1957 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
George A. Martin
William Hill
Pete Shipley
Ronald Huff
LeRoy Lyle
Lawrence Messbarger
Darrell Grace
Mrs. Merlin Fuller
Mrs. Ralph Bennett
George Kegin
Mrs. Russell Norris
Ernest E. Stalling
Stephen G. Lamar
Everett Arnold
Mildred Mitchell
Gertrude Howell
Audren Vendetti
Martin Hentsch
Max Adkins
Neva Damewood
Mary A. Farrens
Lucille Plummer
Rachel barnes
Mary M. Stalling
Sharon Clark
Yvonne Elliott
Larry Groff
Geraldine Hagey
Barbara Livengood
Wayne Loch
John O'Riley
Robert Porter
Frances Shipley
Richard Hann
Bonny Tibbetts
Eloise Shipley
Carolyn Gage
Betty Tibbetts
Jerry Hill
Jack Brandon
Sandra Clark
Mary Joan Dwyre
Jean Elliott
Katherine Hann
Sam Lyle
Kenneth Merritt
Dean Pierson
Carol Jean Staples
Kay Watkins
Larry Yates
Gene McCown
Dick Prater
Lillian Yates
Larry Farrens
Caroline Messbarger
Jim Lyle
Calvin Clark
Elwin Crabtree
Joan Dragoo
C.T. Elliott
Larry Jones
Jack Meyer
Ilene Plymell
Judy Shipley
Paul Swinford
Kenneth Barker
Roy Ed Lyle
Karen Tunell
Bonnie McCown
Lois Johnston
Ronald Norris
Shirley Barlett
Carolyn Boston
Larry Hagey
Betty Johnson
Eugene Parshall
Sharon Rice
Nancy Shipley
Ronald Spratt
Otis White
D. Bartlett
D. Bears
P. Brandon
B. Buckalew
B. Carpenter
I. Combs
J. Davison
V. Hagey
J. Johnson
E. Krome
P. Loch
C. Meyer
B. Mires
M. Pitts
B. Rowlett
J. Shipley
M. Shipley
R. Yates
K. Barr
M. Crabtree
J. Dew
L. Dragoo
S. Flanary
J. Groff
G. Hill
L. Huff
D. Lekey
M. Lyle
R. Moore
J. Salfrank
D. Shipley
L. Swinford
G. Tunell
D. Worl
M. Bartlett
R. Carpenter
D. Dolph
S. Dragoo
R. Ferguson
J. Ferguson
C. Hill
J. Kerns
D. Lekey
L. Long
C. Moore
R. O'Riley
C. parshall
E. Pitts
R. Plymell
J. Shipley
C. Stalling
R. Volner
R. Allenbaugh
L. Black
J. Brandon
J. Brown
J. Brown
R. Buckalew
J. Denney
B. Farrens
J. Fast
P. Flanary
N. Fuller
J. Geisken
C. Hagey
T. Henry
G. Johnston
D. Lyle
R. Martin
A. Messbarger
G. Messbarger
K. Norris
J. Salfrank
T. Shipley
D. tunell
R. White
D. Allenbaugh
W. Clark
D. Coble
J. Dalbey
J. Dolph
R. Dragoo
S. Fuller
K. Henry
S. Heriford
K. hill
R. Huff
D. Jones
E. Lynch
L. Meyer
P. Moore
G. Powell
P. Reed
N. Rolens
S. Sloan
E. tibbetts
B. Volner
R. Ward
A. Crabtree
D. Dalbey
L. Eastman
S. Fast
M. Flanary
B. Huff
B. Jones
M. Jones
C. Martin
J. Martin
J. Norris
J. Parshall
D. Pierson
E. Smith
L. Smith
C. Volner
B. Watkins
J. Denney
D. Drain
J. Dragoo
L. Hackett
R. Heriford
J. Hill
L. Plymell
E. Powell
L. Reed
S. Shipley
G. tibbetts
C. White
H. Arnold
K. Arnold
D. Barker
D. Bartlett
C. Brummett
S. Coble
C. Dalbey
L. Dragoo
C. Farrens
D. Fast
B. Grace
J. Henry
N. Heriford
P. hill
B. Lynch
L. Martin
J. Matson
M. Meyer
E. Moore
C. powell
J. Reed
N. Reynolds
D. Spratt
R. Tunell
F. Volner
J. Volner
K. Watkins
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Saturday, October 22, 2011
1956 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Missouri
1956 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
George A. Martin
LeRoy Lyle
Dr. Stanley Worl
William Hill
Lawrence Messbarger
Ronald Huff
Pete Shipley
George Kegin
Mrs. Ralph Bennett
Mrs. Russell Norris
Ralph Jones
Sam Heriford
Dale Plymell
Ernest Stalling
Stephen G. Lamar
everett Arnold
Mildred Mitchell
Gertrude Howell
Audren Vendetti
Martin Hentsch
Neva Damewood
Mary Ann Farrens
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Mary M. Stalling
Larry Dew
Arlene grace
Bill Henry
Janice Huff
Dick Jones
Dorene Pierson
John Prater
Sally Rolens
Dean Rowlett
Jean Rowlett
Dickie T. Stalling
Robert Wilson
Ella Chitwood
Wayne Loch
Geraldine Hagey
Frances Shipley
John O'Riley
Yvonne Elliott
Robert Porter
Sharon Clark
Larry Groff
Harold Johnson
Dean Pierson
Richard Hann
Katherine Hann
Kay Watkins
Mary Jo Dwyre
Sammy Lyle
Jack Brandon
Sandra Clark
Jean Elliott
Carolyn Gage
Jerry Lee Hill
Beverly Lockhart
Kenneth Merritt
Richard Prater
Eloise Shipley
Carol Jean Staples
Betty Tibbetts
Bonny Tibbetts
Larry Yates
Caroline Messbarger
Elwin Crabtree
Ilene Plymell
Joan Dragoo
Lillian Yates
Gene McCown
Lois chitwood
Calvin Clark
C.T. Elliott
Larry Farrens
David Johnson
Larry Jones
Jim Lyle
Jack Meyer
Judith Shipley
Paul Swinford
K. Barker
Shirley bartlett
Carolyn Boston
Larry Hagey
Larry Lockhart
Roy Lyle
Bonnie Mccown
Ronald Norris
E. Parshall
Sharon Rice
Nancy Shipley
Ronald Spratt
Karen Tunell
Otis White
Duane Wilson
Daryl Bartlett
D. Bears
Paula Brandon
B. Buckalew
Bruce Carpenter
J. Cooper
Judy Davison
V. Hagey
Elma Johnson
Joetta Johnson
Eddice Krome
Patricia Loch
C. Meyers
Betty Jean Mires
M. Pitts
Barbara Rowlett
John Shipley
Marvin Shipley
Ronnie Yates
K. Barr
M. Crabtree
J. Dew
L. Dragoo
S. Flanary
J. Groff
G. Hill
L. Huff
D. Lekey
R. Lockhart
M. Lyle
J. Salfrank
D. Shipley
L. Swinford
G. Tunell
D. Worl
M. Bartlett
R. Carpenter
D. Dolph
S. Dragoo
R. Ferguson
J. Ferguson
C. hill
J. Kerns
D. Lekey
L. Long
R. O'Riely
C. Parshall
E. Pitts
R. Plymell
J. Shipley
C. Stalling
R. Volner
L. Black
J. Brandon
R. Buckalew
J. Denney
W. Farrens
J. Fast
P. Flanary
J. Geisken
H. Graham
C. hagey
T. Henry
D. Johnson
D. Lyle
R. Martin
A. Messbarger
G. Messbarger
K. Norris
J. Salfrank
T. Shipley
D. Tunell
R. White
W. Clark
D Coble
S coon
J. Dalbey
J. Dolph
R. Dragoo
K. Henry
S. Heriford
K. Hill
R. Huff
d. Jones
E. Lynch
L. Meyer
G. Powell
N. Rolens
S. Sloan
E. Tibbetts
M. Tobin
C. Volner
R. Ward
P. Reed
A. Crabtree
D. Dalbey
L. Eastman
S. Fast
M. Flanary
R. Huff
B. Jones
M. Jones
C. Martin
J. Martin
William Nicholas
J. Norris
J. Parshall
E. Powell
W. Reed
D. Shell
E. Smith
L. Smith
G. Tibbetts
W. Watkins
J. Denney
D. Drain
J. Dragoo
H. Graham
L. Hackett
R. Heriford
J. hill
Rosemary Nicholas
L. Plymell
L. Reed
D. Roush
D. Shell
S. Shipley
J. Tobin
J. volner
C. White
George A. Martin
LeRoy Lyle
Dr. Stanley Worl
William Hill
Lawrence Messbarger
Ronald Huff
Pete Shipley
George Kegin
Mrs. Ralph Bennett
Mrs. Russell Norris
Ralph Jones
Sam Heriford
Dale Plymell
Ernest Stalling
Stephen G. Lamar
everett Arnold
Mildred Mitchell
Gertrude Howell
Audren Vendetti
Martin Hentsch
Neva Damewood
Mary Ann Farrens
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Mary M. Stalling
Larry Dew
Arlene grace
Bill Henry
Janice Huff
Dick Jones
Dorene Pierson
John Prater
Sally Rolens
Dean Rowlett
Jean Rowlett
Dickie T. Stalling
Robert Wilson
Ella Chitwood
Wayne Loch
Geraldine Hagey
Frances Shipley
John O'Riley
Yvonne Elliott
Robert Porter
Sharon Clark
Larry Groff
Harold Johnson
Dean Pierson
Richard Hann
Katherine Hann
Kay Watkins
Mary Jo Dwyre
Sammy Lyle
Jack Brandon
Sandra Clark
Jean Elliott
Carolyn Gage
Jerry Lee Hill
Beverly Lockhart
Kenneth Merritt
Richard Prater
Eloise Shipley
Carol Jean Staples
Betty Tibbetts
Bonny Tibbetts
Larry Yates
Caroline Messbarger
Elwin Crabtree
Ilene Plymell
Joan Dragoo
Lillian Yates
Gene McCown
Lois chitwood
Calvin Clark
C.T. Elliott
Larry Farrens
David Johnson
Larry Jones
Jim Lyle
Jack Meyer
Judith Shipley
Paul Swinford
K. Barker
Shirley bartlett
Carolyn Boston
Larry Hagey
Larry Lockhart
Roy Lyle
Bonnie Mccown
Ronald Norris
E. Parshall
Sharon Rice
Nancy Shipley
Ronald Spratt
Karen Tunell
Otis White
Duane Wilson
Daryl Bartlett
D. Bears
Paula Brandon
B. Buckalew
Bruce Carpenter
J. Cooper
Judy Davison
V. Hagey
Elma Johnson
Joetta Johnson
Eddice Krome
Patricia Loch
C. Meyers
Betty Jean Mires
M. Pitts
Barbara Rowlett
John Shipley
Marvin Shipley
Ronnie Yates
K. Barr
M. Crabtree
J. Dew
L. Dragoo
S. Flanary
J. Groff
G. Hill
L. Huff
D. Lekey
R. Lockhart
M. Lyle
J. Salfrank
D. Shipley
L. Swinford
G. Tunell
D. Worl
M. Bartlett
R. Carpenter
D. Dolph
S. Dragoo
R. Ferguson
J. Ferguson
C. hill
J. Kerns
D. Lekey
L. Long
R. O'Riely
C. Parshall
E. Pitts
R. Plymell
J. Shipley
C. Stalling
R. Volner
L. Black
J. Brandon
R. Buckalew
J. Denney
W. Farrens
J. Fast
P. Flanary
J. Geisken
H. Graham
C. hagey
T. Henry
D. Johnson
D. Lyle
R. Martin
A. Messbarger
G. Messbarger
K. Norris
J. Salfrank
T. Shipley
D. Tunell
R. White
W. Clark
D Coble
S coon
J. Dalbey
J. Dolph
R. Dragoo
K. Henry
S. Heriford
K. Hill
R. Huff
d. Jones
E. Lynch
L. Meyer
G. Powell
N. Rolens
S. Sloan
E. Tibbetts
M. Tobin
C. Volner
R. Ward
P. Reed
A. Crabtree
D. Dalbey
L. Eastman
S. Fast
M. Flanary
R. Huff
B. Jones
M. Jones
C. Martin
J. Martin
William Nicholas
J. Norris
J. Parshall
E. Powell
W. Reed
D. Shell
E. Smith
L. Smith
G. Tibbetts
W. Watkins
J. Denney
D. Drain
J. Dragoo
H. Graham
L. Hackett
R. Heriford
J. hill
Rosemary Nicholas
L. Plymell
L. Reed
D. Roush
D. Shell
S. Shipley
J. Tobin
J. volner
C. White
1955 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Missouri
1955 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
George A. Martin
LeRoy Lyle
Eugene Spratt
John Gage
William Hill
Dr. Stanley Worl
Ralph Jones
Dale Plymell
George Kegin
Mrs. Ralph Bennett
Mrs. Russell Norris
Ernest E. Stalling
Buel L. Morris
Everett Arnold
Mildred Mitchell
Gertrude Howell
Irma Lee Wilson
Marilyn Elliott
Sam D. Elliott
Mary Ann Farrens
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Mary M. Stalling
Linda anderson
Alvin Armagost
Wayne Borden
Monte Crabtree
Doris Dalbey
Tom Dickey
Bob Hagey
Jeannie Hampton
Carroll Jones
Carolyn Long
Sharon Lyle
Lola Merritt
Sandra Plummer
Lee Riley
Ronald Rowlett
Betty Shades
Evelyn Simpson
Dickie T. Stalling
Larry Dew
Janice Huff
Dorene Pierson
Shelly Rolens
Bill Henry
