 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/9/1962--10/23/1962 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/24/1962--6/18/1963 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/19/1963--2/18/1964 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/19/1964--10/12/1964 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/13/1964--6/14/1965 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/15/1965--2/10/1966 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/11/1966--10/17/1966 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/18/1966--6/21/1967 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/22/1967--2/16/1968 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/19/1968--10/15/1968 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/16/1968--6/11/1969 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/12/1969--2/9/1970 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/10/1970--9/30/1970 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/1/1970--5/25/1971 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/26/1971--1/18/1972 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/19/1972--9/29/1972 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/2/1972--7/12/1973 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/13/1973--4/22/1974 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/24/1974--12/26/1974 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/27/1974--9/15/1975 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/17/1975--4/29/1976 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/30/1976--12/30/1976 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/3/1977--6/30/1977 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/1/1977--12/30/1977 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/3/1978--6/30/1978 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/3/1978--12/18/1978 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/19/1978--5/29/1979 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/30/1979--11/12/1979 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 11/13/1979--5/9/1980 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/12/1980--10/28/1980 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/29/1980--4/27/1981 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/28/1981--10/23/1981 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/26/1981--9/30/1982 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/1/1982--4/29/1983 Burlington KS
Farm Record 12/26/1890--5/29/1891 Burlington KS
Free West [file is scattered] 8/1869--11/1870 Burlington KS
Gazette 9/14/1888--12/15/1888 Burlington KS
Gridley Gazette 3/19/1887--9/17/1887 Gridley KS
Gridley Gazette 9/24/1887--9/1/1888 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 11/18/1982--9/27/1984 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 10/4/1984--11/28/1986 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 12/4/1986--5/26/1988 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 6/2/1988--9/28/1989 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 10/5/1989--1/31/1991 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 2/7/1991--8/27/1992 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 9/3/1992--3/31/1994 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 4/7/1994--12/8/1995 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 1/11/1996--5/30/1997 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 6/5/1997--3/25/1999 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 4/1/1999--8/31/2000 Gridley KS
Gridley Herald 3/6/1894--2/14/1896 Gridley KS
Gridley Herald 2/21/1896--6/1/1900 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 12/20/1907--2/24/1911 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 3/3/1911--9/24/1915 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 10/1/1915--12/27/1918 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 1/3/1919--7/28/1922 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 8/4/1922--12/29/1927 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 1/5/1928--8/31/1933 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 9/7/1933--4/27/1939 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 5/4/1939--3/30/1944 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 4/6/1944--8/28/1947 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 9/4/1947--10/26/1950 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 11/2/1950--12/31/1953 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 1/7/1954--1/31/1957 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 2/7/1957--3/31/1960 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 4/7/1960--6/20/1963 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 6/27/1963--8/25/1966 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 9/1/1966--12/25/1969 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 1/1/1970--2/15/1973 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 2/22/1973--5/26/1976 Gridley KS
Gridley Register 9/23/1886--10/23/1886 Gridley KS
Gridley Standard 9/13/1889--3/28/1890 Gridley KS
Gridley Star 7/11/1902--6/2/1905 Gridley KS
Gridley Star 6/9/1905--6/13/1907 Gridley KS
Halls Summit News 4/29/1921--1/6/1922 Halls Summit KS
Hampden Expositor [single issue only] 7/9/1864 Hampden KS
Jeffersonian 2/9/1895--2/27/1896 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 4/9/1896--4/23/1897 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 5/27/1898--10/6/1898 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 10/13/1898--9/18/1902 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 2/13/1899--9/29/1899 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 9/30/1899--7/31/1900 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 8/1/1900--5/31/1901 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 6/1/1901--3/28/1902 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 3/29/1902--2/9/1903 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 2/10/1903--12/7/1903 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 9/25/1903--1/23/1905 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 12/8/1903--9/19/1904 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 9/20/1904--7/24/1905 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 1/26/1905--4/2/1906 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 7/25/1905--3/31/1906 Burlington KS
Kansas Granger 1/1986--11/1993 Burlington KS
Kansas Patriot 9/3/1864--12/28/1867 Burlington KS
Kansas Patriot 1/4/1868--10/24/1868 Burlington KS
Kansas Patriot [two issues only] 10/16/1869--1/10/1870 Burlington KS
Lebo Courier 1/11/1889--10/25/1889 Lebo KS
Lebo Courier 11/1/1889--4/24/1891 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/28/1891--4/26/1894 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/3/1894--1/6/1898 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/13/1898--11/30/1900 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/7/1900--10/15/1903 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise [file is broken] 10/22/1903--2/20/1919 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/25/1905--7/23/1908 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 7/30/1908--1/20/1910 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/27/1910--2/20/1919 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 2/27/1919--12/14/1922 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/21/1922--5/20/1926 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/27/1926--5/23/1929 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/30/1929--12/25/1930 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/1/1931--7/21/1932 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 7/28/1932--10/17/1935 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 10/24/1935--12/21/1939 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/28/1939--5/25/1944 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 6/1/1944--5/20/1948 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/27/1948--7/31/1952 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 8/7/1952--1/19/1956 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/26/1956--8/14/1958 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 8/21/1958--1/12/1961 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/19/1961--5/16/1963 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/23/1963--9/30/1965 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 10/7/1965--1/25/1968 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 2/1/1968--7/9/1970 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 7/16/1970--12/14/1972 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/21/1972--1/30/1975 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 2/6/1975--12/16/1976 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/23/1976--9/7/1978 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 9/14/1978--6/18/1980 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 6/25/1980--8/25/1982 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 9/1/1982--8/15/1984 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 8/22/1984--12/4/1985 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/11/1985--12/31/1986 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/7/1987--4/27/1988 Lebo KS
Lebo Leader 11/24/1931--5/20/1936 Lebo KS
Lebo Leader 5/27/1936--9/18/1940 Lebo KS
Lebo Leader 9/25/1940--3/10/1943 Lebo KS
Lebo Light 3/25/1884--10/9/1885 Lebo KS
Lebo Light 10/16/1885--1/4/1889 Lebo KS
Lebo Star 5/1/1908--8/8/1913 Lebo KS
Lebo Star 8/15/1913--10/4/1918 Lebo KS
Lebo Star 10/11/1918--3/16/1923 Lebo KS
Leroy Comment 2/16/1903--7/1/1903 Leroy KS
Leroy Comment 9/2/1908--7/14/1909 Leroy KS
Leroy Comment 7/21/1909--12/28/1910 Leroy KS
Leroy Eagle 11/11/1887--9/28/1888 Leroy KS
Leroy Pioneer [single issue only] 6/8/1867 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 12/26/1879--6/9/1883 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/16/1883--8/7/1886 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 8/14/1886--11/8/1889 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 11/15/1889--1/20/1893 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/27/1893--4/10/1896 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 4/17/1896--6/30/1899 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 7/7/1899--6/27/1902 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 7/4/1902--12/9/1904 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 12/16/1904--5/31/1907 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/7/1907--12/31/1909 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/7/1910--8/16/1912 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 8/23/1912--3/19/1915 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 3/26/1915--10/26/1917 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 11/2/1917--6/4/1920 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/11/1920--12/29/1922 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/5/1923--9/4/1925 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 9/11/1925--3/16/1928 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 3/23/1928--12/26/1930 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/2/1931--7/7/1933 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 7/14/1933--1/24/1936 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/31/1936--8/5/1938 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 8/12/1938--3/14/1941 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 3/21/1941--10/1/1943 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 10/8/1943--5/10/1946 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 5/17/1946--12/24/1948 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 12/31/1948--6/22/1951 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/29/1951--4/9/1954 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 4/16/1954--12/28/1956 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/4/1957--9/4/1959 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 9/11/1959--3/30/1962 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 4/6/1962--11/20/1964 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 11/27/1964--5/26/1967 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/2/1967--1/9/1970 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/16/1970--8/18/1972 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 8/25/1972--5/31/1974 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/7/1974--10/10/1975 Leroy KS
Leroy Times 9/23/1987--5/25/1988 Leroy KS
Leroy Times 6/1/1988--6/26/1989 Leroy KS
Leroy Weekly News 12/12/1923--10/15/1924 Leroy KS
Little Caisson 2/15/1877--5/15/1877 Burlington KS
Neosho Valley Blade 9/20/1901--8/28/1903 Leroy KS
Neosho Valley Register 10/4/1859--10/24/1861 Burlington KS
Post Gazette 6/4/1897--12/31/1897 Waverly KS
Redmond Reservoir News 6/1964--10/1969 Burlington KS
Republican Patriot [weekly] 4/30/1886--12/29/1887 Burlington KS
Standard 7/26/1889--9/6/1889 Gridley KS
Strawn Centennial [two issues only] 5/27/1972--5/28/1972 New Strawn KS
This Week 5/4/1988--4/26/1989 Burlington KS
This Week 5/3/1989--5/30/1990 Burlington KS
This Week 6/6/1990--6/26/1991 Burlington KS
This Week 7/3/1991--7/29/1992 Burlington KS
This Week 8/5/1992--8/25/1993 Burlington KS
This Week 9/1/1993--10/26/1994 Burlington KS
This Week 11/2/1994--9/27/1995 Burlington KS
This Week 10/4/1995--8/28/1996 Burlington KS
This Week 9/4/1996--9/24/1997 Burlington KS
This Week 10/1/1997--9/2/1998 Burlington KS
Vanguard [single issue only] 1/1885 Burlington KS
Voice of the People 9/9/1874--11/18/1874 Burlington KS
Waverly Gazette [1st] 3/2/1889--12/25/1891 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [1st] 1/1/1892--5/31/1895 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [1st] 6/7/1895--5/14/1897 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/7/1898--12/29/1899 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/5/1900--5/1/1903 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 5/8/1903--6/29/1906 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 7/6/1906--8/6/1909 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/13/1909--9/20/1912 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 9/27/1912--11/12/1915 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 11/19/1915--8/21/1919 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/29/1919--11/24/1922 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 12/1/1922--9/30/1926 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 10/7/1926--12/12/1929 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 12/19/1929--9/28/1933 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 10/5/1933--12/30/1937 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/6/1938--4/29/1943 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 5/6/1943--7/25/1946 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/1/1946--11/3/1949 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 11/10/1949--12/31/1953 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/7/1954--12/25/1958 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/1/1959--4/2/1964 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 4/9/1964--2/27/1969 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 3/6/1969--3/16/1972 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 3/23/1972--8/22/1974 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/29/1974--12/30/1976 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/6/1977--5/10/1979 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 5/17/1979--7/29/1981 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/5/1981--12/28/1983 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/4/1984--9/11/1985 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 9/18/1985--8/12/1987 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/19/1987--4/27/1988 Waverly KS
Waverly News 3/29/1883--7/16/1885 Waverly KS
Waverly News 7/23/1885--1/31/1889 Waverly KS
Waverly Post 4/3/1896--5/21/1897 Waverly KS
Waverly Post 1/18/1989--7/19/1989 Leroy KS
Waverly Record 10/1/1898--6/30/1899 Waverly KS
