Showing posts with label #DNA #23andMe #AncestryDNA #FamilyTreeDNA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #DNA #23andMe #AncestryDNA #FamilyTreeDNA. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2019

DNA Testing & Government Access

This is the reason I will not do Ancestry DNA or 23andME:

If you think your DNA is safe or that you own your DNA think again.  This is something I find to be morally reprehensible. I have no desire to share my DNA because of this very reason. I think it's great that we get criminals off the streets, but not by using my DNA to catch a criminally related cousin who I have no idea about their activities, whatever it may be.

What are your thoughts and your feelings about the government and law enforcement using your DNA without your knowledge?