Dick Jones
Arlene Grace
John Prater
Dean Rowlett
Jean Rowlett
Robbie Wilson
Wayne Loch
Frances Shipley
Geraldine Hagey
Sharon Clark
Larry Gorff
Yvonne Elliott
Harold Johnson
John O'Riley
Bob Porter
Kay Watkins
Betty Tibbetts
Carol Jean Staples
Larry Yates
Bonny Tibbetts
Richard Hann
David Bennett
Jack Brandon
Sandra Clark
Mary Jo Dwyre
Jean Elliott
Carolyn Gage
Katherine Hann
Jerry Lee Hill
Beverly Lockhart
Sammy Lyle
Kenneth Merritt
Dean Pierson
Dick Prater
Robert Rachau
Eloise Shipley
Ruth Borden
Calvin Clark
Elwin Crabtree
Joan Dragoo
C.T. Elliott
Larry Farrens
Larry Jones
Jim Lyle
G. McCown
Carolyn Messbarger
J. Meyer
Charlene Mires
Ilene Plymell
Judy Shipley
Paul Swinford
Lillian Yates
7TH GRADEK. Barker
Shirley Bartlett
Carolyn Boston
Larry Hagey
Joe Hayes
Larry Lockhart
Roy Lyle
Bonnie McCown
Ronald Norris
E. Parshall
Sharon Rice
L. Riley
Nancy Shipley
Ronald Spratt
Karen Tunell
Otis White
Duane Wilson
D. Bartlett
d. Bears
P. Brandon
B. Buckalew
B. Carpenter
J. cooper
V. hagey
J. Johnson
E. Krome
P. Loch
C. Meyer
B. Mires
M. Pitts
B. Rowlett
J. Shipley
M. Shipley
R. Yates
D. Atwood
K. Barr
G. Borden
M. crabtree
L. Dragoo
S. Flanary
J. Groff
G. Hill
L. Huff
D. Lekey
R. Lockhart
M. Lyle
A. Merritt
J. Salfrank
D. Shipley
L. Swinford
G. tunell
R. Worl
M. Bartlett
R. Carpenter
D. Dolph
S. Dragoo
J. Ferguson
R. Ferguson
C. Hill
J. Kerns
D. Lekey
L. Long
R. O'Riley
C. Parshall
E. Pitts
R. Plymell
J. Shipley
C. Stalling
L. Black
J. Brandon
R. Buckalew
J. Denney
W. Farrens
J. Fast
P. Flanary
J. Geisken
C. Hagey
T. Henry
D. Lyle
R. Martin
A. Messbarger
G. Messbarger
K. Norris
L. Riley
J. Salfrank
T. Shipley
J. Tibbetts
D. Tunell
R. White
W. Clark
D. Coble
S. coon
J. Dalbey
R. Davis
R. Dragoo
V. Dolph
K. Henry
S. Heriford
K. Hill
R. Huff
D. Jones
J. Merritt
L. Meyer
G. powell
N. Rolens
E. Smith
E. Tibbetts
M. Tobin
A. Crabtree
J. Davis
D. Dalbey
L. Eastman
S. Fast
M. Flanary
R. Heriford
R. Huff
B. Jones
M. Jones
C. Martin
J. Martin
J. norris
J. Parshall
E. Powell
W. Reed
D. Shell
L. Smith
G. Tibbetts
W. Watkins
George A. Martin
LeRoy Lyle
Eugene Spratt
John Gage
William Hill
Dr. Stanley Worl
Ralph Jones
Dale Plymell
George Kegin
Mrs. Ralph Bennett
Mrs. Russell Norris
Ernest E. Stalling
Buel L. Morris
Everett Arnold
Mildred Mitchell
Gertrude Howell
Irma Lee Wilson
Marilyn Elliott
Sam D. Elliott
Mary Ann Farrens
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Mary M. Stalling
Linda anderson
Alvin Armagost
Wayne Borden
Monte Crabtree
Doris Dalbey
Tom Dickey
Bob Hagey
Jeannie Hampton
Carroll Jones
Carolyn Long
Sharon Lyle
Lola Merritt
Sandra Plummer
Lee Riley
Ronald Rowlett
Betty Shades
Evelyn Simpson
Dickie T. Stalling
Larry Dew
Janice Huff
Dorene Pierson
Shelly Rolens
Bill Henry
Dick Jones
Arlene Grace
John Prater
Dean Rowlett
Jean Rowlett
Robbie Wilson
Wayne Loch
Frances Shipley
Geraldine Hagey
Sharon Clark
Larry Gorff
Yvonne Elliott
Harold Johnson
John O'Riley
Bob Porter
Kay Watkins
Betty Tibbetts
Carol Jean Staples
Larry Yates
Bonny Tibbetts
Richard Hann
David Bennett
Jack Brandon
Sandra Clark
Mary Jo Dwyre
Jean Elliott
Carolyn Gage
Katherine Hann
Jerry Lee Hill
Beverly Lockhart
Sammy Lyle
Kenneth Merritt
Dean Pierson
Dick Prater
Robert Rachau
Eloise Shipley
Ruth Borden
Calvin Clark
Elwin Crabtree
Joan Dragoo
C.T. Elliott
Larry Farrens
Larry Jones
Jim Lyle
G. McCown
Carolyn Messbarger
J. Meyer
Charlene Mires
Ilene Plymell
Judy Shipley
Paul Swinford
Lillian Yates
7TH GRADEK. Barker
Shirley Bartlett
Carolyn Boston
Larry Hagey
Joe Hayes
Larry Lockhart
Roy Lyle
Bonnie McCown
Ronald Norris
E. Parshall
Sharon Rice
L. Riley
Nancy Shipley
Ronald Spratt
Karen Tunell
Otis White
Duane Wilson
D. Bartlett
d. Bears
P. Brandon
B. Buckalew
B. Carpenter
J. cooper
V. hagey
J. Johnson
E. Krome
P. Loch
C. Meyer
B. Mires
M. Pitts
B. Rowlett
J. Shipley
M. Shipley
R. Yates
D. Atwood
K. Barr
G. Borden
M. crabtree
L. Dragoo
S. Flanary
J. Groff
G. Hill
L. Huff
D. Lekey
R. Lockhart
M. Lyle
A. Merritt
J. Salfrank
D. Shipley
L. Swinford
G. tunell
R. Worl
M. Bartlett
R. Carpenter
D. Dolph
S. Dragoo
J. Ferguson
R. Ferguson
C. Hill
J. Kerns
D. Lekey
L. Long
R. O'Riley
C. Parshall
E. Pitts
R. Plymell
J. Shipley
C. Stalling
L. Black
J. Brandon
R. Buckalew
J. Denney
W. Farrens
J. Fast
P. Flanary
J. Geisken
C. Hagey
T. Henry
D. Lyle
R. Martin
A. Messbarger
G. Messbarger
K. Norris
L. Riley
J. Salfrank
T. Shipley
J. Tibbetts
D. Tunell
R. White
W. Clark
D. Coble
S. coon
J. Dalbey
R. Davis
R. Dragoo
V. Dolph
K. Henry
S. Heriford
K. Hill
R. Huff
D. Jones
J. Merritt
L. Meyer
G. powell
N. Rolens
E. Smith
E. Tibbetts
M. Tobin
A. Crabtree
J. Davis
D. Dalbey
L. Eastman
S. Fast
M. Flanary
R. Heriford
R. Huff
B. Jones
M. Jones
C. Martin
J. Martin
J. norris
J. Parshall
E. Powell
W. Reed
D. Shell
L. Smith
G. Tibbetts
W. Watkins
1954 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Missouri
1954 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
LeRoy Lyle
William Hill
George A. Martin
John Gage
Eugene Spratt
Dr. Stanly Worl
Clarence Farrens
George Kegin
Charles Drain
Ralph Jones
Ernest Stalling
William H. Sipes Jr
Gertrude Howell
Mildred Mitchell
Irma Wilson
Allen Spies
Forence Churchill
Mary A. Farrens
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Mary M. Stalling
Jerry Bailey
Helen Barrett
Robert Churchill
Paul Crabtree
James Denney
Shirley Dew
Louvada Greeley
James Hayes
Max Hoffman
Beatrice Jones
Alton Krome
James McAlpin
Jack Pitts
Reta Spratt
Linda Anderson
Alvin Armagost
Wayne Borden
Monte Crabtree
Doris Dalbey
Tom Dickey
Bob Hagey
Jean Hampton
Carroll Jones
Carolyn Long
Sharon Lyle
Lola Merritt
Sandra Plummer
Lee Riley
Ronald Rowlett
Betty Shades
Evelyn Simpson
Alfred Tobin
Bill Henry
Janice Huff
Sonny Barrett
Dick Jones
Dickie T. Stalling
Robert Wilson
Larry Dew
Arlene Grace
Dorene Pierson
John Prater
Sally Rolens
Dean Rowlett
Jean Rowlett
Betty Tunell
Wayne Loch
Frances Shipley
Yvonne Elliott
Brenda Johnson
Larry Groff
Woodrow Carpenter
Sharon Clark
Gerladine Hagey
Harold Johnson
Marcilea Lehman
John O'Riley
Robert Porter
Phyllis Rachau
LeRoy Lyle
William Hill
George A. Martin
John Gage
Eugene Spratt
Dr. Stanly Worl
Clarence Farrens
George Kegin
Charles Drain
Ralph Jones
Ernest Stalling
William H. Sipes Jr
Gertrude Howell
Mildred Mitchell
Irma Wilson
Allen Spies
Forence Churchill
Mary A. Farrens
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Mary M. Stalling
Jerry Bailey
Helen Barrett
Robert Churchill
Paul Crabtree
James Denney
Shirley Dew
Louvada Greeley
James Hayes
Max Hoffman
Beatrice Jones
Alton Krome
James McAlpin
Jack Pitts
Reta Spratt
Linda Anderson
Alvin Armagost
Wayne Borden
Monte Crabtree
Doris Dalbey
Tom Dickey
Bob Hagey
Jean Hampton
Carroll Jones
Carolyn Long
Sharon Lyle
Lola Merritt
Sandra Plummer
Lee Riley
Ronald Rowlett
Betty Shades
Evelyn Simpson
Alfred Tobin
Bill Henry
Janice Huff
Sonny Barrett
Dick Jones
Dickie T. Stalling
Robert Wilson
Larry Dew
Arlene Grace
Dorene Pierson
John Prater
Sally Rolens
Dean Rowlett
Jean Rowlett
Betty Tunell
Wayne Loch
Frances Shipley
Yvonne Elliott
Brenda Johnson
Larry Groff
Woodrow Carpenter
Sharon Clark
Gerladine Hagey
Harold Johnson
Marcilea Lehman
John O'Riley
Robert Porter
Phyllis Rachau
Friday, October 21, 2011
1953 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Missouri
1953 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
LeRoy Lyle
Eugene Spratt
George A. Martin
John Gage
William Hill
Clarence Farrens
Kenneth Barker
Charles Drain
Ralph Jones
George Kegin
Ernest E. Stalling
William McGuire
Gertrude Howell
Mildred Mitchell
Iola LaMar
Emma Moore
Ruth M. Larmer
Wilma Brown
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Ila Marie Clafee
Darlene Carden Everhart
Bonnie L. Hagey
Donna Je. Hardy
William A. Krome
Margaret A. Plymell
Terry F. Robinson
Georgia Shipley Robinson
Mary L. Sparks
Kathleen A. Tobin
Helen J. West
Louvada Greeley
James McAlpin
Shirley Dew
Bob Churchill
Helen Barrett
James Denney
Jerry Bailey
Paul Crabtree
Max Hoffman
Louetta Kerns
Alton Krome
Jack Pitts
Betty Smith
Eta Spratt
Jim Hayes
Wayne Borden
Carroll Jones
Sharon Lyle
Linda Inman
Betty Shades
Alvin Armagost
Monte Crabtree
Doris Dalbey
Tom Dickey
Bob Hagey
Jeannie Hampton
Carolyn Long
Lola Merritt
Sandra Plummer
Ronald Rowlett
Evelyn Simpson
Alfred Tobin
Arlene Grace
Sonny Barrett
Betty Tunell
Dickie T. Stalling
Jean Rowlett
Bill Henry
Janice Huff
Dickie A. Jones
Dorene Pierson
John Prater
Dean Rowlett
James Williams
Robbie Wilson
LeRoy Lyle
Eugene Spratt
George A. Martin
John Gage
William Hill
Clarence Farrens
Kenneth Barker
Charles Drain
Ralph Jones
George Kegin
Ernest E. Stalling
William McGuire
Gertrude Howell
Mildred Mitchell
Iola LaMar
Emma Moore
Ruth M. Larmer
Wilma Brown
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Ila Marie Clafee
Darlene Carden Everhart
Bonnie L. Hagey
Donna Je. Hardy
William A. Krome
Margaret A. Plymell
Terry F. Robinson
Georgia Shipley Robinson
Mary L. Sparks
Kathleen A. Tobin
Helen J. West
Louvada Greeley
James McAlpin
Shirley Dew
Bob Churchill
Helen Barrett
James Denney
Jerry Bailey
Paul Crabtree
Max Hoffman
Louetta Kerns
Alton Krome
Jack Pitts
Betty Smith
Eta Spratt
Jim Hayes
Wayne Borden
Carroll Jones
Sharon Lyle
Linda Inman
Betty Shades
Alvin Armagost
Monte Crabtree
Doris Dalbey
Tom Dickey
Bob Hagey
Jeannie Hampton