Waverly Republican 2/1/1895--3/22/1895 Waverly KS
Waverly Sun 8/2/1894--1/11/1895 Waverly KS
Weekly Jeffersonian 3/5/1896--4/2/1896 Burlington KS
Allegre Rexall Capsule 1/29/1981--5/30/1990 Lebo KS
Burlington Courier 1/13/1893--12/1/1893 Burlington KS
Burlington Courier 12/8/1893--9/4/1896 Burlington KS
Burlington Courier 9/11/1896--6/30/1899 Burlington KS
Burlington Courier 7/7/1899--10/25/1901 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Jeffersonian 5/15/1897--2/24/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Jeffersonian 2/25/1898--6/14/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily News 1/13/1897--3/9/1897 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily News 3/10/1897--12/17/1897 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily News 12/18/1897--12/25/1897 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Nonpareil 4/15/1887--5/7/1887 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Republican 4/16/1887--6/15/1887 Burlington KS
Burlington Daily Star 1/13/1878--2/3/1878 Burlington KS
Burlington Democrat 2/6/1907--5/29/1908 Burlington KS
Burlington Democrat 6/1/1908--4/30/1909 Burlington KS
Burlington Democrat 5/3/1909--6/16/1910 Burlington KS
Burlington Herald 1/10/1902--2/20/1902 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 5/27/1876--8/29/1879 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st: single issue only] 7/8/1876 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 9/5/1879--12/29/1882 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 1/5/1883--8/27/1886 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 9/3/1886--12/27/1889 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 1/3/1890--3/31/1893 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 4/7/1893--6/26/1896 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 7/3/1896--6/30/1899 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 7/7/1899--6/27/1902 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 7/4/1902--12/30/1904 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 1/6/1905--7/25/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [1st] 8/1/1906--1/30/1907 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [2nd] 6/23/1910--2/29/1912 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [2nd] 3/7/1912--6/27/1913 Burlington KS
Burlington Independent [2nd] 7/1/1913--10/28/1914 Burlington KS
Burlington News 12/27/1897--11/26/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Nonpareil 9/3/1886--12/27/1889 Burlington KS
Burlington Nonpareil 1/3/1890--9/8/1893 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [1st: weekly] 1/25/1882--9/27/1883 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [1st: weekly] 10/4/1883--4/22/1886 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 1/5/1888--12/25/1891 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 1/1/1892--12/30/1893 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 1/5/1894--6/28/1895 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 7/5/1895--10/30/1896 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 11/6/1896--3/25/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 4/1/1898--9/29/1899 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 10/6/1899--3/29/1901 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 4/5/1901--9/25/1902 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 10/2/1902--3/31/1904 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 4/7/1904--9/28/1905 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [2nd: weekly] 10/5/1905--3/29/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 4/25/1906--2/20/1907 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 4/26/1906--8/30/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 9/3/1906--4/29/1907 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 2/21/1907--12/31/1907 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 5/2/1907--1/30/1908 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 1/1/1908--12/14/1908 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 2/3/1908--11/30/1908 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 12/3/1908--7/29/1909 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/15/1908--11/19/1909 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 8/2/1909--4/28/1910 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/20/1909--11/24/1910 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 5/2/1910--1/30/1911 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/25/1910--12/5/1911 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 2/2/1911--11/30/1911 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 12/4/1911--8/29/1912 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/6/1911--11/30/1912 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 9/2/1912--5/29/1913 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/2/1912--12/8/1913 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 6/2/1913--2/26/1914 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/9/1913--11/30/1914 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 3/2/1914--12/31/1914 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 12/1/1914--11/11/1915 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican [semiweekly] 1/4/1915--10/4/1915 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/12/1915--10/30/1916 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 10/31/1916--11/8/1917 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/9/1917--11/25/1918 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/26/1918--10/27/1919 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 10/28/1919--8/31/1920 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 9/1/1920--3/31/1921 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 4/1/1921--10/31/1921 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican 11/1/1921--12/24/1921 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican Patriot 5/6/1886--12/29/1887 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican and the Daily Jeffersonian 4/2/1906--4/24/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Republican and the Semi-Weekly Jeffersonian 4/5/1906--4/23/1906 Burlington KS
Burlington Times 8/28/1902--11/13/1902 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Jeffersonian 5/7/1897--5/20/1898 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Patriot 10/16/1873--12/28/1877 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Patriot 1/4/1878--6/30/1881 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Patriot 7/14/1881--6/27/1884 Burlington KS
Burlington Weekly Patriot 7/4/1884--4/23/1886 Burlington KS
Busy Bee 8/16/1900--2/2/1903 Leroy KS
City and Farm Record [single issue only] 12/19/1890 Burlington KS
Coffey County Camper [single issue only] 12/17/1938 Burlington KS
Coffey County Farm Bureau Bulletin 3/1920--9/1920 Burlington KS
Coffey County Farm Bureau News 10/1920--3/1922 Burlington KS
Coffey County Independent 7/19/1934--5/24/1937 Burlington KS
Coffey County Populist 6/19/1900--12/25/1900 Waverly KS
Coffey County Reporter 10/17/1975--1/21/1977 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 1/28/1977--3/9/1978 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 3/16/1978--7/5/1979 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 7/12/1979--10/8/1980 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 10/15/1980--7/28/1982 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 8/4/1982--7/25/1984 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 8/1/1984--6/18/1986 Leroy KS
Coffey County Reporter 6/25/1986--4/27/1988 Leroy KS
Coffey County Republican 9/8/1998--4/30/1999 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 5/4/1999--12/31/1999 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 1/4/2000--8/29/2000 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 9/1/2000--5/29/2001 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 6/1/2001--1/29/2002 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 2/1/2002--8/30/2002 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 9/3/2002--3/25/2003 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 3/28/2003--10/31/2003 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 11/4/2003--5/28/2004 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 6/1/2004--1/28/2005 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 2/1/2005--10/28/2005 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 11/1/2005--8/29/2006 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 9/1/2006--6/29/2007 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 7/3/2007--2/29/2008 Burlington KS
Coffey County Republican 3/4/2008--9/30/2008 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 5/2/1983--5/4/1984 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 5/7/1984--4/12/1985 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 4/15/1985--4/11/1986 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 4/14/1986--2/27/1987 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 3/2/1987--12/31/1987 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 1/4/1988--10/21/1988 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 10/24/1988--8/11/1989 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 8/14/1989--5/11/1990 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 5/14/1990--2/1/1991 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 2/4/1991--11/15/1991 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 11/18/1991--9/4/1992 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 9/8/1992--6/30/1993 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 7/2/1993--4/1/1994 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 4/4/1994--12/9/1994 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 12/12/1994--7/14/1995 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 7/17/1995--2/9/1996 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 2/12/1996--10/11/1996 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 10/14/1996--7/30/1997 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 8/1/1997--5/29/1998 Burlington KS
Coffey County Today 6/1/1998--9/4/1998 Burlington KS
Comment 7/16/1903--8/13/1908 Leroy KS
Courier 6/5/1891--1/6/1893 Burlington KS
Crusader [single issue only] 11/14/1930 Burlington KS
Daily Nonpareil [two issues only] 4/4/1887--4/5/1887 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/26/1921--5/8/1922 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/9/1922--11/20/1922 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 11/21/1922--5/31/1923 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/1/1923--12/12/1923 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/13/1923--6/10/1924 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/11/1924--12/19/1924 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/20/1924--6/30/1925 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/1/1925--12/31/1925 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/1/1926--7/12/1926 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/13/1926--12/28/1926 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/29/1926--6/30/1927 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/1/1927--12/26/1927 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/27/1927--6/21/1928 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/22/1928--12/21/1928 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/22/1928--6/29/1929 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/1/1929--12/25/1929 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/26/1929--7/5/1930 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/7/1930--1/8/1931 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/9/1931--7/8/1931 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/9/1931--12/31/1931 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/1/1932--7/21/1932 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/22/1932--2/17/1933 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/18/1933--9/25/1933 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/26/1933--5/18/1934 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/19/1934--12/13/1934 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/14/1934--7/18/1935 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/19/1935--2/8/1936 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/10/1936--8/25/1936 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 8/26/1936--3/6/1937 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 3/8/1937--10/6/1937 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/7/1937--4/13/1938 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/14/1938--11/5/1938 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 11/7/1938--5/31/1939 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/1/1939--12/30/1939 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/1/1940--8/19/1940 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 8/20/1940--4/11/1941 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/14/1941--12/18/1941 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/19/1941--8/31/1942 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/1/1942--6/24/1943 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/25/1943--3/31/1944 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/3/1944--12/29/1944 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/1/1945--9/28/1945 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/1/1945--5/14/1946 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/15/1946--1/8/1947 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/9/1947--9/11/1947 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/12/1947--4/30/1948 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/3/1948--12/31/1948 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/3/1949--9/16/1949 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/19/1949--5/15/1950 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/16/1950--12/13/1950 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/14/1950--8/10/1951 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 8/13/1951--4/30/1952 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/1/1952--1/12/1953 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/13/1953--9/11/1953 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/14/1953--5/24/1954 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/25/1954--1/28/1955 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/31/1955--10/7/1955 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/10/1955--6/8/1956 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/11/1956--2/14/1957 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/15/1957--10/25/1957 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/28/1957--7/18/1958 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/21/1958--4/17/1959 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/20/1959--12/31/1959 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/4/1960--9/22/1960 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/23/1960--5/31/1961 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/1/1961--2/8/1962 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/9/1962--10/23/1962 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/24/1962--6/18/1963 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/19/1963--2/18/1964 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/19/1964--10/12/1964 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/13/1964--6/14/1965 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/15/1965--2/10/1966 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/11/1966--10/17/1966 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/18/1966--6/21/1967 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/22/1967--2/16/1968 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/19/1968--10/15/1968 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/16/1968--6/11/1969 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 6/12/1969--2/9/1970 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 2/10/1970--9/30/1970 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/1/1970--5/25/1971 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/26/1971--1/18/1972 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/19/1972--9/29/1972 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/2/1972--7/12/1973 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/13/1973--4/22/1974 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/24/1974--12/26/1974 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/27/1974--9/15/1975 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 9/17/1975--4/29/1976 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/30/1976--12/30/1976 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/3/1977--6/30/1977 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/1/1977--12/30/1977 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 1/3/1978--6/30/1978 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 7/3/1978--12/18/1978 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 12/19/1978--5/29/1979 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/30/1979--11/12/1979 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 11/13/1979--5/9/1980 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 5/12/1980--10/28/1980 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/29/1980--4/27/1981 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 4/28/1981--10/23/1981 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/26/1981--9/30/1982 Burlington KS
