Saturday, March 24, 2012

1927 Tower Yearbook, Northwest Missouri State Teachers College

This is the index to the 1927 Tower Yearbook, Northwest Missouri State Teachers College. If you would like to buy a picture from this yearbook please contact me at All pictures are $5.00 each


Uel W. Lamkin
Edith A. Barnard
R.A. Kinnaird
C.H. Withington
Bert Cooper
Lauris M. Eek
Minnie B. James
Raymond V. Cradit
Violet M. Eastman
Homer T. Phillips
Grace M. Shepherd
Ruth Jean Souter
Katherine Franken
Dora B. Smith
Margaret Franken
Anna M. Painter
Mattie M. Dykes
William Maple
Estella Bowman
Carrie Hopkins
Olive S. Deluce
Blanche Dow
Marguerite Fox
Hettie M. Anthony
Mary M. Fisher
U.G. Whiffen
C.A. Hawkins
Mrs. A.R. Perrin
C.E. Wells
Lucille Brumbaugh
George H. Colbert
Katherine Helwig
Charles R. Gardner
Thomas H. Annett
Bernhardt Bronson
Helen Divorak
H.G. Hickernell
H.F. Lawrence
Paul R. Jones Jr.
Ethel J. Saxman
S. Lenore Fox
Lorene Bruckner
M.W. Wilson
J.W. Hake
A.J. Cauffield
Henry A. Foster
T.H. Cook
James R. Wallin
Mary Carpenter
Elizabeth L. White
Mary Keith
Frances Holliday
Chloe E. Millikan
Frances Carr
Jessie Murphy
Callie Burkett
Vesta Wright
Florence Holliday
W.A. Rickenbrode
Nell Hudson
Anne Mather
Anne E. Stowell

Fred Street
Margaret Mills
Nelle Castle
Theodore Search
Winifred Dickey
Wilson Craig
Ina Wachtel
Mary Esther Murphy
Ora L. McPherron
Jewell Gose
Ethel Bostwick
Ruth Lawrence
Dora Scheffsky
Freida M. Bennett
Howard Dennis
Julia Campbell
Pauline Machester
Cecil Jenkins
Myrle Lyle
Irvin Gubser
Martha Alden Toel
Loretta Jones
Olin Wakely
Mary Hannsell
Gertrude Garrett
Mary Grubb
Wilbur Cox
Thelma Brown
Berniece Howard
Esther Gile
Wilma Robbins
Richard Baker
Cleta McCoy
Clarence Bush
Hellen Cottier
Zona Robertson
Margaret McMurry
Roma Logan
M.F. Snierson
Ruth Clayton
Vira Fitz
Maysel Laughlin
Orval Adams
Guy Canaday
Elna Scott
Hope Moore
Harry Clayton
Merea Williams
Maun Poleson
Blanche Cochrane
Ruth Hughes
Cleo Holt Brown
John Hathaway
Opal Wilson
Pauline Hardwick
Lulu Massie
Veva Neill George
Charles Williamson
Chrstine Goff
Hettie Mae Woodward
Everett Wright
Inez Pierpoint
Voria Booze
Melin Warehime
Reba Cliser Moore
Donald Williams
Miriam Catterson
Lota Claire Richards
Carl Akars
Mildred Davis
Florida Moore
Melvin Akars
Gordon Roach
Dorothy England
Louie Youngman
Neva Ross
Ethel Lyle
Thomas Merrigan
Cleo Wyman
Cora Smith
Dottie Davis
Donald Davenport
Edith Shoemaker
Frank Klein
Ruby Goodvin
Robert James
Homer Needles
Helen Beuhlman
Helen Qualls
Burdette Yeo
John Smith
Lucy Allen
Loretta Riggs
Gordon Joy
John King
Elizabeth Mills
Mattie Evans
Alfred Walton
Florene Williams
Laura Belle Werth
Mae Sturm
Etta Trusty
W.H. Lyons
Hope Manchester

