Friday, July 1, 2011

Bourbon County Kansas Newspaper Research

I have access to the following newspapers.  If you would like to hire me to research for Birth Announcements, Marriage Announcement, Obituaries or other information please contact me at
Border Sentinel  8/14/1874--1/22/1875   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Border Sentinel Tri-Weekly Edition  8/3/1874--12/4/1874   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Bourbon County Monitor  11/15/1862--6/20/1863   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Bourbon News  12/14/1922--12/6/1923   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Bourbon News  12/13/1923--6/25/1925   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [1st: three issues only]  2/22/1883--8/23/1883   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [1st]  3/27/1884--7/30/1885   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [1st]  8/6/1885--2/24/1887   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [1st]  3/3/1887--10/25/1889   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [1st]  11/1/1889--12/30/1892   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [1st]  1/6/1893--11/26/1896   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  1/16/1902--9/29/1904   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  10/6/1904--6/28/1906   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  7/5/1906--2/28/1908   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  3/6/1908--9/28/1909   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  10/2/1909--4/28/1911   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  5/5/1911--12/27/1912   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  1/3/1913--8/28/1914   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  9/4/1914--5/25/1917   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  6/1/1917--12/26/1919   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  1/2/1920--9/29/1922   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  10/6/1922--9/25/1925   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  10/2/1925--9/28/1928   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  10/5/1928--12/26/1930   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  1/2/1931--2/28/1936   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  3/6/1936--5/23/1941   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  5/30/1941--6/28/1946   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Pilot [2nd]  7/5/1946--4/28/1950   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Record  12/3/1896--6/29/1899   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Bronson Record  7/6/1899--1/9/1902   Bronson  Bourbon  KS
Broom Corn Reporter  9/15/1886--9/1/1887   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Christian Sower  10/1892--1/1893   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Advocate and Good Way  5/13/1926--10/11/1928   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Advocate and Good Way  10/24/1928--12/25/1930   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Advocate and Holiness Banner  2/26/1910--11/4/1911   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Advocate and Holiness Banner  11/11/1911--8/22/1914   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Advocate and Holiness Banner  8/29/1914--6/14/1917   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Advocate and Holiness Banner  6/21/1917--3/18/1920   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Advocate and Holiness Banner  3/25/1920--1/26/1922   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Herald and Holiness Banner  2/2/1922--1/25/1923   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Herald and Holiness Banner  2/1/1923--10/1/1925   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Herald and Holiness Banner  10/8/1925--6/14/1928   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Church Herald and Holiness Banner  6/21/1928--12/18/1930   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Colored Citizen  4/19/1878--7/5/1878   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Citizen  9/3/1897--12/4/1897   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Fort Scott Post  10/16/1869--1/4/1870   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Monitor  5/16/1864--8/2/1865   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Republican  1/19/1902--11/4/1902   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Republican  11/5/1902--8/22/1903   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Republican  8/23/1903--5/21/1904   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Republican  5/22/1904--2/8/1905   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Republican  2/9/1905--11/17/1905   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Republican  11/18/1905--8/25/1906   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Daily Republican  8/26/1906--3/3/1907   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Der Deutsche Kreiger [single issue only]  5/20/1862   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Eastern Kansas Herald  7/2/1925--5/6/1926   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Eastern Kansas Herald  5/13/1926--8/30/1928   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Evening Herald  6/5/1882--6/22/1883   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Evening Herald  6/23/1883--12/31/1883   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Evening Herald  1/2/1884--8/9/1884   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Evening Herald  8/11/1884--2/20/1885   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Evening Herald  2/21/1885--8/29/1885   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fair Play  4/22/1898--6/16/1899   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Farm and News  1/23/1896--3/19/1896   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Flash [single issue only]  1/1923   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Banner  10/12/1882--10/30/1884   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Bulletin  5/10/1862--2/27/1863   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  11/9/1869--5/31/1870   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  6/1/1870--11/30/1870   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/1/1870--5/31/1871   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  6/1/1871--12/23/1871   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/24/1871--5/31/1872   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  6/1/1872--12/13/1872   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/14/1872--7/2/1873   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  7/3/1873--1/18/1874   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  1/20/1874--8/6/1874   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  8/7/1874--3/3/1875   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  3/4/1875--8/18/1875   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  8/19/1875--2/29/1876   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  3/1/1876--9/5/1876   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  9/6/1876--3/21/1877   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  3/22/1877--10/24/1877   