Daily Republican 10/1/1982--4/29/1983 Burlington KS
Farm Record 12/26/1890--5/29/1891 Burlington KS
Free West [file is scattered] 8/1869--11/1870 Burlington KS
Gazette 9/14/1888--12/15/1888 Burlington KS
Gridley Gazette 3/19/1887--9/17/1887 Gridley KS
Gridley Gazette 9/24/1887--9/1/1888 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 11/18/1982--9/27/1984 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 10/4/1984--11/28/1986 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 12/4/1986--5/26/1988 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 6/2/1988--9/28/1989 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 10/5/1989--1/31/1991 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 2/7/1991--8/27/1992 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 9/3/1992--3/31/1994 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 4/7/1994--12/8/1995 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 1/11/1996--5/30/1997 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 6/5/1997--3/25/1999 Gridley KS
Gridley Gleam 4/1/1999--8/31/2000 Gridley KS
Gridley Herald 3/6/1894--2/14/1896 Gridley KS
Gridley Herald 2/21/1896--6/1/1900 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 12/20/1907--2/24/1911 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 3/3/1911--9/24/1915 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 10/1/1915--12/27/1918 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 1/3/1919--7/28/1922 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 8/4/1922--12/29/1927 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 1/5/1928--8/31/1933 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 9/7/1933--4/27/1939 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 5/4/1939--3/30/1944 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 4/6/1944--8/28/1947 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 9/4/1947--10/26/1950 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 11/2/1950--12/31/1953 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 1/7/1954--1/31/1957 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 2/7/1957--3/31/1960 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 4/7/1960--6/20/1963 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 6/27/1963--8/25/1966 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 9/1/1966--12/25/1969 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 1/1/1970--2/15/1973 Gridley KS
Gridley Light 2/22/1973--5/26/1976 Gridley KS
Gridley Register 9/23/1886--10/23/1886 Gridley KS
Gridley Standard 9/13/1889--3/28/1890 Gridley KS
Gridley Star 7/11/1902--6/2/1905 Gridley KS
Gridley Star 6/9/1905--6/13/1907 Gridley KS
Halls Summit News 4/29/1921--1/6/1922 Halls Summit KS
Hampden Expositor [single issue only] 7/9/1864 Hampden KS
Jeffersonian 2/9/1895--2/27/1896 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 4/9/1896--4/23/1897 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 5/27/1898--10/6/1898 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 10/13/1898--9/18/1902 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 2/13/1899--9/29/1899 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 9/30/1899--7/31/1900 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 8/1/1900--5/31/1901 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 6/1/1901--3/28/1902 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 3/29/1902--2/9/1903 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 2/10/1903--12/7/1903 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 9/25/1903--1/23/1905 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 12/8/1903--9/19/1904 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 9/20/1904--7/24/1905 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 1/26/1905--4/2/1906 Burlington KS
Jeffersonian 7/25/1905--3/31/1906 Burlington KS
Kansas Granger 1/1986--11/1993 Burlington KS
Kansas Patriot 9/3/1864--12/28/1867 Burlington KS
Kansas Patriot 1/4/1868--10/24/1868 Burlington KS
Kansas Patriot [two issues only] 10/16/1869--1/10/1870 Burlington KS
Lebo Courier 1/11/1889--10/25/1889 Lebo KS
Lebo Courier 11/1/1889--4/24/1891 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/28/1891--4/26/1894 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/3/1894--1/6/1898 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/13/1898--11/30/1900 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/7/1900--10/15/1903 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise [file is broken] 10/22/1903--2/20/1919 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/25/1905--7/23/1908 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 7/30/1908--1/20/1910 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/27/1910--2/20/1919 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 2/27/1919--12/14/1922 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/21/1922--5/20/1926 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/27/1926--5/23/1929 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/30/1929--12/25/1930 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/1/1931--7/21/1932 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 7/28/1932--10/17/1935 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 10/24/1935--12/21/1939 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/28/1939--5/25/1944 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 6/1/1944--5/20/1948 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/27/1948--7/31/1952 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 8/7/1952--1/19/1956 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/26/1956--8/14/1958 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 8/21/1958--1/12/1961 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/19/1961--5/16/1963 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 5/23/1963--9/30/1965 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 10/7/1965--1/25/1968 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 2/1/1968--7/9/1970 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 7/16/1970--12/14/1972 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/21/1972--1/30/1975 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 2/6/1975--12/16/1976 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/23/1976--9/7/1978 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 9/14/1978--6/18/1980 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 6/25/1980--8/25/1982 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 9/1/1982--8/15/1984 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 8/22/1984--12/4/1985 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 12/11/1985--12/31/1986 Lebo KS
Lebo Enterprise 1/7/1987--4/27/1988 Lebo KS
Lebo Leader 11/24/1931--5/20/1936 Lebo KS
Lebo Leader 5/27/1936--9/18/1940 Lebo KS
Lebo Leader 9/25/1940--3/10/1943 Lebo KS
Lebo Light 3/25/1884--10/9/1885 Lebo KS
Lebo Light 10/16/1885--1/4/1889 Lebo KS
Lebo Star 5/1/1908--8/8/1913 Lebo KS
Lebo Star 8/15/1913--10/4/1918 Lebo KS
Lebo Star 10/11/1918--3/16/1923 Lebo KS
Leroy Comment 2/16/1903--7/1/1903 Leroy KS
Leroy Comment 9/2/1908--7/14/1909 Leroy KS
Leroy Comment 7/21/1909--12/28/1910 Leroy KS
Leroy Eagle 11/11/1887--9/28/1888 Leroy KS
Leroy Pioneer [single issue only] 6/8/1867 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 12/26/1879--6/9/1883 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/16/1883--8/7/1886 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 8/14/1886--11/8/1889 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 11/15/1889--1/20/1893 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/27/1893--4/10/1896 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 4/17/1896--6/30/1899 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 7/7/1899--6/27/1902 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 7/4/1902--12/9/1904 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 12/16/1904--5/31/1907 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/7/1907--12/31/1909 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/7/1910--8/16/1912 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 8/23/1912--3/19/1915 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 3/26/1915--10/26/1917 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 11/2/1917--6/4/1920 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/11/1920--12/29/1922 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/5/1923--9/4/1925 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 9/11/1925--3/16/1928 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 3/23/1928--12/26/1930 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/2/1931--7/7/1933 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 7/14/1933--1/24/1936 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/31/1936--8/5/1938 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 8/12/1938--3/14/1941 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 3/21/1941--10/1/1943 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 10/8/1943--5/10/1946 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 5/17/1946--12/24/1948 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 12/31/1948--6/22/1951 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/29/1951--4/9/1954 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 4/16/1954--12/28/1956 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/4/1957--9/4/1959 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 9/11/1959--3/30/1962 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 4/6/1962--11/20/1964 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 11/27/1964--5/26/1967 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/2/1967--1/9/1970 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 1/16/1970--8/18/1972 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 8/25/1972--5/31/1974 Leroy KS
Leroy Reporter 6/7/1974--10/10/1975 Leroy KS
Leroy Times 9/23/1987--5/25/1988 Leroy KS
Leroy Times 6/1/1988--6/26/1989 Leroy KS
Leroy Weekly News 12/12/1923--10/15/1924 Leroy KS
Little Caisson 2/15/1877--5/15/1877 Burlington KS
Neosho Valley Blade 9/20/1901--8/28/1903 Leroy KS
Neosho Valley Register 10/4/1859--10/24/1861 Burlington KS
Post Gazette 6/4/1897--12/31/1897 Waverly KS
Redmond Reservoir News 6/1964--10/1969 Burlington KS
Republican Patriot [weekly] 4/30/1886--12/29/1887 Burlington KS
Standard 7/26/1889--9/6/1889 Gridley KS
Strawn Centennial [two issues only] 5/27/1972--5/28/1972 New Strawn KS
This Week 5/4/1988--4/26/1989 Burlington KS
This Week 5/3/1989--5/30/1990 Burlington KS
This Week 6/6/1990--6/26/1991 Burlington KS
This Week 7/3/1991--7/29/1992 Burlington KS
This Week 8/5/1992--8/25/1993 Burlington KS
This Week 9/1/1993--10/26/1994 Burlington KS
This Week 11/2/1994--9/27/1995 Burlington KS
This Week 10/4/1995--8/28/1996 Burlington KS
This Week 9/4/1996--9/24/1997 Burlington KS
This Week 10/1/1997--9/2/1998 Burlington KS
Vanguard [single issue only] 1/1885 Burlington KS
Voice of the People 9/9/1874--11/18/1874 Burlington KS
Waverly Gazette [1st] 3/2/1889--12/25/1891 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [1st] 1/1/1892--5/31/1895 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [1st] 6/7/1895--5/14/1897 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/7/1898--12/29/1899 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/5/1900--5/1/1903 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 5/8/1903--6/29/1906 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 7/6/1906--8/6/1909 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/13/1909--9/20/1912 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 9/27/1912--11/12/1915 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 11/19/1915--8/21/1919 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/29/1919--11/24/1922 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 12/1/1922--9/30/1926 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 10/7/1926--12/12/1929 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 12/19/1929--9/28/1933 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 10/5/1933--12/30/1937 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/6/1938--4/29/1943 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 5/6/1943--7/25/1946 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/1/1946--11/3/1949 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 11/10/1949--12/31/1953 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/7/1954--12/25/1958 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/1/1959--4/2/1964 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 4/9/1964--2/27/1969 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 3/6/1969--3/16/1972 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 3/23/1972--8/22/1974 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/29/1974--12/30/1976 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/6/1977--5/10/1979 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 5/17/1979--7/29/1981 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/5/1981--12/28/1983 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 1/4/1984--9/11/1985 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 9/18/1985--8/12/1987 Waverly KS
Waverly Gazette [2nd] 8/19/1987--4/27/1988 Waverly KS
Waverly News 3/29/1883--7/16/1885 Waverly KS
Waverly News 7/23/1885--1/31/1889 Waverly KS
Waverly Post 4/3/1896--5/21/1897 Waverly KS
Waverly Post 1/18/1989--7/19/1989 Leroy KS
Waverly Record 10/1/1898--6/30/1899 Waverly KS
Waverly Republican 2/1/1895--3/22/1895 Waverly KS
Waverly Sun 8/2/1894--1/11/1895 Waverly KS
Weekly Jeffersonian 3/5/1896--4/2/1896 Burlington KS
Cloud County Kansas Newspaper Research
I have access to the following newspapers. If you would like to hire me to research for Birth Announcements, Marriage Announcements, Obituaries or other information please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Alliant 7/5/1890--1/17/1891 Concordia KS
Alliant 1/24/1891--4/4/1895 Concordia KS
Ames Advance 6/5/1885--9/17/1886 Ames KS
Ames Bureau 2/18/1887--10/1/1887 Ames KS
Aurora News 11/23/1892--1/24/1894 Aurora KS
Aurora Searchlight 6/3/1920--11/25/1926 Aurora KS
Aurora Searchlight 12/9/1926--4/18/1935 Aurora KS
Blade [weekly] 4/23/1879--9/13/1879 Concordia KS
Blade and Empire [weekly] 5/29/1902--8/27/1903 Concordia KS
