1955 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
George A. Martin
LeRoy Lyle
Eugene Spratt
John Gage
William Hill
Dr. Stanley Worl
Ralph Jones
Dale Plymell
George Kegin
Mrs. Ralph Bennett
Mrs. Russell Norris
Ernest E. Stalling
Buel L. Morris
Everett Arnold
Mildred Mitchell
Gertrude Howell
Irma Lee Wilson
Marilyn Elliott
Sam D. Elliott
Mary Ann Farrens
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Mary M. Stalling
Linda anderson
Alvin Armagost
Wayne Borden
Monte Crabtree
Doris Dalbey
Tom Dickey
Bob Hagey
Jeannie Hampton
Carroll Jones
Carolyn Long
Sharon Lyle
Lola Merritt
Sandra Plummer
Lee Riley
Ronald Rowlett
Betty Shades
Evelyn Simpson
Dickie T. Stalling
Larry Dew
Janice Huff
Dorene Pierson
Shelly Rolens
Bill Henry
Dick Jones
Arlene Grace
John Prater
Dean Rowlett
Jean Rowlett
Robbie Wilson
Wayne Loch
Frances Shipley
Geraldine Hagey
Sharon Clark
Larry Gorff
Yvonne Elliott
Harold Johnson
John O'Riley
Bob Porter
Kay Watkins
Betty Tibbetts
Carol Jean Staples
Larry Yates
Bonny Tibbetts
Richard Hann
David Bennett
Jack Brandon
Sandra Clark
Mary Jo Dwyre
Jean Elliott
Carolyn Gage
Katherine Hann
Jerry Lee Hill
Beverly Lockhart
Sammy Lyle
Kenneth Merritt
Dean Pierson
Dick Prater
Robert Rachau
Eloise Shipley
Ruth Borden
Calvin Clark
Elwin Crabtree
Joan Dragoo
C.T. Elliott
Larry Farrens
Larry Jones
Jim Lyle
G. McCown
Carolyn Messbarger
J. Meyer
Charlene Mires
Ilene Plymell
Judy Shipley
Paul Swinford
Lillian Yates
7TH GRADEK. Barker
Shirley Bartlett
Carolyn Boston
Larry Hagey
Joe Hayes
Larry Lockhart
Roy Lyle
Bonnie McCown
Ronald Norris
E. Parshall
Sharon Rice
L. Riley
Nancy Shipley
Ronald Spratt
Karen Tunell
Otis White
Duane Wilson
D. Bartlett
d. Bears
P. Brandon
B. Buckalew
B. Carpenter
J. cooper
V. hagey
J. Johnson
E. Krome
P. Loch
C. Meyer
B. Mires
M. Pitts
B. Rowlett
J. Shipley
M. Shipley
R. Yates
D. Atwood
K. Barr
G. Borden
M. crabtree
L. Dragoo
S. Flanary
J. Groff
G. Hill
L. Huff
D. Lekey
R. Lockhart
M. Lyle
A. Merritt
J. Salfrank
D. Shipley
L. Swinford
G. tunell
R. Worl
M. Bartlett
R. Carpenter
D. Dolph
S. Dragoo
J. Ferguson
R. Ferguson
C. Hill
J. Kerns
D. Lekey
L. Long
R. O'Riley
C. Parshall
E. Pitts
R. Plymell
J. Shipley
C. Stalling
L. Black
J. Brandon
R. Buckalew
J. Denney
W. Farrens
J. Fast
P. Flanary
J. Geisken
C. Hagey
T. Henry
D. Lyle
R. Martin
A. Messbarger
G. Messbarger
K. Norris
L. Riley
J. Salfrank
T. Shipley
J. Tibbetts
D. Tunell
R. White
W. Clark
D. Coble
S. coon
J. Dalbey
R. Davis
R. Dragoo
V. Dolph
K. Henry
S. Heriford
K. Hill
R. Huff
D. Jones
J. Merritt
L. Meyer
G. powell
N. Rolens
E. Smith
E. Tibbetts
M. Tobin
A. Crabtree
J. Davis
D. Dalbey
L. Eastman
S. Fast
M. Flanary
R. Heriford
R. Huff
B. Jones
M. Jones
C. Martin
J. Martin
J. norris
J. Parshall
E. Powell
W. Reed
D. Shell
L. Smith
G. Tibbetts
W. Watkins
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