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  10/25/1877--5/7/1878   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  5/8/1878--11/9/1878   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  11/10/1878--5/22/1879   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor [single issue only]  2/2/1879   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  5/23/1879--11/30/1879   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/2/1879--6/8/1880   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  6/9/1880--11/30/1880   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/1/1880--5/31/1881   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  6/1/1881--10/22/1881   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  10/23/1881--5/2/1882   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  5/3/1882--11/7/1882   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  11/8/1882--3/14/1883   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  3/15/1883--9/29/1883   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  9/30/1883--4/8/1884   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  4/9/1884--10/21/1884   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  10/22/1884--5/3/1885   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  5/5/1885--11/13/1885   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  11/14/1885--5/28/1886   Fort Scott  Bourbon  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  5/29/1886--11/20/1886   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  11/21/1886--4/16/1887   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  4/17/1887--7/20/1887   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  7/21/1887--10/5/1887   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  10/6/1887--2/26/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  2/28/1888--9/2/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  9/4/1888--3/7/1889   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  3/8/1889--9/4/1889   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  9/5/1889--12/13/1889   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/14/1889--3/8/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  3/9/1890--6/21/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  6/22/1890--12/25/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/27/1890--7/4/1891   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  7/7/1891--12/8/1891   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  3/23/1892--1/26/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  1/27/1893--4/25/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  4/26/1893--7/19/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  7/20/1893--9/29/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  9/30/1893--1/31/1894   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  2/1/1894--8/8/1894   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  8/9/1894--2/13/1895   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  2/14/1895--8/15/1895   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  8/16/1895--2/9/1896   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  2/11/1896--7/19/1896   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  7/21/1896--1/21/1897   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  1/22/1897--7/25/1897   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  7/27/1897--12/23/1897   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/24/1897--6/30/1898   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  7/1/1898--12/28/1898   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/29/1898--6/30/1899   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  7/1/1899--12/22/1899   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  12/23/1899--6/19/1900   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  6/20/1900--12/30/1900   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  1/1/1901--7/5/1901   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  7/6/1901--12/31/1901   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  1/1/1902--3/26/1902   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Monitor  3/27/1902--6/6/1902   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily News  11/27/1889--7/31/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily News  8/1/1890--12/8/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  3/5/1907--10/4/1907   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  10/5/1907--3/4/1908   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  3/5/1908--7/9/1908   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  7/10/1908--12/2/1908   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  12/3/1908--5/27/1909   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  5/28/1909--10/24/1909   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  10/26/1909--3/24/1910   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  3/25/1910--8/19/1910   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  8/20/1910--1/12/1911   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  1/13/1911--6/3/1911   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  6/4/1911--11/1/1911   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  11/2/1911--4/7/1912   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  4/9/1912--9/4/1912   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  9/5/1912--2/9/1913   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Republican  2/11/1913--7/17/1913   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  10/1/1884--4/22/1885   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  4/23/1885--10/31/1885   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  11/2/1885--4/30/1886   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  5/1/1886--10/15/1886   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  10/16/1886--3/31/1887   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  4/1/1887--6/30/1887   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  7/1/1887--9/30/1887   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  10/3/1887--12/31/1887   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  1/3/1888--3/22/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  3/23/1888--6/21/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  6/22/1888--9/20/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  9/21/1888--12/20/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  12/21/1888--3/30/1889   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  4/1/1889--6/18/1889   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  6/19/1889--9/16/1889   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  9/17/1889--12/14/1889   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  12/16/1889--3/17/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  3/18/1890--6/16/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  6/17/1890--9/15/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  9/16/1890--12/15/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  12/16/1890--3/31/1891   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  4/1/1891--6/30/1891   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  7/1/1891--9/30/1891   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  