1954 #GoldenMemoriesYearbook #GoldenCityMissouri Buy this great yearbook now for $25.00 + 3.85 shipping. This book is in excellent condition, great pictures of the Faculty, Students, Administration, and the town of #GoldenCity Missouri. Message me now ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com to buy this great #Yearbook
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Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Blue Grass Mecca, Maitland Missouri Centennial History Book 1880-1955
Blue Grass Mecca, Maitland Missouri Centennial History Book 1880-1955. This is a very rare book and hard to find. This is a great book on this history of #MaitlandMissouri located in Holt County Missouri. This book has some great pictures of Maitland Missouri, family histories, school history, pictures of local businesses and some really great stories. Book is 221 pages long and includes an index. If you are from Maitland Missouri, researching your family history or simply interested in small town history this is the book for you, would also make a great Christmas gift. Book is $35.00, Message me now to purchase. Email me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com to buy
1955 Hopkino Yearbook, Hopkins Missouri
I have a 1955 #Hopkino Yearbook for sale from #HopkinsMissouri. This is an original yearbook, $30.00 + 3.85 shipping to buy. Book is in excellent condition, has been stored on a shelf. Would be an excellent Christmas Gift! Email me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com to buy this great yearbook.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
1928 Maryville Phone Directory - Copy -For Sale
1928 Maryville Missouri Phonebook Index. This phonebook lists the Phone Number, Name and Address of the people within its pages. If you would like to purchase a copy of this phonebook, $20.00, please contact me at ancestorexplorer@yahoo.com
Russell Adams
Tom Adams
Fred Ager
Ed Albright
I.K. Alderman
George Aley
Guy Aley
Allen Bros Real Estate
Albert Alexander
All Service Garage
Rev. J.T. Alsup
Mrs. Ida P. Ambrose
C.P. Anderson
Otto Anderson
Mrs. W.H. Anderson
W.C. Antrim
D.A. Appleby
Albert Appleby
John Appleby
John Appleby Farm
Olen Argo
F.L. Armstrong
Arnold-Strong Dodge Bros.
Sales & Service
Roy Arthur
C.F. Arthur
Milo Ashford
John P. Axline
B. Square Filling Station
E.W. Babb
Morton Babb
E.C. Bagby Auto Co
E.C. Bagby
Ira Bailey
Judge E.T. Bailey
B.F. Bailey
Presley Bailey
Will Bainum
Ernest Bainum
G.P. Bainum
Mike Baker
Banner Bottling Works
F.L. Barman Auto Co.
William Barry
Bartlett & Todd Farm
John Baumli
Anna Beattie
Bee Hive Shoe Co.
Ed Belcher
Virgil Belcher
Jack Belcher
Dr. Charles T. Bell
D.O. Belt
Bennett & Smith Hardware
W.A. Berg
R.A. Berger
V.E. Bird
E.R. Bird
Elmer Birkenholz
William Blackford
Lloyd Blackford
Edison Blagg
Jim Blagg
Blatter Market
Bluel Meat Market
Henry Boatwright
Harve Booth
W.H. Booth
George & Eri Bosch
Mrs. B.J. Bowman
Dr. Earl Braniger
Joe Brant
Mary E. & Will Bracken
John Brennan
Mrs. N.H. Brown
E.J. Brown
Robert Brwonfield
H.W. Brueggeman
G.E. Brumbaugh
J.B. Brummett
Charles Buhler Grocery &
Meat Market
Burlington Passenger Depot
Burlington Freight Depot
Mrs. Thomas Burns
W.H. Burr
W.T. Burton Grocery
Busby Brothers
D.J. Busby
O.K. Busby
Ed Busby
Elihu Busby
John Busby
Earl Busby
L.S. Byers
D. Callahan
J.W. Campbell
Candy Land
Dr. Roy Canon, Dental
Dr. Roy Canon, Res.
Ray Carlson
isaac Carmichael
Dorothy Carmichael
Charley Carmichael
Thurman Carmichael
Albert Carr
Aliene Carr
French Carter
Paul Carter Auto Repair &
Electrical Shop
Edd Cassell Contractor &
Fred Cassell
Clyde Cassell
hal Catterson
Chamber of Commerce
Floyd Chambers
J.C. Chappell, Oak Hill
A.R. Charles
Jake Chestnut
C.F. Childress
Circuit Clerk
City Hall
J.C. Clapper
S.C. Clark Repair Shop
S.C. Clark, Res.
J.A. Clark
Dr. C.M. Cline - Office
Dr. C.M. Cline, Res.
Joe Cockayne
R.H. Coffelt
T.C. Coile
I.W. Coler
George J. Coler
Mrs. D.S. Collins
Walter Combs
T.F. Combs
Mrs. Mary Combs
Conder & Malen Garage
Floyd Conley
J.M. Conley
Consumers Oil Co.
Ellis G. Cook Law Office
Cook & Cummins Law Office
Mrs. Luella Cook
Henry Cook
Earl Cooks
J.F. Cook
Kent Coulter
Orville Coulter
Goerge Coulter
County Agents Office
County Farm
County Jail
County Clerk
County Attorney Office
Dr. C.P. Fryer, County
Health Dept.
Health Officer
County Recorders Office
County Sheriffs Office
County Supt. Office
A.J. Cox
W.Y. Cox
J.E. Crawford
Mrs. Ruth & John Crider
Mrs. A.J. Croy
Mrs. E.C. Culp
Cummings & Blagg
Furniture Co.
J.B. Cummins, Undertaker
Dr. K.C. Cummins, Office
Dr. K.C. Cummins, Res.
Ed Cummins
Tom Curran
H.B. Cushman
Ethel Dakan
M.G. Dakan
Ernest Dakan
Pete Damgar
James Danner
Mrs. C.L. David
Walter Davis Farm
J.C. Davis
Mrs. W.E. Davis
Walter Davis Farm
Floyd Dawson
Mrs. Elvira Dawson
Dr. L.E Dean & Dr. H.S.