Blade and Empire [weekly] 9/3/1903--12/22/1904 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 2/26/1979--5/30/1979 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/31/1979--7/11/1979 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 7/12/1979--11/15/1979 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 11/16/1979--4/2/1980 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 4/3/1980--8/26/1980 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 8/27/1980--1/1/1981 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 1/2/1981--6/17/1981 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 6/18/1981--12/14/1981 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 12/15/1981--5/26/1982 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/27/1982--11/22/1982 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 11/23/1982--5/9/1983 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/10/1983--10/26/1983 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 10/27/1983--4/25/1984 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 4/26/1984--10/31/1984 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 11/1/1984--5/15/1985 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/16/1985--12/9/1985 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 12/10/1985--6/30/1986 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 7/1/1986--2/4/1987 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 2/5/1987--9/2/1987 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 9/3/1987--3/30/1988 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 3/31/1988--10/28/1988 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 10/31/1988--5/26/1989 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 10/31/1988--4/13/1989 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/29/1989--1/4/1990 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 10/14/1991--5/4/1992 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/5/1992--12/2/1992 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 12/3/1992--6/18/1993 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 6/21/1993--2/4/1994 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 2/7/1994--8/12/1994 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 8/15/1994--12/30/1994 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 1/3/1995--5/31/1995 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 6/1/1995--10/31/1995 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 11/1/1995--3/29/1996 Concordia KS
Cash Merchant 5/1/1897--10/15/1897 Glasco KS
Cline's Press 2/14/1884--10/30/1884 Clyde KS
Cloud County Blade 9/20/1879--5/12/1882 Concordia KS
Cloud County Critic 9/20/1882--8/12/1885 Concordia KS
Cloud County Critic 8/19/1885--3/16/1887 Concordia KS
Cloud County Kansan 10/15/1881--8/29/1885 Jamestown KS
Cloud County Kansan 9/5/1885--11/13/1886 Jamestown KS
Clyde Argus 1/5/1888--10/31/1890 Clyde KS
Clyde Argus 11/7/1890--9/29/1893 Clyde KS
Clyde Argus 10/6/1893--4/10/1896 Clyde KS
Clyde City Democrat 7/24/1880--12/29/1880 Clyde KS
Clyde Daily Republican 5/25/1907--7/27/1907 Clyde KS
Clyde Democrat 1/5/1881--8/2/1882 Clyde KS
Clyde Democrat 8/9/1882--9/6/1882 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 6/6/1878--6/22/1882 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 6/29/1882--12/30/1885 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 1/6/1886--1/30/1889 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 2/6/1889--3/2/1892 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 3/9/1892--2/13/1895 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 2/20/1895--12/8/1897 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 12/15/1897--12/28/1900 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 1/4/1901--10/30/1903 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 11/6/1903--1/26/1906 Clyde KS
Clyde Mail 11/6/1884--12/2/1886 Clyde KS
Clyde Mail 12/9/1886--12/29/1887 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [1st] 2/21/1901--7/21/1904 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [1st] 7/28/1904--1/25/1906 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [2nd] 8/2/1907--4/15/1909 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [2nd] 4/22/1909--11/10/1910 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [3rd] 1/4/1912--7/2/1914 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [3rd] 7/9/1914--5/30/1918 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 3/14/1929--12/25/1930 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/1/1931--6/8/1933 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 6/15/1933--12/26/1935 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/2/1936--6/30/1938 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 7/7/1938--12/26/1940 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/2/1941--9/16/1943 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 9/23/1943--11/7/1946 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 11/14/1946--5/26/1949 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 6/2/1949--12/13/1951 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 12/20/1951--6/17/1954 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 6/24/1954--12/27/1956 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/3/1957--8/13/1959 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 8/20/1959--2/22/1962 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 3/1/1962--9/3/1964 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 9/10/1964--3/2/1967 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 3/9/1967--9/18/1969 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 9/25/1969--5/18/1972 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 5/25/1972--7/18/1974 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 7/25/1974--9/30/1976 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 10/7/1976--8/31/1978 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 9/7/1978--1/22/1981 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/29/1981--11/23/1983 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [5th] 5/8/1986--4/27/1989 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [5th] 5/4/1989--7/30/1992 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [5th] 8/6/1992--10/26/1995 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [5th] 11/2/1995--4/29/1999 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican Semi-Weekly 11/14/1910--11/9/1911 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican Semi-Weekly 11/13/1911--12/28/1911 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican and the Clyde Herald 2/1/1906--9/20/1906 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican and the Clyde Herald 2/1/1906--9/20/1906 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican and the Clyde Herald 9/27/1906--7/25/1907 Clyde KS
Clyde Star 5/14/1884--4/25/1884 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 8/22/1918--7/15/1920 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 7/22/1920--12/7/1922 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 12/14/1922--5/14/1925 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 5/21/1925--11/17/1927 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 11/24/1927--3/7/1929 Clyde KS
Come and See 6/15/1895--8/1895 Ames KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 1/25/1889--9/26/1890 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 10/3/1890--3/25/1892 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 4/1/1892--4/27/1894 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 5/4/1894--4/24/1896 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 5/1/1896--10/29/1897 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 11/5/1897--4/28/1899 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 5/5/1899--10/25/1900 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 11/1/1900--5/22/1902 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/3/1919--4/7/1920 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/8/1920--12/4/1920 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/6/1920--8/12/1921 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/13/1921--4/6/1922 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/7/1922--12/11/1922 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/12/1922--8/9/1923 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/10/1923--3/21/1924 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/22/1924--11/6/1924 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/7/1924--6/19/1925 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/20/1925--2/13/1926 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/15/1926--9/22/1926 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/23/1926--4/27/1927 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/28/1927--11/12/1927 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/14/1927--6/2/1928 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/4/1928--12/29/1928 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/31/1928--7/10/1929 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/11/1929--12/31/1929 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/2/1930--6/17/1930 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/18/1930--12/2/1930 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/3/1930--5/21/1931 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/22/1931--11/18/1931 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/19/1931--5/23/1932 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/24/1932--12/3/1932 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/5/1932--7/19/1933 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/20/1933--2/1/1934 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/2/1934--8/11/1934 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/13/1934--3/1/1935 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/2/1935--9/18/1935 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/19/1935--4/3/1936 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/4/1936--10/19/1936 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/20/1936--5/5/1937 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/6/1937--11/18/1937 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/19/1937--6/9/1938 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/10/1938--1/4/1939 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/5/1939--8/4/1939 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/5/1939--3/6/1940 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/7/1940--9/9/1940 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/10/1940--4/9/1941 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/10/1941--11/4/1941 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/5/1941--6/20/1942 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/22/1942--1/30/1943 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/1/1943--9/13/1943 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/14/1943--5/4/1944 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/5/1944--12/13/1944 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/14/1944--7/25/1945 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/26/1945--3/2/1946 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/4/1946--9/25/1946 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/26/1946--4/9/1947 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/10/1947--10/11/1947 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/13/1947--4/21/1948 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/22/1948--10/27/1948 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/28/1948--4/27/1949 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/28/1949--10/13/1949 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/14/1949--3/30/1950 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/31/1950--8/29/1950 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/30/1950--1/29/1951 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/30/1951--6/28/1951 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/29/1951--12/6/1951 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/7/1951--5/10/1952 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/12/1952--10/22/1952 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/23/1952--3/23/1953 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/24/1953--8/20/1953 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/21/1953--1/22/1954 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/23/1954--6/30/1954 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/1/1954--12/8/1954 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/9/1954--5/12/1955 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/13/1955--10/18/1955 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/19/1955--3/26/1956 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/27/1956--9/6/1956 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/7/1956--2/12/1957 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/13/1957--7/25/1957 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/26/1957--1/9/1958 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/10/1958--7/2/1958 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/3/1958--12/22/1958 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/23/1958--6/15/1959 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/16/1959--11/23/1959 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/24/1959--4/30/1960 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/2/1960--10/12/1960 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/13/1960--3/27/1961 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/28/1961--9/7/1961 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/8/1961--2/15/1962 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/16/1962--7/19/1962 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/20/1962--12/18/1962 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/19/1962--5/20/1963 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/21/1963--10/23/1963 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/24/1963--3/18/1964 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/19/1964--8/18/1964 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/19/1964--1/13/1965 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/14/1965--6/15/1965 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/16/1965--11/13/1965 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/15/1965--4/15/1966 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/16/1966--9/17/1966 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/19/1966--2/23/1967 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/24/1967--8/5/1967 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/7/1967--1/9/1968 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/10/1968--6/22/1968 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/24/1968--10/29/1968 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/30/1968--3/28/1969 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/29/1969--8/13/1969 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/14/1969--12/22/1969 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/23/1969--5/18/1970 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/19/1970--10/21/1970 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/22/1970--3/26/1971 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/27/1971--8/18/1971 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/19/1971--1/10/1972 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/11/1972--6/12/1972 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/13/1972--11/13/1972 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/14/1972--4/11/1973 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/12/1973--9/10/1973 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/11/1973--2/14/1974 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/15/1974--7/22/1974 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/23/1974--12/21/1974 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/23/1974--5/20/1975 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/21/1975--10/14/1975 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/15/1975--3/6/1976 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/8/1976--7/22/1976 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/23/1976--12/4/1976 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/6/1976--4/16/1977 