Carolyn Long
Lola Merritt
Sandra Plummer
Ronald Rowlett
Evelyn Simpson
Alfred Tobin
Arlene Grace
Sonny Barrett
Betty Tunell
Dickie T. Stalling
Jean Rowlett
Bill Henry
Janice Huff
Dickie A. Jones
Dorene Pierson
John Prater
Dean Rowlett
James Williams
Robbie Wilson
1952 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Missouri
1952 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
William Hill
Eugene Spratt
George A. Martin
John Gage
Kenneth Barker
Fred Hoffman
LeRoy Lyle
George Kegin
Charles Drain
Ralph Jones
Ernest Stalling
William McGuire
Gertrude Howell
Mildred Mitchell
Erma Moore
Irene Rankin
Opal Long
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Patricia Lynne Barrett
William I. Churchill
Gwyneth A. Denney
Donna Jeanne Egbert
William M. Grace
Phyllis J. Gray
Bonnie M. Hayes
Evelyn E. Henry
Mary K. Jones
Geraldine Kempf
Roy L. Plummer
Jennie L. Prater
Lois K. Reed
Earl B. Shadduck
Doris A. Staples
Teresa M. Tobin
Jack D. Updike
Donna J. Walker
Bob Nelson
Donna J. Hardy
Darlene Carden
Georgia Shipley
Kathleen Tobin
Allen Krome
Ila Calfee
Bonnie Hagey
Margaret A. Plymell
Florence Robinson
Mary Lou Sparks
Joan West
Bob Churchill
James McAlpin
Shirley Dew
Norma Thompson
Arlene Lynch
Jack Pitts
Jerry Bailey
Helen Barrett
Carol Cornell
Paul Crabtree
James Denney
Louvada Greeley
Max Hoffman
Lou Etta Kerns
Alton Krome
Betty Smith
Reta Spratt
Alvin Armagost
Evelyn Simpson
Betty Shades
Wayne Borden
Monte Crabtree
Doris Dalbey
Tommy Dickey
Bob Hagey
Linda Inman
Carolyn Long
Donald Lynch
Lola Merriett
Ronald Rowlett
Sandra Plummer
Sharon Lyle
Carroll Jones
William Hill
Eugene Spratt
George A. Martin
John Gage
Kenneth Barker
Fred Hoffman
LeRoy Lyle
George Kegin
Charles Drain
Ralph Jones
Ernest Stalling
William McGuire
Gertrude Howell
Mildred Mitchell
Erma Moore
Irene Rankin
Opal Long
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
Patricia Lynne Barrett
William I. Churchill
Gwyneth A. Denney
Donna Jeanne Egbert
William M. Grace
Phyllis J. Gray
Bonnie M. Hayes
Evelyn E. Henry
Mary K. Jones
Geraldine Kempf
Roy L. Plummer
Jennie L. Prater
Lois K. Reed
Earl B. Shadduck
Doris A. Staples
Teresa M. Tobin
Jack D. Updike
Donna J. Walker
Bob Nelson
Donna J. Hardy
Darlene Carden
Georgia Shipley
Kathleen Tobin
Allen Krome
Ila Calfee
Bonnie Hagey
Margaret A. Plymell
Florence Robinson
Mary Lou Sparks
Joan West
Bob Churchill
James McAlpin
Shirley Dew
Norma Thompson
Arlene Lynch
Jack Pitts
Jerry Bailey
Helen Barrett
Carol Cornell
Paul Crabtree
James Denney
Louvada Greeley
Max Hoffman
Lou Etta Kerns
Alton Krome
Betty Smith
Reta Spratt
Alvin Armagost
Evelyn Simpson
Betty Shades
Wayne Borden
Monte Crabtree
Doris Dalbey
Tommy Dickey
Bob Hagey
Linda Inman
Carolyn Long
Donald Lynch
Lola Merriett
Ronald Rowlett
Sandra Plummer
Sharon Lyle
Carroll Jones
1951 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Missouri
1951 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
William Hill
Eugene Spratt
George A. Martin
John Gage
Kenneth Barker
Dale Plymell
William Krome
George Kegin
Charles Drain
Ralph Jones
Ernest Stalling
Gertrude Staples
Mildred Mitchell
Darrell Gage
Robert Tebow
Turner Tyson
Irene Rankin
Opal Long
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
James L. Jones
Robert L. Hackett
Alice M. Long
Doris M. Bragg
William A. Shades
Barbara L Kegin Bowes
Nancy Sue Clark
Karen L. Cornell
Nancy Sue Cornell
Beverly D. Culver
Bonnie L. Dew
Joyce D. Hagey
Coy D. Hampton
John R. Hann
Wanda P. McIntyre
James L. Merritt
Juanita M. Plymell
Lola M. Potter
Bonnie L. Shipley
Bill Grace
Lois Carpenter
Donna J. Walker
Donna J Egbert
Teresa Tobin
Bill Churchill
Bonnie Hayes
Patricia Barrett
Mary K. Jones
Evelyn Henry
Leon Plummer
Kathryn Reed
Bwyneth Denney
Earl Shadduck
Phyllis Gray
Doris Staples
Jack Updike
Geraldine Kempf
Jennie Prater
Darlene Carden
Betty Davis
Joan West
Ila Calfee
Florence Robinson
Donna J. Hardy
Margaret A. Plymell
Georgia Shipley
Bonnie Hagey
Lois Crabtree
Allen Krome
Jack Pitts
Jim McAlpin
Bob Churchill
Shirley Dew
Norma Lee Thompson
Jim Hayes
Louvada Greeley
Jerry Bailey
Carol Cornell
Arlene Lynch
Alton Krome
Lou Etta Kerns
Reta Spratt
Jim Denney
Betty Smith
Nancy Jamison
Paul Crabtree
Helen Barrett
Max Hoffman
Carolyn Mowry
William Hill
Eugene Spratt
George A. Martin
John Gage
Kenneth Barker
Dale Plymell
William Krome
George Kegin
Charles Drain
Ralph Jones
Ernest Stalling
Gertrude Staples
Mildred Mitchell
Darrell Gage
Robert Tebow
Turner Tyson
Irene Rankin
Opal Long
Lucille Plummer
Rachel Barnes
James L. Jones
Robert L. Hackett
Alice M. Long
Doris M. Bragg
William A. Shades
Barbara L Kegin Bowes
Nancy Sue Clark
Karen L. Cornell
Nancy Sue Cornell
Beverly D. Culver
Bonnie L. Dew
Joyce D. Hagey
Coy D. Hampton
John R. Hann
Wanda P. McIntyre
James L. Merritt
Juanita M. Plymell
Lola M. Potter
Bonnie L. Shipley
Bill Grace
Lois Carpenter
Donna J. Walker
Donna J Egbert
Teresa Tobin
Bill Churchill
Bonnie Hayes
Patricia Barrett
Mary K. Jones
Evelyn Henry
Leon Plummer
Kathryn Reed
Bwyneth Denney
Earl Shadduck
Phyllis Gray
Doris Staples
Jack Updike
Geraldine Kempf
Jennie Prater
Darlene Carden
Betty Davis
Joan West
Ila Calfee
Florence Robinson
Donna J. Hardy
Margaret A. Plymell
Georgia Shipley
Bonnie Hagey
Lois Crabtree
Allen Krome
Jack Pitts
Jim McAlpin
Bob Churchill
Shirley Dew
Norma Lee Thompson
Jim Hayes
Louvada Greeley
Jerry Bailey
Carol Cornell
Arlene Lynch
Alton Krome
Lou Etta Kerns
Reta Spratt
Jim Denney
Betty Smith
Nancy Jamison
Paul Crabtree
Helen Barrett
Max Hoffman
Carolyn Mowry
Thursday, October 20, 2011
1950 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Missouri
1950 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Babb, Robert
Calfee, Lowell
Clement, Dale
Hackett, Lauretta
Hayes, Eugene
Rowlett, Eldon
Sharp, Peggie
Sharr, Ova
Ward, Jack
Bragg, Doris
Clark, Nancy
Cornell, Karen
Cornell, Nancy
Culver, Darlene
Davison, Joyce
Dew, Bonnie
Hackett, Bob
Hampton, Coy
Hann, John
Hubbard, Ray
Jamison, Ted
Jones, James
Kegin, Barbara
Long, Margaret
McIntyre, Wanda
Merritt, James
Messbarger, Ruth Anne
Plymell, Juanita
Potter, Lola M
Shades, Bill
Shipley, Bonnie
Barrett, Patricia
Carpenter, Alene
Churchill, William
Denny, Gwyneth
Egbert, Donna
Grace, William
Gray, Phyllis
Harbin, Margaret
Hayes, Bonnie
Henry, Evelyn
Jones, Mary K
Kempf, Geraldine
Plummer, Leon
Prater, Jennie
Reed, Kathryn
Shadduck, Earl
Staples, Doris
Walker, Donna
Adkins, Lanny
Calfee, Ila
Carden, Darlene
Crabtree, Lois
Crowdes, Rex
Giesken, Shirley
Hagey, Bonnie
Hardy, Donna
Jones, Robert
Krome, Allen
Plymell, Margaret
Robinson, Florence
Shipley, Georgia
Tobin, Kathleen
West, Joan
Babb, Robert
Calfee, Lowell
Clement, Dale
Hackett, Lauretta
Hayes, Eugene
Rowlett, Eldon
Sharp, Peggie
Sharr, Ova
Ward, Jack
Bragg, Doris
Clark, Nancy
Cornell, Karen
Cornell, Nancy
Culver, Darlene
Davison, Joyce
Dew, Bonnie
Hackett, Bob
Hampton, Coy
Hann, John
Hubbard, Ray
Jamison, Ted
Jones, James
Kegin, Barbara
Long, Margaret
McIntyre, Wanda
Merritt, James
Messbarger, Ruth Anne
Plymell, Juanita
Potter, Lola M
Shades, Bill
Shipley, Bonnie
Barrett, Patricia
Carpenter, Alene
Churchill, William
Denny, Gwyneth
Egbert, Donna
Grace, William
Gray, Phyllis
Harbin, Margaret
Hayes, Bonnie
Henry, Evelyn
Jones, Mary K
Kempf, Geraldine
Plummer, Leon
Prater, Jennie
Reed, Kathryn
Shadduck, Earl
Staples, Doris
Walker, Donna
Adkins, Lanny
Calfee, Ila
Carden, Darlene
Crabtree, Lois
Crowdes, Rex
Giesken, Shirley
Hagey, Bonnie
Hardy, Donna
Jones, Robert
Krome, Allen
Plymell, Margaret
Robinson, Florence
Shipley, Georgia
Tobin, Kathleen
West, Joan
1949 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Missouri
1949 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Seniors -
Bever, Joan
Corken, William
Crowdes, Monty
Merritt, Bertha
Shipley, Donald
Hill, Harold
Potter, Ruth
Gardner, Paul
Miller, Richard
Walker, Jack
Juniors -
Asbell, William
Trueblood, Rex
Greeley, Jane
Hackett, Lauretta
Hackett, William
Bever, Barbara
Messbarger, Jack
Hayes, Eugene
Smith, Patricia
Clement, Dale
Thompson, Joe
Babb, Robert
Sharr, Ova
Rowlett, Eldon
Calfee, Lowell
Dew, John
Ward, Jack
Sophomores -
Hann, John
Hackett, Robert
Long, Margaret
Jones, James
Clark, Nancy
Culver, Darlene
Davison, Joyce
Dew, Bonnie
Hampton, Coy
Harris, Jean
Bragg, Doris
Shades, William
Lehman, Elaine
Krenek, Maureen
Looney, Wilma
Kegin, Barbara
McIntyre, Wanda
Jamison, Ted
Potter, Lola May
Messbarger, Ruth
Smith, Harry
Shipley, Bonnie
Robinson, Ruth
MErritt, James
Plymell, Juanita
Freshman -
Walker, Donna J
Tobin, Teresa
Egbert Donna
Plummer, Leon
Henry, Evelyn
Shadduck, Earl
Grace, William
Prater, Jennie
Helms, Joyce
Barrett, Patricia
Jones, Mary
Reed, Kathryn
Harbin, Margaret
Staples, Doris A
Kempf, Geraldine
Denney, Gwyneth
Eighth - Seventh Grade
Bailey, Jerry
Krome, Alton
Barrett, Helen
Dew, Shirley
Spratt, Reta
Greeley, Louvada
Lynch, Arlene
Smith, Betty
Edwards, Chester
Hayes, James
Carpenter, Gary
Krome, Allan
Pitts, Jack
Shipley, Georgia
Tobin, Kathleen
Thompson, Norma
Robinson, Florence
Carden, Darlene
McAlpin, James
Mires, Dollie
Jones, Robert
Calfee, Ila
Miss Ranking - Teacher
Plymell, Margaret
Hardy, Donna
Crowdes, Rex
Sixth & Fifth Grade
Borden, Wayne
Staples, Edwin
Dragoo, Ramona
Grace, Arlene
Rowlett, Wilma
Sears, Kenneth
Rowlett, Dean
Barret, Dean Jr.
