Friday, May 6, 2011

History of Burlington Junction Missouri in the News, Volume 2

This is the index to Volume 2 of the History of Burlington Junction Missouri in the News.  These Newspaper articles range from 1879 – 1920’s  You can purchase a copy of this book for $30.00 or you can purchase an individual article for $5.00 each.  If you would like to purchase please contact me at  

C.R. Doe
Colvin & Murphy
J.B. Chrisinger
A.M. Scott
Craig & Smith
Samuel Corken
J.W. Anderson
J.T. Anderson
George H. Hotalling & Co
James jones
Bryant & Charles
Constance Limerick
Maurice Wolfers
William B. Limerick
Edward Wolfers Jr.
Rev. R.E. Snodgrass
Harry Wilson
Rhoads vs. Rhoades
Henry Rhoades
Virgil Rhoades
Nicholases and Carters
Mr. Nicholas
John Bryant
Charles H. Caldwell
Verne Calhouse
C.D. Caldwell
John Anthony Williams
Joe B. Williams
U.S. Grant
Charles E. Ferguson
A. Booher Sr.
E.H. Miller
Dr. J.E. Stewart
A.P. Wilder
P.T. Phillips
D.F. Brilharg
C.T. Munger
E.J. Goldman
J.T. Neal
N.W. Wolfers
Elizabeth Philips
Helen Bannister
Efale Brown
Mrs. Paul Phillips
Mrs. Robert Burns
MRs. John Fountain
Mrs. Maurice Wolfers
Elsie Cornell
Iris Waite
Temple Kean
Margaret Carrington
Arminia Pinkle
Luke McLachlan
Rev. T.J. Lloyd
R.J. Johnson
Charles McPherson
Luke McLachlan
Alac McLachlan
C.G. McLachlan
J.C. McLachlan
A. Mitchell
O.G. Harbison
Raleigh Martin
A.S. Van Valkenburg
J.L. McAninch
Sewell & Carter
L.A. Tommy
Ross Lumber Company
Lane & McKnight
Nicholas & Harvey
C. Switzer & Co
Cora B. Tatman
C.D. Caldwell
E.F. Caldwell
Charles W. Caldwell
John E. Rhodes
O.E. McConnell
C.D. Caldwell
E.F. Caldwell
Daughter Caldwell born
C.H. Caldwell
Mrs. Mason Vaugh
Ola Mae Pennington
Ora Vaugh
Thorpe Bauer
James N. Pennington
Dr. F.B. Williamson
William Tracy
Dr. C.G. Trusty
R.R. Staples
O.P. Roney
Mr. and Mrs. A. Booher - Anniversary
A. Booher Jr.
Simon Ryan
Martha Martin
R.N. Barber
Lester O. Staples
Dan R. Baker
Ella Plank - Obituary
P.D. Plank
Grace Plank
Edith Plank
Eva Plank
Eliza Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson
Mrs. Ada Shell
Belle Thompson Stafford
John Thompson
Scott Thompson
Rev. P.L. King
Mrs. J.F. Robertson
J.F. Ruenzi
Jessie Robertson
Mrs. M.L. Edwards
Nate K. Manning
W.P. Nicholas
John B. Brown - Death Notice
B.K. Ferguson
Monroe B. Hutson
Joe T. Hutson
Charles W. Hutson
W.H. Alexander