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/18/1977--9/3/1977 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/5/1977--1/18/1978 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/19/1978--6/6/1978 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/7/1978--10/21/1978 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/23/1978--2/24/1979 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 5/29/1989--1/4/1990 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 1/5/1990--8/7/1990 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 8/8/1990--3/12/1990 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 3/13/1991--10/11/1991 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 10/14/1991--1/1/1992 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 4/1/1996--9/13/1996 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 9/16/1996--3/14/1997 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 3/17/1997--9/12/1997 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 9/15/1997--3/20/1998 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 3/23/1998--10/16/1998 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 10/19/1998--6/4/1999 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 6/7/1999--12/31/1999 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 1/3/2000--6/30/2000 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 7/3/2000--12/29/2000 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 1/1/2001--6/29/2001 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 7/2/2001--12/31/2001 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 12/2/2002--5/30/2003 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 6/2/2003--11/28/2003 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 12/1/2003--5/31/2004 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 6/2/2004--11/30/2004 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 12/1/2004--6/30/2005 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 12/22/1884--12/30/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 1/2/1888--11/3/1888 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 12/5/1914--3/27/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 3/29/1915--10/14/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 10/15/1915--5/4/1916 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 5/5/1916--10/14/1916 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 10/16/1916--6/22/1917 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 6/23/1917--3/30/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 4/1/1918--12/31/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 1/2/1919--5/23/1919 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 5/24/1919--6/2/1919 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 3/17/1905--9/15/1905 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 9/16/1905--2/28/1906 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 3/1/1906--8/15/1906 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 8/16/1906--2/19/1907 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 2/20/1907--8/20/1907 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 8/21/1907--1/31/1908 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 2/1/1908--7/31/1908 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 8/1/1908--12/31/1908 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/2/1909--6/7/1909 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 6/8/1909--12/31/1909 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/3/1910--6/17/1910 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 6/18/1910--12/31/1910 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/3/1911--6/20/1911 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 6/21/1911--12/30/1911 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/2/1912--6/29/1912 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 7/1/1912--1/25/1913 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/27/1913--8/22/1913 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 8/23/1913--2/28/1914 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 3/2/1914--9/15/1914 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 9/16/1914--3/31/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 4/1/1915--10/14/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 10/15/1915--4/14/1916 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 4/15/1916--10/19/1916 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 10/20/1916--5/2/1917 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 5/3/1917--11/22/1917 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 11/23/1917--6/29/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 7/1/1918--12/31/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/2/1919--5/10/1919 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Times 12/22/1884--1/17/1885 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 11/30/1886--8/9/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 2/19/1889--3/17/1891 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 3/24/1891--3/13/1894 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 3/20/1894--4/1/1897 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 4/8/1897--1/25/1900 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight Democrat 6/3/1886--11/23/1886 Concordia KS
Concordia Democrat 5/6/1886--5/27/1886 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 12/26/1873--12/31/1875 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st: single issue only] 7/3/1874 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 1/7/1876--9/27/1878 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 10/4/1878--12/26/1879 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 1/2/1880--10/27/1881 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 11/3/1881--11/22/1883 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 4/21/1887--12/27/1888 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 1/3/1889--6/26/1890 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 7/3/1890--12/29/1892 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 1/5/1893--12/26/1895 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 1/2/1896--12/29/1898 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 1/5/1899--1/25/1900 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [3rd] 2/21/1901--5/22/1902 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 12/29/1904--3/29/1906 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 4/5/1906--3/28/1907 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 4/4/1907--8/27/1908 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 9/3/1908--12/30/1909 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 1/6/1910--6/29/1911 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 7/6/1911--9/26/1912 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 10/3/1912--3/26/1914 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 4/2/1914--8/26/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 9/2/1915--5/31/1917 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 6/7/1917--5/15/1919 Concordia KS
Concordia Expositor 7/6/1876--8/21/1879 Concordia KS
Concordia Expositor 8/28/1879--12/29/1881 Concordia KS
Concordia News 10/2/1916--5/9/1921 Concordia KS
Concordia News 5/16/1921--10/18/1926 Concordia KS
Concordia News 10/25/1926--10/26/1931 Concordia KS
Concordia News 11/2/1931--5/13/1935 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 10/8/1901--6/18/1903 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 6/25/1903--4/19/1906 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 4/26/1906--2/11/1909 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 2/18/1909--9/29/1910 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 10/6/1910--4/10/1913 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 4/17/1913--11/11/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 11/18/1915--6/27/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 7/4/1918--12/29/1921 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 1/5/1922--6/18/1925 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 6/25/1925--11/29/1928 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 12/6/1928--12/25/1930 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 1/1/1931--11/15/1934 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 11/22/1934--3/18/1937 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 3/25/1937--9/21/1939 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 9/28/1939--9/10/1942 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 9/17/1942--3/21/1946 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 3/28/1946--10/2/1947 Concordia KS
Concordia Semi-Weekly Times 3/31/1887--9/1/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 3/28/1884--1/23/1885 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 3/28/1884--2/6/1885 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 2/13/1885--3/25/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 9/8/1887--11/10/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 11/17/1887--8/29/1890 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 9/5/1890--12/4/1891 Concordia KS
Concordia Weekly Daylight 8/16/1887--6/5/1888 Concordia KS
Concordia Weekly Expositor Republican 1/5/1882--12/28/1882 Concordia KS
Concordia Weekly Expositor Republican 1/4/1883--9/13/1883 Concordia KS
Cyclone 7/30/1881--2/18/1882 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 7/12/1902--7/31/1902 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 8/1/1902--8/14/1903 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 8/15/1903--7/30/1904 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 8/1/1904--6/16/1905 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 6/17/1905--1/24/1906 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 1/25/1906--9/5/1906 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 9/6/1906--3/30/1907 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/1/1907--10/15/1907 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/16/1907--4/14/1908 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/15/1908--10/23/1908 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/24/1908--5/7/1909 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 5/8/1909--10/30/1909 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 11/1/1909--4/12/1910 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/13/1910--10/14/1910 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/15/1910--4/14/1911 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/15/1911--10/24/1911 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/25/1911--4/19/1912 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/20/1912--10/31/1912 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 11/1/1912--4/19/1913 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/21/1913--11/4/1913 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 11/5/1913--4/20/1914 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/21/1914--10/22/1914 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/23/1914--12/4/1914 Concordia KS
Daily Daylight 5/9/1895--5/21/1895 Concordia KS
Daily Reporter 8/8/1887--9/3/1887 Concordia KS
Daylight 6/12/1888--10/30/1888 Concordia KS
District School 12/1893--5/1894 Aurora KS
District School 4/14/1894--7/1895 Concordia KS
Empire-Daylight 2/1/1900--2/14/1901 Concordia KS
Farmers' Tribune 2/16/1894--4/13/1894 Miltonvale KS
Farmers' Voice 1/22/1891--11/28/1895 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 12/5/1895--11/22/1900 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 11/29/1900--5/18/1905 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 5/25/1905--12/31/1908 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 1/7/1909--8/17/1911 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 8/24/1911--3/19/1914 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 3/26/1914--5/27/1918 Clyde KS
Glasco Banner 2/21/1880--7/10/1880 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [1st] 1/20/1883--8/25/1888 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [1st] 9/1/1888--9/29/1893 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 1/11/1895--9/29/1899 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 10/6/1899--12/30/1904 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 1/6/1905--6/25/1909 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 7/2/1909--6/11/1914 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 6/18/1914--2/27/1919 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 3/20/1919--5/8/1919 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 8/19/1937--3/27/1941 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 4/3/1941--8/29/1946 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 9/5/1946--6/29/1950 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 7/6/1950--6/24/1954 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 7/1/1954--9/25/1958 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 10/2/1958--11/29/1962 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 12/6/1962--10/27/1966 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 11/3/1966--6/25/1970 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 7/2/1970--8/30/1973 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 9/6/1973--8/26/1976 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 9/2/1976--5/18/1978 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 5/25/1978--12/27/1979 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 1/3/1980--5/7/1981 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 5/14/1981--10/7/1982 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 10/14/1982--6/28/1984 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 7/5/1984--12/31/1987 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 1/7/1988--12/27/1990 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 1/3/1991--10/27/1994 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 11/3/1994--8/27/1998 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 9/3/1998--1/25/2001 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 2/1/2001--12/27/2001 Glasco KS
Glasco Tribune 8/18/1881--8/24/1882 Glasco KS
Good Tidings 6/2/1894--9/15/1894 Clyde KS
Jamestown New Era 12/27/1890--1/29/1892 Jamestown KS
Jamestown New Era 2/5/1892--10/27/1893 Jamestown KS
Jamestown Settler 5/3/1979--9/3/1981 Jamestown KS
Jamestown Settler 9/10/1981--1/20/1983 Jamestown KS
Kansan 11/20/1886--12/1/1888 Jamestown KS
Kansan 12/8/1888--11/15/1890 Jamestown KS
Kansan 11/3/1893--12/26/1895 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/2/1896--12/29/1898 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/5/1899--10/10/1901 Concordia KS
Kansan 10/17/1901--4/28/1904 Concordia KS
Kansan 5/5/1904--11/29/1906 Concordia KS
Kansan 12/6/1906--9/30/1909 Concordia KS
Kansan 10/7/1909--7/25/1912 Concordia KS
Kansan 8/1/1912--6/17/1915 Concordia KS
Kansan 6/24/1915--12/27/1917 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1918--12/30/1920 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/6/1921--12/27/1923 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1924--12/30/1926 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/6/1927--12/26/1929 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/2/1930--12/29/1932 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/5/1933--12/26/1935 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/2/1936--7/28/1938 Concordia KS
Kansan 8/4/1938--12/25/1941 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/1/1942--12/28/1944 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/4/1945--12/25/1947 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/1/1948--12/28/1950 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/4/1951--12/31/1953 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/7/1954--12/27/1956 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1957--12/31/1959 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/7/1960--12/27/1962 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1963--12/30/1965 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/6/1966--10/31/1968 Concordia KS