Dowell Office
Dr. L.E. Dean, Res.
John Deardorff
Democrat Forum Tribune
Mrs. Bell Dmott
Sam Dempsey
Charles F. Dempsey
W.J. Dempsey
John Dempsey
Charles Deneen
Charles Deneen Farm
Lee Devore
Mrs. Anne Dewitt
Walter Dickie
George Ditto
William Doffing
John E. Donaldson
John Dooley
C.I. Dorrel
Clement C. Dougherty
Elmer Dougherty
Mrs. H.A. Doughty
Rev. Lane Douglas
Clarence Dowden
Jess r. Dowden
A.B. Dowden
John Dowden
Forrest H. Dowden
J.A. (Art) Dowden
Leslie Dowden
Dr. H.S . Dowell, Office
Dr. H.S. Dowell, Res.
Edna Dowell
W.T. Doyle
Drive it yourself and Taxi
W.C. Duff
Noah Duncan
Earl Duncan
C.P. Durbin
Perry Earwood
C.J. Eckert
Mrs. Dora Eckert
Mrs. Emma Eckles
Glen Exkles
L.C. Eckles
Mrs. Mattie Eckles
J.A. Eckles
John Eickholt Delco Light
Products & Services
Carl Elliott
W.S. Ellsworth
Electric Theatre
John P. Erickson
Earl Espey
W.E. Espey
Chester H. Espey
Ivan and Mrs. Allison Espey
Estes & Quinn Grocery
Evans Bros.
Mrs. C.R. Evans
John R. Evans
L.H. Evans
E. Everest
William Everhart Farm
Frank Fargerquist
Floyd Fakes
Currie Farmer
Farmes Exchange
Farmers Trust Co.
Mrs. M.E. Farrar
Harry Farrar
Pat Farrens
Rev. Richard Felix
Charles Fennel
Wilson Ferguson
Marion G. Fine
Fire Station
First National Bank
Jerry Fisher
Harry Fisher
Sam Fisher
Jesse Fisher Battery &
Ab Fite
Ab Fite Farm
Five O Two Taxi Station
Samuel Flood
Dell Florea
C.E. & Son Florea
A.C. (Bub) Ford
L.C. Foreman Insurance Co.
Mrs. Anna & Everett Fox
Elmer Fraser
Mrs. John Frazee
L.H. Frazee
W.H. Freece
Leonard Freuh
Charles Froman
B.A. Frost Poultry House
Fullerton Lumber Co.
John Gallagher
C.L. Garrett
M.K. Garrett
Mrs. Minnie & John Gates
Jess Gatton
Gaugh & Evans Drug Co.
Charles Gaugh
Lawrence Gault
Lloyd Geist Sheet Metal
and Furnace
Gilam Jackson Loand &
Trust Co
Mrs. M.P. Gingrich
Ed Gingrich
Glover & Alexander Coal &
Glover & Alexander Ice
Godsey Beauty & Art
Robert D. Goforth
W.E. Goforth
P.H. Gorman
P.H. Gorman Farm
John Graham
Grahams Store
E.W. Gray Insurance
Frank Gray
Gray Oil & Fuel Co.
Burley Gray
Theo Gray Hatchery
W.T. Gray
J.H. Gray Farm
J.F. Gray
Granville Gray
John Graves
George Greeson
John Griffey
Orb Griffey
Mrs. Margaret Grimes
Cecil Grooms
Lige Grooms
Joe Gross
Virgil Guthrie
Mrs. Nellie Hagan
S.G. Hagan
Rev. E.F. Hagee
Clement Hahn
H.L. Haines Dry Goods Co.
Matt Hall
Frank Hall
Hattie M. Hall
Eugene Hall
C.W. Hall
John Halasey
Mrs. J.F. Haller
Guy Haller
Mrs. Maud M. Hamblin
Ollie Hamersky
E.F. hamlin
Will Hansen
J.M. Hantz
Harland Hantz
A. Hardesty
Hartness, Harry, Watkins
Ernest Hartness
A.F. Harvey Law Office
John H. Harvey
W.F. Hayden
Walter Hayden
John Headrick
Heekin Milling Co.
Mrs. M. Heffern
Ray Heflin
Mrs. R.E. Heflin
Heideman & Leet Furnace
& Sheet Metal Works
Heifner-Hosmer Insurance
Henry Heitman
leo Heitman
John Henggeler
J.W. herndon
Dr. W.B. heryford
Bert Hiatt
Mrs. B.F. hildreth
J.M. Hiley
C.W. Hilsenbeck
Elmer Hilsenbeck
H.A> Hiter
Ira Hodges
C.J. Hogan
W.C. Hogan
A.J. Holt
Elmer Holt
Holt Supply Co.
Joe Holt
William Honer
Frank Hooper
Mrs. W.A. Hooper
C.A. Hopp
Mrs. N.F. Hopper
M.L. Hopper
Dave Horn
R.P. Hosmer Auct., Res.
R.P. Hosmer Auct., Office
Hosmer Sale Pavilion
D.E. Hotchkin Book Store
E.M. Houchens
Mrs. Florence Howard
Forrest Howard
Mrs. Cora B. Hubbard
Cy Huckleberry
Lon H. Hughes
Dave Hughes
Lon H. Hughbanks
Warren Hull
John S. Hull
M.J. Hull
Humphrey Maytag Co.
Independent Oil Co - 2
John Jackson
Roy Jackson
R.D. Jay
Charles Jensen Produce,
Hides & Furs
Serenus E. Jensen
Andrew Jensen
William Job Sr.
William Job Jr.