Robert L. Parmenter
Ready Singleton Ruenzi - Obituary
O.J. Weathers
Katherine Ruenzi
Rev. Madison A. hart
E.W. Stephens
Mrs. A.R. Skinner
Mrs. Jessie Williams
Mrs. Ella Robinson
J.T. Ruenzi
Rolla A. Dicks
Sarah E. Dicks
Mat House
N,K. Schumacher
E.E. Corken
Samuel Corken
Mr. Frazier
Messrs Bryant and Charles
Jason Fall
Will R. Gay
Orrin Miller
B.W. Burke
I.A. Boulware
W.A. Burdick
G.W. Harvey
P. Danner
Messrs Corken & Terhune
Scribner R. Beach
James N. Barnes
Donald Smith
Rosie Wernhan
Augustus Burdin
Kittie Hamlieck
John Short
Dollie Grooms
J.H. Sewell
C.S. Ceeber
Sarah McBride - Obituary
Blanche Younger
L. Ferguson
J.A. Hemstreet
C.W. McDowell
J.W. Cogarn
H.H. Boyer
Mrs. Barber
Mrs. Mason Vaugh
Oscar Ashbrook
Marion Watts
James Glover
Harriet Robey
Dr. W.F. Burris
Rev. Ernest Snider
Boyer & Plummer
John O. Gaugh - Obituary
Dr. Marcus Gaugh
Dr. William H. Gaugh
E.D. Wedge
John Vanderlinden
E.O. Browning
Mrs. George Aley - Birthday
Theddeus Anderson
Ulysses A. Anderson
Loren Anderson
Jesse F. Robertson
William H. Conn
Bert Messbarger
T.E. Fordyce
Ola May
Arthur Pryor
Ora Seeley
George Conrad
Elmer Baker
Charles Ferguson
Leslie Mains
John Harris
Evans Garage
Carter Building
Carter Drug Store
Corken & Yaple Hardware
The Northwestern Bank
Carpenters Garage
Charles F. Booher
C.D. Caldwell
E.F. Caldwell
W.W. Randall
Lemuel Woodworth
George Aley
E.A. Trowbridge
Bellows Brothers
C.D. Caldwell
E.F. Caldwell
Mason Vaugh
T.D. Glaze
Mrs. Wolcott
S.S. Wolcott
S.S. Wolcott
S.S. Wolcott
John C. Parton
Anna Parton
Mary Parton
Sarah Parton
Charles Bird
James Sexton
Nancy Sexton
Eliza Sexton
Patience Riley
Myron Sewell
Tom Jones
Jessie A. Smith
Orla B. Smith
Allie B. Trosper
Judge Gray
Dan Shepherd
Clarence Noel
Arthur Wazenknecht
J.A. Keeling
C.J. Folrier
J.W. Lehr
Clyde Wolff
J.c. Coburn
Milton J. Johnson
Vernon Trusty
Dr. Greenburg
P.J. Tobin
J.H. Tobin
W.G. Proctor
Clara Crane
J.W. Morris
William R. Hearst
Brize Roads
John Pollard
W.T. McCarty
L.A. Pinard
Thompson Brothers
O.F. Wilson
Rabbi H. Brodskey
Major John Kern
Ed Morton
C.J. Grosvenor
George Dalbey
Mrs. Calwell
J.A. Crook
Crook baby
John Pernell
George A. Myers
A.W. Roberts
H.W. Lyons
Jim Smith
Wolfers Merc Co.
Ada Walter
C.O. Hester
Lucy Palmer
A. Carl Cochran
Marie Faust
Gertrude Walter
Blanche Winslow
H.S. Hartzell
John Smith
T.D. Glaze
Lois Hall

