Saturday, February 12, 2011

1948 Tower Yearbook Index, Northwest Missouri State Teachers College Index

Index to the 1948 Tower Yearbook from Northwest Missouri State Teachers college, Maryville Missouri.  You can purchase a picture from this yearbook for $5.00 per picture.  You can email me at to purchase a picture now.

Administration & StaffSeniorsJuniors
Dr. J.W. JonesRobert AllenDorotha Adams
Dr. M.C. CunninghamBetty Jane AndrewsThomas Adams Jr.
Mrs. Harry SheetzRichard ApplemanElaine Woodburn Anderson
Lon WilsonWanda AshfordDavid Arthur
Uel W. LamkinGeorge AshworthLeRoy Atkins
T.H. CookJanice BentallArch Beach
Clifford L. BishopMary BilbyGordon Bixler
Katherine FrankenRobert BixlerPatti Bosch
H.R. DieterichNylene BrinkleyClyde Bowen
Mary E. KeithBarbara BuckerWilliam Bowness
Dora B. SmithWilliam BuckerCharlene Burnham
Homer T. PhillipsPhyllis ButtsEdward Burris
Chloe E. MillikanDorothea CarterJean Bush
William Trago GarrettMary ClarkeBruce Carmichael
Irene M. MuellerGaylord ColemanPhyllis Combs
Wincie Ann CarruthRoy DavisJohn Cook
Jessie B. JuttenDewey DrennenJames Courtney
Bonnie MagillMargaret ElliottCarl Davis
E.A> DavisRoger FarmerFred Davis
Hubert PetersonOrville FindleyCharles Derstler
Ryland H. MilnerEugene FrenchBeverly Edelman
Arthur CauffieldDarl GardWilliam Elliott
Leslie WhiteJohn GarrettAnn Fay
J. Gordon StrongMary GarrettJuanita Ford
J.M. PorterfieldPaul GatesKennethy Fry
Richard T. WrightVirginia Ann GeorgeDoris Gillispie
F.B. HoughtonLois GordenRoland Gordon
Mattie M. DykesDorothy HarshawJustyn Graham
Violette HunterPatricia HawmanEdward Gray
Estella BowmanJohn HengglerWanda Gray
Alta B. CarpenterHarold JohnsonJanice Grooms
Ramona T. CantonCarl KennedyHarold Hull
Olive S. DeluceRalph KurtrightSarah Harness
Blanche Hinman DowRichard LeetJoyce Heck
Joseph H. DrepsFrancis LynamHurst Hogan
Elaine MauzeyMary Margaret MartinLee Hoover
Ralph E. HartzellWilmer MartinIrma Hull
John L. SmayDorothy June MastersJean Jacoby
Catherine PhelpsEmerson MatthewsBetty Jenkins
Marilyn ReserLloyd McClurgIrma Jensen
Judith ThomClarence McConkeyBeverly Johnson
Janet DickeyBetty McCowenRoss Johnson
June CozineMildred McMahillReva Jo Kerns
Grace TuckerJoan MillerSylvest Lager
Mabel CookMack MillerMary Lou Laughlin
Donald N. ValkMadge MillerBeverly Litsch
Kenneth T. ThompsonBruce MitchellDonald Lyle
Howard RingoldMeredee MyersGeorge McLellan
John HarrHazel OliverDonald Madden
John S. TaylorRobert OlsonBetty Martin
Myron P. RoseThelma Vee OyerlyDonna Martin
Harry G.. DildineThelma PalmaTed McLain
Sterling SurreyLeslie ParkerRoberta Mitchell
Helen JohnsonMarilyn PartridgeBradley Moore
Clifford KensingerBruce PetersRex Moyer
Margaret NeeceFrances PfanderBarbara Munson
Mrs. Ray O'GradySue PhilpRaymond Nally
Grace M. ShepherdMary Elaine Reecebeverly Osburn
Joseph W. HakeAlice SpainhowerRichard Owens
Carrie HopkinsBettie StevensonAnna Parham
Robert F. GeeLydia StickerodJohn Parham
Anne ArnoldPatricia StraightWilbur Pyles
Pauline ArthurHelen SuttonHelen Richardson
Hannah Lou BennettBettie Jo SwansonRoberta Robertson