Kansan 11/7/1968--12/31/1970 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/7/1971--3/30/1972 Concordia KS
Kansan 4/6/1972--1/30/1975 Concordia KS
Kansan 2/6/1975--12/29/1977 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/5/1978--12/27/1979 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1980--6/24/1982 Concordia KS
Kansan 7/1/1982--1/24/1985 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/31/1985--9/5/1988 Concordia KS
Kansas Blade 5/19/1882--6/26/1885 Concordia KS
Kansas Blade 7/3/1885--1/18/1889 Concordia KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 10/1/1930--12/1/1939 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1940--12/1/1952 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1953--12/1/1961 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1962--12/1/1971 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1972--12/1/1983 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1984--10/1/2003 Clyde KS
Kansas Conference Reporter 10/1896--11/1896 Ames KS
Kansas Conference Reporter 12/1896--12/1897 Clyde KS
Kansas Conference Reporter 1/1898--9/1898 Hollis KS
Kansas Kritic 1/4/1888--12/26/1888 Concordia KS
Kansas Optimist [1st] 5/4/1895--4/24/1897 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [1st] 5/1/1897--1/11/1901 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [1st] 1/18/1901--11/7/1901 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 4/14/1904--10/25/1906 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 11/1/1906--4/8/1909 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 4/15/1909--9/7/1911 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/14/1911--2/19/1914 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 2/26/1914--9/5/1918 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/12/1918--8/31/1922 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/7/1922--4/8/1926 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 4/15/1926--11/14/1929 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 11/21/1929--12/25/1930 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 1/1/1931--8/23/1934 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 8/30/1934--8/12/1937 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 8/19/1937--1/16/1941 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 1/23/1941--9/27/1945 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 10/4/1945--9/1/1949 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/8/1949--4/9/1953 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 4/16/1953--11/8/1956 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 11/15/1956--9/7/1961 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/14/1961--7/29/1965 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist and Republican 11/14/1901--2/11/1904 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist and Republican 2/18/1904--4/7/1904 Jamestown KS
Kansas Sunflower 7/4/1894--7/26/1895 Clyde KS
Kansas Union Labor Kritic 4/6/1887--12/28/1887 Concordia KS
Miltonvale Advance 1/13/1892--4/6/1892 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Chieftain 7/21/1887--11/3/1888 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Echo 7/29/1892--1/6/1893 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Leader 8/31/1893--1/4/1894 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale News [file is broken] 8/18/1882--3/9/1883 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale News 6/9/1886--9/13/1888 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale News [file is broken] 9/20/1888--9/18/1891 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Press [1st] 9/16/1892--2/17/1893 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Press [2nd: file is broken] 10/23/1896--6/8/1899 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Press [2nd] 6/15/1899--1/18/1901 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 2/1/1901--6/3/1904 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 6/10/1904--7/5/1907 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 7/12/1907--1/18/1912 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/25/1912--3/25/1915 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 4/1/1915--10/16/1919 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 10/23/1919--11/15/1923 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 11/22/1923--5/24/1928 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 5/31/1928--12/25/1930 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/1/1931--8/8/1935 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 8/15/1935--10/12/1939 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 10/19/1939--3/16/1944 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 3/23/1944--12/2/1948 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 12/9/1948--6/25/1953 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 7/2/1953--8/21/1958 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 8/28/1958--8/15/1963 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 8/22/1963--4/25/1968 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 5/2/1968--11/23/1972 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 11/30/1972--3/17/1977 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 3/24/1977--7/12/1979 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 7/19/1979--12/25/1980 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/1/1981--12/27/1984 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/3/1985--5/25/1989 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 6/1/1989--11/25/1993 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 12/2/1993--9/25/1997 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 10/2/1997--12/27/2001 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/3/2002--12/28/2006 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Review 7/25/1889--11/14/1889 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Star 4/14/1886--8/26/1886 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Tribune 8/23/1894--9/6/1894 Miltonvale KS
New Era 12/6/1890--12/13/1890 Jamestown KS
News 3/23/1883--12/21/1883 Miltonvale KS
News 1/16/1890--4/17/1890 Miltonvale KS
Press 8/19/1897--5/19/1898 Miltonvale KS
Press 1/22/1901--10/1/1901 Concordia KS
Quill 12/1/1888--11/22/1890 Jamestown KS
Reformer 9/15/1886--11/2/1886 Concordia KS
Reporter 2/25/1892--3/17/1892 Miltonvale KS
Republican 1/5/1984--4/24/1986 Clyde KS
Republican 5/1/1986 Clyde KS
Republican Valley Empire 5/31/1870--11/1/1870 Clyde KS
Republican Valley Empire 12/24/1870--11/23/1872 Concordia KS
Republican Valley Empire 1/6/1872--12/19/1873 Concordia KS
Republican Valley Watchman 2/17/1871--12/8/1871 Clyde KS
Republican-Empire 11/29/1883--4/14/1887 Concordia KS
Settlers Adviser [single issue only] 2/1872 Concordia KS
Student Reporter [two issues only] 9/1/1922--10/31/1922 Jamestown KS
Sun [1st] 10/6/1893--4/6/1894 Glasco KS
Sun [1st] 4/13/1894--1/4/1895 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 5/15/1919--3/30/1922 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 4/6/1922--10/8/1925 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 10/15/1925--1/31/1929 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 2/7/1929--12/29/1932 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 1/5/1933--11/26/1936 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 12/3/1936--8/12/1937 Glasco KS
Tribune 6/1/1894--8/17/1894 Miltonvale KS
Voice-Republican 6/6/1918--8/15/1918 Clyde KS
Weekly Courier 3/23/1888--6/29/1888 Ames KS
Weekly Daylight 11/6/1888--2/12/1889 Concordia KS
Weekly Farmers' Tribune 4/20/1894--5/25/1894 Miltonvale KS
Weekly Press 2/24/1893--8/4/1893 Miltonvale KS
Western Rustler 1/1889--5/1889 Clyde KS
Zepher 10/1905--11/1905 Clyde KS
Alliant 7/5/1890--1/17/1891 Concordia KS
Alliant 1/24/1891--4/4/1895 Concordia KS
Ames Advance 6/5/1885--9/17/1886 Ames KS
Ames Bureau 2/18/1887--10/1/1887 Ames KS
Aurora News 11/23/1892--1/24/1894 Aurora KS
Aurora Searchlight 6/3/1920--11/25/1926 Aurora KS
Aurora Searchlight 12/9/1926--4/18/1935 Aurora KS
Blade [weekly] 4/23/1879--9/13/1879 Concordia KS
Blade and Empire [weekly] 5/29/1902--8/27/1903 Concordia KS
Blade and Empire [weekly] 9/3/1903--12/22/1904 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 2/26/1979--5/30/1979 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/31/1979--7/11/1979 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 7/12/1979--11/15/1979 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 11/16/1979--4/2/1980 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 4/3/1980--8/26/1980 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 8/27/1980--1/1/1981 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 1/2/1981--6/17/1981 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 6/18/1981--12/14/1981 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 12/15/1981--5/26/1982 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/27/1982--11/22/1982 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 11/23/1982--5/9/1983 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/10/1983--10/26/1983 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 10/27/1983--4/25/1984 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 4/26/1984--10/31/1984 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 11/1/1984--5/15/1985 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/16/1985--12/9/1985 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 12/10/1985--6/30/1986 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 7/1/1986--2/4/1987 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 2/5/1987--9/2/1987 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 9/3/1987--3/30/1988 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 3/31/1988--10/28/1988 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 10/31/1988--5/26/1989 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 10/31/1988--4/13/1989 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/29/1989--1/4/1990 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 10/14/1991--5/4/1992 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 5/5/1992--12/2/1992 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 12/3/1992--6/18/1993 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 6/21/1993--2/4/1994 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 2/7/1994--8/12/1994 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 8/15/1994--12/30/1994 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 1/3/1995--5/31/1995 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 6/1/1995--10/31/1995 Concordia KS
Blade-Empire 11/1/1995--3/29/1996 Concordia KS
Cash Merchant 5/1/1897--10/15/1897 Glasco KS
Cline's Press 2/14/1884--10/30/1884 Clyde KS
Cloud County Blade 9/20/1879--5/12/1882 Concordia KS
Cloud County Critic 9/20/1882--8/12/1885 Concordia KS
Cloud County Critic 8/19/1885--3/16/1887 Concordia KS
Cloud County Kansan 10/15/1881--8/29/1885 Jamestown KS
Cloud County Kansan 9/5/1885--11/13/1886 Jamestown KS
Clyde Argus 1/5/1888--10/31/1890 Clyde KS
Clyde Argus 11/7/1890--9/29/1893 Clyde KS
Clyde Argus 10/6/1893--4/10/1896 Clyde KS
Clyde City Democrat 7/24/1880--12/29/1880 Clyde KS
Clyde Daily Republican 5/25/1907--7/27/1907 Clyde KS
Clyde Democrat 1/5/1881--8/2/1882 Clyde KS
Clyde Democrat 8/9/1882--9/6/1882 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 6/6/1878--6/22/1882 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 6/29/1882--12/30/1885 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 1/6/1886--1/30/1889 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 2/6/1889--3/2/1892 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 3/9/1892--2/13/1895 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 2/20/1895--12/8/1897 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 12/15/1897--12/28/1900 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 1/4/1901--10/30/1903 Clyde KS
Clyde Herald 11/6/1903--1/26/1906 Clyde KS
Clyde Mail 11/6/1884--12/2/1886 Clyde KS
Clyde Mail 12/9/1886--12/29/1887 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [1st] 2/21/1901--7/21/1904 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [1st] 7/28/1904--1/25/1906 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [2nd] 8/2/1907--4/15/1909 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [2nd] 4/22/1909--11/10/1910 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [3rd] 1/4/1912--7/2/1914 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [3rd] 7/9/1914--5/30/1918 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 3/14/1929--12/25/1930 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/1/1931--6/8/1933 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 6/15/1933--12/26/1935 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/2/1936--6/30/1938 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 7/7/1938--12/26/1940 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/2/1941--9/16/1943 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 9/23/1943--11/7/1946 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 11/14/1946--5/26/1949 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 6/2/1949--12/13/1951 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 12/20/1951--6/17/1954 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 6/24/1954--12/27/1956 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/3/1957--8/13/1959 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 8/20/1959--2/22/1962 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 3/1/1962--9/3/1964 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 9/10/1964--3/2/1967 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 3/9/1967--9/18/1969 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 9/25/1969--5/18/1972 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 5/25/1972--7/18/1974 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 7/25/1974--9/30/1976 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 10/7/1976--8/31/1978 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 9/7/1978--1/22/1981 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [4th] 1/29/1981--11/23/1983 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [5th] 5/8/1986--4/27/1989 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [5th] 5/4/1989--7/30/1992 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [5th] 8/6/1992--10/26/1995 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican [5th] 11/2/1995--4/29/1999 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican Semi-Weekly 11/14/1910--11/9/1911 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican Semi-Weekly 11/13/1911--12/28/1911 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican and the Clyde Herald 2/1/1906--9/20/1906 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican and the Clyde Herald 2/1/1906--9/20/1906 Clyde KS
Clyde Republican and the Clyde Herald 9/27/1906--7/25/1907 Clyde KS
Clyde Star 5/14/1884--4/25/1884 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 8/22/1918--7/15/1920 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 7/22/1920--12/7/1922 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 12/14/1922--5/14/1925 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 5/21/1925--11/17/1927 Clyde KS
Clyde Voice-Republican 11/24/1927--3/7/1929 Clyde KS