10/1/1891--12/31/1891   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  1/1/1892--3/31/1892   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  4/1/1892--6/30/1892   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  7/1/1892--10/20/1892   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  10/21/1892--2/18/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  2/20/1893--6/19/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  6/20/1893--10/20/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  10/21/1893--2/22/1894   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  2/23/1894--6/9/1894   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  6/11/1894--10/11/1894   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  10/12/1894--3/30/1895   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  4/1/1895--9/30/1895   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  10/1/1895--3/31/1896   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  4/1/1896--11/24/1896   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  11/25/1896--6/15/1897   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  6/16/1897--12/31/1897   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  1/1/1898--6/30/1898   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  7/1/1898--12/31/1898   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  1/2/1899--6/30/1899   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  7/1/1899--12/30/1899   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  1/1/1900--7/17/1900   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  7/18/1900--1/31/1901   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  2/1/1901--8/16/1901   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  8/20/1901--2/28/1902   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  3/3/1902--9/13/1902   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  9/15/1902--3/31/1903   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  4/1/1903--10/15/1903   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  10/16/1903--12/31/1903   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Daily Tribune  1/1/1904--4/13/1904   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Democrat  1/27/1858--9/21/1861   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Dispatch  6/9/1892--6/1/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Dispatch  6/8/1893--7/28/1894   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Evening Globe  9/11/1888--10/16/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Herald  5/9/1878--8/25/1881   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Herald  9/1/1881--4/24/1884   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Herald  6/29/1939--12/13/1939   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Herald  12/14/1939--8/6/1940   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Herald  8/7/1940--4/17/1941   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Herald  4/18/1941--12/28/1941   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Herald  12/29/1941--5/3/1942   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Herold  4/3/1890--5/29/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Industrial Union  10/10/1890--4/24/1891   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Journal  9/10/1892--8/19/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Land Record [two issues only]  9/1870--11/1870   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Lantern  12/4/1896--3/3/1899   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Lantern  3/10/1899--9/19/1901   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor  3/1/1902--12/31/1902   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor  6/7/1902--12/6/1902   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor  12/8/1902--6/13/1903   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor  1/3/1903--8/29/1903   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor  6/15/1903--12/4/1903   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor  9/2/1903--4/13/1904   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor  12/5/1903--4/12/1904   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  1/1/1931--2/22/1931   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  3/1/1934--5/13/1937   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  5/20/1937--6/27/1940   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  7/4/1940--7/29/1943   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  8/5/1943--9/6/1945   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  9/13/1945--11/18/1948   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune [weekly]  11/25/1948--2/28/1952   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune [weekly]  3/6/1952--12/23/1954   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  12/30/1954--7/11/1957   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  7/18/1957--12/31/1959   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  1/7/1960--7/12/1962   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  7/19/1962--2/11/1965   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  2/18/1965--9/14/1967   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  9/21/1967--3/5/1970   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  3/12/1970--8/31/1972   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  9/7/1972--3/13/1975   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  3/20/1975--9/15/1977   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Monitor and Fort Scott Tribune  9/22/1977--4/17/1980   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Occasional [single issue only]  3/30/1872   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Pioneer  1/6/1876--3/14/1878   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican [single issue only]  8/1/1872   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican  7/18/1913--12/5/1913   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican [single issue only; special edition]  4/25/1914   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican  5/5/1914--10/7/1914   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican  10/8/1914--3/12/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican  3/13/1915--8/6/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican  7/8/1915--8/26/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican  8/7/1915--12/23/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican  12/24/1915--5/20/1916   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican  5/22/1916--9/6/1916   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Republican  12/6/1916--5/3/1914   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  7/28/1980--8/29/1980   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/2/1980--12/31/1980   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1981--4/30/1981   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1981--8/31/1981   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1981--12/31/1981   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1982--4/30/1982   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1982--8/31/1982   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1982--12/31/1982   