David W. CrozierWilliam TaffMary Frances Robinett
Virginia DormanHoward TaylorRachel Robinson
Margaret FrankenRichard ThomasMary Loyce Rockwell
Marilyn FulkersonManley ThomsonGeorge Rocos
Martha GambleHelen ToelJack Russell
Buford W. GarnerVerlin TompkinsEarl Shelton
Stanley TotoraitisNellie Sherard
Horace MannMargaret TurnerMahlon Sisk
Anne GorsuchVeirginia Lee UtzNorma Snyder
Avis Lair GrahamAnais VernazaDale Standage
Kathryn McKeeElanor VogelDean Steeby
John N. PedersonMargaret WadeCarolyn Steel
Frances PharesArthur WalshMelville Strong
Lawrence PhelpsLouis WatkinsJack Summers
Neva RossIris WehrliJohn Tilton
Rachel TaulTheodore Weichinger Jr.Joseph Tolbert
Robert WestonBrooks Wade
Administration of Horace MannMarjorie WhiteEdwin Wallace
Everett W. BrownTavner WisdomPaul Waters
Lucile BrumbaughErnest WittGeorge Watson
Mrs. Hubert GarrettMartha Faye WoollumsManetha White
E.O.HammondRoger WrenAuburn Williams
John A. LierlyRuth WyattWendell Wilson
H.V. NeeceArminda ZelayaFlorine Wolf
Paxton Pate PriceMattie DykesNorma Yeater
W.A. RickenbrodeElaine MauzeySterling Surrey
Nell ThompsonF.B. Houghton
C.E. Wells
Anna Wormsley
James AllenLowell Adams
Everett ArnoldBeverly Allen 
Jeanne BahlReid Anderson
Harold BakerJanet Andler
William BakerMarjorie Andrews
Betty BarrettWells Andrews
Wilma BellEthel Ashbrook
Margaret BerryKenneth Ausmus
Ralph BlankPhyllis Bagley
Doran BowenPaul Zbaker
Kenneth BowersKathryn Barmann
Calvin BoydRita Barmann
Willa BreckenridgeOrville Bears
Elwyn BrownGerald Bennett
Bill BurnsEthel Benson
Shirley BurtonRoberta Berry
Philip CarterMaureen Bird
Eugene CeglenskiWilliam Blackman
Billy ChristensonFranklin Bollinger
Newcomb ClevelandMary Booth
Mary ClymensMargaret Bowness
Lucile CockayneRuth Burns
Eldon CollinsMarjorie Burton
Alice Weir ColynMartha Byerrum
John ColynBarbara Campbell
Gerald CoxVerlene Campbell
Shirley CrowLouise Chaney
William CummingsRoy Cheek
Margaret CurryNorman Clouse
John DalyHarold Clymens
Arlene DavisShirley Collier
Helen DavisBetty Collins
W.T. DawsonRobert Conn
Nancy DeanDelores Cook
Robert DonnellyVernelle Cox
Marvin DoranDorman Coy
Pauline DowningFrancisco Cruz
Leon DrepsEdward Dakan
Faire DrewesWarren Davison
Arby EdwardsBetty Dearmott
William ElamOlindina De Castro
J.D. ElliottCarl Deiter
Richard ElliottJune DeWitt
Heyden ElroyDon Dressler
Helen FisherRalph Duncan
Margaret FisherLois Easton
Lina FosterWilhelmina Edie
Marion FreemanBetty Engle
Sergia FriesKathryn Espey
Dorothy FuhrmanJohn Ewing
William GambleLewis Farmer
William GarrettCalvin Faurot
Robert GillRosemary Feurt
Harold GodseyNeal Foland
George GoodenMargaret Ford
Irene GossardEdwin French
William GrantDonna Fulton
Charles GreeneDelbert Gabbert
Zea GrissingerNila Greer
Darrell HaerJoy Ann Gibson
Doris HamiltonRussell Gillispie
Mary HartmanDarrell Grace
Charlene HartnessDonald Grace
John HaunJoan Groom
Herman HausheerPatsy Hagee
Kenneth HoeghJames Hainey
Armand HoferPaul Hagman
Leland HoferRosemary Hansford
Ruth HobrookCharlene Harman
Joan HortonHelen Hartell
Marilyn HouseGaylord Headrick
