Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lake Township, Cerro Gordo County Iowa, 1880 Assessors Book Index

Lake Township, Cerro Gordo County Iowa, 1880 Assessors Book Index.  If you'd like to purchase a record from this book the cost is $10.00 each.  You can purchase a record by contacting me at

Timber & Fruit Tree ExemptionsPersons Liable for Military DutyProperty Record
Inside Cover S.C. GardnerAnderson, WilliamAlsip, Thomas
Ames G.BAlsip, ThomasAnderson, William
Alsham, JamesAtkinson, JohnAmes, J.H
Asplin, AbrichamAlsham, GerogeAtkinson, John
Babcock, S.G.Asplin, AlbertAlsham, Georg
Bushnell, H.NBaysinger, AlbertAlsham, James
Brandt, E.S.Brandt, E.S.Alsham, Charles
Burdick, O.S.Burdick, O. S. Jr.Asplin, George
Cannon, S.B.Colby, C.L.Asplin, Abselom
Carlyon, WilliamChilson, DellBushnell, H.N.
Chilson, JohnCannon, S.B.Boal, Samuel
Colby, ColburnDaker, HenryBabcock, S. G
Daker, JohnDawson, JohnBartholamew, Charles
Fay, HughEby, SimonBurdick, O.S.
Gardner, StantonGilbert, CarrollBaysinger, Albert
Heible, Joseph SrGunson, ByronBrandt, E.S.
Hill, SylvenderGardner, StantonCooney, John
Heath, JamesHarding, S.T.Carlyon, William
Hubbard, OrrinHathorn, N.W.Colby, C.S.
Jeffers, NelsonHannah, F.H.Carlton, George
Jorgen, A.A.Hubbard, OrinChilson, John
Tuttle, E.F.Horneburg, JohnChilson, Dell
McCallister, D.F.Heath, JamesChilson, Matilda
McGowin, JamesHill, SylvenderColby, Colburn
Moore, M.Y.Heible, JohnCompbel, B.A.
Mcekecker, PeterHubbard, OrvilCannon, S.B.
McGowin, JamesJones, MerloClink, J.H.
McCallister, D.J.Jorgen, A.A.Daker, John
Naylor, CharlesJorgen, AndrewDawson, John
Penny, WilliamJacobson, PaulEby, Manasses
Palmeter, BeoJacobson, WilliamFay, Hugh
Palmeter, TheronKnaak, WilliamGardner, S.C.
Stevens, AzorKlenon, T.H.Gilbert, Carroll
Sirrine, WarenKandrew, WilliamGilbert, David
Zichne, WilliamKemuteson, OleGunson, Byron
Wait, MerrillMcGowin, JamesGardner, Wilson
Paul, ChristianMcCallister, D.F.Gardner, Stanton
Robertson, J.MMoore, M.Y.Halhorn, H.W.
Sirrino, R.O. Jr.McKercher, PeterHannahs, F.H.
Smith, George P.Matson, MartinHubbard, Orrin
Seabarry, C.B.Nelson, N.S.Hazen, Channey
Pester, JamesNaylor, CharlesHodderfield, Cornelia
Nelson, S.J.Heath, James B.
Palmer, ClarkHill, Sylvender
Palmer, HenryHeible, Joseph Sr.
Pester, GeorgeHeible, Joseph Jr.
Palmer, RodneyHornburg, John
Perry, S.N.Howard, E.
Robinson, J.M.Harding, Stephen J.
Reynolds, H.Jeffers, Nelson
Simons, EdwinJorgen, A.A.
Stevens, AzorJorgen, Andrew
Sirrine, WarrenJones, Milo
Simmons, F.Jacobson, Jacob
Spencer, N.C.Jacobson, William
Shrader, CharlesJacobson, Paul
Sigrine, B.O. Jr.Knaak, William
Smith, FrederickKlenyon, T.H.
Swenson, OleKoearn, James
Thomas, ChanneyKaudeson, Ole
Thomas, WilliamKlindrew, William
Theeler, SeeoLindon, J.G
Theeler, HermenLearson, William
Thuler, GristusMcGowin, James
Thompson, BertieMcCallister, D.J.
Schmidt, FrederickMoore, M.Y.
Skadland, OleMcKercher, Peter
Vanlone, FrancesMcCoy, William
Wait, MerwinMcCoy, C.W.
Wightman, JohnMeatson, Christina
Wood, A.M.Meatson, Martin
Nelson, N.S.
Nelson, H.S.
Nelson, John
Naylor, James
Naylor, Charles
Narvson, Andrew
Nelson, S.G.
Oleson, Ole
Pester, George
Paul, Christian
Peterson, Jonas
Palmer, Clarkson
Palmer, Seouma
Palmer, Daniel
Palmer, Clarkson
Palmer, Henry
Pester, James
Paroeld, B.F.
Palmer, Rodney
Palmerton, Beo
Perry, William
Palmeter, Theron
Reynolds, N
Root, Sharlott
Robins, J.M.
Simons, Edwin
Stevens, Azor
Sirrine, Warren
Simmons, Franklin
Stevens, Mary Ann
Spencer, N.C.
Seaberry, C.B.
Smith, George P.
St. John, George
Skavland, T.O.
Swenson, Ole
Shrader, Charles
Skadland, Ole
Smith, Charles
Sirrine, R.O. Jr.
Schmidt, Frederick
Thuler, Phillip
Thomas, Channey
Thomas, William
Tuttle, E.A.
Tuttle, Marcys
Thomson, Porter
Manlove, Frances
Wait, Merwin
Wescof, Mary
Wightman, John
Ward, Samuel
Williams, Martin
Wescot, Amos
Wood, A.M.
Waller, William
Wald, Ole
Zeihme, William

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