Mrs. W.L. Johnson
Cleo Johnson
Leroy Johnson
Ed Johnston
Howard Johnston
Alfred Jones (south of City)
Alfred Jones (N. E. of city)
F.W. Jones
Glen Jones
G.W. Jones
Ed Jones
R.E. (Bob) Jones
Vern Jones
C.W. Kabel
S.O. Keever
Roy Kelley
F.C. Kelley
W.B. Kennedy
Mrs. W.T. Key
Henry Kill
Lloyd Kime
Clyde Kime
J.L. Kime
A.C. Kimmet
Oliver King
Harry A. King
Don Kingery
Orr Kinman
B.R. Kinsley
Kissinger Green Houses
J.J. Knabb
Frank Knabb
Knox Taxi Station
Tobias J. Komer
Kramer Tire & Oil Co.
Ladies Rest Room - Court
Tom Lanning
R.L. Larmer
M.C. LeGrand
David Lehmer
Ed Leighty
H.A. Lemon
Lewis' Fountain service,
candy and lunches
J.J. Linthicum
A.M. (Roe) Linville
John Lockhart
Logan Brothers
Theodore Logan
Ada Logan
Rankin Lyle
Chester Lyle
Otis Lyle
L.D. Lynch
Thomas Lyons
Maco Print Shop
Charley Maffitt
Ben Malen
Mrs. Karl Malotte
Mrs. J.M. Manley
Vern Maley
C.H. Mapes
F.R. Marcell
Marland Refining Co.
Mrs. Lillie Martin
A.R. Martin
Maryville Hatchery
Maryville Auto Wrecking Co.
Maryville Drug Co.
Maryville Electric Light &
Power Co. Office
Maryville Electric Light &
Power Co. Plant
Maryville Iron & Metal Co.
Maryville Lumber Company
Maryville Granit Works
Maryville Steam Laundry
Maryville Shoe Co.
Maryville Tribune Publ. Co.
Byron Masters
Ray Masters
Howard Masters
George Masters
Forrest R. Masters
S.G. Massie
G. Matter Farm
Orva May
C.J. Merrigan
Mercer & Fisher Garage
Albert Mercer
Fisher Mercer
George Merrill
H.J. Messbarger
R.E. Messick
Pete Michaelson
Herbert Michaelson
Howard Miller
Dr. Jesse Miller, Office
Dr. Jesse Miller, Res.
C.O. Miller
Loren Miller
F.D. Miller
Harve Miller
Will Mires
Missouri Theatre
B.A. Mitchell
Ernest Mitchell
L.D. Moody
L.E. Moody
D.S. Moody
A.C. (Bert) Moore
Claude Moore
Ernest Moore
Ernest Moore Farm
Everett Moore
Montgomery Shoe
Mrs. W.E. Morton
E.E. Mozingo
S.L. (Bud) Mozingo
S.S. D.C. Murdock
Chiropractor Office
Jim Murray
John Mutz
J.D. Mutz
Guy Mutz
Harry Mutz Farm
Ed Myers
John Myers
William Myers
Peter Myers
Nick Myers
C.A. McArthur
H.H. McClurg
Sam McClurg
C.B. McCallister
William McCurry
T.S. McDonald
McDonald Sisters
McDonnell Chevrolet Co.
Ray McDowell
A.T. McDowell
Ernest McDowell
Clint McDowell
Roy McFarland,
McFarland & Dorrel Ice,
Coal & Feed
Mike McGettigan
J.E. McGinness
J.M. McGinness
R.L. McGinness
Harry McGinness
C.D. McKibban
L.T. McKibban
R.E. McLarnon
Ernest McLaughlin
J.R. McMahann
Roy McMullin
William McMahon
George McMurray Garage,
Buick Sales & Service
Oliver McNeal
Otis McNeal
Ira Neal
A.T. Neal
ben & Roy Neal
J.H. Neal
T.Y. Neal
Thomas W. Neely
George Neff
T.M.C. Neff
Albert Neidel
William Neidel
harry Neidel
Dave Neidel
Rudolph Neidel
Hans Nelson
W.A. Nelson
Richard New
Fred Nicholas
A.C. (Bert) Nicholas
Miles A. Nicholas
Hugh Nichols
John Neilson
Nodaway County Farm
Bureau Office
Nodaway Valley Bank
Nodaway Creamery Co.
Joe Norman
C.A. Norman
Noble Norris
George Null
J.B. Nunnelly
B.W. Nunnelly
Oak Hill Cemetery Res.
Jerry O'Connell
Conn O'Connell
John O'Connell
Ed O'Day
Thomas O'Day
Mrs. Dan O'Grady
O.K. Furniture Exchange
Mrs. J.E. O'Neal
Will T. Osborne
Dr. W.B. Owen Dentist
Dr. W.B. Owen, Res.
D.F. Owens
Cleve L. Owens
D.R. Palmer
Theodore Palmer
C.W. Parent
T.A. Parish Farm
Jack Parry Produce Co.
J.L. Partridge Produce Co.
Charley Partridge
Dale Partridge
Bob Patterson
Patterson Bros.
James Patterson
Robert Patton
Purl Pence
J.C. Penney Co.
Dr. R.C. Person, office
Dr. R.C. Person, Res.
Ralph Peters
R.J. Pettigrew
O.A. Petty
Charlie Pfeiffer
Phares Hardware Co.
C.V. Phillips
Physicians Building
Ralph Pierpoint
Sherman Pierpoint
Thomas Pierse
Bob Pixler
Pointiac and Oakland
Sales and Service
C.E. Pope
J.L. Porter
C.T. Porter
Price Furniture Co.
Price Funeral Home
John Price
Harry Price
William Price (Wire Chiefs
Probate Judge Office
Producers Cold Storage
Prosecuting Attorneys
Public Adminstrators Office
O.V. Pugsley
Puritan Café
Purviance Bros
Jennie Purviance
E.R. Pyle
H.L. Raines, Jeweler
Will Ramey
W.T. Ramsey
W.W. Randall
Virgil Rathbun, Law office
Eugene Rathbun
Gay Ray
Jesse G. Ray
M. ray
Lester Reaksecker
J.E. Reese
Reimer Meat Market
Remus Mercantile Co.