Dorothy HowellLouise Helzer
Melvin HubbellMahlon Hewitt
Betty HudsonOtto Hill
Cathryn HullJames Hillgren
Beth HurstCarol Hilliard
Norman JamesDonald Hoffman
Bennett JenkinsWilbur Holland
Kathleen JenningsGerald Holt
Betty JohnsonPhyllis Hoover
Dwain JonesRose Marie Howe
Max JordonPhillip Hull
Harland JuddFrances Huntsman
Marilyn JuddDorothy Hunziger
Shirley JudyDonavon Hutson
Donald KampmanMarilyn Jackson
Virgil KentReldon Jackson
Dolores KeownKenneth Jones
Marilyn KingRichard Jones
William KingRobert Jnones
Phyllis LashBobby Kelley
Betty LawrenceJune Kennedy
Roy LilleyMargie Ketchem
Robert LindsayFred Killam
Homer LongMax Kinney
Walt LovejoyMary Kirchhofer
James MalsonMarilyn LaHue
Charles McClellanJanis Lash
Beverly McCowenDorothy Lenz
Ruth McDowellBurton Little
Forst MeadowsRobert Loudon
Kenneth MeekDeloris Lynch
Audry MerritVonda Mason
Ann MillerMaxine McDermott
Dale MillerDean McIntyre
Richard MillerPatricia McIntyre
William MooreBette McKowen
Chester MotsingerKenneth McMillen
Nevin MoulinMary McQuaid
Paul MoyerLouis Melkowski
Earl NicholsGlen Meredith
Ilene NicholsonJoe Merrick
Jerry ObermillerDonald Merrigan
Bonnie PaceEdwin Mickelson
Richard PalmerGueynetha Miller
Harold ParksJackson Miller
Kenneth ParsonsWilliam Moyer
Gene PembertonMary Neville 
Jesse PerryHubert Null
Jean PosleyBarbara Nunnelley
Ear PopeJohn Owen
John PopeAbelardo Patino
Loyd PowellMarlys Patrick
Don PrindleJoan Peter
William PylesCarman Phillips
Edward ReeceBonnie Polk
Lovanne RhoadesLudene Polard
Othel RichardsJulia Polton
Elizabeth RoachMelvin Praiswater
Joseph RoachWanda Praiswater
Mary Lou RockwellMary Queck
Fred RollinsHarold Reynolds
Faye RowlettJanice Rhodes
Charles RupeJewell Rice
Mary SchoolerHelen Richards
Norma ScowdenDonald Roberts
George SilverThesis Robinson
Irving SilverBill Royer
Kenneth SimoffBetty Russell
Jack SlackCharlene Schenkel
Dorothy SmithDaisy Schenkel
Virginia SnowbergerWilliam Schettle
Pierre SotteauJames Schoonover
Russell StabeMary Scott
Warren StantonBernice Shaver
Gene StarrWilliam Sherman
Alta StonnerGlenn Sherry
John SummaJulia Sheumaker
Irwin ThomasLeota Shipley
Donald TroutBetty Smith
Paul TurleyNaomi Smith
Jack TurnerPatricia Smith
Lane UlmerBilly Snyder
Clifford VanceMaxine Snyder
Lavelle WarrenAnne Stacy
Lavonne WescottJo Ellen Stafford
Alice WhiteWalter Stanton
Hilton WhiteMarylee Steele
Mary WhiteVernonica Stephenson
Naomi WhiteFrank Stonner
Ferne WilliamsRuth Stucki
Clifford WillisMadge Studley
Virginia WilmesJames Swensen
Eldon WilsonCarroll Taylor
Loren WorkmanDon Taylor
Alvin WormsleyRobert Tebow
Lloyd YoungerRussell Terhune
Larry ZirbelClifford Thompson
Wincie Ann CarruthBetty Tiemann
John TaylorIrene Toland
Joan Trively
Helen Tudder
Charlotte Turner
Dorothy Veatch
Shirley Voracek
Joan Wadhams
Lois Walker
John Wallace
James Ward
Joyce Wehrli
Charlene Welsh
David Whaley
Alice Wharton
Bedonna White
Gene Whitmer
Arthur Whitworth
Dorothy Wilhoit
Betty Williams
Morris Wilson
Darlene Winslow
John Wood
Sue Wormsley
Harvey Wright
Diana Yip
Mrs. Harry Sheetz
Clifford Kensinger