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/3/1983--4/30/1983   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/2/1983--8/31/1983   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1983--12/31/1983   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/3/1984--4/30/1984   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1984--8/31/1984   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1984--12/31/1984   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1985--4/30/1985   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1985--8/31/1985   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/3/1985--12/31/1985   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1986--4/30/1986   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1986--8/31/1986   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1986--12/31/1986   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1987--4/30/1987   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1987--8/31/1987   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1987--12/31/1987   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/4/1988--4/30/1988   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/2/1988--8/31/1988   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1988--12/31/1988   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/3/1989--4/30/1989   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1989--8/31/1989   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1989--12/31/1989   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1990--4/30/1990   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1990--8/31/1990   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1990--12/31/1990   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1991--4/30/1991   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1991--8/31/1991   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/3/1991--12/31/1991   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1992--4/30/1992   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1992--8/31/1992   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1992--12/31/1992   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/4/1993--4/30/1993   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1993--8/31/1993   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1993--12/31/1993   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/3/1994--4/30/1994   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/2/1994--8/31/1994   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1994--12/31/1994   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/3/1995--4/30/1995   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1995--8/31/1995   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1995--12/30/1995   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1996--4/30/1996   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1996--8/31/1996   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/3/1996--12/31/1996   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1997--4/30/1997   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1997--8/30/1997   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/2/1997--12/31/1997   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/1998--4/30/1998   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1998--8/31/1998   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1998--12/31/1998   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/4/1999--4/30/1999   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/1999--8/31/1999   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/1999--12/31/1999   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/3/2000--4/29/2000   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/2000--8/31/2000   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/2000--12/30/2000   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/2001--4/28/2001   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/2001--8/31/2001   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/2001--12/31/2001   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/2002--4/30/2002   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/2002--8/31/2002   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/3/2002--12/31/2002   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/2003--4/30/2003   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/2003--8/30/2003   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/2/2003--12/31/2003   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/2004--1/30/2004   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/2004--8/31/2004   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/2004--12/31/2004   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/3/2005--4/30/2005   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/2/2005--8/31/2005   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/2/2005--12/30/2005   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/1/2006--4/30/2006   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/2006--8/31/2006   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/2006--12/31/2006   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/2/2007--4/30/2007   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/2007--8/31/2007   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/2007--12/31/2007   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/1/2008--4/30/2008   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  5/1/2008--8/31/2008   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  9/1/2008--12/31/2008   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune  1/1/2009--4/30/2009   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/14/1904--8/13/1904   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  4/30/1904--10/28/1905   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/15/1904--1/18/1905   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/19/1905--7/3/1905   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/5/1905--12/8/1905   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  11/1/1905--4/27/1907   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/9/1905--5/17/1906   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/18/1906--10/27/1906   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/29/1906--4/3/1907   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/4/1907--8/6/1907   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  5/1/1907--10/21/1908   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/7/1907--11/11/1907   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/12/1907--3/2/1908   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/3/1908--6/18/1908   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/19/1908--10/19/1908   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/20/1908--2/23/1909   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  10/24/1908--3/15/1910   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/24/1909--6/19/1909   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/21/1909--10/21/1909   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/22/1909--2/4/1910   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/5/1910--5/7/1910   