Kenneth Fouts
Rebecca Briggs
Mary Elizabeth Jones
June Cozine
Floyd Heffley
Mildred Russell
Dorothy Russell
Marvin Westfall
Vada Cliser
John Curfman
Rose Patton
Martha Yarbrough
Morris Chick
Helen Young
Hazel Moore
Burl Beam
Byron Beavers
Garland Groom
Electa Bailey
Bertram Stark
Keith Swisher
Lulu Mae Curfman
Edith McMillan
Fred King
Dean D. Johnson
Margaret Thompson
Nelle Gaylord
Eva Wilson
Vernon Barrett
Francis Edwards
Leona Pfander
William Gaugh
Katherine Crowder
Glenn Cain
Mary Green
Neville Hartman
Lenore Levan
Joe Hathaway
Earl Wyman
Jennie McMillan
Mildred Osterfoss
Gerald Carroll
Susie Doebbling
Raymond Arthur
Eugene Wilson
Lloyd Hollard
Leland Medsker
Romona Biggs
Sarah Boone
Vincent Saunders
Genevieve Todd
Clara Bell
Olin Teasley
Crystal Hall
Mildred M. Sawyers
Delman Roelofson
Virginia White
Beryl Blauvelt
Samuel Urban
Roberta Best
Ludina Tannehill
Hazel Sullivan
Katherine Gray
Claude Schaffer
John Mountjoy
Neva Adams
Avis Gaemlich
Luther Brock
Martha Haas
Mary Goodpasture
Alyce Hastings
Verne Elliott
Ward Barnes
Audrey Stiwalt
Stewart Tulloch
Theodore Baldwin
Katherine Kibbe
Truman Baldwin
Edward Tindall
Vodre Willoughby

Lola Tillet
George Pflaumer
Dorothea Cook
Virginia Dean
Basil Churchill
Helen Henkins
Roy Dickman
Stella Pettigrew
Russel McCoy
Elizabeth Greeson
Clyde Rowland
Ethel Marie Graves
Pauline Thompson
Beulah Shellman
Paschal Monk
Carrol Prather
Opal Spohn
Hortense Louise
Eva Craig
Russel Lewis
Anna Proudfit
Ina Griffin
Ruth Milligan
Gladys Somerville
Wilma Galbreath
Raymond Lett
Roberta Young
Vera Smith
Lois Brown
Leon Ungles
Mary Vogelsaang
Eulah Haggerty
Helen Mathew
Edra May Plank
Lorene Banks
Mary Francis Eads
John Sewell
Nina Donner
Margaret Broyles
Margaret Sells
Samuel Edmonds
Mary Maxine Miller
Edith Jones
Frances Garnett
Frank Crane
Alice Barr
Laura Gaebler
Mary Yeisley
Bernice Pettigrew
Herbert Stevens
Mabel Albright
Harold Miller
Hildred Cook
Margaret Johnson
Harriet Mathews
Lucille Qualls
Iola Dowden
Mildred Long
Lillian Raun
Alfred Cochrane
Mary Collison
Mary Summers
Esther Roseberry
Paul Burks
Nettie Price
Helen Pixler Meyers
Ruth Henderson
Crystal Rayston
Walter Cockran
Dorothy Hunterson
Lulu K. Faul
Margaret Quinlan
Homer Richmond
Ruth England
Peral Pittman
Clun Wilson
Margaret Clough
Orville Pugsley
Mabel Mackey
Juanita Breeden
Alice Sewell
Jessie Roach
Leslie Dowden
Marcelene Cloos
Susie Hankins
Florence Seat
Harold Rhoades
Gean Freeland
Leroy Woods
Faye Daniel
James Corbin Reed
Mabelle Trullinger
Berniece Cox
Ruby Shores
Zella Lee Wilson
Felix Brown
Jesse Michaelson
Lucille Knecht
Christine Wagner
Nellie Harold
Ray Snipes
Laura Belt
Bernice Beam
Irma Geyer
Floyd Houghton
Charles Graham
Esthel Chamberlian
Howard Triggs
Jessie Roach
Harold O'Banion
Clyde Rowland
George McMurry
Vance Geiger
Mabel Paugh
Albert Hector
Tille Houts
Riley Davison
David Eads
Voris Brown
Julia Newton
Raymond Beam
Howard Iba