W.J. Renshaw
L.C. Renshaw
Reuillards Wholesale Baker
L.J. Reynolds
W.L. Rhodes
Mrs. Blaine Rhodes
C.H. Rice
E.S. Riggle
G.O. Riley
Charles L. Riley
Orville Ripley
Marion Ripley
Robey Real Estate Office
Jesse F. Robertson
F.P. Robinson
A.R. Robinson
J.F. Roelofson, Office
J.F. Roelofson, Res
J.F. Roelofson, Farm
Oral Rogers
Lester Rogers
Lewis Rogers
Pet Roney
Frank Roney
C.W. Rose, Res.
C.W. Rose Garage
I.M. Ross
G.B. Roseberry
Dr. H.S. Rowlett, office
Dr. H.S. Rowlett, Res.
Alf Royston
J.J. Russell
Dr. F.M. Ryan, Office
Dr. F.M. Ryan, Res.
Will Sanders
Sapp & McNeal
J.E. Sawyers
R.J. Sawyers
J.K. Sawyers
J.S. Schenkel
Edward J. Schooler
Emmett Scott
Ross Scott
Walter Scott
Mrs. J.L. Scott
J.P. Scowden
Dr. K. Sears, Veterinary
Dr. K. Sears, Res.
Albert Seipel
Herman Seipel
Henry Seipel
O.E. Sells
Sewell Auto Co.
A.J. Seyster
B.F. Seyster
Shackelford Pharmacy
J.K. Shades
L.H. Shanks
Lon Shanks
Monroe Sharp
W.F. Shawver
Claud Shell
Emery Shell
O.L. Shell
Ernest F. Shelton
Jimmie Sheridan
Morris B. Sherlock
M.J. Sherlock
Shinabarger, Blagg &
Livengood Law office
Jess Shinabarger
J.B. Shields
J.W. Shields
Lester Shipps
Shoemaker-Bovard Coal,
Sand & Transfer Co.
Shoemaker-Bovard Scale
N.B. Shrewsbury
Ed Shrieve
Mrs. Fannie Shroyer
Walter B. Shrubshell
Sinclair Refining Co., Cor.
Singer Sewing Machine
Linwood Singleton
Sisson Loan & Title Co.
J.L. Skidmore
Miss Dale Skinner
Smith & Brainger Seed
Jess Smith
Ben Smith
John W. Smith
Marion Smith
Joe Smith
Mrs. W.A. Smith
Mrs. Mattie Smocks
Henry Smock
harold Snyder
William Snyder
L.G. Somerville
L.G. Somerville, County
Hayden Souers
South Side Grocery &
Mrs. Cora Spangler
Spic & Span Cleaners
Raymond Spire
Charlies Spires
Ivan Stafford
George W. Stafford
Standard Oil Service
Standard Oil Bulk Plant
Standard Poland-China
Record Association
Henry Staples
Star Barn
J.E. Stark Blacksmith Shop
Jonathan Stark
State Teachers College
Mrs. Anna Stauble
John F. Stelter
Louis A. Stelter
J.M. Stephenson
A.B. steins
Fred Steins
Will Steins
R.D. Stewart
Dr. H.L. Stinson, Dentist
Bill Stopps
L.M. Strader
Phillip Strauch
A.D. Strong
Hugh Strong Real Estate
Hugh Strong, Res.
Superior Cleaning Co.
Jake Sutterlin
Fred Sutterlin
Swift & Co. Produce
G.W. Swinford
O.W. Swinford
Thomas E. Tallon
Carl Tarpley
B.F. Tarpley
J.C. F. Taylor
Mrs. Minnie Taylor
Wilfred E. Taylor
J.B. & Ray Taylor
J.L. Tebow
Dr. D.J. Thomas, Dentist
Dr. D.J. Thomas, Res.
R.E. Thomas
Ray Thompson
Highland Thompson
Lon Thompson
J.S. Thompson
Joe Thompson
Fred Thompson Grocery &
Harve Thompson
Zell Thompson
John W. Thompson
Mrs. Sarah Thornhill
T.J. Tobin
Thomas J. Tobin
Townsend Retail Grocey
Townsend Wholesale
Tribune Publishing Co.
G.E. Trueblood
Joe Trullinger
Will Trullinger
J.F. Tuck
Tunstall Motor Co.
Ulmer Grocery
Union School House
Mrs. W.C. Urban
Howard VanVelson
John Vaughn
Jerry Vaughn
James M. Vert
Delbert E. Vert
Mrs. Dora Vert
Victor Manufacturing Co.
C.G. Vogt Poulty Co.
Spencer Vulgamott
Virgil Vulgamott
Wabash Passenger Depot
Wabash Freight Depot
Wadley Bros. harness &
Nick Wagner
A.J. Walk
Hubert Walk
Fred Wallace
Charlie Wallace
Foster Wallace
Dr. L.E. Wallace,
Osteopath Office
Dr. L.E. Wallace, Res.
Dr. William Wallis Jr
Walton Trust Co.
Alfred Walton
Mrs. G.H. Wamsley
L.L. Watkins
Albert Watson
L.W. Watson
Mrs. Albert Watts
Welling Oil Co.
J.T. Wells Dairy
C.L. Wells
W.R. Wells
Western Union Telegraph
White Palace Barber Shop
D.H. White
Rollie White
W.A. White
Ralph White
John Whitehead
C.T. Wiley, Res.
C.T. Wiley Furniture Co.
Glade Wiley
L.H. Wiley
Ernest Willhoyte
Orville Willhoyte
Arch Willhoyte
Cal Williams
M.C. (Bert) Williams
Walter Williams
Jospeh Wilmes
Ray Wilson
L.S. Wilson
W.H. Wiseman
Dr. R.L. Wohlford, Vet.