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  3/18/1910--6/16/1911   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/9/1910--8/29/1910   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/30/1910--12/12/1910   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/13/1910--3/31/1911   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/1/1911--7/20/1911   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  6/20/1911--9/20/1912   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/21/1911--11/3/1911   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/4/1911--1/25/1912   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/26/1912--5/1/1912   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/2/1912--6/29/1912   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/1/1912--9/25/1912   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  9/24/1912--12/5/1913   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/26/1912--12/26/1912   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/27/1912--4/11/1913   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/12/1913--7/29/1913   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/30/1913--11/14/1913   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/15/1913--2/20/1914   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  12/9/1913--2/16/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/21/1914--6/10/1914   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/11/1914--10/5/1914   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/6/1914--1/18/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/19/1915--5/8/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  2/19/1915--6/13/1916   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/10/1915--8/31/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1915--12/11/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/13/1915--3/27/1916   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/28/1916--7/15/1916   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly]  6/16/1916--1/15/1918   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/17/1916--11/6/1916   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/7/1916--2/23/1917   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/24/1917--6/16/1917   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/18/1917--10/11/1917   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/12/1917--1/25/1918   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [semiweekly until 2/15/1918; thereafter weekly]  1/18/1918--5/27/1920   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/26/1918--5/7/1918   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/8/1918--8/23/1918   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/24/1918--11/29/1918   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/30/1918--3/3/1919   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/4/1919--5/13/1919   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/14/1919--8/12/1919   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/13/1919--11/4/1919   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/5/1919--1/23/1920   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/24/1920--4/7/1920   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/8/1920--7/20/1920   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [weekly]  6/3/1920--9/28/1922   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/21/1920--10/23/1920   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/25/1920--2/3/1921   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/4/1921--5/17/1921   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/18/1921--8/29/1921   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/30/1921--11/28/1921   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/29/1921--2/28/1922   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/1/1922--5/31/1922   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/1/1922--8/22/1922   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/23/1922--11/22/1922   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [weekly]  10/5/1922--1/22/1925   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/23/1922--2/22/1923   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/23/1923--5/23/1923   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/24/1923--8/11/1923   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/13/1923--11/7/1923   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/8/1923--1/30/1924   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/31/1924--4/30/1924   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1924--8/2/1924   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/4/1924--11/10/1924   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/11/1924--2/12/1925   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [weekly]  1/29/1925--1/26/1928   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/13/1925--5/15/1925   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/16/1925--8/13/1925   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/14/1925--11/16/1925   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/17/1925--2/20/1926   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/22/1926--5/26/1926   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/27/1926--9/2/1926   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/3/1926--12/8/1926   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/9/1926--3/28/1927   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/29/1927--6/30/1927   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/1/1927--9/30/1927   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/1/1927--12/31/1927   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1928--3/29/1928   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor [weekly]  2/2/1928--12/25/1930   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/30/1928--6/30/1928   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/2/1928--9/29/1928   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/1/1928--12/17/1928   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/18/1928--3/9/1929   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/11/1929--6/1/1929   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/3/1929--8/21/1929   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/22/1929--11/4/1929   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/5/1929--1/22/1930   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/23/1930--4/10/1930   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/11/1930--6/23/1930   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/24/1930--8/27/1930   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/28/1930--11/8/1930   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/10/1930--1/23/1931   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/24/1931--4/10/1931   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/11/1931--6/25/1931   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/26/1931--9/8/1931   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/9/1931--11/24/1931   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/25/1931--2/13/1932   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/15/1932--5/10/1932   