Kempf, Pearl
Lynch, Donald
Shades, Betty
Dalbey, Doris
Miss Schooler - Teacher
Plummer, Sandra
Tobin, Alfred
Ross, Michael
Dickey, Tommy Stalling, Dickie
Pitts, Darlene
Lyle, Sharon
Rowlett, Ronald
Jones, Dickie
Carpenter, Woodrow
Fourth & Third Grade
Lynch, Virginia
O'Riley, John
Staples, Gary
Lyle, Sammy
Ross, John
Brandon, Jackie
Archer, Eddie
Egbert, Judith
Gage, Carolyn
Shipley, Eloise
Clark, Sandra
Smith, Arthur
Pitts, Lloyd
Ellison, Anna
Shipley, Frances
Kempf, Marvin
Logan, Larry
Mrs. Plummer - Teacher
Hill, Jerry
Clark, Sharon
Dewyre, Mary
Watkins, Kay
Hann, Katherine
Hann, Richard
Loch, Wayne
Hall, Shirley
Staples, Carol
Lockhart, Beverly
Sears, Louise
Edwards, Louella
Tibbetts, Betty
Tibbetts, Bonnie
Second Grade -
Borden, Ruth
Gold, Sandra
Logan, Betty
Bartlett, Shirley
Messbarger, Carolyn
Dragoo, Jo Ann
Davis, Lillie
Miles, Shirley
Mires, Charlene
Shipley, Judy
Plymell, Ilene
Branson, Albert
Lyle, Jimmy
Clark, Calvin
Jones, Larr
Tobin, Billy H
Miss Tobin - Teacher
McCown, Gene
Farrens, Larry
First Grade -
Lockhart, Larry
McCown, Bonnie
Archer, Bobby
Norris, Ronnie
Shipley, Marvin
Spratt, Ronald
Barlett, Darrel
Clark, Karon
Shipley, Nancy
Barker, Kenneth
Hayes, Joe
Lyle, Roy
Mrs. Rachel Barnes - Teach
Johnson, Betty
Hall, Evelyn
Boston, Carolyn
Ellison, Earl
Seniors -
Bever, Joan
Corken, William
Crowdes, Monty
Merritt, Bertha
Shipley, Donald
Hill, Harold
Potter, Ruth
Gardner, Paul
Miller, Richard
Walker, Jack
Juniors -
Asbell, William
Trueblood, Rex
Greeley, Jane
Hackett, Lauretta
Hackett, William
Bever, Barbara
Messbarger, Jack
Hayes, Eugene
Smith, Patricia
Clement, Dale
Thompson, Joe
Babb, Robert
Sharr, Ova
Rowlett, Eldon
Calfee, Lowell
Dew, John
Ward, Jack
Sophomores -
Hann, John
Hackett, Robert
Long, Margaret
Jones, James
Clark, Nancy
Culver, Darlene
Davison, Joyce
Dew, Bonnie
Hampton, Coy
Harris, Jean
Bragg, Doris
Shades, William
Lehman, Elaine
Krenek, Maureen
Looney, Wilma
Kegin, Barbara
McIntyre, Wanda
Jamison, Ted
Potter, Lola May
Messbarger, Ruth
Smith, Harry
Shipley, Bonnie
Robinson, Ruth
MErritt, James
Plymell, Juanita
Freshman -
Walker, Donna J
Tobin, Teresa
Egbert Donna
Plummer, Leon
Henry, Evelyn
Shadduck, Earl
Grace, William
Prater, Jennie
Helms, Joyce
Barrett, Patricia
Jones, Mary
Reed, Kathryn
Harbin, Margaret
Staples, Doris A
Kempf, Geraldine
Denney, Gwyneth
Eighth - Seventh Grade
Bailey, Jerry
Krome, Alton
Barrett, Helen
Dew, Shirley
Spratt, Reta
Greeley, Louvada
Lynch, Arlene
Smith, Betty
Edwards, Chester
Hayes, James
Carpenter, Gary
Krome, Allan
Pitts, Jack
Shipley, Georgia
Tobin, Kathleen
Thompson, Norma
Robinson, Florence
Carden, Darlene
McAlpin, James
Mires, Dollie
Jones, Robert
Calfee, Ila
Miss Ranking - Teacher
Plymell, Margaret
Hardy, Donna
Crowdes, Rex
Sixth & Fifth Grade
Borden, Wayne
Staples, Edwin
Dragoo, Ramona
Grace, Arlene
Rowlett, Wilma
Sears, Kenneth
Rowlett, Dean
Barret, Dean Jr.
Kempf, Pearl
Lynch, Donald
Shades, Betty
Dalbey, Doris
Miss Schooler - Teacher
Plummer, Sandra
Tobin, Alfred
Ross, Michael
Dickey, Tommy Stalling, Dickie
Pitts, Darlene
Lyle, Sharon
Rowlett, Ronald
Jones, Dickie
Carpenter, Woodrow
Fourth & Third Grade
Lynch, Virginia
O'Riley, John
Staples, Gary
Lyle, Sammy
Ross, John
Brandon, Jackie
Archer, Eddie
Egbert, Judith
Gage, Carolyn
Shipley, Eloise
Clark, Sandra
Smith, Arthur
Pitts, Lloyd
Ellison, Anna
Shipley, Frances
Kempf, Marvin
Logan, Larry
Mrs. Plummer - Teacher
Hill, Jerry
Clark, Sharon
Dewyre, Mary
Watkins, Kay
Hann, Katherine
Hann, Richard
Loch, Wayne
Hall, Shirley
Staples, Carol
Lockhart, Beverly
Sears, Louise
Edwards, Louella
Tibbetts, Betty
Tibbetts, Bonnie
Second Grade -
Borden, Ruth
Gold, Sandra
Logan, Betty
Bartlett, Shirley
Messbarger, Carolyn
Dragoo, Jo Ann
Davis, Lillie
Miles, Shirley
Mires, Charlene
Shipley, Judy
Plymell, Ilene
Branson, Albert
Lyle, Jimmy
Clark, Calvin
Jones, Larr
Tobin, Billy H
Miss Tobin - Teacher
McCown, Gene
Farrens, Larry
First Grade -
Lockhart, Larry
McCown, Bonnie
Archer, Bobby
Norris, Ronnie
Shipley, Marvin
Spratt, Ronald
Barlett, Darrel
Clark, Karon
Shipley, Nancy
Barker, Kenneth
Hayes, Joe
Lyle, Roy
Mrs. Rachel Barnes - Teach
Johnson, Betty
Hall, Evelyn
Boston, Carolyn
Ellison, Earl
1937 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Missouri
1937 Panther Yearbook, Burlington Junction Mo Index. If you would like to purchase a picture or a copy of this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Atkinson, Frank
Barber, Eddice
Barr, Imogene
Blackford, Ercille
Cassel, Frances
Chambers, Ellafae
Gipe, Arcelle
James, Mabel
Meek, Marilyn
Pence, Floyd
Shackelford, Ellis
Singleton, Roselah
Spangler, Wilbur
Spargur, John
Staples, Fredrick
Surplus, Verley
Watkins, Pauline
West, Sibyl
Byers, Betty Lou
Dewyre, Mary Jane
Egbert, Kenneth
Graves, Iola
Holbrook, Winifred
Howell, Kermit
Irvine, R.D.
Merriett, Jessie Jr.
Messbarger, Maurice
Nauman, Margaret
Sheets, Victor
Ware, Harding
West, Huldah
Shadduck, Phebe
Anna Cassel
Lucille Blanchard
Dorothy Swinford
Jessie Watkins
Lucille Spangler
Charlotte Puett
Winifred Heller
Mary M. Trosper
Lucille Browning
Mary Jane Dew
Lois Lambert
Charles Pence
George Dalby
Miss Munro (teacher)
Howard Miller
Robert Lewis
Roberta Dew
Laura Margaret Lyle
Mildred Williams
Messbarger, Albert
Meek, Richard
Mr. Stalling
West, Jean
Miller, John Jr.
Barr, Glenn
Howell, Frances
Ellsworth, King
Brummitt, Mary D.
Brummitt, Elbert
Freemyer, Rose M
Shipley, Marie
Atkinson, Frank
Barber, Eddice
Barr, Imogene
Blackford, Ercille
Cassel, Frances
Chambers, Ellafae
Gipe, Arcelle
James, Mabel
Meek, Marilyn
Pence, Floyd
Shackelford, Ellis
Singleton, Roselah
Spangler, Wilbur
Spargur, John
Staples, Fredrick
Surplus, Verley
Watkins, Pauline
West, Sibyl
Byers, Betty Lou
Dewyre, Mary Jane
Egbert, Kenneth
Graves, Iola
Holbrook, Winifred
Howell, Kermit
Irvine, R.D.
Merriett, Jessie Jr.
Messbarger, Maurice
Nauman, Margaret
Sheets, Victor
Ware, Harding
West, Huldah
Shadduck, Phebe
Anna Cassel
Lucille Blanchard
Dorothy Swinford
Jessie Watkins
Lucille Spangler
Charlotte Puett
Winifred Heller
Mary M. Trosper
Lucille Browning
Mary Jane Dew
Lois Lambert
Charles Pence
George Dalby
Miss Munro (teacher)
Howard Miller
Robert Lewis
Roberta Dew
Laura Margaret Lyle
Mildred Williams
Messbarger, Albert
Meek, Richard
Mr. Stalling
West, Jean
Miller, John Jr.
Barr, Glenn
Howell, Frances
Ellsworth, King
Brummitt, Mary D.
Brummitt, Elbert
Freemyer, Rose M
Shipley, Marie
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
1928 Maitland Missouri Yearbook
This is the index to the 1928 Maitland Missouri Yearbook. If you would like to purchase a copy of this yearbook or a picture from this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
1928 Maitland Missouri Yearbook
Charles Overlay
H.S. Cook
Bethel Goodpasture
Ira Williams
Frank Gibson
J.M. Myers
George Conz
U.L. Riley
Harold S. Sawyers
Howard L. Dennis
Leta E. Babb
Mrs. L.L. Livengood
G. Frank Smith
Louise Weller
Mrs. U.L. Riley
Ramona Biggs
Trueman Reimold
Virginia Myers
Mildred Caywood
Raymond Loucks
Clara Handley
DeWitt Hopper
Irene Gibson
Wayne Richardson
Lorene Warner
Lucille Mitchell
Willard Elder
Martha Bird
Ernest Wright
Erma Cason
Roy Fries
Alice Bowland
Lillie Mae Archer
Rachel Rowlette
Bethel Crider
Miriam Dysart
Lawrence Riley
Lawrence Brown
Mary Powell
Mona Maxwell
Lester Shields
Edgar Collison
Sadie Hawkins
Bessie Brown
Sherwood Sloniker
Carol Reimold
John Mason
Gladys Wiley
William Smock
Dorothy Patterson
Homer Napier
Wilma Richardson
Denzil Patterson
Martha Walden
Mary Myers
Frank Allen Smith
Helen Morford
Francis Sloniker
Rachel Nevins
Elmer Wright
Lola Dysart
Sterling Nevins
William Weston
Faye Conz
Lorraine Metcalf
Mildred Gallagher
Wilson Metcalf
Evah Larason
Glenn Hooper
Ray Hardin
Viola Higins
Eugene Cowan
Franklin Schooler
Lee Bowland
Ermile Nicholson
Nelson Rowlett
Alvin Fries
Estle Fultz
Ruth Goodpasture
Catherine Bird
Robert Nute
Eva Frances Iddings
Erma Loucks
Lucy Boring
Margaret Collison
Doris Patterson
James Putnam
Eugene Bird
Eva Grace Wright
1928 Maitland Missouri Yearbook
Charles Overlay
H.S. Cook
Bethel Goodpasture
Ira Williams
Frank Gibson
J.M. Myers
George Conz
U.L. Riley
Harold S. Sawyers
Howard L. Dennis
Leta E. Babb
Mrs. L.L. Livengood
G. Frank Smith
Louise Weller
Mrs. U.L. Riley
Ramona Biggs
Trueman Reimold
Virginia Myers
Mildred Caywood
Raymond Loucks
Clara Handley
DeWitt Hopper
Irene Gibson
Wayne Richardson
Lorene Warner
Lucille Mitchell
Willard Elder
Martha Bird
Ernest Wright
Erma Cason
Roy Fries
Alice Bowland
Lillie Mae Archer
Rachel Rowlette
Bethel Crider
Miriam Dysart
Lawrence Riley
Lawrence Brown
Mary Powell
Mona Maxwell
Lester Shields
Edgar Collison
Sadie Hawkins
Bessie Brown
Sherwood Sloniker
Carol Reimold
John Mason
Gladys Wiley
William Smock
Dorothy Patterson
Homer Napier
Wilma Richardson
Denzil Patterson
Martha Walden
Mary Myers
Frank Allen Smith
Helen Morford
Francis Sloniker
Rachel Nevins
Elmer Wright
Lola Dysart
Sterling Nevins
William Weston
Faye Conz
Lorraine Metcalf
Mildred Gallagher
Wilson Metcalf
Evah Larason
Glenn Hooper
Ray Hardin
Viola Higins
Eugene Cowan
Franklin Schooler
Lee Bowland
Ermile Nicholson
Nelson Rowlett
Alvin Fries
Estle Fultz
Ruth Goodpasture
Catherine Bird
Robert Nute
Eva Frances Iddings
Erma Loucks
Lucy Boring
Margaret Collison
Doris Patterson
James Putnam
Eugene Bird
Eva Grace Wright
1927 Maitland Missouri Yearbook
This is the index to the 1927 Maitland Missouri Yearbook. If you would like to purchase a copy of this yearbook or a picture from this yearbook please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
1927 Maitland Missouri Yearbook
Faculty & Staff
Charles Overlay - Custodian
E.B. Stout
Frank Gibson
H.S. Cook
Dr. Ira Williams
J.M. Myers
Bethel Goodpasture
U.L. Riley
Paul J. Chappell
Harold S. Sawyers
Leta Babb
Mrs. Paul J. Chappell
Frank Smith
Elvera Bertram
Mrs. U.L. Riley
Jessie Summers
Elizabeth Archer
Paul Brown
Merrill Colwell
Robert Edwards
Leonard Elder
Earl Flutz
Ella Fries
Louie Fries
Reid Hooper
Bruce Johnston
Glenn Marion
Max Phillips
Joe Weller
Zolan Williams
Mary Cox
Mildred Caywood
Willard Elder
Irene Gibson
Clara Handley
Dewitt Hooper
Raymond Loucks
Lucille Mitchell
Virginia Myers
Truman Reimold
Wayne Richardson
Emerald Riley
Lorene Warner
1927 Maitland Missouri Yearbook
Faculty & Staff
Charles Overlay - Custodian
E.B. Stout
Frank Gibson
H.S. Cook
Dr. Ira Williams
J.M. Myers
Bethel Goodpasture
U.L. Riley
Paul J. Chappell
Harold S. Sawyers
Leta Babb
Mrs. Paul J. Chappell
Frank Smith
Elvera Bertram
Mrs. U.L. Riley
Jessie Summers
Elizabeth Archer
Paul Brown
Merrill Colwell
Robert Edwards
Leonard Elder
Earl Flutz
Ella Fries
Louie Fries
Reid Hooper
Bruce Johnston
Glenn Marion
Max Phillips
Joe Weller
Zolan Williams
Mary Cox
Mildred Caywood
Willard Elder
Irene Gibson
Clara Handley
Dewitt Hooper
Raymond Loucks
Lucille Mitchell
Virginia Myers
Truman Reimold
Wayne Richardson
Emerald Riley
Lorene Warner
1883 Lake Township Assessors Records, Cerro Gordo County Iowa
I have access to the following 1883 Lake Township, Cerro Gordo County Iowa Assessors records. If you would like to purchase a record for $5.00 each, please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Asplin, George - Inside cover
Asplin, Abraham
Allen, R.D. H.