Dr. R.L. Wohlford, Res.
Mrs. W.S. Woods
Mrs. C.H. Wood
J.L. Woodard
Glen Woodburn
Rev. W.S. Woodhull
Charlie Workman
Tom Workman
Mrs. William Workman
Ernest Wray
Howard Wray North Side
Roland Wray
B.L. (Roy) Wray
Albert Wray
Fred Wright
U.S. Wright
Wright & Ford Law Office
Fred Wyman
Lionel Wyman
Yehle Dry Goods Co.
Ruben Young
Young & Duff
James T. Young
Isaac Young
Elmer Young
Thomas B. Young
Hubert Zech
J.A. Zech
Karl Zimmerman
J.A. Zimmerman
Lillian Zwilling
Russell Adams
Tom Adams
Fred Ager
Ed Albright
I.K. Alderman
George Aley
Guy Aley
Allen Bros Real Estate
Albert Alexander
All Service Garage
Rev. J.T. Alsup
Mrs. Ida P. Ambrose
C.P. Anderson
Otto Anderson
Mrs. W.H. Anderson
W.C. Antrim
D.A. Appleby
Albert Appleby
John Appleby
John Appleby Farm
Olen Argo
F.L. Armstrong
Arnold-Strong Dodge Bros.
Sales & Service
Roy Arthur
C.F. Arthur
Milo Ashford
John P. Axline
B. Square Filling Station
E.W. Babb
Morton Babb
E.C. Bagby Auto Co
E.C. Bagby
Ira Bailey
Judge E.T. Bailey
B.F. Bailey
Presley Bailey
Will Bainum
Ernest Bainum
G.P. Bainum
Mike Baker
Banner Bottling Works
F.L. Barman Auto Co.
William Barry
Bartlett & Todd Farm
John Baumli
Anna Beattie
Bee Hive Shoe Co.
Ed Belcher
Virgil Belcher
Jack Belcher
Dr. Charles T. Bell
D.O. Belt
Bennett & Smith Hardware
W.A. Berg
R.A. Berger
V.E. Bird
E.R. Bird
Elmer Birkenholz
William Blackford
Lloyd Blackford
Edison Blagg
Jim Blagg
Blatter Market
Bluel Meat Market
Henry Boatwright
Harve Booth
W.H. Booth
George & Eri Bosch
Mrs. B.J. Bowman
Dr. Earl Braniger
Joe Brant
Mary E. & Will Bracken
John Brennan
Mrs. N.H. Brown
E.J. Brown
Robert Brwonfield
H.W. Brueggeman
G.E. Brumbaugh
J.B. Brummett
Charles Buhler Grocery &
Meat Market
Burlington Passenger Depot
Burlington Freight Depot
Mrs. Thomas Burns
W.H. Burr
W.T. Burton Grocery
Busby Brothers
D.J. Busby
O.K. Busby
Ed Busby
Elihu Busby
John Busby
Earl Busby
L.S. Byers
D. Callahan
J.W. Campbell
Candy Land
Dr. Roy Canon, Dental
Dr. Roy Canon, Res.
Ray Carlson
isaac Carmichael
Dorothy Carmichael
Charley Carmichael
Thurman Carmichael
Albert Carr
Aliene Carr
French Carter
Paul Carter Auto Repair &
Electrical Shop
Edd Cassell Contractor &
Fred Cassell
Clyde Cassell
hal Catterson
Chamber of Commerce
Floyd Chambers
J.C. Chappell, Oak Hill
A.R. Charles
Jake Chestnut
C.F. Childress
Circuit Clerk
City Hall
J.C. Clapper
S.C. Clark Repair Shop
S.C. Clark, Res.
J.A. Clark
Dr. C.M. Cline - Office
Dr. C.M. Cline, Res.
Joe Cockayne
R.H. Coffelt
T.C. Coile
I.W. Coler
George J. Coler
Mrs. D.S. Collins
Walter Combs
T.F. Combs
Mrs. Mary Combs
Conder & Malen Garage
Floyd Conley
J.M. Conley
Consumers Oil Co.
Ellis G. Cook Law Office
Cook & Cummins Law Office
Mrs. Luella Cook
Henry Cook
Earl Cooks
J.F. Cook
Kent Coulter
Orville Coulter
Goerge Coulter
County Agents Office
County Farm
County Jail
County Clerk
County Attorney Office
Dr. C.P. Fryer, County
Health Dept.
Health Officer
County Recorders Office
County Sheriffs Office
County Supt. Office
A.J. Cox
W.Y. Cox
J.E. Crawford
Mrs. Ruth & John Crider
Mrs. A.J. Croy
Mrs. E.C. Culp
Cummings & Blagg
Furniture Co.
J.B. Cummins, Undertaker
Dr. K.C. Cummins, Office
Dr. K.C. Cummins, Res.
Ed Cummins
Tom Curran
H.B. Cushman
Ethel Dakan
M.G. Dakan
Ernest Dakan
Pete Damgar
James Danner
Mrs. C.L. David
Walter Davis Farm
J.C. Davis
Mrs. W.E. Davis
Walter Davis Farm
Floyd Dawson
Mrs. Elvira Dawson
Dr. L.E Dean & Dr. H.S.
Dowell Office
Dr. L.E. Dean, Res.
John Deardorff
Democrat Forum Tribune
Mrs. Bell Dmott
Sam Dempsey
Charles F. Dempsey
W.J. Dempsey
John Dempsey
Charles Deneen
Charles Deneen Farm
Lee Devore
Mrs. Anne Dewitt
Walter Dickie
George Ditto
William Doffing
John E. Donaldson
John Dooley
C.I. Dorrel
Clement C. Dougherty
Elmer Dougherty
Mrs. H.A. Doughty
Rev. Lane Douglas
Clarence Dowden
Jess r. Dowden
A.B. Dowden
John Dowden
Forrest H. Dowden
J.A. (Art) Dowden
Leslie Dowden
Dr. H.S . Dowell, Office
Dr. H.S. Dowell, Res.