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/11/1932--8/9/1932   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/10/1932--11/10/1932   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/11/1932--2/17/1933   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/18/1933--5/15/1933   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/16/1933--8/15/1933   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/16/1933--11/16/1933   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/17/1933--2/16/1934   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/17/1934--5/12/1934   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/14/1934--8/17/1934   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/18/1934--11/19/1934   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/20/1934--2/21/1935   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/22/1935--5/25/1935   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/27/1935--8/22/1935   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/23/1935--11/22/1935   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/23/1935--2/26/1936   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/27/1936--5/19/1936   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/20/1936--8/13/1936   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/14/1936--10/26/1936   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/27/1936--1/21/1937   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/22/1937--4/20/1937   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/21/1937--7/15/1937   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/16/1937--10/7/1937   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/8/1937--12/28/1937   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/29/1937--3/31/1938   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/1/1938--6/29/1938   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/30/1938--9/24/1938   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/26/1938--12/26/1938   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/27/1938--4/1/1939   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/3/1939--6/30/1939   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/1/1939--9/29/1939   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/30/1939--12/27/1939   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/28/1939--3/28/1940   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/29/1940--6/22/1940   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/24/1940--9/24/1940   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/25/1940--12/12/1940   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/13/1940--3/5/1941   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/6/1941--5/21/1941   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/22/1941--8/16/1941   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/18/1941--11/12/1941   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/13/1941--2/11/1942   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/12/1942--5/16/1942   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/18/1942--6/30/1942   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/1/1942--9/30/1942   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/1/1942--9/30/1942   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/1/1942--11/11/1942   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/12/1942--2/19/1943   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/20/1943--6/4/1943   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/5/1943--9/14/1943   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/15/1943--12/24/1943   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/25/1943--4/14/1944   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/15/1944--7/28/1944   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/29/1944--11/13/1944   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/14/1944--2/27/1945   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/28/1945--6/7/1945   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/8/1945--9/27/1943   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/28/1945--1/8/1946   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/9/1946--4/19/1946   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/20/1946--7/29/1946   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/30/1946--10/29/1946   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/30/1946--2/5/1947   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/6/1947--5/15/1947   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/16/1947--8/22/1947   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/23/1947--11/22/1947   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/24/1947--2/23/1948   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/24/1948--5/21/1948   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/22/1948--8/20/1948   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/21/1948--11/15/1948   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/16/1948--2/3/1949   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/4/1949--4/23/1949   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/25/1949--7/16/1949   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  7/18/1949--10/1/1949   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/3/1949--12/19/1949   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  12/20/1949--3/8/1950   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/9/1950--5/26/1950   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/27/1950--8/10/1950   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/11/1950--10/25/1950   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  10/26/1950--12/30/1950   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1951--3/26/1951   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  3/27/1951--6/14/1951   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  6/15/1951--9/3/1951   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/4/1951--11/27/1951   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/28/1951--2/19/1952   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  2/20/1952--5/15/1952   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/16/1952--8/11/1952   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  8/12/1952--10/31/1952   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  11/1/1952--12/31/1952   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1953--4/30/1953   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1953--8/31/1953   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1953--12/31/1953   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1954--4/30/1954   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1954--8/31/1954   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1954--12/31/1954   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/3/1955--4/30/1955   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/2/1955--8/31/1955   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1955--12/31/1955   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/3/1956--4/30/1955   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1956--8/31/1956   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1956--12/31/1956   