Nodaway County Missouri Research Resources

I have the following research resources from Nodaway County Missouri that I can research for you.  If you would like to hire me to research these resources please email me at or see my website at

Price Funeral Home Records, Maryville Missouri 1902-1990
1882 Nodaway County Missouri History
Biographical History of Nodaway and Atchison Counties Missouri
The Centennial History of Burlington Junction Missouri, 1879-1979
The Burlington Junction Post, Newspapers, Burlington Junction Missouri, 1901 to 1919
Home of the Punkin Show, Skidmore, Missorui 1880-1980
Hopkins, Missouri Centennial 1872-1972
Blue Grass Mecca, Maitland, MO Volumes I & II
Parnell Community Centennial 1887-1987
Centennial History, Barnard Missouri 1870-1970
Pickering Missouri Centennial 1871-1971

And I have Multiple Yearbooks from Nodaway County Missouri, including yearbooks from:
Burlington Junction Schools, Burlington Junction Missouri
Quitman School, Quitman Missouri
Maryville High School, Maryville Missouri
Horace Mann School, Maryville Missouri
Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, 1920's to 2000's
Nodaway County Missouri School Records 1925-1926 School Year

Nodaway County Records that I have:
Marriage Records
Land Records

Again if you wish to hire me to research these resources you can reach me at or see my website at

Dunklin County Missouri Research

Are you loooking for research on Dunklin County Missouri?  I have the following books to research from:

Funeral Home Records of Dunklin County 1929 to 1980
Funeral Home Records of Dunklin County 19191 to 1964
Family Bible Records of Dunklin County Mo
Dunklin County Historical Society Vol 1
Dunklin County Historical Society Vol 2

Dunklin County MO & Box Elder Arkansas Index – 1845 - 1995
Taylor, Leona – Wife of Oscar – Born April 5, 1905, died on Sept 10, 1960, buried in McGrew Cemetery
Taylor, Oscar W, born in 1892, died in 1940, buried in McGrew Cemetery

Dunklin County Marriage Records, 1916 – 1927
Dunklin County Marriage Records 1903 – 1916
Dunklin County Marriage Records, 1890-1898
Dunklin County Marriage records, 1872-1900, Books 1-6
Dunklin County MO Marriage Records, 1872-1881

Mortality Schedules of Dunklin County MO 1850 – 1880

Park Cemetery, Malden Missouri
Ewing L. Keltner, Nov 28, 1886 – Mar 16, 1919

Cemeteries of Stoddard County Missouri, 1839 to 1992

Fitch Funeral Home Records of Butler county MO
Area Footprints, Early Newspaper extractions, Genealogical Society of Butler Co, 1973-1998

Butler County Cemeteries, Volume 2
Butler County Cemeteries, Volume 1
Cemeteries of Northwestern Butler County MO

Butler County Mo Marriages, Book 2, 1881-1888
Butler County Mo Marriages, Book 1, 1849-1865

Butler County MO, 1849-1988
Butler County Genealogical tidbits

Butler County Missouri, Vol 1 Family History Book
A Fond look Back

1876 Butler State Census
Butler County Missouri Will 1869-1896
Probate Court Minutes, Butler Count Mo 1871
Probate Court Minutes, Butler County MO 1870

1870 Butler County Mo Census
Complete History of Butler County MO
1880 Butler County Mo Census

Southwest Butler County Mo Cemeteries
Southeast Butler County Mo Cemeteries
Northeast Butler County Mo Cemeteries

Hire me now to research these Dunklin County Missouri resources for you.  Email me at  or see my website at

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hire A Professional Genealogist

Do you need to Hire a Genealogy professional to research your family history?  Then look no further.  Here at Ancestor Explorer we are available right now to research your family history.  We have several years experience researching genealogy and are experienced and capable where others are not.  We have the ability to find those hard to get records and family information that you need for your family history.  We can research as detailed as needed or do a simple research plan for you as your budget allows. 

We are informative about our research and will provide you the information you have always wanted to know about your Grandfather or Great Grandfather.  So email us now at or see our website at to find out more about us and to Hire us today. 

Iowa Counties that I conduct Genealogy Research in

These are Iowa Counties that I will travel to and do Genealogy research in person.

Fremont County
Page County
Taylor County
Ringold County
Decatur County
Wayne County
Appanoose County
Mills County
Montgomery County
Adams County
Union County
Clark County
Lucas County
Monroe County
Pottawatomie County
Cass County
Adair County
Madison County
Warren County

If you would like me to perform Genealogy research for you in other Iowa counties there will be an overnight charge included.  I will provide you copies of all documents acquired and any county history book or Atlas information.  You can hire me now by emailing me at or by going to my website at

Kansas Counties I perform Genealogy Research in

I perform in person Genealogy research in the following Kansas Counties:

Johnson County
Wyandotte County
Leavenworth County
Douglas County
Leavenworth County
Atchison County
Miami County
Shawnee County
Wabaunsee County
Osage County
Franklin County
Pottawatomie County
Riley County
Linn County
Anderson County
Doniphan County
Brown County
Nemaha County
Bourbon County
Allen County
Morris County
Chase County
Marshall County
Washington County
Woodson County
Greenwood County

I can travel to other counties if need be.  But be reminded that the costs for gas and possibly overnight stays would be involved.  I will provide you all records found during my research as well as any family information located in old county history books or county Atlas'.

If you would like to hire me right now to begin work on your Kansas Genealogy research project please email me at or visit my website at