Edna Dowell
W.T. Doyle
Drive it yourself and Taxi
W.C. Duff
Noah Duncan
Earl Duncan
C.P. Durbin
Perry Earwood
C.J. Eckert
Mrs. Dora Eckert
Mrs. Emma Eckles
Glen Exkles
L.C. Eckles
Mrs. Mattie Eckles
J.A. Eckles
John Eickholt Delco Light
Products & Services
Carl Elliott
W.S. Ellsworth
Electric Theatre
John P. Erickson
Earl Espey
W.E. Espey
Chester H. Espey
Ivan and Mrs. Allison Espey
Estes & Quinn Grocery
Evans Bros.
Mrs. C.R. Evans
John R. Evans
L.H. Evans
E. Everest
William Everhart Farm
Frank Fargerquist
Floyd Fakes
Currie Farmer
Farmes Exchange
Farmers Trust Co.
Mrs. M.E. Farrar
Harry Farrar
Pat Farrens
Rev. Richard Felix
Charles Fennel
Wilson Ferguson
Marion G. Fine
Fire Station
First National Bank
Jerry Fisher
Harry Fisher
Sam Fisher
Jesse Fisher Battery &
Ab Fite
Ab Fite Farm
Five O Two Taxi Station
Samuel Flood
Dell Florea
C.E. & Son Florea
A.C. (Bub) Ford
L.C. Foreman Insurance Co.
Mrs. Anna & Everett Fox
Elmer Fraser
Mrs. John Frazee
L.H. Frazee
W.H. Freece
Leonard Freuh
Charles Froman
B.A. Frost Poultry House
Fullerton Lumber Co.
John Gallagher
C.L. Garrett
M.K. Garrett
Mrs. Minnie & John Gates
Jess Gatton
Gaugh & Evans Drug Co.
Charles Gaugh
Lawrence Gault
Lloyd Geist Sheet Metal
and Furnace
Gilam Jackson Loand &
Trust Co
Mrs. M.P. Gingrich
Ed Gingrich
Glover & Alexander Coal &
Glover & Alexander Ice
Godsey Beauty & Art
Robert D. Goforth
W.E. Goforth
P.H. Gorman
P.H. Gorman Farm
John Graham
Grahams Store
E.W. Gray Insurance
Frank Gray
Gray Oil & Fuel Co.
Burley Gray
Theo Gray Hatchery
W.T. Gray
J.H. Gray Farm
J.F. Gray
Granville Gray
John Graves
George Greeson
John Griffey
Orb Griffey
Mrs. Margaret Grimes
Cecil Grooms
Lige Grooms
Joe Gross
Virgil Guthrie
Mrs. Nellie Hagan
S.G. Hagan
Rev. E.F. Hagee
Clement Hahn
H.L. Haines Dry Goods Co.
Matt Hall
Frank Hall
Hattie M. Hall
Eugene Hall
C.W. Hall
John Halasey
Mrs. J.F. Haller
Guy Haller
Mrs. Maud M. Hamblin
Ollie Hamersky
E.F. hamlin
Will Hansen
J.M. Hantz
Harland Hantz
A. Hardesty
Hartness, Harry, Watkins
Ernest Hartness
A.F. Harvey Law Office
John H. Harvey
W.F. Hayden
Walter Hayden
John Headrick
Heekin Milling Co.
Mrs. M. Heffern
Ray Heflin
Mrs. R.E. Heflin
Heideman & Leet Furnace
& Sheet Metal Works
Heifner-Hosmer Insurance
Henry Heitman
leo Heitman
John Henggeler
J.W. herndon
Dr. W.B. heryford
Bert Hiatt
Mrs. B.F. hildreth
J.M. Hiley
C.W. Hilsenbeck
Elmer Hilsenbeck
H.A> Hiter
Ira Hodges
C.J. Hogan
W.C. Hogan
A.J. Holt
Elmer Holt
Holt Supply Co.
Joe Holt
William Honer
Frank Hooper
Mrs. W.A. Hooper
C.A. Hopp
Mrs. N.F. Hopper
M.L. Hopper
Dave Horn
R.P. Hosmer Auct., Res.
R.P. Hosmer Auct., Office
Hosmer Sale Pavilion
D.E. Hotchkin Book Store
E.M. Houchens
Mrs. Florence Howard
Forrest Howard
Mrs. Cora B. Hubbard
Cy Huckleberry
Lon H. Hughes
Dave Hughes
Lon H. Hughbanks
Warren Hull
John S. Hull
M.J. Hull
Humphrey Maytag Co.
Independent Oil Co - 2
John Jackson
Roy Jackson
R.D. Jay
Charles Jensen Produce,
Hides & Furs
Serenus E. Jensen
Andrew Jensen
William Job Sr.
William Job Jr.
Mrs. W.L. Johnson
Cleo Johnson
Leroy Johnson
Ed Johnston
Howard Johnston
Alfred Jones (south of City)
Alfred Jones (N. E. of city)
F.W. Jones
Glen Jones
G.W. Jones
Ed Jones
R.E. (Bob) Jones
Vern Jones
C.W. Kabel
S.O. Keever
Roy Kelley
F.C. Kelley
W.B. Kennedy
Mrs. W.T. Key
Henry Kill
Lloyd Kime
Clyde Kime
J.L. Kime
A.C. Kimmet
Oliver King
Harry A. King
Don Kingery
Orr Kinman
B.R. Kinsley
Kissinger Green Houses
J.J. Knabb
Frank Knabb
Knox Taxi Station
Tobias J. Komer
Kramer Tire & Oil Co.