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1957--4/30/1957   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1957--8/31/1957   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/2/1957--12/31/1958   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1958--4/30/1958   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1958--8/31/1958   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1958--12/31/1958   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1959--4/30/1959   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1959--8/31/1959   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1959--12/31/1959   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1960--4/30/1960   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/2/1960--8/31/1960   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1960--12/31/1960   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/3/1961--4/30/1961   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1961--8/31/1961   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1961--12/31/1961   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1962--4/30/1963   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1962--8/31/1962   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1962--12/31/1962   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1963--4/30/1963   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1963--8/31/1963   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/2/1963--12/31/1963   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1964--4/30/1964   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1964--8/31/1964   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1964--12/31/1964   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1965--4/30/1965   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1965--8/31/1965   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1965--12/31/1965   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/3/1966--4/30/1965   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/2/1966--8/31/1966   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1966--12/31/1966   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/3/1967--4/30/1967   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1967--8/31/1967   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1967--12/31/1967   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1968--4/30/1968   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1968--8/31/1968   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/2/1968--12/31/1968   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1969--4/30/1969   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1969--8/31/1969   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1969--12/31/1969   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1970--4/30/1970   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1970--8/31/1970   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1970--12/31/1970   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1971--4/30/1971   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1971--8/31/1971   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1971--12/31/1971   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/3/1972--4/30/1972   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1972--8/31/1972   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1972--12/31/1972   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1973--4/30/1973   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1973--8/31/1973   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1973--12/31/1973   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1974--4/30/1974   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1974--8/31/1974   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/2/1974--12/31/1974   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1975--4/30/1975   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1975--8/31/1975   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1975--12/31/1975   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1976--4/30/1976   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1976--8/31/1976   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1976--12/31/1976   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/3/1977--4/30/1977   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/2/1977--8/31/1977   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1977--12/31/1977   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/3/1978--4/30/1978   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1978--8/31/1978   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1978--12/31/1978   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1979--4/30/1979   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1979--8/31/1979   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  9/1/1979--12/31/1979   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  1/2/1980--4/30/1980   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  5/1/1980--7/25/1980   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Union  10/22/1887--3/24/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Union Monitor [scattered Issues (42 Issues)]  8/13/1863--11/23/1865   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  6/12/1867--12/30/1868   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  1/6/1869--12/8/1869   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor [file is broken]  5/15/1873--9/26/1878   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  10/3/1878--5/27/1880   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  6/3/1880--12/29/1881   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  1/5/1882--7/26/1883   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  8/2/1883--8/27/1885   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  9/3/1885--3/31/1887   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  4/7/1887--11/29/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  9/27/1888--3/6/1889   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  12/6/1888--5/29/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  6/5/1890--11/12/1891   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  11/3/1892--3/29/1894   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  4/5/1894--9/28/1895   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  10/2/1895--6/19/1897   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  6/23/1897--1/28/1899   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  2/1/1899--7/25/1900   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Monitor  8/1/1900--2/26/1902   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly News  11/28/1889--3/27/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Press  6/20/1868--10/29/1869   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune  11/6/1884--12/17/1885   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune  12/24/1885--2/23/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune  3/1/1888--2/6/1890   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune  2/13/1890--1/28/1892   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune  2/4/1892--11/29/1894   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune  12/6/1894--11/25/1897   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune  12/2/1897--9/27/1900   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune  10/4/1900--12/31/1903   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune  1/7/1904--4/14/1904   Fort Scott  KS