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Akron Daily Democrat Newspaper, Akron Ohio

I have the following newspaper to research from:

Akron daily Democrat, Akron, Ohio, 1892-1902

If you would like to hire me to research this newspaper for you please email me at

Abingdon Virginia Newspapers

I have the following newspapers from Abingdon Virginia:

The Abingdon Virginian, Abingdon Virginia, 1849-1883

If you would like to hire me to research these newspapers for your family history please email me at

Abilene Kansas Newspapers

I have the following newspapers from Abilene Kansas:

The Abilene reflector. Abilene, Kansas 1883-1888
Abilene weekly reflector. Abilene, Kansas, 1888-1935

If you would like to hire me to research these newspapers for your family history please email me at

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Abbeville Progress Newspaper, Abbeville Louisiana, 1913-1944

I am available to research this newspaper for you:

Abbeville progress. Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana 1913-1944

If you would like to hire me to research this newspaper please contact me at

Corps of Engineeers Article and Racial slur on old cemetery

An interesting article about history and the treatment of African Americans in this country.  Even in death.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released documents Tuesday acknowledging it was responsible for using a racially inflammatory version of the name Negro Hill when that town's cemetery was moved to El Dorado Hills to make way for Folsom Lake in 1954.
Negro Hill's old cemetery – on the land between forks of the American River – was one of several moved when Folsom Dam was built.
Instead of saying Negro Hill, though, markers in the new Mormon Island Cemetery, to which bodies were taken, instead use a word too raw to use in the newspaper.
They say the bodies were moved from (N-word) Hill.
The markers don't refer to those buried there – who were most likely of various races – but only to the town's name.
"We don't know why, when in so many other instances the cemetery was called Negro Hill, the new gravestones and our records use the more offensive word," wrote Corps Lt. Col. Andrew B. Kiger, in an apologetic memo accompanying the released documents.
The documents, released after a formal public records request by the Associated Press, include photos, maps, proposals, contracts and reports, all of which refer to the town cemetery using the N-word.
The community was founded as Negro Hill in 1848 by at least one settler of African descent.
Most historical maps refer to it as Negro Hill, but at least two use the offensive name.
One is a 1944 U.S. Geological Survey map, showing Folsom as just a tiny grid, and indicating (N-word) Hill School. That may be what the Corps of Engineers used.

As I read and reflect on this article is makes me sad that something like this happened in our country and was condoned by our government ie The Corps of Engineers.  And the sad thing is we still have attitudes like this today. 

Professional Genealogist in Nebraska

I am a professional genealogist in Missouri available to work for you right now on your family history.  I have access to all of the old Nebraska Newspapers, all of the Nebraska Courthouse records, County Land records, County Probate records, County Tax Records, registered Military discharges, County court records, county marriage records, school and academic records, yearbooks, church records, and in some cases old birth records and death records.  I  can also provide you with pictures of tombstones of your relatives if need be and in some cases funeral home records. I will provide research at the Nebraska State Historical Society, The Midwest Genealogy Center, County Historical societies, genealogy societies and all county courthouses in the state of Nebraska.  If you are looking to hire a seasoned professional with the credentials, knowledge and ability to work for you and provide you 100% accurate research information then please email me now at  I have very reasonable rates and will provide you a Family History Report, Kinship report and all documents acquired during my research.

Professional Genealogist in Iowa

I am a professional genealogist in Missouri available to work for you right now on your family history.  I have access to all of the old Iowa Newspapers, all of the Iowa Courthouse records, County Land records, County Probate records, County Tax Records, registered Military discharges, County court records, county marriage records, school and academic records, yearbooks, church records, and in some cases old birth records and death records.  I  can also provide you with pictures of tombstones of your relatives if need be and in some cases funeral home records. I will provide research at the Iowa State Historical Society, Midwest Genealogy Center, County Historical societies, genealogy societies and all county courthouses in the state of Iowa.  If you are looking to hire a seasoned professional with the credentials, knowledge and ability to work for you and provide you 100% accurate research information then please email me now at  I have very reasonable rates and will provide you a Family History Report, Kinship report and all documents acquired during my research.

Professional Genealogist in Kansas

I am a professional genealogist in Kansas available to work for you right now on your family history.  I have access to all of the old Kansas Newspapers, all of the Kansas Courthouse records, County Land records, County Probate records, County court records, county marriage records, school and academic records, yearbooks, church records, and in some cases old birth records and death records.  I  can also provide you with pictures of tombstones of your relatives if need be and in some cases funeral home records. I will provide research at the Kansas State Historical Society, Midwest Genealogy Center, County Historical societies, genealogy societies and all county courthouses in the state of Kansas.   If you are looking to hire a seasoned professional with the credentials, knowledge and ability to work for you and provide you 100% accurate research information then please email me now at  I have very reasonable rates and will provide you a Family History Report, Kinship report and all documents acquired during my research.