Ladies Rest Room - Court
Tom Lanning
R.L. Larmer
M.C. LeGrand
David Lehmer
Ed Leighty
H.A. Lemon
Lewis' Fountain service,
candy and lunches
J.J. Linthicum
A.M. (Roe) Linville
John Lockhart
Logan Brothers
Theodore Logan
Ada Logan
Rankin Lyle
Chester Lyle
Otis Lyle
L.D. Lynch
Thomas Lyons
Maco Print Shop
Charley Maffitt
Ben Malen
Mrs. Karl Malotte
Mrs. J.M. Manley
Vern Maley
C.H. Mapes
F.R. Marcell
Marland Refining Co.
Mrs. Lillie Martin
A.R. Martin
Maryville Hatchery
Maryville Auto Wrecking Co.
Maryville Drug Co.
Maryville Electric Light &
Power Co. Office
Maryville Electric Light &
Power Co. Plant
Maryville Iron & Metal Co.
Maryville Lumber Company
Maryville Granit Works
Maryville Steam Laundry
Maryville Shoe Co.
Maryville Tribune Publ. Co.
Byron Masters
Ray Masters
Howard Masters
George Masters
Forrest R. Masters
S.G. Massie
G. Matter Farm
Orva May
C.J. Merrigan
Mercer & Fisher Garage
Albert Mercer
Fisher Mercer
George Merrill
H.J. Messbarger
R.E. Messick
Pete Michaelson
Herbert Michaelson
Howard Miller
Dr. Jesse Miller, Office
Dr. Jesse Miller, Res.
C.O. Miller
Loren Miller
F.D. Miller
Harve Miller
Will Mires
Missouri Theatre
B.A. Mitchell
Ernest Mitchell
L.D. Moody
L.E. Moody
D.S. Moody
A.C. (Bert) Moore
Claude Moore
Ernest Moore
Ernest Moore Farm
Everett Moore
Montgomery Shoe
Mrs. W.E. Morton
E.E. Mozingo
S.L. (Bud) Mozingo
S.S. D.C. Murdock
Chiropractor Office
Jim Murray
John Mutz
J.D. Mutz
Guy Mutz
Harry Mutz Farm
Ed Myers
John Myers
William Myers
Peter Myers
Nick Myers
C.A. McArthur
H.H. McClurg
Sam McClurg
C.B. McCallister
William McCurry
T.S. McDonald
McDonald Sisters
McDonnell Chevrolet Co.
Ray McDowell
A.T. McDowell
Ernest McDowell
Clint McDowell
Roy McFarland,
McFarland & Dorrel Ice,
Coal & Feed
Mike McGettigan
J.E. McGinness
J.M. McGinness
R.L. McGinness
Harry McGinness
C.D. McKibban
L.T. McKibban
R.E. McLarnon
Ernest McLaughlin
J.R. McMahann
Roy McMullin
William McMahon
George McMurray Garage,
Buick Sales & Service
Oliver McNeal
Otis McNeal
Ira Neal
A.T. Neal
ben & Roy Neal
J.H. Neal
T.Y. Neal
Thomas W. Neely
George Neff
T.M.C. Neff
Albert Neidel
William Neidel
harry Neidel
Dave Neidel
Rudolph Neidel
Hans Nelson
W.A. Nelson
Richard New
Fred Nicholas
A.C. (Bert) Nicholas
Miles A. Nicholas
Hugh Nichols
John Neilson
Nodaway County Farm
Bureau Office
Nodaway Valley Bank
Nodaway Creamery Co.
Joe Norman
C.A. Norman
Noble Norris
George Null
J.B. Nunnelly
B.W. Nunnelly
Oak Hill Cemetery Res.
Jerry O'Connell
Conn O'Connell
John O'Connell
Ed O'Day
Thomas O'Day
Mrs. Dan O'Grady
O.K. Furniture Exchange
Mrs. J.E. O'Neal
Will T. Osborne
Dr. W.B. Owen Dentist
Dr. W.B. Owen, Res.
D.F. Owens
Cleve L. Owens
D.R. Palmer
Theodore Palmer
C.W. Parent
T.A. Parish Farm
Jack Parry Produce Co.
J.L. Partridge Produce Co.
Charley Partridge
Dale Partridge
Bob Patterson
Patterson Bros.
James Patterson
Robert Patton
Purl Pence
J.C. Penney Co.
Dr. R.C. Person, office
Dr. R.C. Person, Res.
Ralph Peters
R.J. Pettigrew
O.A. Petty
Charlie Pfeiffer
Phares Hardware Co.
C.V. Phillips
Physicians Building
Ralph Pierpoint
Sherman Pierpoint
Thomas Pierse
Bob Pixler
Pointiac and Oakland
Sales and Service
C.E. Pope
J.L. Porter
C.T. Porter
Price Furniture Co.
Price Funeral Home
John Price
Harry Price
William Price (Wire Chiefs
Probate Judge Office
Producers Cold Storage
Prosecuting Attorneys
Public Adminstrators Office
O.V. Pugsley
Puritan Café
Purviance Bros
Jennie Purviance
E.R. Pyle
H.L. Raines, Jeweler
Will Ramey
W.T. Ramsey
W.W. Randall
Virgil Rathbun, Law office
Eugene Rathbun
Gay Ray
Jesse G. Ray
M. ray
Lester Reaksecker
J.E. Reese
Reimer Meat Market
Remus Mercantile Co.
W.J. Renshaw
L.C. Renshaw
Reuillards Wholesale Baker
L.J. Reynolds
W.L. Rhodes
Mrs. Blaine Rhodes
C.H. Rice
E.S. Riggle
G.O. Riley
Charles L. Riley
Orville Ripley
Marion Ripley
Robey Real Estate Office
Jesse F. Robertson
F.P. Robinson
A.R. Robinson
J.F. Roelofson, Office
J.F. Roelofson, Res
J.F. Roelofson, Farm
Oral Rogers
Lester Rogers
Lewis Rogers
Pet Roney
Frank Roney
C.W. Rose, Res.