Atkinson, John
Alsip. T.M.
Bushnell, H.N.
Brandt, Eli
Carlton, George
Ceberrey, Seth
Colby, Colburn
Botle, James V.
Daker, John
Eames, George R.
Gardiner, Stanton
Hathorn, Henry
Heath, James B.
Heibel, Joseph Sr.
Hill, Sylvender
Howard, Merilda
Jeffers, George
Jorgan, A.A.
Knaack, William
Knudson, Ole
Klink J.F.
McGowin, William
Moore, M.Y.
McCallister, L.J.
McKercher, Peter
Nelson, Christina
Noverson, Andred
Naylor, James
Naylor, Charles
Peterson, Julia Ann
Paul, Christian
Penny, William
Pester, James
Palmeter, Bro
Robinson, John
Simons, E.H.
Seabury, Susan P.
Smith, Martha A.
Onstine, Bro
Alsip, T.M.
Atkinson, John
Burdick, O.S.
Brandt, Eli
Cooney, James
Chadbourn, J.H.
Campbell, Fred
Carrlton, David
Cannon, S.B.
Colby, Colby
Dawson, John
Daker, Henry
Eames, William
Gardiner, Stanton
Gardiner, Nelson
Gilbert, Carroll
Goodwin, Perly
Hill, Sylvender
Healey, D.A.
Healey, P.A.
Healey, W.J.
Healey, H.E.
Hayden, See
Hubbard, Orin
Hubbard, Orville
Hannah, F.H.
Horning, Adaue
Heath, James B.
Heibel, Joseph Jr.
Harding, S.T.
Iverson, Carroll
Jeffers, Ovorn
Jacobson, Paul
Jorgan, Andrew
Knudson, Ole
Long, Abner
Matheson, Nelse
McCoy, W.W.
Mason, Alfred
McGorerm, James
Parkhurst, William
Phillips, Adelbert
Palmer, Clark
Penny, Myron
Palmer, Rodney
Pethick, Richard
Reynolds, Haskell
Robertson, John
Rider, George
Reese, Silas
Stevens, Azor
Smith, F.C.
Schmidt, Frederick
Stanfield, Thomas
Skadland, Ole Oleem
Svenson, Ole
Simons, E.H.
Thomas, Chance
Thomas, William
Theeler, Herman
Theeler, Gus
Theeler, Leed
Whiteman, John
Whitney, H.C.
Ward, William
Wright, C.H.
Wald, Nelson
Wald, Cesar
Wald, Charles
Asplin, George
Alsip, T.M.
Aaeland, Ole
Atkinson, John
Burdick, O.S.
Burdick, P.
Bartholamew, Charles
Bushnell, H.N
Brandt, Eli
Boal, Samuel
Belk, Henry
Carlyon, William
Carlton, George Sr.
Copp, Eliphalet
Cooney, John
Chadbourn, S
Cannon, Sidney B.
Colby, Colby
Campbell, A.P.
Colby, Coulbourn
Campbell, B.A.
Clark, Wilson
Dawson, John
Duncan, Thomas
Daker, John
Daker, Ben
Daker, Henry
Eames, William
Eames, Robert
Elsham, James Sr.
Fay, Hugh
Gilbert, Carl
Gilbert, David
Gardiner, Stanton
Gardiner, Nelson
Groaves, A.A.
Goodwin, Perley L
Heibel, Joseph Jr.
Hayden, Lee
Hathorn, Henry
Hubbard, Bros
Heibel, Joseph Sr.
Hannah, F.H.
Horning, Adam
Health, James B.
Howard, Luther
Howard, Merilda
Healey, H.
Healey, D.A.
Healey, P.A.
Healey, H.E.
Hill, Sylvender
Harding, S.T.
Iverson, Albert
Jorgan, Ann
Jorgan, Andrew
Jacobson, Paul
Jukam, Ole
Jukam, Gunder
Jeffers, Nelson
Kendrew, William
Knudson, Ole
Knudson, Nelson
Klink, J.F.
Knaack, William
Lindover, Bolton
Long, Abner
Labuddi, Paul
Matson, Nelee
Matson, Christina
Morey, H.M.
McCallister, D.J.
McIntosh, G.B.
McCoy, William
McCoy, W.W.
McCoy, C.W.
McKercher, Peter
McKercher, Finely
Miller, Chester
Moore, M.Y.
Mason, Alfred
McGowen, James
McGowen, William
Narveson, Andrew
Nelson, Zacheriah
Naylor, James
Naylor, Charles
Nelson, John
Oleson, Arilta
Peterson, Julia Ann
Peterson, Jonas
Paul, Christian
Palmer Rodney
Parkhurst, William
Palmer Clarkson
Palmer Levina
Palmer, David
Palmer, Clark
Pethick, Richard
Pester, James
Palmeter, Theron
Penny, William
Penny, Myron
Palmeter, Bro
Robinson, John
Robertson, John
Reynolds, Haskell
Reese, Silas
Rider, George
Root, Sarah
Seabury, C.B.
Spencer, N.C
Stanfield, S.V.
Stevens, Esther
St. John, Lee Grand
Stevens, Azor
Schmidt, Frederick
Sleeper, S.I.
Smith, G.P.
Scherader, Charles
St. John, George W.
Smith, James
Skavlen, T.O.
Skadland, Gunder O.
Svenson, Ole
Smith, Charles
Smith, F.C.
Simons, E.H.
Skadland, Ole Oleson
Sampeon, A.F.
Sirrine, R.O. Jr.
Thomas, C.
Thomas, William
Theeler, Phillipp
Theeler, Herman
Theeler, Leo
Theeler, Gus
Tuttle, A.B.
Tuttle, Elon A.
Vanlone, Frank
Wright, C.H.
Wald, Ole
Wald, Nelson
Wald, Charley
Wald, Cesar
Ward, William
Whitney, H.C.
Whiteman, John
Wood, A.M.
Warren, Frank
Wise, J.B.
Ziehme, William
Asplin, George - Inside cover
Asplin, Abraham
Allen, R.D. H.
Atkinson, John
Alsip. T.M.
Bushnell, H.N.
Brandt, Eli
Carlton, George
Ceberrey, Seth
Colby, Colburn
Botle, James V.
Daker, John
Eames, George R.
Gardiner, Stanton
Hathorn, Henry
Heath, James B.
Heibel, Joseph Sr.
Hill, Sylvender
Howard, Merilda
Jeffers, George
Jorgan, A.A.
Knaack, William
Knudson, Ole
Klink J.F.
McGowin, William
Moore, M.Y.
McCallister, L.J.
McKercher, Peter
Nelson, Christina
Noverson, Andred
Naylor, James
Naylor, Charles
Peterson, Julia Ann
Paul, Christian
Penny, William
Pester, James
Palmeter, Bro
Robinson, John
Simons, E.H.
Seabury, Susan P.
Smith, Martha A.
Onstine, Bro
Alsip, T.M.
Atkinson, John
Burdick, O.S.
Brandt, Eli
Cooney, James
Chadbourn, J.H.
Campbell, Fred
Carrlton, David
Cannon, S.B.
Colby, Colby
Dawson, John
Daker, Henry
Eames, William
Gardiner, Stanton
Gardiner, Nelson
Gilbert, Carroll
Goodwin, Perly
Hill, Sylvender
Healey, D.A.
Healey, P.A.
Healey, W.J.
Healey, H.E.
Hayden, See
Hubbard, Orin
Hubbard, Orville
Hannah, F.H.
Horning, Adaue
Heath, James B.
Heibel, Joseph Jr.
Harding, S.T.
Iverson, Carroll
Jeffers, Ovorn
Jacobson, Paul
Jorgan, Andrew
Knudson, Ole
Long, Abner
Matheson, Nelse
McCoy, W.W.
Mason, Alfred
McGorerm, James
Parkhurst, William
Phillips, Adelbert
Palmer, Clark
Penny, Myron
Palmer, Rodney
Pethick, Richard
Reynolds, Haskell
Robertson, John
Rider, George
Reese, Silas
Stevens, Azor
Smith, F.C.
Schmidt, Frederick
Stanfield, Thomas
Skadland, Ole Oleem
Svenson, Ole
Simons, E.H.
Thomas, Chance
Thomas, William
Theeler, Herman
Theeler, Gus
Theeler, Leed
Whiteman, John
Whitney, H.C.
Ward, William
Wright, C.H.
Wald, Nelson
Wald, Cesar
Wald, Charles
Asplin, George
Alsip, T.M.
Aaeland, Ole
Atkinson, John
Burdick, O.S.
Burdick, P.
Bartholamew, Charles
Bushnell, H.N
Brandt, Eli
Boal, Samuel
Belk, Henry
Carlyon, William
Carlton, George Sr.
Copp, Eliphalet
Cooney, John
Chadbourn, S
Cannon, Sidney B.
Colby, Colby
Campbell, A.P.
Colby, Coulbourn
Campbell, B.A.
Clark, Wilson
Dawson, John
Duncan, Thomas
Daker, John
Daker, Ben
Daker, Henry
Eames, William
Eames, Robert
Elsham, James Sr.
Fay, Hugh
Gilbert, Carl
Gilbert, David
Gardiner, Stanton
Gardiner, Nelson
Groaves, A.A.
Goodwin, Perley L
Heibel, Joseph Jr.
Hayden, Lee
Hathorn, Henry
Hubbard, Bros
Heibel, Joseph Sr.
Hannah, F.H.
Horning, Adam
Health, James B.
Howard, Luther
Howard, Merilda
Healey, H.
Healey, D.A.
Healey, P.A.
Healey, H.E.
Hill, Sylvender
Harding, S.T.
Iverson, Albert
Jorgan, Ann
Jorgan, Andrew
Jacobson, Paul
Jukam, Ole
Jukam, Gunder
Jeffers, Nelson
Kendrew, William
Knudson, Ole
Knudson, Nelson
Klink, J.F.
Knaack, William
Lindover, Bolton
Long, Abner
Labuddi, Paul
Matson, Nelee
Matson, Christina
Morey, H.M.
McCallister, D.J.
McIntosh, G.B.
McCoy, William
McCoy, W.W.
McCoy, C.W.
McKercher, Peter
McKercher, Finely
Miller, Chester
Moore, M.Y.
Mason, Alfred
McGowen, James
McGowen, William
Narveson, Andrew
Nelson, Zacheriah
Naylor, James
Naylor, Charles
Nelson, John
Oleson, Arilta
Peterson, Julia Ann
Peterson, Jonas
Paul, Christian
Palmer Rodney
Parkhurst, William
Palmer Clarkson
Palmer Levina
Palmer, David
Palmer, Clark
Pethick, Richard
Pester, James
Palmeter, Theron
Penny, William
Penny, Myron
Palmeter, Bro
Robinson, John
Robertson, John
Reynolds, Haskell
Reese, Silas
Rider, George
Root, Sarah
Seabury, C.B.
Spencer, N.C
Stanfield, S.V.
Stevens, Esther
St. John, Lee Grand
Stevens, Azor
Schmidt, Frederick
Sleeper, S.I.
Smith, G.P.
Scherader, Charles
St. John, George W.
Smith, James
Skavlen, T.O.
Skadland, Gunder O.
Svenson, Ole
Smith, Charles
Smith, F.C.
Simons, E.H.
Skadland, Ole Oleson
Sampeon, A.F.
Sirrine, R.O. Jr.
Thomas, C.
Thomas, William
Theeler, Phillipp
Theeler, Herman
Theeler, Leo
Theeler, Gus
Tuttle, A.B.
Tuttle, Elon A.
Vanlone, Frank
Wright, C.H.
Wald, Ole
Wald, Nelson
Wald, Charley
Wald, Cesar
Ward, William
Whitney, H.C.
Whiteman, John
Wood, A.M.
Warren, Frank
Wise, J.B.
Ziehme, William
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
1880 Assessors Records, Cerro Gordo County Iowa
I have the following Assessors Records from Cerro Gordo County Iowa from 1880. If you would like to purchase one of these records they are $5.00 each. You can purchase by emailing me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Inside Cover S.C. Gardner
Ames G.B
Alsham, James
Asplin, Abricham
Babcock, S.G.
Bushnell, H.N
Brandt, E.S.
Burdick, O.S.
Cannon, S.B.
Carlyon, William
Chilson, John
Colby, Colburn
Daker, John
Fay, Hugh
Gardner, Stanton
Heible, Joseph Sr
Hill, Sylvender
Heath, James
Hubbard, Orrin
Jeffers, Nelson
Jorgen, A.A.
Tuttle, E.F.
McCallister, D.F.
McGowin, James
Moore, M.Y.
Mcekecker, Peter
McGowin, James
McCallister, D.J.
Naylor, Charles
Penny, William
Palmeter, Beo
Palmeter, Theron
Stevens, Azor
Sirrine, Waren
Zichne, William
Wait, Merrill
Paul, Christian
Robertson, J.M
Sirrino, R.O. Jr.
Smith, George P.
Seabarry, C.B.
Pester, James
Anderson, William
Alsip, Thomas
Atkinson, John
Alsham, Geroge
Asplin, Albert
Baysinger, Albert
Brandt, E.S.
Burdick, O. S. Jr.
Colby, C.L.
Chilson, Dell
Cannon, S.B.
Daker, Henry
Dawson, John
Eby, Simon
Gilbert, Carroll
Gunson, Byron
Gardner, Stanton
Harding, S.T.
Hathorn, N.W.
Hannah, F.H.