Come and See 6/15/1895--8/1895 Ames KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 1/25/1889--9/26/1890 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 10/3/1890--3/25/1892 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 4/1/1892--4/27/1894 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 5/4/1894--4/24/1896 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 5/1/1896--10/29/1897 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 11/5/1897--4/28/1899 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 5/5/1899--10/25/1900 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade [weekly] 11/1/1900--5/22/1902 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/3/1919--4/7/1920 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/8/1920--12/4/1920 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/6/1920--8/12/1921 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/13/1921--4/6/1922 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/7/1922--12/11/1922 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/12/1922--8/9/1923 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/10/1923--3/21/1924 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/22/1924--11/6/1924 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/7/1924--6/19/1925 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/20/1925--2/13/1926 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/15/1926--9/22/1926 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/23/1926--4/27/1927 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/28/1927--11/12/1927 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/14/1927--6/2/1928 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/4/1928--12/29/1928 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/31/1928--7/10/1929 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/11/1929--12/31/1929 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/2/1930--6/17/1930 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/18/1930--12/2/1930 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/3/1930--5/21/1931 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/22/1931--11/18/1931 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/19/1931--5/23/1932 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/24/1932--12/3/1932 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/5/1932--7/19/1933 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/20/1933--2/1/1934 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/2/1934--8/11/1934 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/13/1934--3/1/1935 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/2/1935--9/18/1935 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/19/1935--4/3/1936 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/4/1936--10/19/1936 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/20/1936--5/5/1937 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/6/1937--11/18/1937 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/19/1937--6/9/1938 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/10/1938--1/4/1939 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/5/1939--8/4/1939 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/5/1939--3/6/1940 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/7/1940--9/9/1940 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/10/1940--4/9/1941 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/10/1941--11/4/1941 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/5/1941--6/20/1942 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/22/1942--1/30/1943 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/1/1943--9/13/1943 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/14/1943--5/4/1944 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/5/1944--12/13/1944 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/14/1944--7/25/1945 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/26/1945--3/2/1946 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/4/1946--9/25/1946 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/26/1946--4/9/1947 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/10/1947--10/11/1947 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/13/1947--4/21/1948 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/22/1948--10/27/1948 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/28/1948--4/27/1949 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/28/1949--10/13/1949 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/14/1949--3/30/1950 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/31/1950--8/29/1950 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/30/1950--1/29/1951 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/30/1951--6/28/1951 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/29/1951--12/6/1951 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/7/1951--5/10/1952 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/12/1952--10/22/1952 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/23/1952--3/23/1953 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/24/1953--8/20/1953 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/21/1953--1/22/1954 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/23/1954--6/30/1954 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/1/1954--12/8/1954 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/9/1954--5/12/1955 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/13/1955--10/18/1955 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/19/1955--3/26/1956 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/27/1956--9/6/1956 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/7/1956--2/12/1957 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/13/1957--7/25/1957 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/26/1957--1/9/1958 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/10/1958--7/2/1958 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/3/1958--12/22/1958 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/23/1958--6/15/1959 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/16/1959--11/23/1959 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/24/1959--4/30/1960 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/2/1960--10/12/1960 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/13/1960--3/27/1961 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/28/1961--9/7/1961 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/8/1961--2/15/1962 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/16/1962--7/19/1962 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/20/1962--12/18/1962 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/19/1962--5/20/1963 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/21/1963--10/23/1963 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/24/1963--3/18/1964 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/19/1964--8/18/1964 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/19/1964--1/13/1965 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/14/1965--6/15/1965 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/16/1965--11/13/1965 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/15/1965--4/15/1966 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/16/1966--9/17/1966 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/19/1966--2/23/1967 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/24/1967--8/5/1967 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/7/1967--1/9/1968 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/10/1968--6/22/1968 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/24/1968--10/29/1968 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/30/1968--3/28/1969 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/29/1969--8/13/1969 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/14/1969--12/22/1969 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/23/1969--5/18/1970 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/19/1970--10/21/1970 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/22/1970--3/26/1971 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/27/1971--8/18/1971 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 8/19/1971--1/10/1972 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/11/1972--6/12/1972 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/13/1972--11/13/1972 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 11/14/1972--4/11/1973 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/12/1973--9/10/1973 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/11/1973--2/14/1974 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 2/15/1974--7/22/1974 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/23/1974--12/21/1974 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/23/1974--5/20/1975 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 5/21/1975--10/14/1975 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/15/1975--3/6/1976 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 3/8/1976--7/22/1976 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 7/23/1976--12/4/1976 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 12/6/1976--4/16/1977 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 4/18/1977--9/3/1977 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 9/5/1977--1/18/1978 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 1/19/1978--6/6/1978 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 6/7/1978--10/21/1978 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [1st] 10/23/1978--2/24/1979 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 5/29/1989--1/4/1990 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 1/5/1990--8/7/1990 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 8/8/1990--3/12/1990 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 3/13/1991--10/11/1991 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 10/14/1991--1/1/1992 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 4/1/1996--9/13/1996 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 9/16/1996--3/14/1997 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 3/17/1997--9/12/1997 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 9/15/1997--3/20/1998 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 3/23/1998--10/16/1998 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 10/19/1998--6/4/1999 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 6/7/1999--12/31/1999 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 1/3/2000--6/30/2000 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 7/3/2000--12/29/2000 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 1/1/2001--6/29/2001 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 7/2/2001--12/31/2001 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 12/2/2002--5/30/2003 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 6/2/2003--11/28/2003 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 12/1/2003--5/31/2004 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 6/2/2004--11/30/2004 Concordia KS
Concordia Blade-Empire [2nd] 12/1/2004--6/30/2005 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 12/22/1884--12/30/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 1/2/1888--11/3/1888 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 12/5/1914--3/27/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 3/29/1915--10/14/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 10/15/1915--5/4/1916 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 5/5/1916--10/14/1916 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 10/16/1916--6/22/1917 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 6/23/1917--3/30/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 4/1/1918--12/31/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 1/2/1919--5/23/1919 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Blade 5/24/1919--6/2/1919 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 3/17/1905--9/15/1905 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 9/16/1905--2/28/1906 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 3/1/1906--8/15/1906 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 8/16/1906--2/19/1907 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 2/20/1907--8/20/1907 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 8/21/1907--1/31/1908 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 2/1/1908--7/31/1908 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 8/1/1908--12/31/1908 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/2/1909--6/7/1909 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 6/8/1909--12/31/1909 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/3/1910--6/17/1910 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 6/18/1910--12/31/1910 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/3/1911--6/20/1911 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 6/21/1911--12/30/1911 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/2/1912--6/29/1912 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 7/1/1912--1/25/1913 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/27/1913--8/22/1913 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 8/23/1913--2/28/1914 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 3/2/1914--9/15/1914 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 9/16/1914--3/31/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 4/1/1915--10/14/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 10/15/1915--4/14/1916 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 4/15/1916--10/19/1916 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 10/20/1916--5/2/1917 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 5/3/1917--11/22/1917 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 11/23/1917--6/29/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 7/1/1918--12/31/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Kansan 1/2/1919--5/10/1919 Concordia KS
Concordia Daily Times 12/22/1884--1/17/1885 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 11/30/1886--8/9/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 2/19/1889--3/17/1891 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 3/24/1891--3/13/1894 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 3/20/1894--4/1/1897 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight 4/8/1897--1/25/1900 Concordia KS
Concordia Daylight Democrat 6/3/1886--11/23/1886 Concordia KS
Concordia Democrat 5/6/1886--5/27/1886 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 12/26/1873--12/31/1875 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st: single issue only] 7/3/1874 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 1/7/1876--9/27/1878 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 10/4/1878--12/26/1879 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 1/2/1880--10/27/1881 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [1st] 11/3/1881--11/22/1883 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 4/21/1887--12/27/1888 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 1/3/1889--6/26/1890 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 7/3/1890--12/29/1892 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 1/5/1893--12/26/1895 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 1/2/1896--12/29/1898 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [2nd] 1/5/1899--1/25/1900 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [3rd] 2/21/1901--5/22/1902 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 12/29/1904--3/29/1906 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 4/5/1906--3/28/1907 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 4/4/1907--8/27/1908 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 9/3/1908--12/30/1909 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 1/6/1910--6/29/1911 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 7/6/1911--9/26/1912 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 10/3/1912--3/26/1914 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 4/2/1914--8/26/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 9/2/1915--5/31/1917 Concordia KS
Concordia Empire [4th] 6/7/1917--5/15/1919 Concordia KS
Concordia Expositor 7/6/1876--8/21/1879 Concordia KS
Concordia Expositor 8/28/1879--12/29/1881 Concordia KS
Concordia News 10/2/1916--5/9/1921 Concordia KS
Concordia News 5/16/1921--10/18/1926 Concordia KS
Concordia News 10/25/1926--10/26/1931 Concordia KS