Kathryn Chandler
Lillian Murrin
Bernard J. Conway
Elnor Hutson
Cecil Young
Leontine Johnson
Donald Shelby
Esther Dougherty
Eva Margaret Frank
Johyn Hiatt
Georgia Thompson
Helen Louise
Marjorie J. Sawyers
Fred Powell
Olive Montgomery
Eva Hatfield
Lucile Duncan
Anna Fitzmourice
Kathleen Jones
Glen C. Hornbuckle
Mary Todd
Merle Overton
Ralph Hotchkin
Virginia Nicholas
Louise Patton
Gertrude Curfman
Mildred Williamson
Forest Shaffer
Chrstine Debord
Irma Dalby
Marjorie Teuscher
Eunice Miller
Claude F. Cobb
Lucy Jones
Herbert Hudson
Louise Shrickler
Helen Maeder
Janice Fannon
Sarah Moore
Bul Zimmerman
Mabel Craig
Ora Mae Clevenger
Teresa Dietrich
Frances Shell
Robert Porter
Homer Honan
Mary Glyde Frost
Edna Combs
Naomi Miller
Marguerite Curnutt
Violet Pixler
Esther Laumkemper
Minnie Howard
Harold Houston
Madeline Derr
Eula Mark
Lena Richardson
Eileen Needles
Mildred Ruth Clark
Walter Birdwell
Oren Hall
Mildred Tebow
Ellanor Sewell
Arch Campbell
Evelyn Evans
Helen Statton
Fern Broadhurst
Neoloa Noles
Frank Tindall
Rebecca Boyd
Harold Yates
Mary Shields
Kathryn McMahon
Mildred Burke
Geraldean James
Kenneth Evans
Rachael Westfall
Gladys Linville
Amelia Mae Green
Eva Honer
Kieran Cummins
Dorothy Wallace
John Wrenn
Ella Marjorie Shell
Floyd Wyman
Frances Wright
Opal Pauline Hayes
Raymond Brazelton
Denzel Dilley
Graham Malotte
Della Warren
Fred Pistole
Kathryn Schulte
Charles Stanfield
Georgia Miller
Robert Kermit Moore
Francis Hutson
Sarradah Davis
Katherine Mills
Ralph Dragoo
Leo O'Day
Louise Logan
Lawrence Shiver
Luther Blackwelder
Geraldine James
Willis Wamsley
Audrey Linthicum
Mignon Scott
Sara Buehlman
Pauline Hall
Carl Morrison
Beatrice Steward
Genevieve Spire
Maurice Strong
Elsie Saville
Tressie Clark
Pauline Kellog
Wayne Vencill
Gwendolyn Pettigrew
Frances Remus
Temple Wilson
Mary Ferritor
Roy Harrington
Bessie Zuber
Ruth Jenson
Ulva Lanning
Mildred Ottinger
Vera E. Fray
W.P. Green Jr.
Geneve Brown
Lillian Oliver
Katie Lett
Nathalie Keefe
Warren Max
Anna Gorsuch
Eva Martin
Erma Wilson
Evelyn Hackett
Virgil Martin
Zella Needles
Edith Reynolds
Hildred Fitz
Allene Bolin
Mildred Allen
Eliza Donaldson
Verneta Moore
Walter Allen
F. Woodson Null
Harriett Miller
Julia Wooderson
Ruth Fitzgerald
Erma Wilson
Charles Hanna
Georgia Ellen Trusty
Harry Hagan
Hildred Sell
Lois Dakan
Lucille Snyder
Ralph Curfman
Ruby Wright
W.C. Poleson
Irene Bailey
Mary Margaret Meyer
Marie Wagner
John W. Bailey
Veronica Hall
Leo Cox
Jessie Robbins
Ruby Hall
Georgia Ellen Trusty
Charles Hannon
Etta Higgins
Donald Bailey
Robert Appleman
Ruby Gilbert
Jessie Robbins
Gordon Trotter
Esthemer Jenkins
Mildred Burk
Esther Dougherty
Pearl Pittman
John Craig
Wayne Vencill

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