Hubbard, Orin
Horneburg, John
Heath, James
Hill, Sylvender
Heible, John
Hubbard, Orvil
Jones, Merlo
Jorgen, A.A.
Jorgen, Andrew
Jacobson, Paul
Jacobson, William
Knaak, William
Klenon, T.H.
Kandrew, William
Kemuteson, Ole
McGowin, James
McCallister, D.F.
Moore, M.Y.
McKercher, Peter
Matson, Martin
Nelson, N.S.
Naylor, Charles
Nelson, S.J.
Palmer, Clark
Palmer, Henry
Pester, George
Palmer, Rodney
Perry, S.N.
Robinson, J.M.
Reynolds, H.
Simons, Edwin
Stevens, Azor
Sirrine, Warren
Simmons, F.
Spencer, N.C.
Shrader, Charles
Sigrine, B.O. Jr.
Smith, Frederick
Swenson, Ole
Thomas, Channey
Thomas, William
Theeler, Seeo
Theeler, Hermen
Thuler, Gristus
Thompson, Bertie
Schmidt, Frederick
Skadland, Ole
Vanlone, Frances
Wait, Merwin
Wightman, John
Wood, A.M.
Alsip, Thomas
Anderson, William
Ames, J.H
Atkinson, John
Alsham, Georg
Alsham, James
Alsham, Charles
Asplin, George
Asplin, Abselom
Bushnell, H.N.
Boal, Samuel
Babcock, S. G
Bartholamew, Charles
Burdick, O.S.
Baysinger, Albert
Brandt, E.S.
Cooney, John
Carlyon, William
Colby, C.S.
Carlton, George
Chilson, John
Chilson, Dell
Chilson, Matilda
Colby, Colburn
Compbel, B.A.
Cannon, S.B.
Clink, J.H.
Daker, John
Dawson, John
Eby, Manasses
Fay, Hugh
Gardner, S.C.
Gilbert, Carroll
Gilbert, David
Gunson, Byron
Gardner, Wilson
Gardner, Stanton
Halhorn, H.W.
Hannahs, F.H.
Hubbard, Orrin
Hazen, Channey
Hodderfield, Cornelia
Heath, James B.
Hill, Sylvender
Heible, Joseph Sr.
Heible, Joseph Jr.
Hornburg, John
Howard, E.
Harding, Stephen J.
Jeffers, Nelson
Jorgen, A.A.
Jorgen, Andrew
Jones, Milo
Jacobson, Jacob
Jacobson, William
Jacobson, Paul
Knaak, William
Klenyon, T.H.
Koearn, James
Kaudeson, Ole
Klindrew, William
Lindon, J.G
Learson, William
McGowin, James
McCallister, D.J.
Moore, M.Y.
McKercher, Peter
McCoy, William
McCoy, C.W.
Meatson, Christina
Meatson, Martin
Nelson, N.S.
Nelson, H.S.
Nelson, John
Naylor, James
Naylor, Charles
Narvson, Andrew
Nelson, S.G.
Oleson, Ole
Pester, George
Paul, Christian
Peterson, Jonas
Palmer, Clarkson
Palmer, Seouma
Palmer, Daniel
Palmer, Clarkson
Palmer, Henry
Pester, James
Paroeld, B.F.
Palmer, Rodney
Palmerton, Beo
Perry, William
Palmeter, Theron
Reynolds, N
Root, Sharlott
Robins, J.M.
Simons, Edwin
Stevens, Azor
Sirrine, Warren
Simmons, Franklin
Stevens, Mary Ann
Spencer, N.C.
Seaberry, C.B.
Smith, George P.
St. John, George
Skavland, T.O.
Swenson, Ole
Shrader, Charles
Skadland, Ole
Smith, Charles
Sirrine, R.O. Jr.
Schmidt, Frederick
Thuler, Phillip
Thomas, Channey
Thomas, William
Tuttle, E.A.
Tuttle, Marcys
Thomson, Porter
Manlove, Frances
Wait, Merwin
Wescof, Mary
Wightman, John
Ward, Samuel
Williams, Martin
Wescot, Amos
Wood, A.M.
Waller, William
Wald, Ole
Zeihme, William
Inside Cover S.C. Gardner
Ames G.B
Alsham, James
Asplin, Abricham
Babcock, S.G.
Bushnell, H.N
Brandt, E.S.
Burdick, O.S.
Cannon, S.B.
Carlyon, William
Chilson, John
Colby, Colburn
Daker, John
Fay, Hugh
Gardner, Stanton
Heible, Joseph Sr
Hill, Sylvender
Heath, James
Hubbard, Orrin
Jeffers, Nelson
Jorgen, A.A.
Tuttle, E.F.
McCallister, D.F.
McGowin, James
Moore, M.Y.
Mcekecker, Peter
McGowin, James
McCallister, D.J.
Naylor, Charles
Penny, William
Palmeter, Beo
Palmeter, Theron
Stevens, Azor
Sirrine, Waren
Zichne, William
Wait, Merrill
Paul, Christian
Robertson, J.M
Sirrino, R.O. Jr.
Smith, George P.
Seabarry, C.B.
Pester, James
Anderson, William
Alsip, Thomas
Atkinson, John
Alsham, Geroge
Asplin, Albert
Baysinger, Albert
Brandt, E.S.
Burdick, O. S. Jr.
Colby, C.L.
Chilson, Dell
Cannon, S.B.
Daker, Henry
Dawson, John
Eby, Simon
Gilbert, Carroll
Gunson, Byron
Gardner, Stanton
Harding, S.T.
Hathorn, N.W.
Hannah, F.H.
Hubbard, Orin
Horneburg, John
Heath, James
Hill, Sylvender
Heible, John
Hubbard, Orvil
Jones, Merlo
Jorgen, A.A.
Jorgen, Andrew
Jacobson, Paul
Jacobson, William
Knaak, William
Klenon, T.H.
Kandrew, William
Kemuteson, Ole
McGowin, James
McCallister, D.F.
Moore, M.Y.
McKercher, Peter
Matson, Martin
Nelson, N.S.
Naylor, Charles
Nelson, S.J.
Palmer, Clark
Palmer, Henry
Pester, George
Palmer, Rodney
Perry, S.N.
Robinson, J.M.
Reynolds, H.
Simons, Edwin
Stevens, Azor
Sirrine, Warren
Simmons, F.
Spencer, N.C.
Shrader, Charles
Sigrine, B.O. Jr.
Smith, Frederick
Swenson, Ole
Thomas, Channey
Thomas, William
Theeler, Seeo
Theeler, Hermen
Thuler, Gristus
Thompson, Bertie
Schmidt, Frederick
Skadland, Ole
Vanlone, Frances
Wait, Merwin
Wightman, John
Wood, A.M.
Alsip, Thomas
Anderson, William
Ames, J.H
Atkinson, John
Alsham, Georg
Alsham, James
Alsham, Charles
Asplin, George
Asplin, Abselom
Bushnell, H.N.
Boal, Samuel
Babcock, S. G
Bartholamew, Charles
Burdick, O.S.
Baysinger, Albert
Brandt, E.S.
Cooney, John
Carlyon, William
Colby, C.S.
Carlton, George
Chilson, John
Chilson, Dell
Chilson, Matilda
Colby, Colburn
Compbel, B.A.
Cannon, S.B.
Clink, J.H.
Daker, John
Dawson, John
Eby, Manasses
Fay, Hugh
Gardner, S.C.
Gilbert, Carroll
Gilbert, David
Gunson, Byron
Gardner, Wilson
Gardner, Stanton
Halhorn, H.W.
Hannahs, F.H.
Hubbard, Orrin
Hazen, Channey
Hodderfield, Cornelia
Heath, James B.
Hill, Sylvender
Heible, Joseph Sr.
Heible, Joseph Jr.
Hornburg, John
Howard, E.
Harding, Stephen J.
Jeffers, Nelson
Jorgen, A.A.
Jorgen, Andrew
Jones, Milo
Jacobson, Jacob
Jacobson, William
Jacobson, Paul
Knaak, William
Klenyon, T.H.
Koearn, James
Kaudeson, Ole
Klindrew, William
Lindon, J.G
Learson, William
McGowin, James
McCallister, D.J.
Moore, M.Y.
McKercher, Peter
McCoy, William
McCoy, C.W.
Meatson, Christina
Meatson, Martin
Nelson, N.S.
Nelson, H.S.
Nelson, John
Naylor, James
Naylor, Charles
Narvson, Andrew
Nelson, S.G.
Oleson, Ole
Pester, George
Paul, Christian
Peterson, Jonas
Palmer, Clarkson
Palmer, Seouma
Palmer, Daniel
Palmer, Clarkson
Palmer, Henry
Pester, James
Paroeld, B.F.
Palmer, Rodney
Palmerton, Beo
Perry, William
Palmeter, Theron
Reynolds, N
Root, Sharlott
Robins, J.M.
Simons, Edwin
Stevens, Azor
Sirrine, Warren
Simmons, Franklin
Stevens, Mary Ann
Spencer, N.C.
Seaberry, C.B.
Smith, George P.
St. John, George
Skavland, T.O.
Swenson, Ole
Shrader, Charles
Skadland, Ole
Smith, Charles
Sirrine, R.O. Jr.
Schmidt, Frederick
Thuler, Phillip
Thomas, Channey
Thomas, William
Tuttle, E.A.
Tuttle, Marcys
Thomson, Porter
Manlove, Frances
Wait, Merwin
Wescof, Mary
Wightman, John
Ward, Samuel
Williams, Martin
Wescot, Amos
Wood, A.M.
Waller, William
Wald, Ole
Zeihme, William
1877 Tax Receipts, Cerro Gordo County Iowa
I have the following Tax Receipts from Cerro Gordo County Iowa from 1877. If you would like to purchase one of these records they are $5.00 each. You can purchase by emailing me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
C.A. Bierd
A.L. Plummer
T.J. Emsley
E.A. Snyder
D. Dougherty
J. Maymard
Charles Schmere
P. Asbjornsen
John Murphey
Anna Whitney
J.A. Fulghermn
N. Chapin
John Ken
Joseph Sutton
John Bailey
Henry F. Steinberg
Prusian Bill
John E Green
N. Waldron
Milo Jones
W.W. Winnie
J.B. Lyman
William Keenan
Jacob Aldere
James S. Taylor
Samantha Hunt
John Keidel
Pres. Thoe Semiof th WW
R.W. Henrming
Peter Tragased
James Helferty
Roger Connanghton
Roger Connanghton
A.L. Plummer
J.E. Herrick
Oliver Hubard
E.D. Hale
Jacob Hunches
G.B. Rockwell
Ann Solan
B.S. Fallems
E.R. Hubbard
Elam Hayes
Elam Hayes
C.W. Sherwood
M. Knapp
H.C. Bell
C.M. Thompson
Charlotte Bosworth
Mrs. E.Y. Hood
G.C. Allen
G.A. Allen
Owen McHonough
E. Crowell
Thomas Perrett
F>A. Pierce
Jane - Jennie Alden
C.N. Hawley
S.M Purdy by J.J. Clark
Jacob Kuitz
O.A. Bates
Ira C. Kling
L.N. Van Auken
A.T. Look
James Borst
N.G. Parker for Horace Johnson
Edward Petit
D.G. Baker
Louis Foell
A.S. Fult
J.K. Fairbak
William H. Truesdale
Ole Anderson
A.C. McNitt for J.J. Miltr
J.P. Leach
Z.R. Ward
George Atkins
William Lewbours
George Atkins
Marcus Tuttle
E.R. Root
Marcus Tuttle
Marcus Tuttle
James Lynch
Marcus Tuttle
H.K Wheelock
C.H. Hughes
James M. Becker
Marcus Tuttle
John Helpman-Parker
Levi Kramer
Benton Gehm
H.L Woodburn
James Hamilton
M. Tuttle
Louise Shobe
Frost & Woodford
George E. Frost
George E. Frost
N.W. Hathom
Cumming & Ba
A.Y. Lymppin
J.W. Parkyn
E.A. Tuttle
Abel H. Morris
L.C. Abbott
L.C. Abbott
Francis Walter
M. Nelson
C. Larson
A.F. Blair
Francis Walter
C.A. Meddaugh
Palir Waburton
John Elshaul
Thomas Gardner
John Mahollic
L.E. Gauld
John J. Mayne
H.C. Masher
L.W. Ray
W.Y. Dillingham
Jona Hetland
J.D. Mason
Frank Rogers
William Hammer
Mary Sturaes
R. Platnick
H. Drear
F. Doderen
K. Knig
H. Ditts
N.E. Williams
A.G. Smith
W.N. Moore
F.B. McNider
B.A. Dibb
John Flood
N. Willy
N.W. Kinsley
M.M. Stamelish
Read Russell
Pudner Helgenson
T.J. McGinnis
N. Feller
T.S. Bangess
John Platt
G Marke
S.B. Signor
George M. Emerson
Rev. William M. Mullenix
John Seward
J.J. Marsh
John Russell
Lewis Carter
Joseph Wood
J.B. Glass
James Goffany
Mohall Ennis
J.N. Hanks
E. Howard
Anderson Smart
C.E. Daniels
William Bortt
J. M. Palmer
George Palmer
F.R. West
E. Riley
A. Gannon
Graves Estate
Geraldine Sabin
J.A. Barnes
Henry Hill
Charles Lauer
B.J. Huttland
E.J. Dyer
P. Flynn
Benjamin Vanston
William Brett
William McGemer
Hugh Ashton
R. Alderson
Thomas Roche
F. Libase
Thomas Callamman
John Pence
John & Ulrich Schaer
Andrew Schaer
J.N. Woodall
Job Vickerman
W.N. Allyn
Ole Oleson
Swan Peterson
Chickering & Son
Joseph C. Hankins
Ed Hamblin
J.A. Graer
Hattie E. Prescott
Job D. Freeman
John Hoyde
S. Simpkins
Thomas Raper
H.E. Dickerman
E.R. Care
James Denahne
O.B. Brilmll
J.G Hancock
J.J. Bogarder
R.T. Lane
R. Patton
Mark Dexter
Mark Dexter
J.W. Phillips
J.C. Crapser
Joseph Fromon Jr.
