Friday, March 25, 2011

1880 Lake Township, Cerro Gordo County Iowa, Assessors Records

I have the following records available for purchase from the 1880 Lake Township assessors records for purchase.  If you would like to purchase one of these records the cost is $10.00 each.  You can purchase by contacting me at

Timber & Fruit Tree ExemptionsPersons Liable for Military DutyProperty Record
Asplin, George - Inside coverAlsip, T.M.Asplin, George
Asplin, AbrahamAtkinson, JohnAlsip, T.M.
Allen, R.D. H.Burdick, O.S.Aaeland, Ole
Atkinson, JohnBrandt, EliAtkinson, John
Alsip. T.M.Cooney, JamesBurdick, O.S.
Bushnell, H.N.Chadbourn, J.H.Burdick, P.
Brandt, EliCampbell, FredBartholamew, Charles
Carlton, GeorgeCarrlton, DavidBushnell, H.N
Ceberrey, SethCannon, S.B.Brandt, Eli
Colby, ColburnColby, ColbyBoal, Samuel
Botle, James V.Dawson, JohnBelk, Henry
Daker, JohnDaker, HenryCarlyon, William
Eames, George R.Eames, WilliamCarlton, George Sr.
Gardiner, StantonGardiner, StantonCopp, Eliphalet
Hathorn, HenryGardiner, NelsonCooney, John
Heath, James B.Gilbert, CarrollChadbourn, S
Heibel, Joseph Sr.Goodwin, PerlyCannon, Sidney B.
Hill, SylvenderHill, SylvenderColby, Colby
Howard, MerildaHealey, D.A.Campbell, A.P.
Jeffers, GeorgeHealey, P.A.Colby, Coulbourn
Jorgan, A.A.Healey, W.J.Campbell, B.A.
Knaack, WilliamHealey, H.E.Clark, Wilson
Knudson, OleHayden, SeeDawson, John
Klink J.F.Hubbard, OrinDuncan, Thomas
McGowin, WilliamHubbard, OrvilleDaker, John
Moore, M.Y.Hannah, F.H.Daker, Ben
McCallister, L.J.Horning, AdaueDaker, Henry
McKercher, PeterHeath, James B.Eames, William
Nelson, ChristinaHeibel, Joseph Jr.Eames, Robert
Noverson, AndredHarding, S.T.Elsham, James Sr.
Naylor, JamesIverson, CarrollFay, Hugh
Naylor, CharlesJeffers, OvornGilbert, Carl
Peterson, Julia AnnJacobson, PaulGilbert, David
Paul, ChristianJorgan, AndrewGardiner, Stanton
Penny, WilliamKnudson, OleGardiner, Nelson
Pester, JamesLong, AbnerGroaves, A.A.
Palmeter, BroMatheson, NelseGoodwin, Perley L
Robinson, JohnMcCoy, W.W.Heibel, Joseph Jr.
Simons, E.H.Mason, AlfredHayden, Lee
Seabury, Susan P.McGorerm, JamesHathorn, Henry
Smith, Martha A.Parkhurst, WilliamHubbard, Bros
Onstine, BroPhillips, AdelbertHeibel, Joseph Sr.
 Palmer, ClarkHannah, F.H.
 Penny, MyronHorning, Adam
 Palmer, RodneyHealth, James B.
 Pethick, RichardHoward, Luther
 Reynolds, HaskellHoward, Merilda
 Robertson, JohnHealey, H.
 Rider, GeorgeHealey, D.A.
 Reese, SilasHealey, P.A.
 Stevens, AzorHealey, H.E.
 Smith, F.C.Hill, Sylvender
 Schmidt, FrederickHarding, S.T.
 Stanfield, ThomasIverson, Albert
 Skadland, Ole OleemJorgan, Ann
 Svenson, OleJorgan, Andrew
 Simons, E.H.Jacobson, Paul
 Thomas, ChanceJukam, Ole
 Thomas, WilliamJukam, Gunder
 Theeler, HermanJeffers, Nelson
 Theeler, GusKendrew, William
 Theeler, LeedKnudson, Ole
 Whiteman, JohnKnudson, Nelson
 Whitney, H.C.Klink, J.F.
 Ward, WilliamKnaack, William
 Wright, C.H.Lindover, Bolton
 Wald, NelsonLong, Abner
 Wald, CesarLabuddi, Paul
 Wald, CharlesMatson, Nelee
  Matson, Christina
  Morey, H.M.
  McCallister, D.J.
  McIntosh, G.B.
  McCoy, William
  McCoy, W.W.
  McCoy, C.W.
  McKercher, Peter
  McKercher, Finely
  Miller, Chester
  Moore, M.Y.
  Mason, Alfred
  McGowen, James
  McGowen, William
  Narveson, Andrew
  Nelson, Zacheriah
  Naylor, James
  Naylor, Charles
  Nelson, John
  Oleson, Arilta
  Peterson, Julia Ann
  Peterson, Jonas
  Paul, Christian
  Palmer Rodney
  Parkhurst, William
  Palmer Clarkson
  Palmer Levina
  Palmer, David
  Palmer, Clark
  Pethick, Richard
  Pester, James
  Palmeter, Theron
  Penny, William
  Penny, Myron
  Palmeter, Bro
  Robinson, John
  Robertson, John
  Reynolds, Haskell
  Reese, Silas
  Rider, George
  Root, Sarah
  Seabury, C.B.
  Spencer, N.C
  Stanfield, S.V.
  Stevens, Esther
  St. John, Lee Grand
  Stevens, Azor
  Schmidt, Frederick
  Sleeper, S.I.
  Smith, G.P.
  Scherader, Charles
  St. John, George W.
  Smith, James
  Skavlen, T.O.
  Skadland, Gunder O.
  Svenson, Ole
  Smith, Charles
  Smith, F.C.
  Simons, E.H.
  Skadland, Ole Oleson
  Sampeon, A.F.
  Sirrine, R.O. Jr.
  Thomas, C.
  Thomas, William
  Theeler, Phillipp
  Theeler, Herman
  Theeler, Leo
  Theeler, Gus
  Tuttle, A.B.
  Tuttle, Elon A.
  Vanlone, Frank
  Wright, C.H.
  Wald, Ole
  Wald, Nelson
  Wald, Charley
  Wald, Cesar
  Ward, William
  Whitney, H.C.
  Whiteman, John
  Wood, A.M.
  Warren, Frank
  Wise, J.B.
  Ziehme, Withilm

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