Professional Genealogist in Missouri

I am a professional genealogist in Missouri available to work for you right now on your family history.  I have access to all of the old Missouri Newspapers, all of the Missouri Courthouse records, Missouri state Civil War records, National Archives Federal Military Records, County Land records, County Probate records, County court records, county marriage records, school and academic records, yearbooks, church records, and in some cases old birth records and death records.  I  can also provide you with pictures of tombstones of your relatives if need be and in some cases funeral home records.  I will provide research at the Missouri State Historical Society, Midwest Genealogy Center, County Historical societies, genealogy societies and all county courthouses in the state of Missouri.  If you are looking to hire a seasoned professional with the credentials, knowledge and ability to work for you and provide you 100% accurate research information then please email me now at  I have very reasonable rates and will provide you a Family History Report, Kinship report and all documents acquired during my research. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

South Dakota Newspaper Research

I have the following South Dakota Newspapers to conduct research with. If you would like to hire me to research any of these newspaper please contact me at:
Chamberlain Democrat Chamberlain South Dakota 1923 
Daily Huronite Huron South Dakota 1887-1891 
Daily Huronite and Plainsman, The Huron South Dakota 1944-1946 
Daily Huronite, The Huron South Dakota 1886-1910 
Daily Huronite,The Huron South Dakota 1904-1910 
Daily Plainsman, The Huron South Dakota 1959-2007 
Dakota Huronite, The Huron South Dakota 1884-1909 
Evening Huronite Huron South Dakota 1929-1944 
Evening Huronite, The Huron South Dakota 1927-1928 
Huron Daily Plainsman Huron South Dakota 1973-1977 
Huron Tribune, The Huron South Dakota 1881 
Huronite and The Daily Plainsman, The Huron South Dakota 1946-1959 
Weekly State Spirit And Dakota Huronite Huron South Dakota 1909-1910 
Menno Hutchinson Herald Menno South Dakota 2008 
Daily Republic Mitchell South Dakota 1960-2007 
Daily Republic, The Mitchell South Dakota 1937-2007 
Daily Republican, The Mitchell South Dakota 1919 
Evening Republican, The Mitchell South Dakota 1920-1926 
Mitchell Daily Republican Mitchell South Dakota 1885-1892 
Mitchell Sunday Republican Mitchell South Dakota 1889 
Morning Republican, The Mitchell South Dakota 1918-1921 
Republican, The Mitchell South Dakota 1918-1921 
The Sunday Republican Mitchell South Dakota 1889-1891 
Parker New Era Parker South Dakota 2008 
Woonsocket Sanborn Weekly Journal Woonsocket South Dakota 2008 

North Dakota Newspaper Research

I have the following North Dakota Newspapers to conduct research with. If you would like to hire me to research any of these newspaper please contact me at:

Beach Golden Valley News Beach North Dakota 2008 
Bismarck Daily Tribune Bismarck North Dakota 1874-1916 
Bismarck Semi Weekly Tribune Bismarck North Dakota 1877 
Bismarck Tri Weekly Tribune Bismarck North Dakota 1877-1878 
Bismarck Tribune, The Bismarck North Dakota 1873-1956 
Bismarck Weekly Tribune Bismarck North Dakota 1876-1908 
Bottineau Lake Metigoshe Mirror Bottineau North Dakota 2008 
Devils Lake Journal Devils Lake North Dakota 2007 
Dickinson Press, The Dickinson North Dakota 2007 
Drayton Valley News and Views Drayton North Dakota 2008 
Ellendale Dickey County Leader Ellendale North Dakota 2008 
Medora Billings County Pioneer Medora North Dakota 2008-2009 
Park River Walsh County Press Park River North Dakota 2008 
Rolla Turtle Mountain Star Rolla North Dakota 2008 
Towner Mouse River Journal Towner North Dakota 2008 

Idaho Newspaper Research

I have the following Idaho Newspapers to conduct research with. If you would like to hire me to research any of these newspaper please contact me at:

American Falls Power County Press American Falls Idaho 2008 
North Gem Herald, The Bancroft Idaho 1938-1948 
News-Tribune, The Caldwell Idaho 1970-1971 
Cascade Long Valley Advocate Cascade Idaho 2008 
Council Adams County Record Council Idaho 2008-2009 
Gem Valley Chronicle Grace Idaho 1947-1948 
Post-Register, The Idaho Falls Idaho 1950-1977 
Montpelier News-Examiner Montpelier Idaho 2008 
Moscow Latah Eagle Moscow Idaho 2008 
Idaho Free Press, The Nampa Idaho 1965-1976 
Idaho Press-Tribune Nampa Idaho 2007 
Idaho Journal Pocatello Idaho 1951-1963 
Idaho State Journal Pocatello Idaho 1949-2007 
Idaho State Journal Sunday Pocatello Idaho 2007 
Caribou County Sun Soda Springs Idaho 1954-1977 
Idanha Chieftain, The Soda Springs Idaho 1903-1904 
Soda Springs Chieftain, The Soda Springs Idaho 1904-1931 
Soda Springs Sun, The Soda Springs Idaho 1915-1954 
Idaho Citizen Twin Falls Idaho 1927-1930 
Times News Twin Falls Idaho 2009 
Times-News Twin Falls Idaho 1973-2010 
Twin Falls Chronicle Twin Falls Idaho 1919-1920 
Twin Falls Daily News Twin Falls Idaho 1918-1936 
Twin Falls Daily Times Twin Falls Idaho 1918-1928 
Twin Falls Idaho Evening Times Twin Falls Idaho 1928-1942 
Twin Falls News Twin Falls Idaho 1904-1941 
Twin Falls Telegram Twin Falls Idaho 1944-2000 
Twin Falls Times Twin Falls Idaho 1908-1918 
Twin Falls Times News Twin Falls Idaho 1942-2009 
Twin Falls Weekly News Twin Falls Idaho 1913-1927

Wyoming Newspaper Research

I have the following Kansas Newspapers to conduct research with. If you would like to hire me to research any of these newspaper please contact me at:
Basin Republican Basin Wyoming 1905 
Big Piney Examiner Big Piney Wyoming 1912-1968 
Window of Wyoming Big Piney Wyoming 1974 
Buffalo Bulletin, The Buffalo Wyoming 1905 
Buffalo Voice, The Buffalo Wyoming 1905 
Natrona County Tribune Casper Wyoming 1905 
Wyoming State Tribune Cheyenne Wyoming 1921 
Wyoming Stockman-Farmer Cheyenne Wyoming 1914-1935 
Cody Enterprise, The Cody Wyoming 1905 
Central Wyoming News Douglas Wyoming 1898 
Converse County, The Douglas Wyoming 1894 
Douglas Advertiser Douglas Wyoming 1887 
Graphic, The Douglas Wyoming 1892 
Roundup, The Douglas Wyoming 1925 
Glenrock Graphic Glenrock Wyoming 1890 
Guernsey Gazette, The Guernsey Wyoming 1905 
Lander Clipper, The Lander Wyoming 1905 
Lusk Herald, The Lusk Wyoming 1891 
Newcastle News Letter Journal Newcastle Wyoming 2008 
Newcastle News-Journal Newcastle Wyoming 1905 
Newcastle Times, The Newcastle Wyoming 1905 
Pine Bluffs Post, The Pine Bluffs Wyoming 1933 
Pinedale Roundup, The Pinedale Wyoming 1904-2004 
Smoke Signals Pinedale Wyoming 1952-1999 
Carbon County Journal Rawlins Wyoming 1905 
Rock Springs Miner Rock Springs Wyoming 1905 
Shawee Record Shawnee Wyoming 1918 
Thermapolis Record Thermopolis Wyoming 1905-1925 
Upton Weston County Gazette Upton Wyoming 2008 
Wright High Plains Sentinel Wright Wyoming 2008 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Clay County Missouri Professional Genealogist

If you are looking for a Genealogist to research your family history in Clay County Missouri then I would ask that you give me a chance.  I have been a professional Genealogist for the last 9 years and have worked for 2 of those years as an Expert Genealogist for  I have proven results and have provided outstanding service to my customers doing a variety of research projects.  From the simple record retrieval to a full blown family history report with a kinship report included.  So if you would like to hire me to research your family history please email me at or see my website at