George Roebuck
Alfred Roebuck
E.L. Arnold
M. Jenings
J.B. Stewart
Henry Chadbonn
V.C. Birney
E.R. Marshall
Mrs. Ann Walker
H.M. VanSickles
Andrew W. Stoner
J.H. Schnicker
Henry Manke
Jacob Frederich
D. Coyles
John Noaok
A.G. Johnson
O.T. Dennison
R.S. Benson
John Woodhense
Pierce Tymell
Edmund Lindsey
M.P. Nathanay
Levi L. Klinefelter
Carrie Jennings
W.N. Frye
W.P. Culon
David Hild
C.W. Tenney
C.W. Tenney
Bery Jackson
J. Jacobson
Amos Westcott
Mrs. Mary Westcott
E.S. Goodwin
Robert Gray
Leander Gray
C.N. Gray
W.O Gray
Caroline E. Frizelle
L.S. Eager
T.H. Butts
Henry Durkin
Seth Knakk
D.L. Wickersham
G.B. Rockwell
G.B. Rockwell
A.S. Russell
Marshall Lincoln
Peter Styles
Thomas Nelson
Otis Whittermore
C.W Turney
Robert Watson
Joseph Perratt
C.C. Coons
G.A. Steams
Thomas Nickols
F.W. Latham
Mary Boom
G.H. & L. Lafkin
F.E. Morely
H.A. Groves
William E Cummings
H.J. Millis
William Britt
J.T. Eggers
J.C. Perntt
Mrs. W.K. White
John Stewart
Dwight Brown
Sarah Kelly
A. Boyington
Ardennes R. Fine
George Stewart
M. Tenner
J.J. Hall
W.R. Winters
R. Moore
G.F. Fletcher
James Carey
K. Smidt
D.G. Smidt
Fannie E Clock
John Murphy
Jason Osborn
A. Bryen
George W. Harding
Josiah Locke
C.F. Vincent
W. Cleveland
John Ghering
W.N. Doran
R.G. Remiger
Dike & Wayne
Jackson Gaylord
D. Tice
H. Lok
J.W. Book
F. Folsom
Thomas Harris
John Z. White
Fred Harding
John Smider
Thompkins & Horton
William Carr
Willim F. Ford
Hattie A. Tompkins
Benjamin Leonard
Ford L. Wells
Elijah Tompkins
N.E. Fisher
Thomas Mayne
Joseph Hubbard
Charles M. Adams
Charles M. Adams
Francis B. Burnham
Daniel G. Baker
E.H. Bates
Meacham & Miuer
M.Y Moore
A.S. Graves
Aurelia Quincy
Hugh O'Donnell
R.T. Lane
George E. Frost
Buradella G. Simpson
E. Hurst
Sarah S. Bouldrin
L.W. Ray
Woodward Bros
Joseph Papst
H.J. Jarvis
William Geddes
A.P. Dond
C.W. Adams
J.O. Crosby
J.M. Metcalf
Ole Christofanson
William Pond
Clarinda C. Peck
Levi S. Peck
Christina Larson
S.G. Blythe
D.W. Hamstreet
Eli Perry
George Greene
L.F. Town
Robert G. Hara
William Yates
G.R. Shaw
Ignatius Heiney
John W. McNitt
B.S. Woolsey
David T. Spencer
Duncan Ryan
G.D. Rice
Thomas Massee
Adaline Massey
John Behr
C.C. Lang
John B. Debeen
Susan Jillies
J.W. Ford
Ira E. Davenport
John Miles
Levi Miles
John Mantz
John Diepenbrook
John Dolphin
Ruben Kinney
John M Rudolph
Mrs. Susan Lee
A.M. Bowen
M.S. Bacher
A.D. Flemming
A. Geokfert
R. Robinson
B. F. Heartshom
Josiah Needham
Josie A. Brardman
N.F Butler
John Bell
Charles F. Vincent
John O. Stimmons
R.B. Swarthart
Nelson Veinal
Henry S. Sabins
John Lafferty Jr.
William Brett
Ella Wheeler
J.S. Church
H.D. Hufcut
Georg H. Esterly
M. Flemming
Mary O'Neil
L. McLeod
William Buttimer
A.B. Tuttle
J. Caykendall
C.K. Gracie
Moses W. Young
C. Simonson
H.J. Pierce
William E. Cummings
John J. Griffin
W.R. "Unknown"
C. Berlin
C. Berlin
A. Pratt
C.E. Wyman
W.H. Wamiger
William Burns
Mary C. Conner
D.G. Smidt
Joseph Smith
E.G. Bowdeni
J.A. Swanson
A. Asklin
A.F. Sauchson
J.W. Crouse
Charles Brayton
J.A. Fulthense
George Ward
S.B. Smtih
A. Dunham
A. Dunham
M.E. Griffin
R. Babcock
F. J. Bush
J. D. Gilkey
George F. McDowell
H.P Grifin
H. Gorde
C.A. Meddaugh
D.W. Corey
E.C. Palmer
P. Davey
E.Y. Royce
F. Piper
E. Hayes
Hazelton Page
D.M. Dale
G.W. Bigelow
John D. Taylor
D.M. Laughlin
J. Cooper
C.K. Sackett
E.C. Connoly
J. Hess
R. M. Fodel
R.J. Honntington
M. Schmidt
J. Bosmoth & Co.
W.H. Camerow
W.A. & L.J. Moore
N.J. Parrons
Tusha & Raymoss
E. Miller
N.H. Vaughn
John Cliggett
C.Y. Williams
A.S. Wright
C. Close
W.A. Bumak
D.W. Goodrich
F. Van Loan
M.L. Webster
D.R. Babcock
C.B. Seabury
H.T. Russell
George W. Hinds
B.P. Mower
George P. Dempsey
Charles Graham
E. Riggin
Daily & Webster
W.J. Wingert
R.P. Palmer
George E. Frost
Theo White
T.A. Killem
Robert Gibson
D.J. Chapin
J.M. Burritt
A.B. Sundberg
Rose Awest
E.K Long
S.S. Klinefelter
L.P. Flint
John Hemmphrey
M.D. Gibbs
W.J. Todd
L. Palmer
T.E. Gurtte
N.F. Rockwell
M.M. Browne
Charles Bartholomew
R.& M Johnson
W.C. Pickham
F. Cookman
A. Dunham
P. Theeler
Griew Bros
R.L. Lillibridge
W.N. Mott
N. Gildman Jr.
N. Gildman Sr.
T. Blake
T. Blake
Brooks & Phelps
G.B. McIntosh
C. Cutter
J.M. Lehapin
George Carlton
T. N. Caslyen
Georbe Dancey
William Coslyn
C. Colby
J.B. Heath
Mary E. Wilson
Samuel Spotts
George McGrady
M.J. Sutton
As kurd
Charles Seigfried
Abner Long
T.B. Gault
William McHuthen
Lee McMeecham
Richard Laler
J.J. Russell
L.L. Brentner
C.B. Calkins
Ira Knapp
P.A. Loveland
John Kaven
L.A. Peck
W.S Knapp
L.E. McGilora
O.A. Kimball
John Chilson
A.S. Garey
Samuel Ward
W. O. Barnard
C.E. Pierce
F. Vansloan
S.G. Parker
A. Papdeer
William Gibbs
C.N. Hubbard
S.B. Slevens
William Judel
Daily & Webster
W.N. Cale
W.S. Houghton
Ole Mortonson
S. Knudson
William Seward
George E. Frost
William Britt
N.B. Morrison
N.N. Bushnel
A. Johnson
Mrs. R. V. Alexander
A.A. Gorgen
George Ballard
N. Toombs
John Dawson
T.J. Kitts
W.A. Bumak
Lyman Nownt
Nelson Hall
A. Turnbull
S. Ells
John Ken
W.C. Coe
John Seward Jr.
Frank Rice
E.B. Wheeler
M. Pendergast
J. White
O.V. Thompson
M. Wart
David Garlock
Amanda Scott
Hugh Scott
William Gillitt
John Halverson
J & L Ross
N. Boble
Robert Gibson
J.H. Umbarger
N.S. Hunsberger
P.P. House
Charles Derren
A. Thompson
J.M. Molsbery
W.L Lewis
Johnathan Way
George C. Talhuan
Fred Jarloch
J & E. Quick
H & C Palmer
J. Hoodelenfield
F.W. Latham
D.R. Babcock
W.W. Winnie
George O. Ballard
George Hrenlylman
W.L.M. Wellington
Mahala Dean
E. Sullivan
Charles Gorham
D. Winters
O.C.H. Goodhue
E. Potter
J. Tingles
R.J. Miller
J.R. Carr
Alex McGerrew
Alex McGerrew
James H. Falt
C.H. Day
George E. Frost
James Rule
A. Humphrey
Perry Carr
C.A. Spink
John Bishop
C.G. Crane
C. Harting
R. Gilmon
William A. Mclenlloch
George Hermilya
Charles Hart
N. Haurow
Lewis Snell
George Lane
E.R. Lloyd
George Dancey
James Nelson
D.B. Martin
L.W. Card
Jon Christin
Charles Heart
H.L. Smith
W G. Booth
N.C. Hunt
George Leurtiss
M.M. Cathen
A. J. Nebergall
A.J. Burlingham
J.W. Card
Mary Card
Richards & Burden
Richards & Burden
J. & George Keintzelman
D. Goodman
Henry Winger
Richards & Burden
Betsy Rigby
Joseph Stork
John Dytch
B. Towtelotte
James Carey
W.N. Keeler
M. Toner
R. Barney
John Yarrow
R.O. Simmie Jr.
P. VanHorton
T.B. Lyman
L.M. VanAucken
Amos Thomas
N. Corlirs
H.E. Tubbs
P. VanHorton
James Dickenson
J.L. Sleeper
G. Able
G. Able
John Gaffney
John Tagesser
E.M. Sampson
Peter Durman
L.R. Harding
Andrew Wilson
H.E. Brown
H.C. Fletcher
Henry Curvers
Henry Curnofadmister
N. Prescott
E.A. Carter
Thomas Nolan
N.E. Frances
W.A. Moore
F. Hanford
D. Watts Jr.
D. Watts Sr.
Henry Watts
M.J. Patton
P. Flynn
E. Sherman
John Kaveu
Christiane Kehui
Lars Olsen
Ira L. Bailey
J.E. Perry
W.W. Winnie
M.W. Brown
George E. Frosh
George M. Fine
James Bruce
George C. Fuller
J.J. Bogardeux
B.F. Brown
James McCarrow
John Lasson
R.W. Cathie
Michael Callanan Jr.
Henry Curvo
Egbert Potter
Willima Witte
M.C. Baker
John Gaffrey
Austin Graves
Amo Redington
C.J. Behr
S. Molt
John Bailey
T.B. McNider
T.G. Enisley
L.M. Randall
W.A. Wells
John Yarrow
William Triggs
J.W. Jenkins
H. Goude
D.W. Corey
R. wilber
James Salon
John Gafferey
Corydow E. Cutter
Cynthia M. Cutter
James Lynch
G.A. Steames
S. Dunn
M.W. Wood
George Ward
James Sullivan
Mary E. Wilson
James Peterson
McReady Martin
W.H. & James Price
George Mooney
M. Tuttle
James McGredy
William Voltz
I.R. Wheeler
George Ballard
William Brett
Charles Brayton
B. Moran
George Neild
G.R. Malles
H.C. Hennt
Christian Kehue
Lewis Snell
George Summer
A.J. Miller
A.M. Thompson
Peter Tower
S.R. Godfrey
C.E. Wilcox
B.G. Simpson
N.I. Smith
C.V. Birney
William Slocum
George W. Dancey
Elizabeth McLeoad
C.A. Bierd
A.L. Plummer
T.J. Emsley
E.A. Snyder
D. Dougherty
J. Maymard
Charles Schmere
P. Asbjornsen
John Murphey
Anna Whitney
J.A. Fulghermn
N. Chapin
John Ken
Joseph Sutton
John Bailey
Henry F. Steinberg
Prusian Bill
John E Green
N. Waldron
Milo Jones
W.W. Winnie
J.B. Lyman
William Keenan
Jacob Aldere
James S. Taylor
Samantha Hunt
John Keidel
Pres. Thoe Semiof th WW
R.W. Henrming
Peter Tragased
James Helferty
Roger Connanghton
Roger Connanghton
A.L. Plummer
J.E. Herrick
Oliver Hubard
E.D. Hale
Jacob Hunches
G.B. Rockwell
Ann Solan
B.S. Fallems
E.R. Hubbard
Elam Hayes
Elam Hayes
C.W. Sherwood
M. Knapp
H.C. Bell
C.M. Thompson
Charlotte Bosworth
Mrs. E.Y. Hood
G.C. Allen
G.A. Allen
Owen McHonough
E. Crowell
Thomas Perrett
F>A. Pierce
Jane - Jennie Alden
C.N. Hawley
S.M Purdy by J.J. Clark
Jacob Kuitz
O.A. Bates
Ira C. Kling
L.N. Van Auken
A.T. Look
James Borst
N.G. Parker for Horace Johnson
Edward Petit
D.G. Baker
Louis Foell
A.S. Fult
J.K. Fairbak
William H. Truesdale
Ole Anderson
A.C. McNitt for J.J. Miltr
J.P. Leach
Z.R. Ward
George Atkins
William Lewbours
George Atkins
Marcus Tuttle
E.R. Root
Marcus Tuttle
Marcus Tuttle
James Lynch
Marcus Tuttle
H.K Wheelock
C.H. Hughes
James M. Becker
Marcus Tuttle
John Helpman-Parker
Levi Kramer
Benton Gehm
H.L Woodburn
James Hamilton
M. Tuttle
Louise Shobe
Frost & Woodford
George E. Frost
George E. Frost
N.W. Hathom
Cumming & Ba
A.Y. Lymppin
J.W. Parkyn
E.A. Tuttle
Abel H. Morris
L.C. Abbott
L.C. Abbott
Francis Walter
M. Nelson
C. Larson
A.F. Blair
Francis Walter
C.A. Meddaugh
Palir Waburton
John Elshaul
Thomas Gardner
John Mahollic
L.E. Gauld
John J. Mayne
H.C. Masher
L.W. Ray
W.Y. Dillingham
Jona Hetland
J.D. Mason
Frank Rogers
William Hammer
Mary Sturaes
R. Platnick
H. Drear
F. Doderen
K. Knig
H. Ditts
N.E. Williams
A.G. Smith
W.N. Moore
F.B. McNider
B.A. Dibb
John Flood
N. Willy
N.W. Kinsley
M.M. Stamelish
Read Russell
Pudner Helgenson
T.J. McGinnis
N. Feller
T.S. Bangess
John Platt
G Marke
S.B. Signor
George M. Emerson
Rev. William M. Mullenix
John Seward
J.J. Marsh
John Russell
Lewis Carter
Joseph Wood
J.B. Glass
James Goffany
Mohall Ennis
J.N. Hanks
E. Howard
Anderson Smart
C.E. Daniels
William Bortt
J. M. Palmer
George Palmer
F.R. West
E. Riley
A. Gannon
Graves Estate
Geraldine Sabin
J.A. Barnes
Henry Hill
Charles Lauer
B.J. Huttland
E.J. Dyer
P. Flynn
Benjamin Vanston
William Brett
William McGemer
Hugh Ashton
R. Alderson
Thomas Roche
F. Libase
Thomas Callamman
John Pence
John & Ulrich Schaer
Andrew Schaer
J.N. Woodall
Job Vickerman
W.N. Allyn
Ole Oleson
Swan Peterson
Chickering & Son
Joseph C. Hankins
Ed Hamblin
J.A. Graer
Hattie E. Prescott
Job D. Freeman
John Hoyde
S. Simpkins
Thomas Raper
H.E. Dickerman
E.R. Care
James Denahne
O.B. Brilmll
J.G Hancock
J.J. Bogarder
R.T. Lane
R. Patton
Mark Dexter
Mark Dexter
J.W. Phillips
J.C. Crapser
Joseph Fromon Jr.