Fort Scott Weekly Tribune and Fort Scott Monitor  4/16/1904--4/27/1904   Fort Scott  KS
Free Press  10/15/1924--11/23/1924   Fort Scott  KS
Fulton Globe [single issue only]  9/19/1912   Fulton  KS
Fulton Globe  1/7/1916--9/14/1917   Fulton  KS
Fulton Independent  8/8/1884--9/25/1886   Fulton  KS
Fulton Independent  10/2/1886--9/28/1889   Fulton  KS
Fulton Independent  10/5/1889--10/28/1892   Fulton  KS
Fulton Independent  11/4/1892--7/29/1898   Fulton  KS
Fulton Independent  8/5/1898--12/25/1903   Fulton  KS
Fulton Independent  1/1/1904--2/1/1907   Fulton  KS
Fulton Kansas Weekly Globe  9/27/1912--10/16/1914   Fulton  KS
Fulton Kansas Weekly Globe  10/23/1914--12/31/1915   Fulton  KS
Fulton News  5/17/1923--11/24/1932   Fulton  KS
Fulton News  12/1/1932--12/6/1934   Fulton  KS
Fulton Record  10/15/1909--2/23/1912   Fulton  KS
Fulton Rustler  4/5/1890--11/3/1893   Fulton  KS
Garland Gazette  10/20/1905--2/1/1907   Garland  KS
Garland Gleaner  4/3/1886--10/1/1887   Garland  KS
Garland Graphic  12/14/1905--3/22/1906   Garland  KS
Herald and Record  5/1/1884--8/27/1885   Fort Scott  KS
Hiattville News  2/21/1908--2/25/1910   Hiattville  KS
Hiattville Weekly Optic  6/16/1892--5/6/1893   Hiattville  KS
High School Crimson [file is scattered]  12/4/1896--12/1911   Fort Scott  KS
Innovator [two issues only]  10/21/1910--10/28/1910   Fort Scott  KS
Kansas Grange Monthly  1/1952--5/1952   Fort Scott  KS
Kansas Grange Monthly  6/1952--11/1963   Fort Scott  KS
Kansas Grange Monthly  12/1963--10/1973   Fort Scott  KS
Kansas Staats Zeitung  1/14/1886--5/10/1888   Fort Scott  KS
Lantern  9/24/1890--2/11/1891   Mapleton  KS
Lantern  3/6/1891--8/11/1893   Fort Scott  KS
Lantern  8/18/1893--7/31/1896   Fort Scott  KS
Lantern  8/7/1896--11/27/1896   Fort Scott  KS
Mapleton Dispatch [1st]  1/24/1889--9/6/1895   Mapleton  KS
Mapleton Dispatch [2nd]  10/20/1905--2/1/1907   Mapleton  KS
Mapleton Press  12/29/1905--12/27/1907   Mapleton  KS
Mapleton Press  1/3/1908--8/27/1909   Mapleton  KS
Mapleton Press  9/3/1909--7/29/1910   Mapleton  KS
Mapleton Review [single issue only]  5/25/1923   Mapleton  KS
Messenger  8/2/1917--9/13/1918   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald  9/6/1928--9/16/1928   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald  9/18/1928--4/24/1930   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald  5/1/1930--2/23/1933   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald  3/2/1933--9/12/1934   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald  9/13/1934--7/25/1935   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald  7/26/1935--5/16/1936   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald  5/18/1936--3/2/1937   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald  3/3/1937--11/18/1937   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald  11/19/1937--1/7/1938   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald and Heraldette  1/8/1938--8/4/1938   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald and Heraldette  8/5/1938--5/9/1939   Fort Scott  KS
Morning Herald and Heraldette  5/10/1939--6/28/1939   Fort Scott  KS
New Century  1/3/1877--5/4/1878   Fort Scott  KS
Prairieland Magazine [file is scattered]  3/1902--8/1902   Fort Scott  KS
Redfield Express  7/12/1894--11/29/1894   Redfield  KS
Redfield Herald  4/8/1905--2/1/1907   Redfield  KS
Redfield Ledger  5/29/1913--8/3/1916   Redfield  KS
Republican Record  1/30/1879--10/1/1880   Fort Scott  KS
Republican Record  10/8/1880--9/15/1882   Fort Scott  KS
Sasnak  1/7/1905--10/7/1905   Fort Scott  KS
Scribbler  5/9/1922--12/20/1927   Fort Scott  KS
Scribbler  1/10/1927--5/12/1932   Fort Scott  KS
Semi-Weekly Times  11/11/1896--1/20/1897   Fulton  KS
Sentinel & Pioneer [single issue only]  7/8/1875   Fort Scott  KS
Southern Argus [African American]  10/15/1891--2/4/1892   Fort Scott  KS
Southern Argus [African American]  10/15/1891--2/4/1892   Fort Scott  KS
Southern Kansas Immigrant [three issues only (May, Oct., Dec. 1869)]  5/1869--12/1869   Fort Scott  KS
Spectator  1/19/1890--6/27/1891   Fort Scott  KS
Spectator  7/4/1891--9/3/1892   Fort Scott  KS
Sunday Call  1/20/1889--6/30/1889   Fort Scott  KS
Sunday Morning Herald  1/16/1927--8/19/1928   Fort Scott  KS
Telephone  9/24/1885--1/27/1887   Uniontown  KS
Telephone  3/3/1887--1/17/1889   Mapleton  KS
Times  10/8/1896--11/7/1896   Fulton  KS
Times  7/8/1897--1/6/1898   Fulton  KS
Town and Country  10/12/1906--11/30/1906   Fort Scott  KS
Town and Country a  10/20/1905--3/23/1906   Fort Scott  KS
Town and Country and Sasnak  3/30/1906--10/5/1906   Fort Scott  KS
Town and Country and Sasnak  12/7/1906--2/1/1907   Fort Scott  KS
Trackman  7/1/1903--3/6/1907   Fort Scott  KS
Trackman  3/13/1907--8/20/1909   Fort Scott  KS
Union Monitor [scattered Issues (14)]  1/5/1865--2/7/1866   Fort Scott  KS
Unionist  12/11/1903--5/27/1904   Fort Scott  KS
Uniontown Cicerone  11/10/1911--10/4/1912   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Cicerone  11/10/1911--7/5/1912   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Cicerone  7/19/1912--10/4/1912   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Cicerone  12/13/1928--4/28/1932   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Cicerone  5/5/1932--9/23/1937   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Cicerone  9/30/1937--9/3/1942   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Cicerone and Redfield Ledger  8/16/1918--12/28/1922   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Cicerone and Redfield Ledger  1/4/1923--12/29/1927   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Cicerone and Redfield Ledger  1/5/1928--12/6/1928   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Herald  7/6/1883--12/14/1883   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown News  4/24/1903--5/18/1906   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown News  5/25/1906--2/1/1907   Uniontown  KS
Uniontown Sun  12/13/1900--9/13/1901   Uniontown  KS
Weekly Anti-Monopolist  3/2/1871--3/9/1871   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Monitor [two issues only]  12/7/1864--12/22/1864   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Republican  1/16/1902--10/9/1902   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Republican  10/16/1902--5/4/1905   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Republican  5/11/1905--12/19/1907   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Republican  12/26/1907--4/28/1910   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Republican  5/3/1910--8/31/1911   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Republican  9/5/1911--10/15/1912   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Republican  10/18/1912--12/31/1914   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Republican  1/7/1915--6/17/1915   Fort Scott  KS
Weekly Times  1/27/1897--7/1/1897   Fulton  KS
Western Volunteer  3/31/1862--5/3/1862   Fort Scott  KS

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