C.W. Rose Garage
I.M. Ross
G.B. Roseberry
Dr. H.S. Rowlett, office
Dr. H.S. Rowlett, Res.
Alf Royston
J.J. Russell
Dr. F.M. Ryan, Office
Dr. F.M. Ryan, Res.
Will Sanders
Sapp & McNeal
J.E. Sawyers
R.J. Sawyers
J.K. Sawyers
J.S. Schenkel
Edward J. Schooler
Emmett Scott
Ross Scott
Walter Scott
Mrs. J.L. Scott
J.P. Scowden
Dr. K. Sears, Veterinary
Dr. K. Sears, Res.
Albert Seipel
Herman Seipel
Henry Seipel
O.E. Sells
Sewell Auto Co.
A.J. Seyster
B.F. Seyster
Shackelford Pharmacy
J.K. Shades
L.H. Shanks
Lon Shanks
Monroe Sharp
W.F. Shawver
Claud Shell
Emery Shell
O.L. Shell
Ernest F. Shelton
Jimmie Sheridan
Morris B. Sherlock
M.J. Sherlock
Shinabarger, Blagg &
Livengood Law office
Jess Shinabarger
J.B. Shields
J.W. Shields
Lester Shipps
Shoemaker-Bovard Coal,
Sand & Transfer Co.
Shoemaker-Bovard Scale
N.B. Shrewsbury
Ed Shrieve
Mrs. Fannie Shroyer
Walter B. Shrubshell
Sinclair Refining Co., Cor.
Singer Sewing Machine
Linwood Singleton
Sisson Loan & Title Co.
J.L. Skidmore
Miss Dale Skinner
Smith & Brainger Seed
Jess Smith
Ben Smith
John W. Smith
Marion Smith
Joe Smith
Mrs. W.A. Smith
Mrs. Mattie Smocks
Henry Smock
harold Snyder
William Snyder
L.G. Somerville
L.G. Somerville, County
Hayden Souers
South Side Grocery &
Mrs. Cora Spangler
Spic & Span Cleaners
Raymond Spire
Charlies Spires
Ivan Stafford
George W. Stafford
Standard Oil Service
Standard Oil Bulk Plant
Standard Poland-China
Record Association
Henry Staples
Star Barn
J.E. Stark Blacksmith Shop
Jonathan Stark
State Teachers College
Mrs. Anna Stauble
John F. Stelter
Louis A. Stelter
J.M. Stephenson
A.B. steins
Fred Steins
Will Steins
R.D. Stewart
Dr. H.L. Stinson, Dentist
Bill Stopps
L.M. Strader
Phillip Strauch
A.D. Strong
Hugh Strong Real Estate
Hugh Strong, Res.
Superior Cleaning Co.
Jake Sutterlin
Fred Sutterlin
Swift & Co. Produce
G.W. Swinford
O.W. Swinford
Thomas E. Tallon
Carl Tarpley
B.F. Tarpley
J.C. F. Taylor
Mrs. Minnie Taylor
Wilfred E. Taylor
J.B. & Ray Taylor
J.L. Tebow
Dr. D.J. Thomas, Dentist
Dr. D.J. Thomas, Res.
R.E. Thomas
Ray Thompson
Highland Thompson
Lon Thompson
J.S. Thompson
Joe Thompson
Fred Thompson Grocery &
Harve Thompson
Zell Thompson
John W. Thompson
Mrs. Sarah Thornhill
T.J. Tobin
Thomas J. Tobin
Townsend Retail Grocey
Townsend Wholesale
Tribune Publishing Co.
G.E. Trueblood
Joe Trullinger
Will Trullinger
J.F. Tuck
Tunstall Motor Co.
Ulmer Grocery
Union School House
Mrs. W.C. Urban
Howard VanVelson
John Vaughn
Jerry Vaughn
James M. Vert
Delbert E. Vert
Mrs. Dora Vert
Victor Manufacturing Co.
C.G. Vogt Poulty Co.
Spencer Vulgamott
Virgil Vulgamott
Wabash Passenger Depot
Wabash Freight Depot
Wadley Bros. harness &
Nick Wagner
A.J. Walk
Hubert Walk
Fred Wallace
Charlie Wallace
Foster Wallace
Dr. L.E. Wallace,
Osteopath Office
Dr. L.E. Wallace, Res.
Dr. William Wallis Jr
Walton Trust Co.
Alfred Walton
Mrs. G.H. Wamsley
L.L. Watkins
Albert Watson
L.W. Watson
Mrs. Albert Watts
Welling Oil Co.
J.T. Wells Dairy
C.L. Wells
W.R. Wells
Western Union Telegraph
White Palace Barber Shop
D.H. White
Rollie White
W.A. White
Ralph White
John Whitehead
C.T. Wiley, Res.
C.T. Wiley Furniture Co.
Glade Wiley
L.H. Wiley
Ernest Willhoyte
Orville Willhoyte
Arch Willhoyte
Cal Williams
M.C. (Bert) Williams
Walter Williams
Jospeh Wilmes
Ray Wilson
L.S. Wilson
W.H. Wiseman
Dr. R.L. Wohlford, Vet.
Dr. R.L. Wohlford, Res.
Mrs. W.S. Woods
Mrs. C.H. Wood
J.L. Woodard
Glen Woodburn
Rev. W.S. Woodhull
Charlie Workman
Tom Workman
Mrs. William Workman
Ernest Wray
Howard Wray North Side
Roland Wray
B.L. (Roy) Wray
Albert Wray
Fred Wright
U.S. Wright
Wright & Ford Law Office
Fred Wyman
Lionel Wyman
Yehle Dry Goods Co.
Ruben Young
Young & Duff
James T. Young
Isaac Young
Elmer Young
Thomas B. Young
Hubert Zech
J.A. Zech
Karl Zimmerman
J.A. Zimmerman
Lillian Zwilling
Polk County Missouri Genealogy
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