Thursday, November 29, 2018

History of Maitland Missouri Schools.

I have a copy of the History of the Maitland Missouri School from 1895 to 1958. This book has a lot of great information on the school, the teachers, the students, the athletics, and the alumni. If you would like to purchase a copy of this book for $25.00 email me at

#HoltCountyMissouriGenealogy #MaitlandMissouri #Maitladonian #MaitlandMO #MaitlandMOGenealogy #MaitlandMissouriGenealogy #HoltCountyMissouri #HoltCountyMO #HoltCOMO

DeKalb County Cemetery Census Book for Sale 1845-1971

DeKalb County Cemetery Census Book for Sale 1845-1971. This book contains a complete census of Cemeteries in DeKalb County Missouri between 1845-1971 listing all burials in DeKalb County.  There are also old family photographs, some family history and short genealogies in this book.  It is an amazing book with a lot of great Genealogical Information.  If you would like to purchase this book for $40.00 email me at