Concordia News 11/2/1931--5/13/1935 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 10/8/1901--6/18/1903 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 6/25/1903--4/19/1906 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 4/26/1906--2/11/1909 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 2/18/1909--9/29/1910 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 10/6/1910--4/10/1913 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 4/17/1913--11/11/1915 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 11/18/1915--6/27/1918 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 7/4/1918--12/29/1921 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 1/5/1922--6/18/1925 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 6/25/1925--11/29/1928 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 12/6/1928--12/25/1930 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 1/1/1931--11/15/1934 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 11/22/1934--3/18/1937 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 3/25/1937--9/21/1939 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 9/28/1939--9/10/1942 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 9/17/1942--3/21/1946 Concordia KS
Concordia Press 3/28/1946--10/2/1947 Concordia KS
Concordia Semi-Weekly Times 3/31/1887--9/1/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 3/28/1884--1/23/1885 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 3/28/1884--2/6/1885 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 2/13/1885--3/25/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 9/8/1887--11/10/1887 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 11/17/1887--8/29/1890 Concordia KS
Concordia Times 9/5/1890--12/4/1891 Concordia KS
Concordia Weekly Daylight 8/16/1887--6/5/1888 Concordia KS
Concordia Weekly Expositor Republican 1/5/1882--12/28/1882 Concordia KS
Concordia Weekly Expositor Republican 1/4/1883--9/13/1883 Concordia KS
Cyclone 7/30/1881--2/18/1882 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 7/12/1902--7/31/1902 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 8/1/1902--8/14/1903 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 8/15/1903--7/30/1904 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 8/1/1904--6/16/1905 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 6/17/1905--1/24/1906 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 1/25/1906--9/5/1906 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 9/6/1906--3/30/1907 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/1/1907--10/15/1907 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/16/1907--4/14/1908 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/15/1908--10/23/1908 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/24/1908--5/7/1909 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 5/8/1909--10/30/1909 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 11/1/1909--4/12/1910 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/13/1910--10/14/1910 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/15/1910--4/14/1911 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/15/1911--10/24/1911 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/25/1911--4/19/1912 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/20/1912--10/31/1912 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 11/1/1912--4/19/1913 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/21/1913--11/4/1913 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 11/5/1913--4/20/1914 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 4/21/1914--10/22/1914 Concordia KS
Daily Blade 10/23/1914--12/4/1914 Concordia KS
Daily Daylight 5/9/1895--5/21/1895 Concordia KS
Daily Reporter 8/8/1887--9/3/1887 Concordia KS
Daylight 6/12/1888--10/30/1888 Concordia KS
District School 12/1893--5/1894 Aurora KS
District School 4/14/1894--7/1895 Concordia KS
Empire-Daylight 2/1/1900--2/14/1901 Concordia KS
Farmers' Tribune 2/16/1894--4/13/1894 Miltonvale KS
Farmers' Voice 1/22/1891--11/28/1895 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 12/5/1895--11/22/1900 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 11/29/1900--5/18/1905 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 5/25/1905--12/31/1908 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 1/7/1909--8/17/1911 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 8/24/1911--3/19/1914 Clyde KS
Farmers' Voice 3/26/1914--5/27/1918 Clyde KS
Glasco Banner 2/21/1880--7/10/1880 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [1st] 1/20/1883--8/25/1888 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [1st] 9/1/1888--9/29/1893 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 1/11/1895--9/29/1899 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 10/6/1899--12/30/1904 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 1/6/1905--6/25/1909 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 7/2/1909--6/11/1914 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 6/18/1914--2/27/1919 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [2nd] 3/20/1919--5/8/1919 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 8/19/1937--3/27/1941 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 4/3/1941--8/29/1946 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 9/5/1946--6/29/1950 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 7/6/1950--6/24/1954 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 7/1/1954--9/25/1958 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 10/2/1958--11/29/1962 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 12/6/1962--10/27/1966 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 11/3/1966--6/25/1970 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 7/2/1970--8/30/1973 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 9/6/1973--8/26/1976 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 9/2/1976--5/18/1978 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 5/25/1978--12/27/1979 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 1/3/1980--5/7/1981 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 5/14/1981--10/7/1982 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 10/14/1982--6/28/1984 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 7/5/1984--12/31/1987 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 1/7/1988--12/27/1990 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 1/3/1991--10/27/1994 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 11/3/1994--8/27/1998 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 9/3/1998--1/25/2001 Glasco KS
Glasco Sun [3rd] 2/1/2001--12/27/2001 Glasco KS
Glasco Tribune 8/18/1881--8/24/1882 Glasco KS
Good Tidings 6/2/1894--9/15/1894 Clyde KS
Jamestown New Era 12/27/1890--1/29/1892 Jamestown KS
Jamestown New Era 2/5/1892--10/27/1893 Jamestown KS
Jamestown Settler 5/3/1979--9/3/1981 Jamestown KS
Jamestown Settler 9/10/1981--1/20/1983 Jamestown KS
Kansan 11/20/1886--12/1/1888 Jamestown KS
Kansan 12/8/1888--11/15/1890 Jamestown KS
Kansan 11/3/1893--12/26/1895 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/2/1896--12/29/1898 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/5/1899--10/10/1901 Concordia KS
Kansan 10/17/1901--4/28/1904 Concordia KS
Kansan 5/5/1904--11/29/1906 Concordia KS
Kansan 12/6/1906--9/30/1909 Concordia KS
Kansan 10/7/1909--7/25/1912 Concordia KS
Kansan 8/1/1912--6/17/1915 Concordia KS
Kansan 6/24/1915--12/27/1917 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1918--12/30/1920 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/6/1921--12/27/1923 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1924--12/30/1926 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/6/1927--12/26/1929 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/2/1930--12/29/1932 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/5/1933--12/26/1935 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/2/1936--7/28/1938 Concordia KS
Kansan 8/4/1938--12/25/1941 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/1/1942--12/28/1944 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/4/1945--12/25/1947 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/1/1948--12/28/1950 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/4/1951--12/31/1953 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/7/1954--12/27/1956 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1957--12/31/1959 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/7/1960--12/27/1962 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1963--12/30/1965 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/6/1966--10/31/1968 Concordia KS
Kansan 11/7/1968--12/31/1970 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/7/1971--3/30/1972 Concordia KS
Kansan 4/6/1972--1/30/1975 Concordia KS
Kansan 2/6/1975--12/29/1977 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/5/1978--12/27/1979 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/3/1980--6/24/1982 Concordia KS
Kansan 7/1/1982--1/24/1985 Concordia KS
Kansan 1/31/1985--9/5/1988 Concordia KS
Kansas Blade 5/19/1882--6/26/1885 Concordia KS
Kansas Blade 7/3/1885--1/18/1889 Concordia KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 10/1/1930--12/1/1939 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1940--12/1/1952 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1953--12/1/1961 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1962--12/1/1971 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1972--12/1/1983 Clyde KS
Kansas Carrier [Kansas Rural Carriers Association, 1930] 1/1/1984--10/1/2003 Clyde KS
Kansas Conference Reporter 10/1896--11/1896 Ames KS
Kansas Conference Reporter 12/1896--12/1897 Clyde KS
Kansas Conference Reporter 1/1898--9/1898 Hollis KS
Kansas Kritic 1/4/1888--12/26/1888 Concordia KS
Kansas Optimist [1st] 5/4/1895--4/24/1897 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [1st] 5/1/1897--1/11/1901 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [1st] 1/18/1901--11/7/1901 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 4/14/1904--10/25/1906 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 11/1/1906--4/8/1909 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 4/15/1909--9/7/1911 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/14/1911--2/19/1914 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 2/26/1914--9/5/1918 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/12/1918--8/31/1922 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/7/1922--4/8/1926 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 4/15/1926--11/14/1929 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 11/21/1929--12/25/1930 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 1/1/1931--8/23/1934 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 8/30/1934--8/12/1937 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 8/19/1937--1/16/1941 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 1/23/1941--9/27/1945 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 10/4/1945--9/1/1949 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/8/1949--4/9/1953 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 4/16/1953--11/8/1956 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 11/15/1956--9/7/1961 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist [2nd] 9/14/1961--7/29/1965 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist and Republican 11/14/1901--2/11/1904 Jamestown KS
Kansas Optimist and Republican 2/18/1904--4/7/1904 Jamestown KS
Kansas Sunflower 7/4/1894--7/26/1895 Clyde KS
Kansas Union Labor Kritic 4/6/1887--12/28/1887 Concordia KS
Miltonvale Advance 1/13/1892--4/6/1892 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Chieftain 7/21/1887--11/3/1888 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Echo 7/29/1892--1/6/1893 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Leader 8/31/1893--1/4/1894 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale News [file is broken] 8/18/1882--3/9/1883 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale News 6/9/1886--9/13/1888 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale News [file is broken] 9/20/1888--9/18/1891 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Press [1st] 9/16/1892--2/17/1893 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Press [2nd: file is broken] 10/23/1896--6/8/1899 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Press [2nd] 6/15/1899--1/18/1901 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 2/1/1901--6/3/1904 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 6/10/1904--7/5/1907 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 7/12/1907--1/18/1912 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/25/1912--3/25/1915 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 4/1/1915--10/16/1919 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 10/23/1919--11/15/1923 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 11/22/1923--5/24/1928 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 5/31/1928--12/25/1930 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/1/1931--8/8/1935 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 8/15/1935--10/12/1939 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 10/19/1939--3/16/1944 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 3/23/1944--12/2/1948 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 12/9/1948--6/25/1953 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 7/2/1953--8/21/1958 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 8/28/1958--8/15/1963 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 8/22/1963--4/25/1968 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 5/2/1968--11/23/1972 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 11/30/1972--3/17/1977 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 3/24/1977--7/12/1979 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 7/19/1979--12/25/1980 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/1/1981--12/27/1984 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/3/1985--5/25/1989 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 6/1/1989--11/25/1993 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 12/2/1993--9/25/1997 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 10/2/1997--12/27/2001 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Record 1/3/2002--12/28/2006 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Review 7/25/1889--11/14/1889 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Star 4/14/1886--8/26/1886 Miltonvale KS
Miltonvale Tribune 8/23/1894--9/6/1894 Miltonvale KS
New Era 12/6/1890--12/13/1890 Jamestown KS
News 3/23/1883--12/21/1883 Miltonvale KS
News 1/16/1890--4/17/1890 Miltonvale KS
Press 8/19/1897--5/19/1898 Miltonvale KS
Press 1/22/1901--10/1/1901 Concordia KS
Quill 12/1/1888--11/22/1890 Jamestown KS
Reformer 9/15/1886--11/2/1886 Concordia KS
Reporter 2/25/1892--3/17/1892 Miltonvale KS
Republican 1/5/1984--4/24/1986 Clyde KS
Republican 5/1/1986 Clyde KS
Republican Valley Empire 5/31/1870--11/1/1870 Clyde KS
Republican Valley Empire 12/24/1870--11/23/1872 Concordia KS
Republican Valley Empire 1/6/1872--12/19/1873 Concordia KS
Republican Valley Watchman 2/17/1871--12/8/1871 Clyde KS
Republican-Empire 11/29/1883--4/14/1887 Concordia KS
Settlers Adviser [single issue only] 2/1872 Concordia KS
Student Reporter [two issues only] 9/1/1922--10/31/1922 Jamestown KS
Sun [1st] 10/6/1893--4/6/1894 Glasco KS
Sun [1st] 4/13/1894--1/4/1895 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 5/15/1919--3/30/1922 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 4/6/1922--10/8/1925 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 10/15/1925--1/31/1929 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 2/7/1929--12/29/1932 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 1/5/1933--11/26/1936 Glasco KS
Sun [2nd] 12/3/1936--8/12/1937 Glasco KS
Tribune 6/1/1894--8/17/1894 Miltonvale KS
Voice-Republican 6/6/1918--8/15/1918 Clyde KS
Weekly Courier 3/23/1888--6/29/1888 Ames KS
Weekly Daylight 11/6/1888--2/12/1889 Concordia KS
Weekly Farmers' Tribune 4/20/1894--5/25/1894 Miltonvale KS
Weekly Press 2/24/1893--8/4/1893 Miltonvale KS
Western Rustler 1/1889--5/1889 Clyde KS
Zepher 10/1905--11/1905 Clyde KS
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