Sunday, April 26, 2020

Negatives, Slides, Photographs and Document Scanning Services

Negatives, Slides, Photographs and Document Scanning Services

I am able to scan your and Convert your 35mm, 126, 110, Super 8 & 8mm Film Negatives & Slides to JPEG format and digitize your memories that are stuck on Film. If any of you would like to hire me to do this for you, please reach out to me. The attached photo's are from 35MM Slides, 35MM photos and 110 Camera film.
Slides - .24 per slide
Film - .20 per strip
Super 8 – TBD
11X17 Scanning - .20 per page, document or photo
I am also able to scan your old family photo albums, family documents, and old newspapers, legal papers and anything up to an 11X17 format to digitize your papers, documents and photographs. I know you all have old family albums and a lot of envelopes with film in them. Please contact me to discuss digitizing your family memories. Create your digital archive today by hiring me. Email me at

Below are examples of film I've scanned and turned into beautiful digital photographs from 110, 35MM and Slides.

#DocumentScanning #FilmScanning #35MMScanning #FilmSlides #FilmSlideScanning #Genealogy #8MMFilm #110FilmScanning #110Film #VeteranOwnedBusiness #Slides #Film #Camera #Brownie #Slide #FilmSlide 

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