George Roebuck
Alfred Roebuck
E.L. Arnold
M. Jenings
J.B. Stewart
Henry Chadbonn
V.C. Birney
E.R. Marshall
Mrs. Ann Walker
H.M. VanSickles
Andrew W. Stoner
J.H. Schnicker
Henry Manke
Jacob Frederich
D. Coyles
John Noaok
A.G. Johnson
O.T. Dennison
R.S. Benson
John Woodhense
Pierce Tymell
Edmund Lindsey
M.P. Nathanay
Levi L. Klinefelter
Carrie Jennings
W.N. Frye
W.P. Culon
David Hild
C.W. Tenney
C.W. Tenney
Bery Jackson
J. Jacobson
Amos Westcott
Mrs. Mary Westcott
E.S. Goodwin
Robert Gray
Leander Gray
C.N. Gray
W.O Gray
Caroline E. Frizelle
L.S. Eager
T.H. Butts
Henry Durkin
Seth Knakk
D.L. Wickersham
G.B. Rockwell
G.B. Rockwell
A.S. Russell
Marshall Lincoln
Peter Styles
Thomas Nelson
Otis Whittermore
C.W Turney
Robert Watson
Joseph Perratt
C.C. Coons
G.A. Steams
Thomas Nickols
F.W. Latham
Mary Boom
G.H. & L. Lafkin
F.E. Morely
H.A. Groves
William E Cummings
H.J. Millis
William Britt
J.T. Eggers
J.C. Perntt
Mrs. W.K. White
John Stewart
Dwight Brown
Sarah Kelly
A. Boyington
Ardennes R. Fine
George Stewart
M. Tenner
J.J. Hall
W.R. Winters
R. Moore
G.F. Fletcher
James Carey
K. Smidt
D.G. Smidt
Fannie E Clock
John Murphy
Jason Osborn
A. Bryen
George W. Harding
Josiah Locke
C.F. Vincent
W. Cleveland
John Ghering
W.N. Doran
R.G. Remiger
Dike & Wayne
Jackson Gaylord
D. Tice
H. Lok
J.W. Book
F. Folsom
Thomas Harris
John Z. White
Fred Harding
John Smider
Thompkins & Horton
William Carr
Willim F. Ford
Hattie A. Tompkins
Benjamin Leonard
Ford L. Wells
Elijah Tompkins
N.E. Fisher
Thomas Mayne
Joseph Hubbard
Charles M. Adams
Charles M. Adams
Francis B. Burnham
Daniel G. Baker
E.H. Bates
Meacham & Miuer
M.Y Moore
A.S. Graves
Aurelia Quincy
Hugh O'Donnell
R.T. Lane
George E. Frost
Buradella G. Simpson
E. Hurst
Sarah S. Bouldrin
L.W. Ray
Woodward Bros
Joseph Papst
H.J. Jarvis
William Geddes
A.P. Dond
C.W. Adams
J.O. Crosby
J.M. Metcalf
Ole Christofanson
William Pond
Clarinda C. Peck
Levi S. Peck
Christina Larson
S.G. Blythe
D.W. Hamstreet
Eli Perry
George Greene
L.F. Town
Robert G. Hara
William Yates
G.R. Shaw
Ignatius Heiney
John W. McNitt
B.S. Woolsey
David T. Spencer
Duncan Ryan
G.D. Rice
Thomas Massee
Adaline Massey
John Behr
C.C. Lang
John B. Debeen
Susan Jillies
J.W. Ford
Ira E. Davenport
John Miles
Levi Miles
John Mantz
John Diepenbrook
John Dolphin
Ruben Kinney
John M Rudolph
Mrs. Susan Lee
A.M. Bowen
M.S. Bacher
A.D. Flemming
A. Geokfert
R. Robinson
B. F. Heartshom
Josiah Needham
Josie A. Brardman
N.F Butler
John Bell
Charles F. Vincent
John O. Stimmons
R.B. Swarthart
Nelson Veinal
Henry S. Sabins
John Lafferty Jr.
William Brett
Ella Wheeler
J.S. Church
H.D. Hufcut
Georg H. Esterly
M. Flemming
Mary O'Neil
L. McLeod
William Buttimer
A.B. Tuttle
J. Caykendall
C.K. Gracie
Moses W. Young
C. Simonson
H.J. Pierce
William E. Cummings
John J. Griffin
W.R. "Unknown"
C. Berlin
C. Berlin
A. Pratt
C.E. Wyman
W.H. Wamiger
William Burns
Mary C. Conner
D.G. Smidt
Joseph Smith
E.G. Bowdeni
J.A. Swanson
A. Asklin
A.F. Sauchson
J.W. Crouse
Charles Brayton
J.A. Fulthense
George Ward
S.B. Smtih
A. Dunham
A. Dunham
M.E. Griffin
R. Babcock
F. J. Bush
J. D. Gilkey
George F. McDowell
H.P Grifin
H. Gorde
C.A. Meddaugh
D.W. Corey
E.C. Palmer
P. Davey
E.Y. Royce
F. Piper
E. Hayes
Hazelton Page
D.M. Dale
G.W. Bigelow
John D. Taylor
D.M. Laughlin
J. Cooper
C.K. Sackett
E.C. Connoly
J. Hess
R. M. Fodel
R.J. Honntington
M. Schmidt
J. Bosmoth & Co.
W.H. Camerow
W.A. & L.J. Moore
N.J. Parrons
Tusha & Raymoss
E. Miller
N.H. Vaughn
John Cliggett
C.Y. Williams
A.S. Wright
C. Close
W.A. Bumak
D.W. Goodrich
F. Van Loan
M.L. Webster
D.R. Babcock
C.B. Seabury
H.T. Russell
George W. Hinds
B.P. Mower
George P. Dempsey
Charles Graham
E. Riggin
Daily & Webster
W.J. Wingert
R.P. Palmer
George E. Frost
Theo White
T.A. Killem
Robert Gibson
D.J. Chapin
J.M. Burritt
A.B. Sundberg
Rose Awest
E.K Long
S.S. Klinefelter
L.P. Flint
John Hemmphrey
M.D. Gibbs
W.J. Todd
L. Palmer
T.E. Gurtte
N.F. Rockwell
M.M. Browne
Charles Bartholomew
R.& M Johnson
W.C. Pickham
F. Cookman
A. Dunham
P. Theeler
Griew Bros
R.L. Lillibridge
W.N. Mott
N. Gildman Jr.
N. Gildman Sr.
T. Blake
T. Blake
Brooks & Phelps
G.B. McIntosh
C. Cutter
J.M. Lehapin
George Carlton
T. N. Caslyen
Georbe Dancey
William Coslyn
C. Colby
J.B. Heath
Mary E. Wilson
Samuel Spotts
George McGrady
M.J. Sutton
As kurd
Charles Seigfried
Abner Long
T.B. Gault
William McHuthen
Lee McMeecham
Richard Laler
J.J. Russell
L.L. Brentner
C.B. Calkins
Ira Knapp
P.A. Loveland
John Kaven
L.A. Peck
W.S Knapp
L.E. McGilora
O.A. Kimball
John Chilson
A.S. Garey
Samuel Ward
W. O. Barnard
C.E. Pierce
F. Vansloan
S.G. Parker
A. Papdeer
William Gibbs
C.N. Hubbard
S.B. Slevens
William Judel
Daily & Webster
W.N. Cale
W.S. Houghton
Ole Mortonson
S. Knudson
William Seward
George E. Frost
William Britt
N.B. Morrison
N.N. Bushnel
A. Johnson
Mrs. R. V. Alexander
A.A. Gorgen
George Ballard
N. Toombs
John Dawson
T.J. Kitts
W.A. Bumak
Lyman Nownt
Nelson Hall
A. Turnbull
S. Ells
John Ken
W.C. Coe
John Seward Jr.
Frank Rice
E.B. Wheeler
M. Pendergast
J. White
O.V. Thompson
M. Wart
David Garlock
Amanda Scott
Hugh Scott
William Gillitt
John Halverson
J & L Ross
N. Boble
Robert Gibson
J.H. Umbarger
N.S. Hunsberger
P.P. House
Charles Derren
A. Thompson
J.M. Molsbery
W.L Lewis
Johnathan Way
George C. Talhuan
Fred Jarloch
J & E. Quick
H & C Palmer
J. Hoodelenfield
F.W. Latham
D.R. Babcock
W.W. Winnie
George O. Ballard
George Hrenlylman
W.L.M. Wellington
Mahala Dean
E. Sullivan
Charles Gorham
D. Winters
O.C.H. Goodhue
E. Potter
J. Tingles
R.J. Miller
J.R. Carr
Alex McGerrew
Alex McGerrew
James H. Falt
C.H. Day
George E. Frost
James Rule
A. Humphrey
Perry Carr
C.A. Spink
John Bishop
C.G. Crane
C. Harting
R. Gilmon
William A. Mclenlloch
George Hermilya
Charles Hart
N. Haurow
Lewis Snell
George Lane
E.R. Lloyd
George Dancey
James Nelson
D.B. Martin
L.W. Card
Jon Christin
Charles Heart
H.L. Smith
W G. Booth
N.C. Hunt
George Leurtiss
M.M. Cathen
A. J. Nebergall
A.J. Burlingham
J.W. Card
Mary Card
Richards & Burden
Richards & Burden
J. & George Keintzelman
D. Goodman
Henry Winger
Richards & Burden
Betsy Rigby
Joseph Stork
John Dytch
B. Towtelotte
James Carey
W.N. Keeler
M. Toner
R. Barney
John Yarrow
R.O. Simmie Jr.
P. VanHorton
T.B. Lyman
L.M. VanAucken
Amos Thomas
N. Corlirs
H.E. Tubbs
P. VanHorton
James Dickenson
J.L. Sleeper
G. Able
G. Able
John Gaffney
John Tagesser
E.M. Sampson
Peter Durman
L.R. Harding
Andrew Wilson
H.E. Brown
H.C. Fletcher
Henry Curvers
Henry Curnofadmister
N. Prescott
E.A. Carter
Thomas Nolan
N.E. Frances
W.A. Moore
F. Hanford
D. Watts Jr.
D. Watts Sr.
Henry Watts
M.J. Patton
P. Flynn
E. Sherman
John Kaveu
Christiane Kehui
Lars Olsen
Ira L. Bailey
J.E. Perry
W.W. Winnie
M.W. Brown
George E. Frosh
George M. Fine
James Bruce
George C. Fuller
J.J. Bogardeux
B.F. Brown
James McCarrow
John Lasson
R.W. Cathie
Michael Callanan Jr.
Henry Curvo
Egbert Potter
Willima Witte
M.C. Baker
John Gaffrey
Austin Graves
Amo Redington
C.J. Behr
S. Molt
John Bailey
T.B. McNider
T.G. Enisley
L.M. Randall
W.A. Wells
John Yarrow
William Triggs
J.W. Jenkins
H. Goude
D.W. Corey
R. wilber
James Salon
John Gafferey
Corydow E. Cutter
Cynthia M. Cutter
James Lynch
G.A. Steames
S. Dunn
M.W. Wood
George Ward
James Sullivan
Mary E. Wilson
James Peterson
McReady Martin
W.H. & James Price
George Mooney
M. Tuttle
James McGredy
William Voltz
I.R. Wheeler
George Ballard
William Brett
Charles Brayton
B. Moran
George Neild
G.R. Malles
H.C. Hennt
Christian Kehue
Lewis Snell
George Summer
A.J. Miller
A.M. Thompson
Peter Tower
S.R. Godfrey
C.E. Wilcox
B.G. Simpson
N.I. Smith
C.V. Birney
William Slocum
George W. Dancey
Elizabeth McLeoad
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